use of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class ShowGraph method drawGraphPath.
private void drawGraphPath(GraphPath gp) {
// draw edges in different colors according to mode
for (State s : gp.states) {
TraverseMode mode = s.getBackMode();
Edge e = s.getBackEdge();
if (e == null)
if (mode != null && mode.isTransit()) {
stroke(200, 050, 000);
if (e instanceof StreetEdge) {
StreetTraversalPermission stp = ((StreetEdge) e).getPermission();
if (stp == StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN) {
stroke(000, 200, 000);
} else if (stp == StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE) {
stroke(000, 000, 200);
} else if (stp == StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE) {
stroke(000, 200, 200);
} else if (stp == StreetTraversalPermission.ALL) {
stroke(200, 200, 200);
} else {
stroke(64, 64, 64);
// mark key vertices
lastLabelY = -999;
labelState(gp.states.getFirst(), "begin");
for (State s : gp.states) {
Edge e = s.getBackEdge();
if (e instanceof TransitBoardAlight) {
if (((TransitBoardAlight) e).boarding) {
labelState(s, "board");
} else {
labelState(s, "alight");
labelState(gp.states.getLast(), "end");
if (VIDEO) {
// freeze on final path for a few frames
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) saveVideoFrame();
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class Router method startup.
* Below is functionality moved into Router from the "router lifecycle manager" interface and implementation.
* Current responsibilities are: 1) Binding proper services (depending on the configuration from command-line or
* JSON config files) and 2) starting / stopping real-time updaters (delegated to the GraphUpdaterConfigurator class).
* Start up a new router once it has been created.
* @param config The configuration (loaded from for example).
public void startup(JsonNode config) {
this.tileRendererManager = new TileRendererManager(this.graph);
// Analyst Modules FIXME make these optional based on JSON?
this.tileCache = new TileCache(this.graph);
this.renderer = new Renderer(this.tileCache);
this.sampleGridRenderer = new SampleGridRenderer(this.graph);
this.isoChroneSPTRenderer = new IsoChroneSPTRendererAccSampling(this.sampleGridRenderer);
/* Create the default router parameters from the JSON router config. */
JsonNode routingDefaultsNode = config.get("routingDefaults");
if (routingDefaultsNode != null) {"Loading default routing parameters from JSON:");
ReflectiveInitializer<RoutingRequest> scraper = new ReflectiveInitializer(RoutingRequest.class);
this.defaultRoutingRequest = scraper.scrape(routingDefaultsNode);
} else {"No default routing parameters were found in the router config JSON. Using built-in OTP defaults.");
this.defaultRoutingRequest = new RoutingRequest();
/* Apply single timeout. */
JsonNode timeout = config.get("timeout");
if (timeout != null) {
if (timeout.isNumber()) {
this.timeouts = new double[] { timeout.doubleValue() };
} else {
LOG.error("The 'timeout' configuration option should be a number of seconds.");
/* Apply multiple timeouts. */
JsonNode timeouts = config.get("timeouts");
if (timeouts != null) {
if (timeouts.isArray() && timeouts.size() > 0) {
this.timeouts = new double[timeouts.size()];
int i = 0;
for (JsonNode node : timeouts) {
this.timeouts[i++] = node.doubleValue();
} else {
LOG.error("The 'timeouts' configuration option should be an array of values in seconds.");
}"Timeouts for router '{}': {}",, this.timeouts);
JsonNode requestLogFile = config.get("requestLogFile");
if (requestLogFile != null) {
this.requestLogger = createLogger(requestLogFile.asText());"Logging incoming requests at '{}'", requestLogFile.asText());
} else {"Incoming requests will not be logged.");
JsonNode boardTimes = config.get("boardTimes");
if (boardTimes != null && boardTimes.isObject()) {
graph.boardTimes = new EnumMap<>(TraverseMode.class);
for (TraverseMode mode : TraverseMode.values()) {
if (boardTimes.has( {
graph.boardTimes.put(mode, boardTimes.get(;
JsonNode alightTimes = config.get("alightTimes");
if (alightTimes != null && alightTimes.isObject()) {
graph.alightTimes = new EnumMap<>(TraverseMode.class);
for (TraverseMode mode : TraverseMode.values()) {
if (alightTimes.has( {
graph.alightTimes.put(mode, alightTimes.get(;
JsonNode stopClusterMode = config.get("stopClusterMode");
if (stopClusterMode != null) {
graph.stopClusterMode = stopClusterMode.asText();
} else {
graph.stopClusterMode = "proximity";
/* Create Graph updater modules from JSON config. */
GraphUpdaterConfigurator.setupGraph(this.graph, config);
/* Compute ellipsoidToGeoidDifference for this Graph */
try {
WorldEnvelope env = graph.getEnvelope();
double lat = (env.getLowerLeftLatitude() + env.getUpperRightLatitude()) / 2;
double lon = (env.getLowerLeftLongitude() + env.getUpperRightLongitude()) / 2;
graph.ellipsoidToGeoidDifference = ElevationUtils.computeEllipsoidToGeoidDifference(lat, lon);"Computed ellipsoid/geoid offset at (" + lat + ", " + lon + ") as " + graph.ellipsoidToGeoidDifference);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error computing ellipsoid/geoid difference");
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class GtfsTest method plan.
