use of org.opensearch.tasks.TaskCancelledException in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TransportAction method execute.
* Use this method when the transport action call should result in creation of a new task associated with the call.
* This is a typical behavior.
public final Task execute(Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener) {
* While this version of execute could delegate to the TaskListener
* version of execute that'd add yet another layer of wrapping on the
* listener and prevent us from using the listener bare if there isn't a
* task. That just seems like too many objects. Thus the two versions of
* this method.
final Releasable unregisterChildNode = registerChildNode(request.getParentTask());
final Task task;
try {
task = taskManager.register("transport", actionName, request);
} catch (TaskCancelledException e) {
throw e;
execute(task, request, new ActionListener<Response>() {
public void onResponse(Response response) {
try {
Releasables.close(unregisterChildNode, () -> taskManager.unregister(task));
} finally {
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
try {
Releasables.close(unregisterChildNode, () -> taskManager.unregister(task));
} finally {
return task;
use of org.opensearch.tasks.TaskCancelledException in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class CancelTests method testCancel.
* Executes the cancellation test
private void testCancel(String action, AbstractBulkByScrollRequestBuilder<?, ?> builder, CancelAssertion assertion, Matcher<String> taskDescriptionMatcher) throws Exception {
// Total number of documents created for this test (~10 per primary shard per slice)
int numDocs = getNumShards(INDEX).numPrimaries * 10 * builder.request().getSlices();
logger.debug("setting up [{}] docs", numDocs);
indexRandom(true, false, true, IntStream.range(0, numDocs).mapToObj(i -> client().prepareIndex().setIndex(INDEX).setId(String.valueOf(i)).setSource("n", i)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
// Checks that the all documents have been indexed and correctly counted
assertHitCount(client().prepareSearch(INDEX).setSize(0).get(), numDocs);
assertThat(ALLOWED_OPERATIONS.drainPermits(), equalTo(0));
// Scroll by 1 so that cancellation is easier to control
/* Allow a random number of the documents less the number of workers
* to be modified by the reindex action. That way at least one worker
* is blocked. */
int numModifiedDocs = randomIntBetween(builder.request().getSlices() * 2, numDocs);
logger.debug("chose to modify [{}] out of [{}] docs", numModifiedDocs, numDocs);
ALLOWED_OPERATIONS.release(numModifiedDocs - builder.request().getSlices());
// Now execute the reindex action...
ActionFuture<? extends BulkByScrollResponse> future = builder.execute();
/* ... and wait for the indexing operation listeners to block. It
* is important to realize that some of the workers might have
* exhausted their slice while others might have quite a bit left
* to work on. We can't control that. */
logger.debug("waiting for updates to be blocked");
assertBusy(() -> assertTrue("updates blocked", ALLOWED_OPERATIONS.hasQueuedThreads() && ALLOWED_OPERATIONS.availablePermits() == 0), 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
// 10 seconds is usually fine but on heavily loaded machines this can take a while
// Status should show the task running
TaskInfo mainTask = findTaskToCancel(action, builder.request().getSlices());
BulkByScrollTask.Status status = (BulkByScrollTask.Status) mainTask.getStatus();
// Description shouldn't be empty
assertThat(mainTask.getDescription(), taskDescriptionMatcher);
// Cancel the request while the action is blocked by the indexing operation listeners.
// This will prevent further requests from being sent.
ListTasksResponse cancelTasksResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareCancelTasks().setTaskId(mainTask.getTaskId()).get();
assertThat(cancelTasksResponse.getTasks(), hasSize(1));
/* The status should now show canceled. The request will still be in the
* list because it is (or its children are) still blocked. */
mainTask = client().admin().cluster().prepareGetTask(mainTask.getTaskId()).get().getTask().getTask();
status = (BulkByScrollTask.Status) mainTask.getStatus();
logger.debug("asserting that parent is marked canceled {}", status);
assertEquals(CancelTasksRequest.DEFAULT_REASON, status.getReasonCancelled());
if (builder.request().getSlices() > 1) {
boolean foundCancelled = false;
ListTasksResponse sliceList = client().admin().cluster().prepareListTasks().setParentTaskId(mainTask.getTaskId()).setDetailed(true).get();
sliceList.rethrowFailures("Fetch slice tasks");
logger.debug("finding at least one canceled child among {}", sliceList.getTasks());
for (TaskInfo slice : sliceList.getTasks()) {
BulkByScrollTask.Status sliceStatus = (BulkByScrollTask.Status) slice.getStatus();
if (sliceStatus.getReasonCancelled() == null)
assertEquals(CancelTasksRequest.DEFAULT_REASON, sliceStatus.getReasonCancelled());
foundCancelled = true;
assertTrue("Didn't find at least one sub task that was cancelled", foundCancelled);
logger.debug("unblocking the blocked update");
// Checks that no more operations are executed
assertBusy(() -> {
if (builder.request().getSlices() == 1) {
/* We can only be sure that we've drained all the permits if we only use a single worker. Otherwise some worker may have
* exhausted all of its documents before we blocked. */
assertEquals(0, ALLOWED_OPERATIONS.availablePermits());
assertEquals(0, ALLOWED_OPERATIONS.getQueueLength());
// And check the status of the response
BulkByScrollResponse response;
try {
response = future.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCausesAndSuppressed(e, t -> t instanceof TaskCancelledException).isPresent()) {
// the scroll request was cancelled
String tasks = client().admin().cluster().prepareListTasks().setParentTaskId(mainTask.getTaskId()).setDetailed(true).get().toString();
throw new RuntimeException("Exception while waiting for the response. Running tasks: " + tasks, e);
assertThat(response.getReasonCancelled(), equalTo("by user request"));
assertThat(response.getBulkFailures(), emptyIterable());
assertThat(response.getSearchFailures(), emptyIterable());
if (builder.request().getSlices() >= 1) {
// If we have more than one worker we might not have made all the modifications
numModifiedDocs -= ALLOWED_OPERATIONS.availablePermits();
assertion.assertThat(response, numDocs, numModifiedDocs);
use of org.opensearch.tasks.TaskCancelledException in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class SearchCancellationIT method verifyCancellationException.
private void verifyCancellationException(ShardSearchFailure[] failures) {
for (ShardSearchFailure searchFailure : failures) {
// failure may happen while executing the search or while sending shard request for next phase.
