Search in sources :

Example 21 with CoordinateSystemAxis

use of org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis in project sis by apache.

the class GeneralEnvelope method simplify.

 * Ensures that <var>lower</var> &lt;= <var>upper</var> for every dimensions.
 * If a {@linkplain #getUpper(int) upper ordinate value} is less than a
 * {@linkplain #getLower(int) lower ordinate value}, then there is a choice:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>If the axis has {@link RangeMeaning#WRAPAROUND}, then:<ul>
 *       <li>the lower ordinate value is set to the {@linkplain CoordinateSystemAxis#getMinimumValue() axis minimum value}, and</li>
 *       <li>the upper ordinate value is set to the {@linkplain CoordinateSystemAxis#getMaximumValue() axis maximum value}.</li>
 *     </ul></li>
 *   <li>Otherwise an {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown.</li>
 * </ul>
 * This method is useful when the envelope needs to be used with libraries that do not support
 * envelopes spanning the anti-meridian.
 * @return {@code true} if this envelope has been modified as a result of this method call,
 *         or {@code false} if no change has been done.
 * @throws IllegalStateException if a upper ordinate value is less than a lower ordinate
 *         value on an axis which does not have the {@code WRAPAROUND} range meaning.
 * @see #toSimpleEnvelopes()
public boolean simplify() throws IllegalStateException {
    boolean changed = false;
    final int d = ordinates.length >>> 1;
    final int beginIndex = beginIndex();
    final int dimension = endIndex() - beginIndex;
    for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
        final int iLower = beginIndex + i;
        final int iUpper = iLower + d;
        final double lower = ordinates[iLower];
        final double upper = ordinates[iUpper];
        if (isNegative(upper - lower)) {
            final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = getAxis(crs, i);
            if (isWrapAround(axis)) {
                ordinates[iLower] = axis.getMinimumValue();
                ordinates[iUpper] = axis.getMaximumValue();
                changed = true;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IllegalOrdinateRange_3, lower, upper, (axis != null) ? axis.getName() : i));
    return changed;
Also used : CoordinateSystemAxis(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis)

Example 22 with CoordinateSystemAxis

use of org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis in project sis by apache.

the class GeneralEnvelope method normalize.

 * Normalizes only the dimensions returned by the given iterator, or all dimensions if the iterator is null.
 * This is used for normalizing the result of a coordinate operation where a wrap around axis does not
 * necessarily means that the ordinates need to be normalized along that axis.
 * @param  cs          the coordinate system of this envelope CRS (as an argument because sometime already known).
 * @param  beginIndex  index of the first ordinate value in {@link #ordinates} array. Non-zero for sub-envelopes.
 * @param  count       number of coordinates, i.e. this envelope dimensions.
 * @param  dimensions  the dimensions to check for normalization, or {@code null} for all dimensions.
 * @return {@code true} if this envelope has been modified as a result of this method call.
final boolean normalize(final CoordinateSystem cs, final int beginIndex, final int count, final Iterator<Integer> dimensions) {
    boolean changed = false;
    final int d = ordinates.length >>> 1;
    for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
        final int i = (dimensions != null) ? : j;
        final int iLower = beginIndex + i;
        final int iUpper = iLower + d;
        final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(i);
        final double minimum = axis.getMinimumValue();
        final double maximum = axis.getMaximumValue();
        final RangeMeaning rm = axis.getRangeMeaning();
        if (RangeMeaning.EXACT.equals(rm)) {
            if (ordinates[iLower] < minimum) {
                ordinates[iLower] = minimum;
                changed = true;
            if (ordinates[iUpper] > maximum) {
                ordinates[iUpper] = maximum;
                changed = true;
        } else if (RangeMeaning.WRAPAROUND.equals(rm)) {
            final double csSpan = maximum - minimum;
            if (csSpan > 0 && csSpan < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
                double o1 = ordinates[iLower];
                double o2 = ordinates[iUpper];
                if (Math.abs(o2 - o1) >= csSpan) {
                         * If the range exceed the CS span, then we have to replace it by the
                         * full span, otherwise the range computed by the "else" block is too
                         * small. The full range will typically be [-180 … 180]°.  However we
                         * make a special case if the two bounds are multiple of the CS span,
                         * typically [0 … 360]°. In this case the [0 … -0]° range matches the
                         * original values and is understood by GeneralEnvelope as a range
                         * spanning all the world.
                    if (o1 != minimum || o2 != maximum) {
                        if ((o1 % csSpan) == 0 && (o2 % csSpan) == 0) {
                            ordinates[iLower] = +0.0;
                            ordinates[iUpper] = -0.0;
                        } else {
                            ordinates[iLower] = minimum;
                            ordinates[iUpper] = maximum;
                        changed = true;
                } else {
                    o1 = Math.floor((o1 - minimum) / csSpan) * csSpan;
                    o2 = Math.floor((o2 - minimum) / csSpan) * csSpan;
                    if (o1 != 0) {
                        ordinates[iLower] -= o1;
                        changed = true;
                    if (o2 != 0) {
                        ordinates[iUpper] -= o2;
                        changed = true;
    return changed;
Also used : RangeMeaning(org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning) CoordinateSystemAxis(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis)

