use of org.opensearch.ResourceNotFoundException in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class PercolateQueryBuilderTests method testIndexedDocumentDoesNotExist.
public void testIndexedDocumentDoesNotExist() throws IOException {
indexedDocumentExists = false;
PercolateQueryBuilder pqb = doCreateTestQueryBuilder(true);
ResourceNotFoundException e = expectThrows(ResourceNotFoundException.class, () -> rewriteAndFetch(pqb, createShardContext()));
String expectedString = "indexed document [" + indexedDocumentIndex + "/" + indexedDocumentId + "] couldn't be found";
assertThat(e.getMessage(), equalTo(expectedString));
use of org.opensearch.ResourceNotFoundException in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TransportGetComposableIndexTemplateAction method masterOperation.
protected void masterOperation(GetComposableIndexTemplateAction.Request request, ClusterState state, ActionListener<GetComposableIndexTemplateAction.Response> listener) {
Map<String, ComposableIndexTemplate> allTemplates = state.metadata().templatesV2();
// If we did not ask for a specific name, then we return all templates
if ( == null) {
listener.onResponse(new GetComposableIndexTemplateAction.Response(allTemplates));
final Map<String, ComposableIndexTemplate> results = new HashMap<>();
String name =;
if (Regex.isSimpleMatchPattern(name)) {
for (Map.Entry<String, ComposableIndexTemplate> entry : allTemplates.entrySet()) {
if (Regex.simpleMatch(name, entry.getKey())) {
results.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else if (allTemplates.containsKey(name)) {
results.put(name, allTemplates.get(name));
} else {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("index template matching [" + + "] not found");
listener.onResponse(new GetComposableIndexTemplateAction.Response(results));
use of org.opensearch.ResourceNotFoundException in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TransportGetTaskAction method onGetFinishedTaskFromIndex.
* Called with the {@linkplain GetResponse} from loading the task from the results index. Called on the node that once had the task if
* that node is part of the cluster or on the coordinating node if the node wasn't part of the cluster.
void onGetFinishedTaskFromIndex(GetResponse response, ActionListener<GetTaskResponse> listener) throws IOException {
if (false == response.isExists()) {
listener.onFailure(new ResourceNotFoundException("task [{}] isn't running and hasn't stored its results", response.getId()));
if (response.isSourceEmpty()) {
listener.onFailure(new OpenSearchException("Stored task status for [{}] didn't contain any source!", response.getId()));
try (XContentParser parser = XContentHelper.createParser(xContentRegistry, LoggingDeprecationHandler.INSTANCE, response.getSourceAsBytesRef())) {
TaskResult result = TaskResult.PARSER.apply(parser, null);
listener.onResponse(new GetTaskResponse(result));
use of org.opensearch.ResourceNotFoundException in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TransportGetTaskAction method getFinishedTaskFromIndex.
* Send a {@link GetRequest} to the tasks index looking for a persisted copy of the task completed task. It'll only be found only if the
* task's result was stored. Called on the node that once had the task if that node is still part of the cluster or on the
* coordinating node if the node is no longer part of the cluster.
void getFinishedTaskFromIndex(Task thisTask, GetTaskRequest request, ActionListener<GetTaskResponse> listener) {
GetRequest get = new GetRequest(TaskResultsService.TASK_INDEX, request.getTaskId().toString());
get.setParentTask(clusterService.localNode().getId(), thisTask.getId());
client.get(get, ActionListener.wrap(r -> onGetFinishedTaskFromIndex(r, listener), e -> {
if (ExceptionsHelper.unwrap(e, IndexNotFoundException.class) != null) {
// We haven't yet created the index for the task results so it can't be found.
listener.onFailure(new ResourceNotFoundException("task [{}] isn't running and hasn't stored its results", e, request.getTaskId()));
} else {
use of org.opensearch.ResourceNotFoundException in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TransportGetTaskAction method runOnNodeWithTaskIfPossible.
* Executed on the coordinating node to forward execution of the remaining work to the node that matches that requested
* {@link TaskId#getNodeId()}. If the node isn't in the cluster then this will just proceed to
* {@link #getFinishedTaskFromIndex(Task, GetTaskRequest, ActionListener)} on this node.
private void runOnNodeWithTaskIfPossible(Task thisTask, GetTaskRequest request, ActionListener<GetTaskResponse> listener) {
TransportRequestOptions.Builder builder = TransportRequestOptions.builder();
if (request.getTimeout() != null) {
DiscoveryNode node = clusterService.state().nodes().get(request.getTaskId().getNodeId());
if (node == null) {
// Node is no longer part of the cluster! Try and look the task up from the results index.
getFinishedTaskFromIndex(thisTask, request, ActionListener.wrap(listener::onResponse, e -> {
if (e instanceof ResourceNotFoundException) {
e = new ResourceNotFoundException("task [" + request.getTaskId() + "] belongs to the node [" + request.getTaskId().getNodeId() + "] which isn't part of the cluster and there is no record of the task", e);
GetTaskRequest nodeRequest = request.nodeRequest(clusterService.localNode().getId(), thisTask.getId());
transportService.sendRequest(node, GetTaskAction.NAME, nodeRequest,, new ActionListenerResponseHandler<>(listener, GetTaskResponse::new, ThreadPool.Names.SAME));