use of in project anomaly-detection by opensearch-project.
the class ADTaskManager method setHCDetectorTaskDone.
* Set state for HC detector level task when all entities done.
* The state could be FINISHED,FAILED or STOPPED.
* 1. If input task state is FINISHED, will check FINISHED entity task count. If
* there is no FINISHED entity task, will set HC detector level task as FAILED; otherwise
* set as FINISHED.
* 2. If input task state is not FINISHED, will set HC detector level task's state as the same.
* @param adTask AD task
* @param state AD task state
* @param listener action listener
public void setHCDetectorTaskDone(ADTask adTask, ADTaskState state, ActionListener<AnomalyDetectorJobResponse> listener) {
String detectorId = adTask.getDetectorId();
String taskId = adTask.isEntityTask() ? adTask.getParentTaskId() : adTask.getTaskId();
String detectorTaskId = adTask.getDetectorLevelTaskId();
ActionListener<UpdateResponse> wrappedListener = ActionListener.wrap(response -> {"Historical HC detector done with state: {}. Remove from cache, detector id:{}",, detectorId);
}, e -> {
// Will reset task state when get detector with task or maintain tasks in hourly cron.
if (e instanceof LimitExceededException && e.getMessage().contains(HC_DETECTOR_TASK_IS_UPDATING)) {
logger.warn("HC task is updating, skip this update for task: " + taskId);
} else {
logger.error("Failed to update task: " + taskId, e);
// wait for 2 seconds to acquire updating HC detector task semaphore
long timeoutInMillis = 2000;
if (state == ADTaskState.FINISHED) {
this.countEntityTasksByState(detectorTaskId, ImmutableList.of(ADTaskState.FINISHED), ActionListener.wrap(r -> {"number of finished entity tasks: {}, for detector {}", r, adTask.getDetectorId());
// Set task as FAILED if no finished entity task; otherwise set as FINISHED
ADTaskState hcDetectorTaskState = r == 0 ? ADTaskState.FAILED : ADTaskState.FINISHED;
// execute in AD batch task thread pool in case waiting for semaphore waste any shared OpenSearch thread pool
threadPool.executor(AD_BATCH_TASK_THREAD_POOL_NAME).execute(() -> {
updateADHCDetectorTask(detectorId, taskId, ImmutableMap.of(STATE_FIELD,, TASK_PROGRESS_FIELD, 1.0, EXECUTION_END_TIME_FIELD,, timeoutInMillis, wrappedListener);
}, e -> {
logger.error("Failed to get finished entity tasks", e);
String errorMessage = getErrorMessage(e);
threadPool.executor(AD_BATCH_TASK_THREAD_POOL_NAME).execute(() -> {
updateADHCDetectorTask(detectorId, taskId, ImmutableMap.of(STATE_FIELD, // set as FAILED if fail to get finished entity tasks., TASK_PROGRESS_FIELD, 1.0, ERROR_FIELD, errorMessage, EXECUTION_END_TIME_FIELD,, timeoutInMillis, wrappedListener);
} else {
threadPool.executor(AD_BATCH_TASK_THREAD_POOL_NAME).execute(() -> {
updateADHCDetectorTask(detectorId, taskId, ImmutableMap.of(STATE_FIELD,, ERROR_FIELD, adTask.getError(), EXECUTION_END_TIME_FIELD,, timeoutInMillis, wrappedListener);
listener.onResponse(new AnomalyDetectorJobResponse(taskId, 0, 0, 0, RestStatus.OK));