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Example 1 with PiTranslationException

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class PiGroupTranslatorImpl method translate.

 * Returns a PI action profile group equivalent to the given group, for the
 * given pipeconf and device.
 * @param group    group
 * @param pipeconf pipeconf
 * @param device   device
 * @return PI action profile group
 * @throws PiTranslationException if the group cannot be translated
static PiActionProfileGroup translate(Group group, PiPipeconf pipeconf, Device device) throws PiTranslationException {
    if (!SUPPORTED_GROUP_TYPES.contains(group.type())) {
        throw new PiTranslationException(format("group type %s not supported", group.type()));
    // TODO: define proper field in group class.
    if (!(group.appCookie() instanceof PiGroupKey)) {
        throw new PiTranslationException("group app cookie is not PI (class should be PiGroupKey)");
    final PiGroupKey groupKey = (PiGroupKey) group.appCookie();
    final PiActionProfileId actionProfileId = groupKey.actionProfileId();
    // Check validity of action profile against pipeconf.
    final PiActionProfileModel actionProfileModel = pipeconf.pipelineModel().actionProfiles(actionProfileId).orElseThrow(() -> new PiTranslationException(format("no such action profile '%s'", actionProfileId)));
    if (!actionProfileModel.hasSelector()) {
        throw new PiTranslationException(format("action profile '%s' does not support dynamic selection", actionProfileId));
    // Check if the table associated with the action profile supports only
    // one-shot action profile programming.
    boolean isTableOneShot = actionProfileModel.tables().stream().map(tableId -> pipeconf.pipelineModel().table(tableId)).allMatch(piTableModel -> piTableModel.isPresent() && piTableModel.get().oneShotOnly());
    if (isTableOneShot) {
        throw new PiTranslationException(format("Table associated to action profile '%s' supports only one-shot action profile programming", actionProfileId));
    // Check group validity.
    if (actionProfileModel.maxGroupSize() > 0 && group.buckets().buckets().size() > actionProfileModel.maxGroupSize()) {
        throw new PiTranslationException(format("too many buckets, max group size for action profile '%s' is %d", actionProfileId, actionProfileModel.maxGroupSize()));
    // If not INDIRECT, we set the maximum group size as specified in the
    // model, however this might be highly inefficient for some HW targets
    // which pre-allocate resources for the whole group.
    final int maxGroupSize = group.type() == GroupDescription.Type.INDIRECT ? 1 : actionProfileModel.maxGroupSize();
    final PiActionProfileGroup.Builder piActionGroupBuilder = PiActionProfileGroup.builder().withId(PiActionProfileGroupId.of(;
    // Translate group buckets to PI group members
    final PiPipelineInterpreter interpreter = getInterpreterOrNull(device, pipeconf);
    short bucketIdx = 0;
    for (GroupBucket bucket : group.buckets().buckets()) {
            FIXME: the way member IDs are computed can cause collisions!
            Problem: In P4Runtime action profile members, i.e. action buckets,
            are associated to a numeric ID chosen at member insertion time. This
            ID must be unique for the whole action profile (i.e. the group table
            in OpenFlow). In ONOS, GroupBucket doesn't specify any ID.

            - Change GroupBucket API to force application wanting to perform
            group operations to specify a member id.
            - Maintain state to dynamically allocate/deallocate member IDs, e.g.
            in a dedicated service, or in a P4Runtime Group Provider.