// Below assertion is handling both the cases
final Throwable topFailureCause = searchFailure.getCause();
assertTrue(searchFailure.toString(), topFailureCause instanceof TransportException || topFailureCause instanceof TaskCancelledException);
if (topFailureCause instanceof TransportException) {
assertTrue(topFailureCause.getCause() instanceof TaskCancelledException);
use of org.opensearch.tasks.TaskCancelledException in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class FetchPhase method execute.
public void execute(SearchContext context) {
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("{}", new SearchContextSourcePrinter(context));
if (context.isCancelled()) {
throw new TaskCancelledException("cancelled task with reason: " + context.getTask().getReasonCancelled());
if (context.docIdsToLoadSize() == 0) {
// no individual hits to process, so we shortcut
context.fetchResult().hits(new SearchHits(new SearchHit[0], context.queryResult().getTotalHits(), context.queryResult().getMaxScore()));
DocIdToIndex[] docs = new DocIdToIndex[context.docIdsToLoadSize()];
for (int index = 0; index < context.docIdsToLoadSize(); index++) {
docs[index] = new DocIdToIndex(context.docIdsToLoad()[context.docIdsToLoadFrom() + index], index);
// make sure that we iterate in doc id order
Map<String, Set<String>> storedToRequestedFields = new HashMap<>();
FieldsVisitor fieldsVisitor = createStoredFieldsVisitor(context, storedToRequestedFields);
FetchContext fetchContext = new FetchContext(context);
SearchHit[] hits = new SearchHit[context.docIdsToLoadSize()];
List<FetchSubPhaseProcessor> processors = getProcessors(context.shardTarget(), fetchContext);
int currentReaderIndex = -1;
LeafReaderContext currentReaderContext = null;
CheckedBiConsumer<Integer, FieldsVisitor, IOException> fieldReader = null;
boolean hasSequentialDocs = hasSequentialDocs(docs);
for (int index = 0; index < context.docIdsToLoadSize(); index++) {
if (context.isCancelled()) {
throw new TaskCancelledException("cancelled task with reason: " + context.getTask().getReasonCancelled());
int docId = docs[index].docId;
try {
int readerIndex = ReaderUtil.subIndex(docId, context.searcher().getIndexReader().leaves());
if (currentReaderIndex != readerIndex) {
currentReaderContext = context.searcher().getIndexReader().leaves().get(readerIndex);
currentReaderIndex = readerIndex;
if (currentReaderContext.reader() instanceof SequentialStoredFieldsLeafReader && hasSequentialDocs && docs.length >= 10) {
// All the docs to fetch are adjacent but Lucene stored fields are optimized
// for random access and don't optimize for sequential access - except for merging.
// So we do a little hack here and pretend we're going to do merges in order to
// get better sequential access.
SequentialStoredFieldsLeafReader lf = (SequentialStoredFieldsLeafReader) currentReaderContext.reader();
fieldReader = lf.getSequentialStoredFieldsReader()::visitDocument;
} else {
fieldReader = currentReaderContext.reader()::document;
for (FetchSubPhaseProcessor processor : processors) {
assert currentReaderContext != null;
HitContext hit = prepareHitContext(context, fetchContext.searchLookup(), fieldsVisitor, docId, storedToRequestedFields, currentReaderContext, fieldReader);
for (FetchSubPhaseProcessor processor : processors) {
hits[docs[index].index] = hit.hit();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FetchPhaseExecutionException(context.shardTarget(), "Error running fetch phase for doc [" + docId + "]", e);
if (context.isCancelled()) {
throw new TaskCancelledException("cancelled task with reason: " + context.getTask().getReasonCancelled());
TotalHits totalHits = context.queryResult().getTotalHits();
context.fetchResult().hits(new SearchHits(hits, totalHits, context.queryResult().getMaxScore()));
use of org.opensearch.tasks.TaskCancelledException in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class CancellableTasksTests method testRegisterAndExecuteChildTaskWhileParentTaskIsBeingCanceled.
public void testRegisterAndExecuteChildTaskWhileParentTaskIsBeingCanceled() throws Exception {
final TaskManager taskManager = testNodes[0].transportService.getTaskManager();
CancellableNodesRequest parentRequest = new CancellableNodesRequest("parent");
final Task parentTask = taskManager.register("test", "test", parentRequest);
final TaskId parentTaskId = parentTask.taskInfo(testNodes[0].getNodeId(), false).getTaskId();
taskManager.setBan(new TaskId(testNodes[0].getNodeId(), parentTask.getId()), "test");
CancellableNodesRequest childRequest = new CancellableNodesRequest("child");
CancellableTestNodesAction testAction = new CancellableTestNodesAction("internal:testAction", threadPool, testNodes[1].clusterService, testNodes[0].transportService, false, new CountDownLatch(1));
TaskCancelledException cancelledException = expectThrows(TaskCancelledException.class, () -> testAction.execute(childRequest, ActionListener.wrap(() -> fail("must not execute"))));
assertThat(cancelledException.getMessage(), startsWith("Task cancelled before it started:"));
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
taskManager.startBanOnChildrenNodes(parentTaskId.getId(), latch::countDown);
assertTrue("onChildTasksCompleted() is not invoked", latch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));