Example 23 with CoordinateSystemAxis

use of org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis in project sis by apache.

the class Shapes2D method transform.

 * Transforms a rectangular envelope using the given coordinate operation.
 * The transformation is only approximative: the returned envelope may be bigger
 * than the smallest possible bounding box, but should not be smaller in most cases.
 * <p>This method can handle the case where the rectangle contains the North or South pole,
 * or when it cross the ±180° longitude.</p>
 * @param  operation    the operation to use. Source and target dimension must be 2.
 * @param  envelope     the rectangle to transform (may be {@code null}).
 * @param  destination  the destination rectangle (may be {@code envelope}).
 *         If {@code null}, a new rectangle will be created and returned.
 * @return {@code destination}, or a new rectangle if {@code destination} was non-null and {@code envelope} was null.
 * @throws TransformException if a transform failed.
 * @see #transform(MathTransform2D, Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D)
 * @see Envelopes#transform(CoordinateOperation, Envelope)
public static Rectangle2D transform(final CoordinateOperation operation, final Rectangle2D envelope, Rectangle2D destination) throws TransformException {
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("operation", operation);
    if (envelope == null) {
        return null;
    final MathTransform transform = operation.getMathTransform();
    if (!(transform instanceof MathTransform2D)) {
        throw new MismatchedDimensionException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IllegalPropertyValueClass_3, "transform", MathTransform2D.class, MathTransform.class));
    MathTransform2D mt = (MathTransform2D) transform;
    final double[] center = new double[2];
    destination = transform(mt, envelope, destination, center);
         * If the source envelope crosses the expected range of valid coordinates, also projects
         * the range bounds as a safety. See the comments in transform(Envelope, ...).
    final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = operation.getSourceCRS();
    if (sourceCRS != null) {
        final CoordinateSystem cs = sourceCRS.getCoordinateSystem();
        if (cs != null && cs.getDimension() == 2) {
            // Paranoiac check.
            CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(0);
            double min = envelope.getMinX();
            double max = envelope.getMaxX();
            Point2D.Double pt = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                if (i == 2) {
                    axis = cs.getAxis(1);
                    min = envelope.getMinY();
                    max = envelope.getMaxY();
                final double v = (i & 1) == 0 ? axis.getMinimumValue() : axis.getMaximumValue();
                if (!(v > min && v < max)) {
                if (pt == null) {
                    pt = new Point2D.Double();
                if ((i & 2) == 0) {
                    pt.x = v;
                    pt.y = envelope.getCenterY();
                } else {
                    pt.x = envelope.getCenterX();
                    pt.y = v;
                destination.add(mt.transform(pt, pt));
         * Now take the target CRS in account.
    final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = operation.getTargetCRS();
    if (targetCRS == null) {
        return destination;
    final CoordinateSystem targetCS = targetCRS.getCoordinateSystem();
    if (targetCS == null || targetCS.getDimension() != 2) {
        // It should be an error, but we keep this method tolerant.
        return destination;
         * Checks for singularity points. See the Envelopes.transform(CoordinateOperation, Envelope)
         * method for comments about the algorithm. The code below is the same algorithm adapted for
         * the 2D case and the related objects (Point2D, Rectangle2D, etc.).
         * The 'border' variable in the loop below is used in order to compress 2 dimensions
         * and 2 extremums in a single loop, in this order: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).
    TransformException warning = null;
    Point2D sourcePt = null;
    Point2D targetPt = null;
    // A bitmask for each (dimension, extremum) pairs.
    int includedBoundsValue = 0;
    for (int border = 0; border < 4; border++) {
        // 2 dimensions and 2 extremums compacted in a flag.
        // The dimension index being examined.
        final int dimension = border >>> 1;
        final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = targetCS.getAxis(dimension);
        if (axis == null) {
            // Should never be null, but check as a paranoiac safety.
        final double extremum = (border & 1) == 0 ? axis.getMinimumValue() : axis.getMaximumValue();
        if (Double.isInfinite(extremum) || Double.isNaN(extremum)) {
        if (targetPt == null) {
            try {
                mt = mt.inverse();
            } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
                Envelopes.recoverableException(Shapes2D.class, exception);
                return destination;
            targetPt = new Point2D.Double();
        switch(dimension) {
            case 0:
                targetPt.setLocation(extremum, center[1]);
            case 1:
                targetPt.setLocation(center[0], extremum);
                throw new AssertionError(border);
        try {
            sourcePt = mt.transform(targetPt, sourcePt);
        } catch (TransformException exception) {
            if (warning == null) {
                warning = exception;
            } else {
        if (envelope.contains(sourcePt)) {
            includedBoundsValue |= (1 << border);
         * Iterate over all dimensions of type "WRAPAROUND" for which minimal or maximal axis
         * values have not yet been included in the envelope. We could inline this check inside
