use of org.openmrs.Concept in project openmrs-module-pihcore by PIH.
the class MockConcepts method finding.
private Concept finding(String name, ConceptDatatype datatype, ConceptSource source, String mapping) {
Concept concept = baseConcept(name);
concept.addConceptMapping(new ConceptMapBuilder(uuid()).type(sameAs).ensureTerm(source, mapping).build());
return concept;
use of org.openmrs.Concept in project openmrs-module-pihcore by PIH.
the class DrugOrdersPageController method get.
public void get(PageModel model, UiUtils ui, @InjectBeans PatientDomainWrapper patientDomainWrapper, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "patient") Patient patient, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "hivemrId") String hivemrId, @SpringBean("conceptService") ConceptService conceptService, @SpringBean("patientService") PatientService patientService, @SpringBean("orderService") OrderService orderService, @SpringBean("obsService") ObsService obsService) throws IOException {
if (patient == null) {
PatientIdentifierType hivemrV1 = patientService.getPatientIdentifierTypeByUuid(ZlConfigConstants.PATIENTIDENTIFIERTYPE_HIVEMRV1_UUID);
List<PatientIdentifier> idList = patientService.getPatientIdentifiers(hivemrId, Arrays.asList(hivemrV1), null, null, null);
if (idList.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No patients found with identifier: " + hivemrId);
if (idList.size() > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(idList.size() + " patients found with identifier: " + hivemrId);
patient = idList.get(0).getPatient();
// Get all of the drug orders for the patient
List<DrugOrder> drugOrders = new ArrayList<>();
for (Order order : orderService.getAllOrdersByPatient(patient)) {
order = HibernateUtil.getRealObjectFromProxy(order);
if (order instanceof DrugOrder && BooleanUtils.isNotTrue(order.getVoided())) {
DrugOrder drugOrder = (DrugOrder) order;
// Sort these drug orders in chronological order
Collections.sort(drugOrders, (d1, d2) -> {
// Get all of the previous orders for d1. If any are d2, then d1 is later
for (Order d1Prev = d1.getPreviousOrder(); d1Prev != null; d1Prev = d1Prev.getPreviousOrder()) {
if (d1Prev.equals(d2)) {
return 1;
// Get all of the previous orders for d2. If any are d1, then d2 is later
for (Order d2Prev = d2.getPreviousOrder(); d2Prev != null; d2Prev = d2Prev.getPreviousOrder()) {
if (d2Prev.equals(d1)) {
return -1;
// If neither is a revision of the other, then compare based on effective start date
int dateCompare = d1.getEffectiveStartDate().compareTo(d2.getEffectiveStartDate());
if (dateCompare != 0) {
return dateCompare;
// If they are still the same, then order based on end date
int ret = OpenmrsUtil.compareWithNullAsLatest(d1.getEffectiveStopDate(), d2.getEffectiveStopDate());
if (ret == 0) {
// Finally, order based on orderId
ret = d1.getOrderId().compareTo(d2.getOrderId());
return ret;
TODO: For now we will organize these by order reason, as this is the way they are being migrated in
from the HIV EMR. Once we have established concept sets for organizing orderables by areas we can adjust
to organize in that way. We'll keep our model generic (based on string category names) to allow for this
We also remove the discontinue orders and associate them back with the orders they discontinue in a map so that
we can organize them together in a single row.
List<Concept> categories = new ArrayList<>();
// HIV
// TB
// Prophylaxis
List<DrugOrder> activeOrders = new ArrayList<>();
List<DrugOrder> completedOrders = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, List<DrugOrder>> activeOrdersByCategory = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, List<DrugOrder>> completedOrdersByCategory = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<DrugOrder, DrugOrder> ordersToDiscontinueOrders = new HashMap<>();
for (Concept category : categories) {
activeOrdersByCategory.put(category.getDisplayString(), new ArrayList<>());
completedOrdersByCategory.put(category.getDisplayString(), new ArrayList<>());
activeOrdersByCategory.put("", new ArrayList<>());
completedOrdersByCategory.put("", new ArrayList<>());
for (DrugOrder d : drugOrders) {
if (d.getAction() == Order.Action.DISCONTINUE) {
ordersToDiscontinueOrders.put((DrugOrder) d.getPreviousOrder(), d);
} else {
String category = "";
if (d.getOrderReason() != null && categories.contains(d.getOrderReason())) {
category = d.getOrderReason().getDisplayString();
if (d.isActive()) {
} else {
// In the legacy HIV EMR, we supported entering notes/comments about a patient's medications. Include those here.
Concept medicationComments = conceptService.getConceptByMapping("10637", "PIH");
List<Obs> medicationCommentObs = obsService.getObservationsByPersonAndConcept(patient, medicationComments);
medicationCommentObs.sort((obs, t1) -> t1.getObsDatetime().compareTo(obs.getObsDatetime()));
model.addAttribute("patient", patientDomainWrapper);
model.addAttribute("drugOrders", drugOrders);
model.addAttribute("categories", categories);
model.addAttribute("activeOrders", activeOrders);
model.addAttribute("completedOrders", completedOrders);
model.addAttribute("activeOrdersByCategory", activeOrdersByCategory);
model.addAttribute("completedOrdersByCategory", completedOrdersByCategory);
model.addAttribute("ordersToDiscontinueOrders", ordersToDiscontinueOrders);
model.addAttribute("medicationCommentObs", medicationCommentObs);
use of org.openmrs.Concept in project openmrs-module-pihcore by PIH.
the class ConceptsFromMetadataSharing method diagnosis.
private Concept diagnosis(String name, ConceptSource source, String mapping) {
Concept concept = diagnosis(name);
concept.addConceptMapping(new ConceptMapBuilder(uuid()).type(sameAs).ensureTerm(source, mapping).build());
return concept;
use of org.openmrs.Concept in project openmrs-module-pihcore by PIH.
the class ConceptsFromMetadataSharing method question.
private Concept question(String name, ConceptDatatype datatype, ConceptSource source, String mapping) {
Concept concept = baseConcept(name);
concept.addConceptMapping(new ConceptMapBuilder(uuid()).type(sameAs).ensureTerm(source, mapping).build());
return concept;
use of org.openmrs.Concept in project openmrs-module-pihcore by PIH.
the class ConceptsFromMetadataSharing method finding.
private Concept finding(String name, ConceptDatatype datatype, ConceptSource source, String mapping) {
Concept concept = baseConcept(name);
concept.addConceptMapping(new ConceptMapBuilder(uuid()).type(sameAs).ensureTerm(source, mapping).build());
return concept;