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Example 1 with HopEdge

use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.HopEdge in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class DefaultFareServiceImpl method createRides.

protected List<Ride> createRides(GraphPath path) {
    List<Ride> rides = new LinkedList<Ride>();
    Ride ride = null;
    for (State state : path.states) {
        Edge edge = state.getBackEdge();
        if (!(edge instanceof HopEdge))
        HopEdge hEdge = (HopEdge) edge;
        if (ride == null || !state.getRoute().equals(ride.route)) {
            ride = new Ride();
            ride.startZone = hEdge.getBeginStop().getZoneId();
   = state.getBackTrip().getRoute().getAgency().getId();
            ride.route = state.getRoute();
            ride.startTime = state.getBackState().getTimeSeconds();
            ride.firstStop = hEdge.getBeginStop();
            ride.trip = state.getTripId();
        ride.lastStop = hEdge.getEndStop();
        ride.endZone = ride.lastStop.getZoneId();
        ride.endTime = state.getTimeSeconds();
        // in default fare service, classify rides by mode
        ride.classifier = state.getBackMode();
    return rides;
Also used : HopEdge(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.HopEdge) State(org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State) HopEdge(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.HopEdge) Edge(org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 2 with HopEdge

use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.HopEdge in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class CheckGeometryModule method buildGraph.

public void buildGraph(Graph graph, HashMap<Class<?>, Object> extra) {
    for (Vertex gv : graph.getVertices()) {
        if (Double.isNaN(gv.getCoordinate().x) || Double.isNaN(gv.getCoordinate().y)) {
            LOG.warn("Vertex " + gv + " has NaN location; this will cause doom.");
            LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new BogusVertexGeometry(gv)));
        // TODO: This was filtered to EdgeNarratives before EdgeNarrative removal
        for (Edge e : gv.getOutgoing()) {
            Geometry g = e.getGeometry();
            if (g == null) {
            for (Coordinate c : g.getCoordinates()) {
                if (Double.isNaN(c.x) || Double.isNaN(c.y)) {
                    LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new BogusEdgeGeometry(e)));
            if (e instanceof HopEdge) {
                Coordinate edgeStartCoord = e.getFromVertex().getCoordinate();
                Coordinate edgeEndCoord = e.getToVertex().getCoordinate();
                Coordinate[] geometryCoordinates = g.getCoordinates();
                if (geometryCoordinates.length < 2) {
                    LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new BogusEdgeGeometry(e)));
                Coordinate geometryStartCoord = geometryCoordinates[0];
                Coordinate geometryEndCoord = geometryCoordinates[geometryCoordinates.length - 1];
                if (SphericalDistanceLibrary.distance(edgeStartCoord, geometryStartCoord) > MAX_VERTEX_SHAPE_ERROR) {
                    LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new VertexShapeError(e)));
                } else if (SphericalDistanceLibrary.distance(edgeEndCoord, geometryEndCoord) > MAX_VERTEX_SHAPE_ERROR) {
                    LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new VertexShapeError(e)));
Also used : BogusEdgeGeometry(org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.BogusEdgeGeometry) BogusVertexGeometry(org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.BogusVertexGeometry) Geometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry) Vertex(org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex) HopEdge(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.HopEdge) Coordinate(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate) BogusEdgeGeometry(org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.BogusEdgeGeometry) VertexShapeError(org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.VertexShapeError) HopEdge(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.HopEdge) Edge(org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge) BogusVertexGeometry(org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.BogusVertexGeometry)

Example 3 with HopEdge

use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.HopEdge in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class NycFareServiceImpl method getCost.