            Hack: Statically derive member ID by combining groupId and position
            of the bucket in the list.
        final int memberId = Objects.hash(, bucketIdx);
        if (memberId == 0) {
            throw new PiTranslationException("GroupBucket produces PiActionProfileMember " + "with invalid ID 0");
        final PiTableAction tableAction = translateTreatment(bucket.treatment(), interpreter, groupKey.tableId(), pipeconf.pipelineModel());
        if (tableAction == null) {
            throw new PiTranslationException("bucket treatment translator returned null");
        if (tableAction.type() != ACTION) {
            throw new PiTranslationException(format("action of type '%s' cannot be used in action profile members", tableAction.type()));
        final PiActionProfileMember member = PiActionProfileMember.builder().forActionProfile(groupKey.actionProfileId()).withId(PiActionProfileMemberId.of(memberId)).withAction((PiAction) tableAction).build();
        // NOTE Indirect groups have weight set to -1 which is not supported
        // by P4RT - setting to 1 to avoid problems with the p4rt server.
        final int weight = group.type() == GroupDescription.Type.INDIRECT ? 1 : bucket.weight();
        piActionGroupBuilder.addMember(member, weight);
Also used : PiTableAction( PiPipelineInterpreter( PiUtils.getInterpreterOrNull( Device( PiPipeconf( PiActionProfileMember( PiActionProfileMemberId( PiActionProfileGroup( Set(java.util.Set) GroupBucket( PiGroupKey( Sets( String.format(java.lang.String.format) Group( Objects(java.util.Objects) PiAction( PiFlowRuleTranslatorImpl.translateTreatment( PiTranslationException( ACTION( PiActionProfileModel( GroupDescription( PiActionProfileGroupId( PiActionProfileId( PiTableAction( PiActionProfileId( PiActionProfileMember( PiTranslationException( PiActionProfileGroup( PiAction( PiActionProfileModel( PiGroupKey( GroupBucket( PiPipelineInterpreter(

Example 2 with PiTranslationException

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class CriterionTranslatorHelper method translateCriterion.

 * Translates a given criterion instance to a PiFieldMatch with the given id, match type, and bit-width.
 * @param fieldId   PI match field identifier
 * @param criterion criterion
 * @param matchType match type
 * @param bitWidth  size of the field match in bits
 * @return a PI field match
 * @throws PiTranslationException if the criterion cannot be translated (see exception message)
static PiFieldMatch translateCriterion(Criterion criterion, PiMatchFieldId fieldId, PiMatchType matchType, int bitWidth) throws PiTranslationException {
    if (!TRANSLATORS.containsKey(criterion.getClass())) {
        throw new PiTranslationException(format("Translation of criterion class %s is not implemented.", criterion.getClass().getSimpleName()));
    try {
        final CriterionTranslator translator = TRANSLATORS.get(criterion.getClass()).newInstance();
        translator.init(criterion, bitWidth);
        switch(matchType) {
            case EXACT:
                return new PiExactFieldMatch(fieldId, translator.exactMatch());
            case OPTIONAL:
                return new PiOptionalFieldMatch(fieldId, translator.exactMatch());
            case TERNARY:
                final Pair<ImmutableByteSequence, ImmutableByteSequence> tp = translator.ternaryMatch();
                return new PiTernaryFieldMatch(fieldId, tp.getLeft(), tp.getRight());
            case LPM:
                final Pair<ImmutableByteSequence, Integer> lp = translator.lpmMatch();
                return new PiLpmFieldMatch(fieldId, lp.getLeft(), lp.getRight());
                throw new PiTranslationException(format("Translation of criterion %s (%s class) to match type %s is not implemented.", criterion.type().name(), criterion.getClass().getSimpleName(),;
    } catch (ByteSequenceTrimException e) {
        throw new PiTranslationException(format("Size mismatch for criterion %s: %s", criterion.type(), e.getMessage()));
    } catch (CriterionTranslatorException e) {
        throw new PiTranslationException(format("Unable to translate criterion %s: %s", criterion.type(), e.getMessage()));
    } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
        // Was not able to instantiate the criterion translator.
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
Also used : IPv6NDTargetAddressCriterionTranslator( IPEcnCriterionTranslator( IpCriterionTranslator( ArpPaCriterionTranslator( PbbIsidCriterionTranslator( TcpPortCriterionTranslator( IPv6FlowLabelCriterionTranslator( TunnelIdCriterionTranslator( EthTypeCriterionTranslator( PortCriterionTranslator( TcpFlagsCriterionTranslator( IPv6ExthdrFlagsCriterionTranslator( EthCriterionTranslator( IPProtocolCriterionTranslator( ArpOpCriterionTranslator( IPv6NDLinkLayerAddressCriterionTranslator( Icmpv6CodeCriterionTranslator( IcmpTypeCriterionTranslator( MplsBosCriterionTranslator( MetadataCriterionTranslator( VlanPcpCriterionTranslator( UdpPortCriterionTranslator( IPDscpCriterionTranslator( VlanIdCriterionTranslator( SctpPortCriterionTranslator( MplsTcCriterionTranslator( ArpHaCriterionTranslator( MplsCriterionTranslator( IcmpCodeCriterionTranslator( Icmpv6TypeCriterionTranslator( PiTernaryFieldMatch( PiTranslationException( PiLpmFieldMatch( PiOptionalFieldMatch( CriterionTranslatorException( PiExactFieldMatch( ByteSequenceTrimException(org.onlab.util.ImmutableByteSequence.ByteSequenceTrimException) ImmutableByteSequence(org.onlab.util.ImmutableByteSequence)