         * the above loop, but we don't in order to have a chance to exclude the dimensions for
         * which the point have already been added.
         * See transform(CoordinateOperation, Envelope) for more comments about the algorithm.
    if (includedBoundsValue != 0) {
             * Bits mask transformation:
             *   1) Swaps the two dimensions               (YyXx  →  XxYy)
             *   2) Insert a space between each bits       (XxYy  →  X.x.Y.y.)
             *   3) Fill the space with duplicated values  (X.x.Y.y.  →  XXxxYYyy)
             * In terms of bit positions 1,2,4,8 (not bit values), we have:
             *   8421  →  22881144
             *   i.e. (ymax, ymin, xmax, xmin)  →  (xmax², ymax², xmin², ymin²)
             * Now look at the last part: (xmin², ymin²). The next step is to perform a bitwise
             * AND operation in order to have only both of the following conditions:
             *   Borders not yet added to the envelope: ~(ymax, ymin, xmax, xmin)
             *   Borders in which a singularity exists:  (xmin, xmin, ymin, ymin)
             * The same operation is repeated on the next 4 bits for (xmax, xmax, ymax, ymax).
        int toTest = ((includedBoundsValue & 1) << 3) | ((includedBoundsValue & 4) >>> 1) | ((includedBoundsValue & 2) << 6) | ((includedBoundsValue & 8) << 2);
        // Duplicate the bit values.
        toTest |= (toTest >>> 1);
        toTest &= ~(includedBoundsValue | (includedBoundsValue << 4));
             * Forget any axes that are not of kind "WRAPAROUND". Then get the final
             * bit pattern indicating which points to test. Iterate over that bits.
        if ((toTest & 0x33333333) != 0 && !CoordinateOperations.isWrapAround(targetCS.getAxis(0)))
            toTest &= 0xCCCCCCCC;
        if ((toTest & 0xCCCCCCCC) != 0 && !CoordinateOperations.isWrapAround(targetCS.getAxis(1)))
            toTest &= 0x33333333;
        while (toTest != 0) {
            final int border = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(toTest);
            final int bitMask = 1 << border;
            // Clear now the bit, for the next iteration.
            toTest &= ~bitMask;
            final int dimensionToAdd = (border >>> 1) & 1;
            final CoordinateSystemAxis toAdd = targetCS.getAxis(dimensionToAdd);
            final CoordinateSystemAxis added = targetCS.getAxis(dimensionToAdd ^ 1);
            double x = (border & 1) == 0 ? toAdd.getMinimumValue() : toAdd.getMaximumValue();
            double y = (border & 4) == 0 ? added.getMinimumValue() : added.getMaximumValue();
            if (dimensionToAdd != 0) {
                final double t = x;
                x = y;
                y = t;
            targetPt.setLocation(x, y);
            try {
                sourcePt = mt.transform(targetPt, sourcePt);
            } catch (TransformException exception) {
                if (warning == null) {
                    warning = exception;
                } else {
            if (envelope.contains(sourcePt)) {
         * At this point we finished envelope transformation. Verify if some ordinates need to be "wrapped around"
         * as a result of the coordinate operation.   This is usually the longitude axis where the source CRS uses
         * the [-180 … +180]° range and the target CRS uses the [0 … 360]° range, or the converse. In such case we
         * set the rectangle to the full range (we do not use the mechanism documented in Envelope2D) because most
         * Rectangle2D implementations do not support spanning the anti-meridian. This results in larger rectangle
         * than what would be possible with GeneralEnvelope or Envelope2D, but we try to limit the situation where
         * this expansion is applied.
    final Set<Integer> wrapAroundChanges;
    if (operation instanceof AbstractCoordinateOperation) {
        wrapAroundChanges = ((AbstractCoordinateOperation) operation).getWrapAroundChanges();
    } else {
        wrapAroundChanges = CoordinateOperations.wrapAroundChanges(sourceCRS, targetCS);
    for (int dim : wrapAroundChanges) {
        // Empty in the vast majority of cases.
        final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = targetCS.getAxis(dim);
        final double minimum = axis.getMinimumValue();
        final double maximum = axis.getMaximumValue();
        final double o1, o2;
        if (dim == 0) {
            o1 = destination.getMinX();
            o2 = destination.getMaxX();
        } else {
            o1 = destination.getMinY();
            o2 = destination.getMaxY();
        if (o1 < minimum || o2 > maximum) {
            final double span = maximum - minimum;
            if (dim == 0) {
                destination.setRect(minimum, destination.getY(), span, destination.getHeight());
            } else {
                destination.setRect(destination.getX(), minimum, destination.getWidth(), span);
    if (warning != null) {
        Envelopes.recoverableException(Shapes2D.class, warning);
    return destination;
Also used : MathTransform(org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform) CoordinateSystem(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem) NoninvertibleTransformException(org.opengis.referencing.operation.NoninvertibleTransformException) TransformException(org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException) CoordinateSystemAxis(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis) MismatchedDimensionException(org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException) NoninvertibleTransformException(org.opengis.referencing.operation.NoninvertibleTransformException) Point2D(java.awt.geom.Point2D) MathTransform2D(org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform2D) CoordinateReferenceSystem( AbstractCoordinateOperation(org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.AbstractCoordinateOperation)