public Fare getCost(GraphPath path) {
    final List<AgencyAndId> SIR_PAID_STOPS = makeMtaStopList("S31", "S30");
    final List<AgencyAndId> SUBWAY_FREE_TRANSFER_STOPS = makeMtaStopList("R11", "B08", "629");
    final List<AgencyAndId> SIR_BONUS_STOPS = makeMtaStopList("140", "420", "419", "418", "M22", "M23", "R27", "R26");
    final List<AgencyAndId> SIR_BONUS_ROUTES = makeMtaStopList("M5", "M20", "M15-SBS");
    final List<AgencyAndId> CANARSIE = makeMtaStopList("L29", "303345");
    // List of NYC agencies to set fares for
    final List<String> AGENCIES = new ArrayList<>();
    LinkedList<State> states = path.states;
    // create rides
    List<Ride> rides = new ArrayList<Ride>();
    Ride newRide = null;
    final int SUBWAY = 1;
    final int SIR = 2;
    final int LOCAL_BUS = 3;
    final int EXPRESS_BUS = 30;
    final int EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_BUS = 34;
    final int WALK = -1;
    for (State state : states) {
        Edge backEdge = state.getBackEdge();
        if (backEdge instanceof StreetEdge) {
            if (newRide == null || !newRide.classifier.equals(WALK)) {
                if (rides.size() == 0 || !rides.get(rides.size() - 1).classifier.equals(WALK)) {
                    newRide = new Ride();
                    newRide.classifier = WALK;
        // dwells do not affect fare.
        if (backEdge instanceof DwellEdge)
        if (!(backEdge instanceof HopEdge)) {
            newRide = null;
        AgencyAndId routeId = state.getRoute();
        String agencyId = state.getBackTrip().getRoute().getAgency().getId();
        if (!AGENCIES.contains(agencyId)) {
        if (routeId == null) {
            newRide = null;
        } else {
            if (newRide == null || !routeId.equals(newRide.route)) {
                newRide = new Ride();
                newRide.firstStop = ((HopEdge) backEdge).getBeginStop();
                newRide.route = routeId;
                Trip trip = state.getBackTrip();
                Route route = trip.getRoute();
                int type = route.getType();
                newRide.classifier = type;
                String shortName = route.getShortName();
                if (shortName == null) {
                    newRide.classifier = SUBWAY;
                } else if (shortName.equals("BxM4C")) {
                    newRide.classifier = EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_BUS;
                } else if (shortName.startsWith("X") || shortName.startsWith("BxM") || shortName.startsWith("QM") || shortName.startsWith("BM")) {
                    // Express bus
                    newRide.classifier = EXPRESS_BUS;
                newRide.startTime = state.getTimeSeconds();
            newRide.lastStop = ((HopEdge) backEdge).getBeginStop();
    // There are no rides, so there's no fare.
    if (rides.size() == 0) {
        return null;
    NycFareState state = NycFareState.INIT;
    boolean lexFreeTransfer = false;
    boolean canarsieFreeTransfer = false;
    boolean siLocalBus = false;
    boolean sirBonusTransfer = false;
    float totalFare = 0;
    for (Ride ride : rides) {
        AgencyAndId firstStopId = null;
        AgencyAndId lastStopId = null;
        if (ride.firstStop != null) {
            firstStopId = ride.firstStop.getId();
            lastStopId = ride.lastStop.getId();
        switch(state) {
            case INIT:
                lexFreeTransfer = siLocalBus = canarsieFreeTransfer = false;
                if (ride.classifier.equals(WALK)) {
                // walking keeps you in init
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(SUBWAY)) {
                    state = NycFareState.SUBWAY_PRE_TRANSFER;
                    totalFare += ORDINARY_FARE;
                    if (SUBWAY_FREE_TRANSFER_STOPS.contains(ride.lastStop.getId())) {
                        lexFreeTransfer = true;
                    if (CANARSIE.contains(ride.lastStop.getId())) {
                        canarsieFreeTransfer = true;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(SIR)) {
                    state = NycFareState.SIR_PRE_TRANSFER;
                    if (SIR_PAID_STOPS.contains(firstStopId) || SIR_PAID_STOPS.contains(lastStopId)) {
                        totalFare += ORDINARY_FARE;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(LOCAL_BUS)) {
                    state = NycFareState.BUS_PRE_TRANSFER;
                    totalFare += ORDINARY_FARE;
                    if (CANARSIE.contains(ride.lastStop.getId())) {
                        canarsieFreeTransfer = true;
                    siLocalBus = ride.route.getId().startsWith("S");
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    state = NycFareState.BUS_PRE_TRANSFER;
                    totalFare += EXPRESS_FARE;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    state = NycFareState.EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_BUS;
                    totalFare += EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_FARE;
                if (ride.classifier.equals(SUBWAY)) {
                    // lex and 59/63
                    if (!(lexFreeTransfer && SUBWAY_FREE_TRANSFER_STOPS.contains(ride.firstStop.getId()))) {
                        totalFare += ORDINARY_FARE;
                    lexFreeTransfer = canarsieFreeTransfer = false;
                    if (SUBWAY_FREE_TRANSFER_STOPS.contains(ride.lastStop.getId())) {
                        lexFreeTransfer = true;
                    if (CANARSIE.contains(ride.lastStop.getId())) {
                        canarsieFreeTransfer = true;
            /* FALL THROUGH */
            case SUBWAY_PRE_TRANSFER:
                // hours (if only just)
                if (ride.classifier.equals(WALK)) {
                    state = NycFareState.SUBWAY_PRE_TRANSFER_WALKED;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(SIR)) {
                    state = NycFareState.SIR_POST_TRANSFER_FROM_SUBWAY;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(LOCAL_BUS)) {
                    if (CANARSIE.contains(ride.firstStop.getId()) && canarsieFreeTransfer) {
                        state = NycFareState.BUS_PRE_TRANSFER;
                    } else {
                        state = NycFareState.INIT;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    // need to pay the upgrade cost
                    totalFare += EXPRESS_FARE - ORDINARY_FARE;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    // no transfers to the
                    totalFare += EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_FARE;
                // BxMM4C
            case BUS_PRE_TRANSFER:
                if (ride.classifier.equals(SUBWAY)) {
                    if (CANARSIE.contains(ride.firstStop.getId()) && canarsieFreeTransfer) {
                        state = NycFareState.SUBWAY_PRE_TRANSFER;
                    } else {
                        state = NycFareState.INIT;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(SIR)) {
                    if (siLocalBus) {
                        // SI local bus to SIR, so it is as if we started on the
                        // SIR (except that when we enter the bus or subway system we need to do
