use of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class NearbyStopFinder method findNearbyStopsViaStreets.
* Return all stops within a certain radius of the given vertex, using network distance along streets.
* If the origin vertex is a TransitStop, the result will include it.
public List<StopAtDistance> findNearbyStopsViaStreets(Vertex originVertex) {
RoutingRequest routingRequest = new RoutingRequest(TraverseMode.WALK);
routingRequest.clampInitialWait = (0L);
routingRequest.setRoutingContext(graph, originVertex, null);
ShortestPathTree spt = earliestArrivalSearch.getShortestPathTree(routingRequest);
List<StopAtDistance> stopsFound = Lists.newArrayList();
if (spt != null) {
// TODO use GenericAStar and a traverseVisitor? Add an earliestArrival switch to genericAStar?
for (State state : spt.getAllStates()) {
Vertex targetVertex = state.getVertex();
if (targetVertex == originVertex)
if (targetVertex instanceof TransitStop) {
/* Add the origin vertex if needed. The SPT does not include the initial state. FIXME shouldn't it? */
if (originVertex instanceof TransitStop) {
stopsFound.add(new StopAtDistance((TransitStop) originVertex, 0));
return stopsFound;
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class ProfileRouter method findClosestStops.
* Perform an on-street search around a point with a specific mode to find nearby stops.
* @param dest : whether to search at the destination instead of the origin.
private Collection<StopAtDistance> findClosestStops(final QualifiedMode qmode, boolean dest) {
// Make a normal OTP routing request so we can traverse edges and use GenericAStar
// TODO make a function that builds normal routing requests from profile requests
RoutingRequest rr = new RoutingRequest(new TraverseModeSet());
qmode.applyToRoutingRequest(rr, request.transitModes.isTransit());
rr.from = (new GenericLocation(request.fromLat, request.fromLon));
// FIXME requires destination to be set, not necessary for analyst = new GenericLocation(request.toLat, request.toLon);
// Set batch after context, so both origin and dest vertices will be found.
rr.batch = (true);
rr.walkSpeed = request.walkSpeed;
rr.dominanceFunction = new DominanceFunction.EarliestArrival();
// RR dateTime defaults to currentTime.
// If elapsed time is not capped, searches are very slow.
int minAccessTime = 0;
int maxAccessTime = request.maxWalkTime;
if (qmode.mode == TraverseMode.BICYCLE) {
rr.bikeSpeed = request.bikeSpeed;
minAccessTime = request.minBikeTime;
maxAccessTime = request.maxBikeTime;
rr.optimize = OptimizeType.TRIANGLE;
rr.setTriangleNormalized(request.bikeSafe, request.bikeSlope, request.bikeTime);
} else if (qmode.mode == TraverseMode.CAR) {
rr.carSpeed = request.carSpeed;
minAccessTime = request.minCarTime;
maxAccessTime = request.maxCarTime;
// convert from minutes to seconds
long worstElapsedTimeSeconds = maxAccessTime * 60;
if (dest)
worstElapsedTimeSeconds *= -1;
rr.worstTime = (rr.dateTime + worstElapsedTimeSeconds);
AStar astar = new AStar();
StopFinderTraverseVisitor visitor = new StopFinderTraverseVisitor(qmode, minAccessTime * 60);
// timeout in seconds
astar.getShortestPathTree(rr, 5);
// Save the routing context for later cleanup. We need its temporary edges to render street segments at the end.
return visitor.stopClustersFound.values();
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class ProfileRouter method findDirectOption.
* Look for an option connecting origin to destination without using transit.
private void findDirectOption(QualifiedMode qmode) {
// Make a normal OTP routing request so we can traverse edges and use GenericAStar
RoutingRequest rr = new RoutingRequest(new TraverseModeSet());
// false because we never use transit in direct options
qmode.applyToRoutingRequest(rr, false);
if (qmode.mode == TraverseMode.BICYCLE) {
// TRIANGLE should only affect bicycle searches, but we wrap this in a conditional just to be clear.
rr.optimize = OptimizeType.TRIANGLE;
rr.setTriangleNormalized(request.bikeSafe, request.bikeSlope, request.bikeTime);
rr.from = (new GenericLocation(request.fromLat, request.fromLon)); = new GenericLocation(request.toLat, request.toLon);
rr.dominanceFunction = new DominanceFunction.MinimumWeight();
// This is not a batch search, it is a point-to-point search with goal direction.