Example 24 with CoordinateSystemAxis

use of org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis in project sis by apache.

the class MetadataTest method testMetadataWithVerticalCRS.

 * Tests the (un)marshalling of a metadata with a vertical CRS.
 * @throws JAXBException if the (un)marshalling process fails.
public void testMetadataWithVerticalCRS() throws JAXBException {
    final Metadata metadata = unmarshalFile(Metadata.class, VERTICAL_CRS_XML);
    if (REGRESSION) {
        ((DefaultMetadata) metadata).setCharacterSet(CharacterSet.UTF_8);
    assertEquals("fileIdentifier", "20090901", metadata.getFileIdentifier());
    assertEquals("language", Locale.ENGLISH, metadata.getLanguage());
    assertEquals("characterSet", CharacterSet.UTF_8, metadata.getCharacterSet());
    assertEquals("dateStamp", xmlDate("2014-01-04 00:00:00"), metadata.getDateStamp());
         * <gmd:contact>
         *   <gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>
         *     …
         *   </gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>
         * </gmd:contact>
    final ResponsibleParty contact = getSingleton(metadata.getContacts());
    final OnlineResource onlineResource = contact.getContactInfo().getOnlineResource();
    assertNotNull("onlineResource", onlineResource);
    assertEquals("organisationName", "Apache SIS", contact.getOrganisationName().toString());
    assertEquals("linkage", URI.create(""), onlineResource.getLinkage());
    assertEquals("function", OnLineFunction.INFORMATION, onlineResource.getFunction());
    assertEquals("role", Role.PRINCIPAL_INVESTIGATOR, contact.getRole());
         * <gmd:spatialRepresentationInfo>
         *   <gmd:MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation>
         *     …
         *   </gmd:MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation>
         * </gmd:spatialRepresentationInfo>
    final SpatialRepresentation spatial = getSingleton(metadata.getSpatialRepresentationInfo());
    assertInstanceOf("spatialRepresentationInfo", VectorSpatialRepresentation.class, spatial);
    assertEquals("geometricObjectType", GeometricObjectType.POINT, getSingleton(((VectorSpatialRepresentation) spatial).getGeometricObjects()).getGeometricObjectType());
         * <gmd:referenceSystemInfo>
         *   <gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem>
         *     …
         *   </gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem>
         * </gmd:referenceSystemInfo>
    assertIdentifierEquals("referenceSystemInfo", null, "EPSG", null, "World Geodetic System 84", getSingleton(metadata.getReferenceSystemInfo()).getName());
         * <gmd:identificationInfo>
         *   <gmd:MD_DataIdentification>
         *     …
    final DataIdentification identification = (DataIdentification) getSingleton(metadata.getIdentificationInfo());
    final Citation citation = identification.getCitation();
    assertInstanceOf("citation", NilObject.class, citation);
    assertEquals("nilReason", NilReason.MISSING, ((NilObject) citation).getNilReason());
    assertEquals("abstract", "SIS test", identification.getAbstract().toString());
    assertEquals("language", Locale.ENGLISH, getSingleton(identification.getLanguages()));
         * <gmd:geographicElement>
         *   <gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox>