                        // so at certain places)
                        sirBonusTransfer = true;
                        state = NycFareState.SIR_PRE_TRANSFER;
                    } else {
                        // transfers exhausted
                        state = NycFareState.INIT;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(LOCAL_BUS)) {
                    state = NycFareState.INIT;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    // need to pay the upgrade cost
                    totalFare += EXPRESS_FARE - ORDINARY_FARE;
                    state = NycFareState.INIT;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    totalFare += EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_FARE;
                // no transfers to the BxMM4C
            case SIR_PRE_TRANSFER:
                if (ride.classifier.equals(SUBWAY)) {
                    if (sirBonusTransfer && !SIR_BONUS_STOPS.contains(ride.firstStop.getId())) {
                        // we were relying on the bonus transfer to be in the "pre-transfer state",
                        // but the bonus transfer does not apply here
                        totalFare += ORDINARY_FARE;
                    if (CANARSIE.contains(ride.lastStop.getId())) {
                        canarsieFreeTransfer = true;
                    state = NycFareState.SUBWAY_POST_TRANSFER;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(SIR)) {
                    /* should not happen, and unhandled */
                    LOG.warn("Should not transfer from SIR to SIR");
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(LOCAL_BUS)) {
                    if (!SIR_BONUS_ROUTES.contains(ride.route)) {
                        totalFare += ORDINARY_FARE;
                    state = NycFareState.BUS_PRE_TRANSFER;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    totalFare += EXPRESS_BUS;
                    state = NycFareState.BUS_PRE_TRANSFER;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    totalFare += EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_BUS;
                    state = NycFareState.BUS_PRE_TRANSFER;
                if (ride.classifier.equals(SUBWAY)) {
                    /* should not happen */
                    totalFare += ORDINARY_FARE;
                    state = NycFareState.SUBWAY_PRE_TRANSFER;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(SIR)) {
                    /* should not happen, and unhandled */
                    LOG.warn("Should not transfer from SIR to SIR");
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(LOCAL_BUS)) {
                    if (!ride.route.getId().startsWith("S")) {
                        totalFare += ORDINARY_FARE;
                        state = NycFareState.BUS_PRE_TRANSFER;
                    } else {
                        state = NycFareState.INIT;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    // need to pay the full cost
                    totalFare += EXPRESS_FARE;
                    state = NycFareState.INIT;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    /* should not happen */
                    // no transfers to the BxMM4C
                    totalFare += EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_FARE;
                    state = NycFareState.BUS_PRE_TRANSFER;
            case SUBWAY_POST_TRANSFER:
                if (ride.classifier.equals(WALK)) {
                    if (!canarsieFreeTransfer) {
                        /* note: if we end up walking to another subway after alighting
			    		 * at Canarsie, we will mistakenly not be charged, but nobody
			    		 * would ever do this */
                        state = NycFareState.INIT;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(SIR)) {
                    totalFare += ORDINARY_FARE;
                    state = NycFareState.SIR_PRE_TRANSFER;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(LOCAL_BUS)) {
                    if (!(CANARSIE.contains(ride.firstStop.getId()) && canarsieFreeTransfer)) {
                        totalFare += ORDINARY_FARE;
                    state = NycFareState.INIT;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(SUBWAY)) {
                    // walking transfer
                    totalFare += ORDINARY_FARE;
                    state = NycFareState.SUBWAY_PRE_TRANSFER;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    totalFare += EXPRESS_FARE;
                    state = NycFareState.BUS_PRE_TRANSFER;
                } else if (ride.classifier.equals(EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_BUS)) {
                    totalFare += EXPENSIVE_EXPRESS_FARE;
                    state = NycFareState.BUS_PRE_TRANSFER;
    Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("USD");
    Fare fare = new Fare();
    fare.addFare(FareType.regular, new WrappedCurrency(currency), (int) Math.round(totalFare * Math.pow(10, currency.getDefaultFractionDigits())));
    return fare;
Also used : Trip(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Trip) DwellEdge(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.DwellEdge) AgencyAndId(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) StreetEdge(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge) WrappedCurrency(org.opentripplanner.routing.core.WrappedCurrency) Fare(org.opentripplanner.routing.core.Fare) HopEdge(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.HopEdge) State(org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State) Currency(java.util.Currency) WrappedCurrency(org.opentripplanner.routing.core.WrappedCurrency) HopEdge(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.HopEdge) DwellEdge(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.DwellEdge) StreetEdge(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge) Edge(org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge) Route(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Route)


HopEdge (org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.HopEdge)3 Edge (org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge)3 State (org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State)2 Coordinate (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate)1 Geometry (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Currency (java.util.Currency)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 AgencyAndId (org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId)1 Route (org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Route)1 Trip (org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Trip)1 BogusEdgeGeometry (org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.BogusEdgeGeometry)1 BogusVertexGeometry (org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.BogusVertexGeometry)1 VertexShapeError (org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.VertexShapeError)1 Fare (org.opentripplanner.routing.core.Fare)1 WrappedCurrency (org.opentripplanner.routing.core.WrappedCurrency)1 DwellEdge (org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.DwellEdge)1 StreetEdge (org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge)1 Vertex (org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex)1