// Impose a max time to protect against very slow searches.
int worstElapsedTime = request.streetTime * 60;
rr.worstTime = (rr.dateTime + worstElapsedTime);
rr.walkSpeed = request.walkSpeed;
rr.bikeSpeed = request.bikeSpeed;
AStar astar = new AStar();
ShortestPathTree spt = astar.getShortestPathTree(rr, 5);
State state = spt.getState(;
if (state != null) {"Found non-transit option for {}", qmode);
directPaths.add(new StopAtDistance(state, qmode));
// save context for later cleanup so temp edges remain available
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class RoundBasedProfileRouter method findInitialStops.
* find the boarding stops
private Collection<ProfileState> findInitialStops(boolean dest) {
double lat = dest ? request.toLat : request.fromLat;
double lon = dest ? request.toLon : request.fromLon;
QualifiedModeSet modes = dest ? request.accessModes : request.egressModes;
List<ProfileState> stops = Lists.newArrayList();
RoutingRequest rr = new RoutingRequest(TraverseMode.WALK);
rr.dominanceFunction = new DominanceFunction.EarliestArrival();
rr.batch = true;
rr.from = new GenericLocation(lat, lon);
rr.walkSpeed = request.walkSpeed; = rr.from;
// RoutingRequest dateTime defaults to currentTime.
// If elapsed time is not capped, searches are very slow.
rr.worstTime = (rr.dateTime + request.maxWalkTime * 60);
AStar astar = new AStar();
rr.longDistance = true;
// timeout in seconds
ShortestPathTree spt = astar.getShortestPathTree(rr, 5);
for (TransitStop tstop : graph.index.stopVertexForStop.values()) {
State s = spt.getState(tstop);
if (s != null) {
ProfileState ps = new ProfileState();
ps.lowerBound = ps.upperBound = (int) s.getElapsedTimeSeconds();
ps.stop = tstop;
ps.accessType = Type.STREET;
Map<TripPattern, ProfileState> optimalBoardingLocation = Maps.newHashMap();
TObjectIntMap<TripPattern> minBoardTime = new TObjectIntHashMap<TripPattern>(100, 0.75f, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// Only board patterns at the closest possible stop
for (ProfileState ps : stops) {
for (TripPattern pattern : graph.index.patternsForStop.get(ps.stop.getStop())) {
if (ps.lowerBound < minBoardTime.get(pattern)) {
optimalBoardingLocation.put(pattern, ps);
minBoardTime.put(pattern, ps.lowerBound);
ps.targetPatterns = Sets.newHashSet();
}"Found {} reachable stops, filtering to only board at closest stops", stops.size());
for (Entry<TripPattern, ProfileState> e : optimalBoardingLocation.entrySet()) {
for (Iterator<ProfileState> it = stops.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
if (
return stops;
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class EuclideanRemainingWeightHeuristic method determineRequiredWalkDistance.
* Figure out the minimum amount of walking to reach the destination from transit.
* This is done by doing a Dijkstra search for the first reachable transit stop.
private double determineRequiredWalkDistance(final RoutingRequest req) {
// required walk distance will be unused.
if (!transit)
return 0;
RoutingRequest options = req.clone();
options.setRoutingContext(req.rctx.graph, req.rctx.fromVertex, req.rctx.toVertex);
GenericDijkstra gd = new GenericDijkstra(options);
State s = new State(options);
gd.setHeuristic(new TrivialRemainingWeightHeuristic());
final ClosestStopTraverseVisitor visitor = new ClosestStopTraverseVisitor();
gd.traverseVisitor = visitor;
gd.searchTerminationStrategy = new SearchTerminationStrategy() {
public boolean shouldSearchTerminate(Vertex origin, Vertex target, State current, ShortestPathTree spt, RoutingRequest traverseOptions) {
return visitor.distanceToClosestStop != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
return visitor.distanceToClosestStop;