         *     …
         *   </gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox>
         * </gmd:geographicElement>
    final Extent extent = getSingleton(identification.getExtents());
    final GeographicBoundingBox bbox = (GeographicBoundingBox) getSingleton(extent.getGeographicElements());
    assertEquals("extentTypeCode", Boolean.TRUE, bbox.getInclusion());
    assertEquals("westBoundLongitude", 4.55, bbox.getWestBoundLongitude(), STRICT);
    assertEquals("eastBoundLongitude", 4.55, bbox.getEastBoundLongitude(), STRICT);
    assertEquals("southBoundLatitude", 44.22, bbox.getSouthBoundLatitude(), STRICT);
    assertEquals("northBoundLatitude", 44.22, bbox.getNorthBoundLatitude(), STRICT);
         * <gmd:verticalElement>
         *   <gmd:EX_VerticalExtent>
         *     …
         *   </gmd:EX_VerticalExtent>
         * </gmd:verticalElement>
    final VerticalExtent ve = getSingleton(extent.getVerticalElements());
    assertEquals("minimumValue", 0.1, ve.getMinimumValue(), STRICT);
    assertEquals("maximumValue", 10000, ve.getMaximumValue(), STRICT);
    final VerticalCRS crs = ve.getVerticalCRS();
    verifyIdentifiers("test1", crs);
    assertEquals("scope", "World", crs.getScope().toString());
    final VerticalDatum datum = crs.getDatum();
    verifyIdentifiers("test2", datum);
    assertEquals("scope", "World", datum.getScope().toString());
    // Inferred from the name.
    assertEquals("vertDatumType", VerticalDatumType.DEPTH, datum.getVerticalDatumType());
    final VerticalCS cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
    verifyIdentifiers("test3", cs);
    final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(0);
    verifyIdentifiers("test4", axis);
    assertEquals("axisAbbrev", "d", axis.getAbbreviation());
    assertEquals("axisDirection", AxisDirection.DOWN, axis.getDirection());
         *     …
         *   </gmd:MD_DataIdentification>
         * </gmd:identificationInfo>
         * Now marshal the object and compare with the original file.
    assertMarshalEqualsFile(VERTICAL_CRS_XML, metadata, VERSION_2007, "xmlns:*", "xsi:schemaLocation");
Also used : DataIdentification(org.opengis.metadata.identification.DataIdentification) VerticalExtent(org.opengis.metadata.extent.VerticalExtent) Extent(org.opengis.metadata.extent.Extent) SpatialRepresentation(org.opengis.metadata.spatial.SpatialRepresentation) VectorSpatialRepresentation(org.opengis.metadata.spatial.VectorSpatialRepresentation) ReferenceSystemMetadata(org.apache.sis.internal.jaxb.metadata.replace.ReferenceSystemMetadata) VerticalExtent(org.opengis.metadata.extent.VerticalExtent) CoordinateSystemAxis(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis) DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis(org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis) VerticalDatum(org.opengis.referencing.datum.VerticalDatum) DefaultVerticalDatum(org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DefaultVerticalDatum) GeographicBoundingBox(org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox) VerticalCS(org.opengis.referencing.cs.VerticalCS) DefaultVerticalCS(org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultVerticalCS) DefaultVerticalCRS( VerticalCRS( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 25 with CoordinateSystemAxis