public Leg[] plan(long dateTime, String fromVertex, String toVertex, String onTripId, boolean wheelchairAccessible, boolean preferLeastTransfers, TraverseMode preferredMode, String excludedRoute, String excludedStop, int legCount) {
final TraverseMode mode = preferredMode != null ? preferredMode : TraverseMode.TRANSIT;
RoutingRequest routingRequest = new RoutingRequest();
routingRequest.setArriveBy(dateTime < 0);
routingRequest.dateTime = Math.abs(dateTime);
if (fromVertex != null && !fromVertex.isEmpty()) {
routingRequest.from = (new GenericLocation(null, feedId.getId() + ":" + fromVertex));
if (toVertex != null && !toVertex.isEmpty()) { = new GenericLocation(null, feedId.getId() + ":" + toVertex);
if (onTripId != null && !onTripId.isEmpty()) {
routingRequest.startingTransitTripId = (new AgencyAndId(feedId.getId(), onTripId));
routingRequest.transferPenalty = (preferLeastTransfers ? 300 : 0);
routingRequest.setModes(new TraverseModeSet(TraverseMode.WALK, mode));
// TODO route matcher still using underscores because it's quite nonstandard and should be eliminated from the 1.0 release rather than reworked
if (excludedRoute != null && !excludedRoute.isEmpty()) {
routingRequest.setBannedRoutes(feedId.getId() + "__" + excludedRoute);
if (excludedStop != null && !excludedStop.isEmpty()) {
routingRequest.setBannedStopsHard(feedId.getId() + ":" + excludedStop);
// The walk board cost is set low because it interferes with test 2c1.
// As long as boarding has a very low cost, waiting should not be "better" than riding
// since this makes interlining _worse_ than alighting and re-boarding the same line.
// TODO rethink whether it makes sense to weight waiting to board _less_ than 1.
List<GraphPath> paths = new GraphPathFinder(router).getPaths(routingRequest);
TripPlan tripPlan = GraphPathToTripPlanConverter.generatePlan(paths, routingRequest);
// Stored in instance field for use in individual tests
itinerary = tripPlan.itinerary.get(0);
assertEquals(legCount, itinerary.legs.size());
return itinerary.legs.toArray(new Leg[legCount]);
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class GTFSPatternHopFactory method run.
* Generate the edges. Assumes that there are already vertices in the graph for the stops.
public void run(Graph graph) {
if (fareServiceFactory == null) {
fareServiceFactory = new DefaultFareServiceFactory();
// TODO: Why are we loading stops? The Javadoc above says this method assumes stops are aleady loaded.
// TODO: Why is there cached "data", and why are we clearing it? Due to a general lack of comments, I have no idea.
// Perhaps it is to allow name collisions with previously loaded feeds.
/* Assign 0-based numeric codes to all GTFS service IDs. */
for (AgencyAndId serviceId : _dao.getAllServiceIds()) {
// TODO: FIX Service code collision for multiple feeds.
graph.serviceCodes.put(serviceId, graph.serviceCodes.size());
LOG.debug("building hops from trips");
Collection<Trip> trips = _dao.getAllTrips();
int tripCount = 0;
/* First, record which trips are used by one or more frequency entries.
* These trips will be ignored for the purposes of non-frequency routing, and
* all the frequency entries referencing the same trip can be added at once to the same
* Timetable/TripPattern.
ListMultimap<Trip, Frequency> frequenciesForTrip = ArrayListMultimap.create();
for (Frequency freq : _dao.getAllFrequencies()) {
frequenciesForTrip.put(freq.getTrip(), freq);
/* Then loop over all trips, handling each one as a frequency-based or scheduled trip. */
int freqCount = 0;
int nonFreqCount = 0;
/* The hops don't actually exist when we build their geometries, but we have to build their geometries
* below, before we throw away the modified stopTimes, saving only the tripTimes (which don't have enough
* information to build a geometry). So we keep them here.
