use of org.opensearch.tasks.Task in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TransportAction method execute.
* Use this method when the transport action call should result in creation of a new task associated with the call.
* This is a typical behavior.
public final Task execute(Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener) {
* While this version of execute could delegate to the TaskListener
* version of execute that'd add yet another layer of wrapping on the
* listener and prevent us from using the listener bare if there isn't a
* task. That just seems like too many objects. Thus the two versions of
* this method.
final Releasable unregisterChildNode = registerChildNode(request.getParentTask());
final Task task;
try {
task = taskManager.register("transport", actionName, request);
} catch (TaskCancelledException e) {
throw e;
execute(task, request, new ActionListener<Response>() {
public void onResponse(Response response) {
try {
Releasables.close(unregisterChildNode, () -> taskManager.unregister(task));
} finally {
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
try {
Releasables.close(unregisterChildNode, () -> taskManager.unregister(task));
} finally {
return task;
use of org.opensearch.tasks.Task in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TransportBulkAction method doInternalExecute.
protected void doInternalExecute(Task task, BulkRequest bulkRequest, String executorName, ActionListener<BulkResponse> listener) {
final long startTime = relativeTime();
final AtomicArray<BulkItemResponse> responses = new AtomicArray<>(bulkRequest.requests.size());
boolean hasIndexRequestsWithPipelines = false;
final Metadata metadata = clusterService.state().getMetadata();
final Version minNodeVersion = clusterService.state().getNodes().getMinNodeVersion();
for (DocWriteRequest<?> actionRequest : bulkRequest.requests) {
IndexRequest indexRequest = getIndexWriteRequest(actionRequest);
if (indexRequest != null) {
// Each index request needs to be evaluated, because this method also modifies the IndexRequest
boolean indexRequestHasPipeline = IngestService.resolvePipelines(actionRequest, indexRequest, metadata);
hasIndexRequestsWithPipelines |= indexRequestHasPipeline;
if (actionRequest instanceof IndexRequest) {
IndexRequest ir = (IndexRequest) actionRequest;
if (ir.getAutoGeneratedTimestamp() != IndexRequest.UNSET_AUTO_GENERATED_TIMESTAMP) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("autoGeneratedTimestamp should not be set externally");
if (hasIndexRequestsWithPipelines) {
// this path is never taken.
try {
if (Assertions.ENABLED) {
final boolean arePipelinesResolved = bulkRequest.requests().stream().map(TransportBulkAction::getIndexWriteRequest).filter(Objects::nonNull).allMatch(IndexRequest::isPipelineResolved);
assert arePipelinesResolved : bulkRequest;
if (clusterService.localNode().isIngestNode()) {
processBulkIndexIngestRequest(task, bulkRequest, executorName, listener);
} else {
ingestForwarder.forwardIngestRequest(BulkAction.INSTANCE, bulkRequest, listener);
} catch (Exception e) {
final boolean includesSystem = includesSystem(bulkRequest, clusterService.state().metadata().getIndicesLookup(), systemIndices);
if (includesSystem || needToCheck()) {
// Attempt to create all the indices that we're going to need during the bulk before we start.
// Step 1: collect all the indices in the request
final Map<String, Boolean> indices = -> request.opType() != DocWriteRequest.OpType.DELETE || request.versionType() == VersionType.EXTERNAL || request.versionType() == VersionType.EXTERNAL_GTE).collect(Collectors.toMap(DocWriteRequest::index, DocWriteRequest::isRequireAlias, (v1, v2) -> v1 || v2));
/* Step 2: filter that to indices that don't exist and we can create. At the same time build a map of indices we can't create
* that we'll use when we try to run the requests. */
final Map<String, IndexNotFoundException> indicesThatCannotBeCreated = new HashMap<>();
Set<String> autoCreateIndices = new HashSet<>();
ClusterState state = clusterService.state();
for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> indexAndFlag : indices.entrySet()) {
boolean shouldAutoCreate;
final String index = indexAndFlag.getKey();
try {
shouldAutoCreate = shouldAutoCreate(index, state);
} catch (IndexNotFoundException e) {
shouldAutoCreate = false;
indicesThatCannotBeCreated.put(index, e);
// We should only auto create if we are not requiring it to be an alias
if (shouldAutoCreate && (indexAndFlag.getValue() == false)) {
// Step 3: create all the indices that are missing, if there are any missing. start the bulk after all the creates come back.