Example 3 with PiTranslationException

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class PiFlowRuleTranslatorImpl method translate.

 * Returns a PI table entry equivalent to the given flow rule, for the given
 * pipeconf and device.
 * @param rule     flow rule
 * @param pipeconf pipeconf
 * @param device   device
 * @return PI table entry
 * @throws PiTranslationException if the flow rule cannot be translated
static PiTableEntry translate(FlowRule rule, PiPipeconf pipeconf, Device device) throws PiTranslationException {
    PiPipelineModel pipelineModel = pipeconf.pipelineModel();
    // Retrieve interpreter, if any.
    final PiPipelineInterpreter interpreter = getInterpreterOrNull(device, pipeconf);
    // Get table model.
    final PiTableId piTableId = translateTableId(rule.table(), interpreter);
    final PiTableModel tableModel = getTableModel(piTableId, pipelineModel);
    // Translate selector.
    final PiMatchKey piMatchKey;
    final boolean needPriority;
    if (rule.selector().criteria().isEmpty()) {
        piMatchKey = PiMatchKey.EMPTY;
        needPriority = false;
    } else {
        final Collection<PiFieldMatch> fieldMatches = translateFieldMatches(interpreter, rule.selector(), tableModel);
        piMatchKey = PiMatchKey.builder().addFieldMatches(fieldMatches).build();
        // FIXME: P4Runtime limit
        // Need to ignore priority if no TCAM lookup match field
        needPriority = tableModel.matchFields().stream().anyMatch(match -> match.matchType() == PiMatchType.TERNARY || match.matchType() == PiMatchType.RANGE || match.matchType() == PiMatchType.OPTIONAL);
    // Translate treatment.
    final PiTableAction piTableAction = translateTreatment(rule.treatment(), interpreter, piTableId, pipelineModel);
    // Build PI entry.
    final PiTableEntry.Builder tableEntryBuilder = PiTableEntry.builder();
    if (piTableAction != null) {
    if (needPriority) {
        // FIXME: move priority check to P4Runtime driver.
        final int newPriority;
        if (rule.priority() > MAX_PI_PRIORITY) {
            log.warn("Flow rule priority too big, setting translated priority to max value {}: {}", MAX_PI_PRIORITY, rule);
            newPriority = MAX_PI_PRIORITY;
        } else {
            newPriority = MIN_PI_PRIORITY + rule.priority();
    if (!rule.isPermanent()) {
        if (tableModel.supportsAging()) {
        } else {
            log.debug("Flow rule is temporary, but table '{}' doesn't support " + "aging, translating to permanent.",;
Also used : PiTableId( PiOptionalFieldMatch( PiUtils.getInterpreterOrNull( PiPipeconf( ImmutableByteSequence(org.onlab.util.ImmutableByteSequence) LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) PiActionParam( PiActionParamModel( PiPipelineModel( PiMatchKey( PiUtils.translateTableId( ImmutableByteSequence.prefixOnes(org.onlab.util.ImmutableByteSequence.prefixOnes) TrafficSelector( PiInstruction( PiTableModel( PiCriterion( Map(java.util.Map) PiTranslationException( PiExactFieldMatch( PiFieldMatch( Criterion( TrafficTreatment( PiTableAction( PiPipelineInterpreter( Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) Device( PiActionModel( Instruction( PiMatchFieldModel( Collection(java.util.Collection) PiRangeFieldMatch( Set(java.util.Set) PiMatchFieldId( Maps( Sets( PiMatchType( String.format(java.lang.String.format) PiTernaryFieldMatch( ByteSequenceTrimException(org.onlab.util.ImmutableByteSequence.ByteSequenceTrimException) PROTOCOL_INDEPENDENT( PiAction( PiTableEntry( CriterionTranslatorHelper.translateCriterion( FlowRule( StringJoiner(java.util.StringJoiner) PiTableType( PiLpmFieldMatch( PiActionSet( PiTableModel( PiMatchKey( PiTableAction( PiTableId( PiTableEntry( PiPipelineInterpreter( PiFieldMatch( PiPipelineModel(