* A trip pattern actually does not have a single geometry, but one per hop, so we store an array.
* FIXME _why_ doesn't it have a single geometry?
Map<TripPattern, LineString[]> geometriesByTripPattern = Maps.newHashMap();
TRIP: for (Trip trip : trips) {
if (++tripCount % 100000 == 0) {
LOG.debug("loading trips {}/{}", tripCount, trips.size());
// TODO: move to a validator module
if (!_calendarService.getServiceIds().contains(trip.getServiceId())) {
LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new TripUndefinedService(trip)));
// Invalid trip, skip it, it will break later
continue TRIP;
/* Fetch the stop times for this trip. Copy the list since it's immutable. */
List<StopTime> stopTimes = new ArrayList<StopTime>(_dao.getStopTimesForTrip(trip));
/* GTFS stop times frequently contain duplicate, missing, or incorrect entries. Repair them. */
TIntList removedStopSequences = removeRepeatedStops(stopTimes);
if (!removedStopSequences.isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new RepeatedStops(trip, removedStopSequences)));
filterStopTimes(stopTimes, graph);
/* If after filtering this trip does not contain at least 2 stoptimes, it does not serve any purpose. */
if (stopTimes.size() < 2) {
LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new TripDegenerate(trip)));
continue TRIP;
/* Try to get the direction id for the trip, set to -1 if not found */
int directionId;
try {
directionId = Integer.parseInt(trip.getDirectionId());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
LOG.debug("Trip {} does not have direction id, defaults to -1");
directionId = -1;
/* Get the existing TripPattern for this filtered StopPattern, or create one. */
StopPattern stopPattern = new StopPattern(stopTimes);
TripPattern tripPattern = findOrCreateTripPattern(stopPattern, trip.getRoute(), directionId);
/* Create a TripTimes object for this list of stoptimes, which form one trip. */
TripTimes tripTimes = new TripTimes(trip, stopTimes, graph.deduplicator);
/* If this trip is referenced by one or more lines in frequencies.txt, wrap it in a FrequencyEntry. */
List<Frequency> frequencies = frequenciesForTrip.get(trip);
if (frequencies != null && !(frequencies.isEmpty())) {
for (Frequency freq : frequencies) {
tripPattern.add(new FrequencyEntry(freq, tripTimes));
// TODO replace: createGeometry(graph, trip, stopTimes, hops);
} else /* This trip was not frequency-based. Add the TripTimes directly to the TripPattern's scheduled timetable. */
// there would be a trip pattern with no geometry yet because it failed some of these tests
if (!geometriesByTripPattern.containsKey(tripPattern) && trip.getShapeId() != null && trip.getShapeId().getId() != null && !trip.getShapeId().getId().equals("")) {
// save the geometry to later be applied to the hops
geometriesByTripPattern.put(tripPattern, createGeometry(graph, trip, stopTimes));
// end foreach TRIP"Added {} frequency-based and {} single-trip timetable entries.", freqCount, nonFreqCount);
graph.hasFrequencyService = graph.hasFrequencyService || freqCount > 0;
graph.hasScheduledService = graph.hasScheduledService || nonFreqCount > 0;
/* Generate unique human-readable names for all the TableTripPatterns. */
/* Generate unique short IDs for all the TableTripPatterns. */
/* Loop over all new TripPatterns, creating edges, setting the service codes and geometries, etc. */
for (TripPattern tripPattern : tripPatterns.values()) {
tripPattern.makePatternVerticesAndEdges(graph, context.stationStopNodes);
// Add the geometries to the hop edges.
LineString[] geom = geometriesByTripPattern.get(tripPattern);
if (geom != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < tripPattern.hopEdges.length; i++) {
// Make a geometry for the whole TripPattern from all its constituent hops.