if (autoCreateIndices.isEmpty()) {
executeBulk(task, bulkRequest, startTime, listener, responses, indicesThatCannotBeCreated);
} else {
final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(autoCreateIndices.size());
for (String index : autoCreateIndices) {
createIndex(index, bulkRequest.timeout(), minNodeVersion, new ActionListener<CreateIndexResponse>() {
public void onResponse(CreateIndexResponse result) {
if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
threadPool.executor(executorName).execute(new ActionRunnable<BulkResponse>(listener) {
protected void doRun() {
executeBulk(task, bulkRequest, startTime, listener, responses, indicesThatCannotBeCreated);
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
if (!(ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCause(e) instanceof ResourceAlreadyExistsException)) {
// fail all requests involving this index, if create didn't work
for (int i = 0; i < bulkRequest.requests.size(); i++) {
DocWriteRequest<?> request = bulkRequest.requests.get(i);
if (request != null && setResponseFailureIfIndexMatches(responses, i, request, index, e)) {
bulkRequest.requests.set(i, null);
if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
final ActionListener<BulkResponse> wrappedListener = ActionListener.wrap(listener::onResponse, inner -> {
threadPool.executor(executorName).execute(new ActionRunnable<BulkResponse>(wrappedListener) {
protected void doRun() {
executeBulk(task, bulkRequest, startTime, wrappedListener, responses, indicesThatCannotBeCreated);
public void onRejection(Exception rejectedException) {
} else {
executeBulk(task, bulkRequest, startTime, listener, responses, emptyMap());
use of org.opensearch.tasks.Task in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TasksIT method waitForCompletionTestCase.
* Test wait for completion.
* @param storeResult should the task store its results
* @param wait start waiting for a task. Accepts that id of the task to wait for and returns a future waiting for it.
* @param validator validate the response and return the task ids that were found
private <T> void waitForCompletionTestCase(boolean storeResult, Function<TaskId, ActionFuture<T>> wait, Consumer<T> validator) throws Exception {
// Start blocking test task
TestTaskPlugin.NodesRequest request = new TestTaskPlugin.NodesRequest("test");
ActionFuture<TestTaskPlugin.NodesResponse> future = client().execute(TestTaskPlugin.TestTaskAction.INSTANCE, request);
ActionFuture<T> waitResponseFuture;
TaskId taskId;
try {
taskId = waitForTestTaskStartOnAllNodes();
// Wait for the task to start
assertBusy(() -> client().admin().cluster().prepareGetTask(taskId).get());
// Register listeners so we can be sure the waiting started
CountDownLatch waitForWaitingToStart = new CountDownLatch(1);
for (TransportService transportService : internalCluster().getInstances(TransportService.class)) {
((MockTaskManager) transportService.getTaskManager()).addListener(new MockTaskManagerListener() {
public void waitForTaskCompletion(Task task) {
public void onTaskRegistered(Task task) {
public void onTaskUnregistered(Task task) {
// Spin up a request to wait for the test task to finish
waitResponseFuture = wait.apply(taskId);
/* Wait for the wait to start. This should count down just *before* we wait for completion but after the list/get has got a
* reference to the running task. Because we unblock immediately after this the task may no longer be running for us to wait
* on which is fine. */
} finally {
// Unblock the request so the wait for completion request can finish
new TestTaskPlugin.UnblockTestTasksRequestBuilder(client(), TestTaskPlugin.UnblockTestTasksAction.INSTANCE).get();
// Now that the task is unblocked the list response will come back
T waitResponse = waitResponseFuture.get();
TestTaskPlugin.NodesResponse response = future.get();
assertEquals(emptyList(), response.failures());
use of org.opensearch.tasks.Task in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TasksIT method testTransportBroadcastReplicationTasks.
public void testTransportBroadcastReplicationTasks() {
// main task
// shard level tasks
registerTaskManagerListeners(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s]");
// primary and replica shard tasks
registerTaskManagerListeners(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s][*]");
// Make sure all shards are allocated
// the refresh operation should produce one main task
NumShards numberOfShards = getNumShards("test");
logger.debug("number of shards, total: [{}], primaries: [{}] ", numberOfShards.totalNumShards, numberOfShards.numPrimaries);
logger.debug("main events {}", numberOfEvents(RefreshAction.NAME, Tuple::v1));
logger.debug("main event node {}", findEvents(RefreshAction.NAME, Tuple::v1).get(0).getTaskId().getNodeId());
logger.debug("[s] events {}", numberOfEvents(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s]", Tuple::v1));
logger.debug("[s][*] events {}", numberOfEvents(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s][*]", Tuple::v1));
logger.debug("nodes with the index {}", internalCluster().nodesInclude("test"));
assertEquals(1, numberOfEvents(RefreshAction.NAME, Tuple::v1));
// Because it's broadcast replication action we will have as many [s] level requests
// as we have primary shards on the coordinating node plus we will have one task per primary outside of the
// coordinating node due to replication.