use of org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis in project sis by apache.

the class Angle method valueOf.

 * Returns the angular value of the axis having the given direction.
 * This helper method is used for subclass constructors expecting a {@link DirectPosition} argument.
 * @param  position  the position from which to get an angular value.
 * @param  positive  axis direction of positive values.
 * @param  negative  axis direction of negative values.
 * @return angular value in degrees.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given coordinate it not associated to a CRS,
 *         or if no axis oriented toward the given directions is found, or if that axis
 *         does not use {@linkplain Units#isAngular angular units}.
static double valueOf(final DirectPosition position, final AxisDirection positive, final AxisDirection negative) {
    final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = position.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
    if (crs == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.UnspecifiedCRS));
    final CoordinateSystem cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
    final int dimension = cs.getDimension();
    IncommensurableException cause = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
        final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(i);
        final AxisDirection dir = axis.getDirection();
        final boolean isPositive = dir.equals(positive);
        if (isPositive || dir.equals(negative)) {
            double value = position.getOrdinate(i);
            if (!isPositive)
                value = -value;
            final Unit<?> unit = axis.getUnit();
            if (unit != Units.DEGREE)
                try {
                    value = unit.getConverterToAny(Units.DEGREE).convert(value);
                } catch (IncommensurableException e) {
                    cause = e;
            return value;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IllegalCRSType_1, Classes.getLeafInterfaces(crs.getClass(), CoordinateReferenceSystem.class)[0]), cause);
Also used : IncommensurableException(javax.measure.IncommensurableException) CoordinateSystem(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem) CoordinateSystemAxis(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis) AxisDirection(org.opengis.referencing.cs.AxisDirection) CoordinateReferenceSystem(


CoordinateSystemAxis (org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis)50 CoordinateSystem (org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem)15 Test (org.junit.Test)14 CoordinateReferenceSystem ( EllipsoidalCS (org.opengis.referencing.cs.EllipsoidalCS)5 Unit (javax.measure.Unit)4 VerticalCRS ( AxisDirection (org.opengis.referencing.cs.AxisDirection)4 FactoryException (org.opengis.util.FactoryException)4 IdentifiedObject (org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject)3 VerticalCS (org.opengis.referencing.cs.VerticalCS)3 InternationalString (org.opengis.util.InternationalString)3 DefaultVerticalCRS ( DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis (org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis)2 DefaultVerticalCS (org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultVerticalCS)2 AbstractCoordinateOperation (org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.AbstractCoordinateOperation)2 DependsOnMethod (org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod)2 Identifier (org.opengis.metadata.Identifier)2 VerticalExtent (org.opengis.metadata.extent.VerticalExtent)2 GeodeticCRS (