// This happens only if geometry is found in geometriesByTripPattern,
// because that means that geometry was created from shapes instead "as crow flies"
// TODO this could be more elegant
/* Iterate over all stops in this pattern recording mode information. */
TraverseMode mode = GtfsLibrary.getTraverseMode(tripPattern.route);
for (TransitStop tstop : tripPattern.stopVertices) {
if (mode == TraverseMode.SUBWAY) {
/* Identify interlined trips and create the necessary edges. */
interline(tripPatterns.values(), graph);
/* Interpret the transfers explicitly defined in transfers.txt. */
/* Store parent stops in graph, even if not linked. These are needed for clustering*/
for (TransitStationStop stop : context.stationStopNodes.values()) {
if (stop instanceof TransitStation) {
TransitStation parentStopVertex = (TransitStation) stop;
graph.parentStopById.put(parentStopVertex.getStopId(), parentStopVertex.getStop());
// it is already done at deserialization, but standalone mode allows using graphs without serializing them.
for (TripPattern tableTripPattern : tripPatterns.values()) {
// eh?
graph.putService(FareService.class, fareServiceFactory.makeFareService());
graph.putService(OnBoardDepartService.class, new OnBoardDepartServiceImpl());
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class SPTWalker method walk.
* Walk over a SPT. Call a visitor for each visited point.
public void walk(SPTVisitor visitor, double d0) {
int nTotal = 0, nSkippedDupEdge = 0, nSkippedNoGeometry = 0;
Collection<? extends State> allStates = spt.getAllStates();
Set<Vertex> allVertices = new HashSet<Vertex>(spt.getVertexCount());
for (State s : allStates) {
Set<Edge> processedEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(allVertices.size());
for (Vertex v : allVertices) {
State s0 = spt.getState(v);
if (s0 == null || !s0.isFinal())
for (Edge e : s0.getVertex().getIncoming()) {
// Take only street
if (e != null && visitor.accept(e)) {
State s1 = spt.getState(e.getFromVertex());
if (s1 == null || !s1.isFinal())
if (e.getFromVertex() != null && e.getToVertex() != null) {
// Hack alert: e.hashCode() throw NPE
if (processedEdges.contains(e)) {
Vertex vx0 = s0.getVertex();
Vertex vx1 = s1.getVertex();
LineString lineString = e.getGeometry();
if (lineString == null) {
// Compute speed along edge
double speedAlongEdge = spt.getOptions().walkSpeed;
if (e instanceof StreetEdge) {
StreetEdge se = (StreetEdge) e;
* Compute effective speed, taking into account end state mode (car, bike,
* walk...) and edge properties (car max speed, slope, etc...)
TraverseMode mode = s0.getNonTransitMode();
speedAlongEdge = se.calculateSpeed(spt.getOptions(), mode, s0.getTimeInMillis());
if (mode != TraverseMode.CAR)
speedAlongEdge = speedAlongEdge * se.getDistance() / se.getSlopeSpeedEffectiveLength();
double avgSpeed = se.getDistance() / Math.abs(s0.getTimeInMillis() - s1.getTimeInMillis()) * 1000;
if (avgSpeed < 1e-10)
avgSpeed = 1e-10;
* We can't go faster than the average speed on the edge. We can go slower
* however, that simply means that one end vertice has a time higher than
* the other end vertice + time to traverse the edge (can happen due to
* max walk clamping).
if (speedAlongEdge > avgSpeed)
speedAlongEdge = avgSpeed;
// Length of linestring
double lineStringLen = SphericalDistanceLibrary.fastLength(lineString);
visitor.visit(e, vx0.getCoordinate(), s0, s1, 0.0, lineStringLen, speedAlongEdge);
visitor.visit(e, vx1.getCoordinate(), s0, s1, lineStringLen, 0.0, speedAlongEdge);
nTotal += 2;
Coordinate[] pList = lineString.getCoordinates();
boolean reverse = vx1.getCoordinate().equals(pList[0]);
// Split the linestring in nSteps
if (lineStringLen > d0) {
// Number of steps
int nSteps = (int) Math.floor(lineStringLen / d0) + 1;
// Length of step
double stepLen = lineStringLen / nSteps;
// Distance at start of current seg
double startLen = 0;
// Distance cursor
double curLen = stepLen;
int ns = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < pList.length - 1; i++) {
Coordinate p0 = pList[i];
Coordinate p1 = pList[i + 1];
double segLen = SphericalDistanceLibrary.fastDistance(p0, p1);
while (curLen - startLen < segLen) {
double k = (curLen - startLen) / segLen;
Coordinate p = new Coordinate(p0.x * (1 - k) + p1.x * k, p0.y * (1 - k) + p1.y * k);
visitor.visit(e, p, reverse ? s1 : s0, reverse ? s0 : s1, curLen, lineStringLen - curLen, speedAlongEdge);
curLen += stepLen;
startLen += segLen;
if (ns >= nSteps)
}"SPTWalker: Generated {} points ({} dup edges, {} no geometry) from {} vertices / {} states.", nTotal, nSkippedDupEdge, nSkippedNoGeometry, allVertices.size(), allStates.size());