// If all primaries are on the coordinating node, the number of tasks should be equal to the number of primaries
// If all primaries are not on the coordinating node, the number of tasks should be equal to the number of primaries times 2
assertThat(numberOfEvents(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s]", Tuple::v1), greaterThanOrEqualTo(numberOfShards.numPrimaries));
assertThat(numberOfEvents(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s]", Tuple::v1), lessThanOrEqualTo(numberOfShards.numPrimaries * 2));
// Verify that all [s] events have the proper parent
// This is complicated because if the shard task runs on the same node it has main task as a parent
// but if it runs on non-coordinating node it would have another intermediate [s] task on the coordinating node as a parent
TaskInfo mainTask = findEvents(RefreshAction.NAME, Tuple::v1).get(0);
List<TaskInfo> sTasks = findEvents(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s]", Tuple::v1);
for (TaskInfo taskInfo : sTasks) {
if (mainTask.getTaskId().getNodeId().equals(taskInfo.getTaskId().getNodeId())) {
// This shard level task runs on the same node as a parent task - it should have the main task as a direct parent
assertParentTask(Collections.singletonList(taskInfo), mainTask);
} else {
String description = taskInfo.getDescription();
// This shard level task runs on another node - it should have a corresponding shard level task on the node where main task
// is running
List<TaskInfo> sTasksOnRequestingNode = findEvents(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s]", event -> event.v1() && mainTask.getTaskId().getNodeId().equals(event.v2().getTaskId().getNodeId()) && description.equals(event.v2().getDescription()));
// There should be only one parent task
assertEquals(1, sTasksOnRequestingNode.size());
assertParentTask(Collections.singletonList(taskInfo), sTasksOnRequestingNode.get(0));
// we will have as many [s][p] and [s][r] tasks as we have primary and replica shards
assertEquals(numberOfShards.totalNumShards, numberOfEvents(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s][*]", Tuple::v1));
// we the [s][p] and [s][r] tasks should have a corresponding [s] task on the same node as a parent
List<TaskInfo> spEvents = findEvents(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s][*]", Tuple::v1);
for (TaskInfo taskInfo : spEvents) {
List<TaskInfo> sTask;
if (taskInfo.getAction().endsWith("[s][p]")) {
// A [s][p] level task should have a corresponding [s] level task on the same node
sTask = findEvents(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s]", event -> event.v1() && taskInfo.getTaskId().getNodeId().equals(event.v2().getTaskId().getNodeId()) && taskInfo.getDescription().equals(event.v2().getDescription()));
} else {
// A [s][r] level task should have a corresponding [s] level task on the a different node (where primary is located)
sTask = findEvents(RefreshAction.NAME + "[s]", event -> event.v1() && taskInfo.getParentTaskId().getNodeId().equals(event.v2().getTaskId().getNodeId()) && taskInfo.getDescription().equals(event.v2().getDescription()));
// There should be only one parent task
assertEquals(1, sTask.size());
assertParentTask(Collections.singletonList(taskInfo), sTask.get(0));
use of org.opensearch.tasks.Task in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class CancellableTasksIT method testBanOnlyNodesWithOutstandingDescendantTasks.
public void testBanOnlyNodesWithOutstandingDescendantTasks() throws Exception {
if (randomBoolean()) {
internalCluster().startNodes(randomIntBetween(1, 3));
Set<DiscoveryNode> nodes =, false).collect(Collectors.toSet());
final TestRequest rootRequest = generateTestRequest(nodes, 0, between(1, 4));
ActionFuture<TestResponse> rootTaskFuture = client().execute(TransportTestAction.ACTION, rootRequest);
Set<TestRequest> pendingRequests = allowPartialRequest(rootRequest);
TaskId rootTaskId = getRootTaskId(rootRequest);
ActionFuture<CancelTasksResponse> cancelFuture = client().admin().cluster().prepareCancelTasks().setTaskId(rootTaskId).waitForCompletion(true).execute();
if (randomBoolean()) {
List<TaskInfo> runningTasks = client().admin().cluster().prepareListTasks().setActions(;
for (TaskInfo subTask : randomSubsetOf(runningTasks)) {
assertBusy(() -> {
for (DiscoveryNode node : nodes) {
TaskManager taskManager = internalCluster().getInstance(TransportService.class, node.getName()).getTaskManager();
Set<TaskId> expectedBans = new HashSet<>();
for (TestRequest req : pendingRequests) {
if (req.node.equals(node)) {
List<Task> childTasks = taskManager.getTasks().values().stream().filter(t -> t.getParentTaskId() != null && t.getDescription().equals(req.taskDescription())).collect(Collectors.toList());
assertThat(childTasks, hasSize(1));
CancellableTask childTask = (CancellableTask) childTasks.get(0);
assertThat(taskManager.getBannedTaskIds(), equalTo(expectedBans));
}, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);