Example 4 with PiTranslationException

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class PiFlowRuleTranslatorImpl method checkPiAction.

private static PiTableAction checkPiAction(PiAction piAction, PiTableModel table) throws PiTranslationException {
    // Table supports this action?
    PiActionModel actionModel = table.action( -> new PiTranslationException(format("Not such action '%s' for table '%s'",,;
    // Is the number of runtime parameters correct?
    if (actionModel.params().size() != piAction.parameters().size()) {
        throw new PiTranslationException(format("Wrong number of runtime parameters for action '%s', expected %d but found %d",, actionModel.params().size(), piAction.parameters().size()));
    // Forge a new action instance with well-sized parameters.
    // The same comment as in typeCheckFieldMatch() about duplicating field match instances applies here.
    PiAction.Builder newActionBuilder = PiAction.builder().withId(;
    for (PiActionParam param : piAction.parameters()) {
        PiActionParamModel paramModel = actionModel.param( -> new PiTranslationException(format("Not such parameter '%s' for action '%s'",, actionModel)));
        try {
            newActionBuilder.withParameter(new PiActionParam(, paramModel.hasBitWidth() ? param.value().fit(paramModel.bitWidth()) : param.value()));
        } catch (ByteSequenceTrimException e) {
            throw new PiTranslationException(format("Size mismatch for parameter '%s' of action '%s': %s",,, e.getMessage()));
Also used : PiActionModel( PiActionParamModel( PiTranslationException( PiActionParam( ByteSequenceTrimException(org.onlab.util.ImmutableByteSequence.ByteSequenceTrimException) PiAction(

Example 5 with PiTranslationException

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class PiReplicationGroupTranslatorImpl method logicalToPipelineSpecific.

private static PortNumber logicalToPipelineSpecific(PortNumber logicalPort, Device device) throws PiTranslationException {
    if (! {
        throw new PiTranslationException("missing interpreter, cannot map logical port " + logicalPort.toString());
    final PiPipelineInterpreter interpreter =;
    Optional<Long> mappedPort = interpreter.mapLogicalPort(logicalPort);
    if (!mappedPort.isPresent()) {
        throw new PiTranslationException("interpreter cannot map logical port " + logicalPort.toString());
    return PortNumber.portNumber(mappedPort.get());
Also used : PiPipelineInterpreter( PiTranslationException(


PiTranslationException ( ByteSequenceTrimException (org.onlab.util.ImmutableByteSequence.ByteSequenceTrimException)5 ImmutableByteSequence (org.onlab.util.ImmutableByteSequence)4 PiExactFieldMatch ( PiLpmFieldMatch ( PiOptionalFieldMatch ( PiTernaryFieldMatch ( Sets ( String.format (java.lang.String.format)3 Set (java.util.Set)3 Device ( FlowRule ( PiUtils.getInterpreterOrNull ( PiActionModel ( PiActionParamModel ( PiPipeconf ( PiPipelineInterpreter ( PiAction ( Maps ( Collection (java.util.Collection)2