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Example 1 with SystemOperationMode

use of org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemOperationMode in project osate2 by osate.

the class FlowLatencyAnalysisSwitch method invokeOnSOM.

 * Invoke the analysis and return Result collection
 * @param etef The end to end flow instance
 * @param som The mode to run the analysis in. If the ETEF is not active it will not be run.
 * @param asynchronousSystem Whether the system is treated as asynchronous
 * @param majorFrameDelay Whether partition output is performed at a major frame (as opposed to the partition end)
 * @param worstCaseDeadline Use deadline based processing (as opposed to max compute execution time)
 * @param bestCaseEmptyQueue Assume empty queue (instead of full)
 * @param disableQueuingLatency <code>true</code> if queuing latency should always be reported as zero
 * @since org.osate.analysis.flows 3.0
private void invokeOnSOM(EndToEndFlowInstance etef, SystemOperationMode som, boolean asynchronousSystem, boolean majorFrameDelay, boolean worstCaseDeadline, boolean bestCaseEmptyQueue, boolean disableQueuingLatency) {
    if (report == null) {
        report = new LatencyReport();
    report.setLatencyAnalysisParameters(asynchronousSystem, majorFrameDelay, worstCaseDeadline, bestCaseEmptyQueue, disableQueuingLatency);
    SystemInstance root = etef.getSystemInstance();
    if (etef.isActive(som)) {
        LatencyReportEntry latres = analyzeLatency(etef, som, asynchronousSystem);
        // Issue 1148
Also used : SystemInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemInstance) LatencyReportEntry(org.osate.analysis.flows.model.LatencyReportEntry) LatencyReport(org.osate.analysis.flows.model.LatencyReport)

Example 2 with SystemOperationMode

use of org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemOperationMode in project osate2 by osate.

the class FlowLatencyAnalysisSwitch method invokeOnSOM.

 * Invoke the analysis on all ETEF in system instance and return Result collection
 * @param ci The component instance that owns the end to end flow instances
 * @param som The mode to run the analysis in.
 * @param asynchronousSystem Whether the system is treated as asynchronous
 * @param majorFrameDelay Whether partition output is performed at a major frame (as opposed to the partition end)
 * @param worstCaseDeadline Use deadline based processing (as opposed to max compute execution time)
 * @param bestCaseEmptyQueue Assume empty queue (instead of full)
 * @return A populated report in AnalysisResult format.
 * @since org.osate.analysis.flows 3.0
// NB. Called by CheckFlowLatency
public void invokeOnSOM(SystemInstance si, SystemOperationMode som, boolean asynchronousSystem, boolean majorFrameDelay, boolean worstCaseDeadline, boolean bestCaseEmptyQueue, boolean disableQueuingLatency) {
    List<EndToEndFlowInstance> alletef = EcoreUtil2.getAllContentsOfType(si, EndToEndFlowInstance.class);
    for (EndToEndFlowInstance etef : alletef) {
        invokeOnSOM(etef, som, asynchronousSystem, majorFrameDelay, worstCaseDeadline, bestCaseEmptyQueue, disableQueuingLatency);
    // Issue 1148
Also used : EndToEndFlowInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.EndToEndFlowInstance)

Example 3 with SystemOperationMode

use of org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemOperationMode in project osate2 by osate.

the class FlowLatencyAnalysisSwitch method invoke.

 * Invoke the analysis on all ETEF owned by the given component instance and return Result collection
 * @param ci The component instance that owns the end to end flow instances
 * @param som The mode to run the analysis in. If null then run all SOMs
 * @param asynchronousSystem Whether the system is treated as asynchronous
 * @param majorFrameDelay Whether partition output is performed at a major frame (as opposed to the partition end)
 * @param worstCaseDeadline Use deadline based processing (as opposed to max compute execution time)
 * @param bestCaseEmptyQueue Assume empty queue (instead of full)
 * @param disableQueuingLatency <code>true</code> if queuing latency should always be reported as zero
 * @return A populated report in AnalysisResult format.
 * @since org.osate.analysis.flows 3.0
public AnalysisResult invoke(ComponentInstance ci, SystemOperationMode som, boolean asynchronousSystem, boolean majorFrameDelay, boolean worstCaseDeadline, boolean bestCaseEmptyQueue, boolean disableQueuingLatency) {
    SystemInstance root = ci.getSystemInstance();
    if (som == null) {
        if (root.getSystemOperationModes().isEmpty() || root.getSystemOperationModes().get(0).getCurrentModes().isEmpty()) {
            // no SOM
            invokeOnSOM(ci, root.getSystemOperationModes().get(0), asynchronousSystem, majorFrameDelay, worstCaseDeadline, bestCaseEmptyQueue, disableQueuingLatency);
        } else {
            // we need to run it for every SOM
            for (SystemOperationMode eachsom : root.getSystemOperationModes()) {
                invokeOnSOM(ci, eachsom, asynchronousSystem, majorFrameDelay, worstCaseDeadline, bestCaseEmptyQueue, disableQueuingLatency);
    } else {
        invokeOnSOM(ci, som, asynchronousSystem, majorFrameDelay, worstCaseDeadline, bestCaseEmptyQueue, disableQueuingLatency);
    // Issue 1148
    final List<Result> finalizedResults = report.finalizeAllEntries();
    return FlowLatencyUtil.recordAsAnalysisResult(finalizedResults, ci, asynchronousSystem, majorFrameDelay, worstCaseDeadline, bestCaseEmptyQueue, disableQueuingLatency);
Also used : SystemInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemInstance) SystemOperationMode(org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemOperationMode) Result(org.osate.result.Result) AnalysisResult(org.osate.result.AnalysisResult)

Example 4 with SystemOperationMode

use of org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemOperationMode in project osate2 by osate.

the class Binpack method binPackSystem.

protected AssignmentResult binPackSystem(final SystemInstance root, Expansor expansor, LowLevelBinPacker packer, final AnalysisErrorReporterManager errManager, final SystemOperationMode som) {
    existsProcessorWithMIPS = false;
    existsProcessorWithoutMIPS = false;
    existsThreadWithReferenceProcessor = false;
    existsThreadWithoutReferenceProcessor = false;
		 * Map from AADL ComponentInstances representing threads to
		 * the bin packing SoftwareNode that models the thread.
    final Map<ComponentInstance, AADLThread> threadToSoftwareNode = new HashMap<>();
		 * Set of thread components. This is is the keySet of
		 * threadToSoftwareNode.
    final Set<ComponentInstance> threads = threadToSoftwareNode.keySet();
		 * Map from AADL ComponentInstances representing threads to
		 * the set of AADL ComponentInstances that cannot be collocated
		 * with it.
    final Map<ComponentInstance, Set<ComponentInstance>> notCollocated = new HashMap<>();
		 * Map from AADL ComponentInstance representing processors to
		 * the bin packing Processor that models them.
    final Map<ComponentInstance, AADLProcessor> procToHardware = new HashMap<>();
		 * Map from AADL BusInstance representing Buses to
		 * The bin packing Link that models them.
    final Map<ComponentInstance, AADLBus> busToHardware = new HashMap<>();
		 * One site to rule them all! We don't care about the site
		 * architecture, so just create one site to hold everything.
		 * We aren't worried about power or space issues either, so
		 * we just set them to 100.0 because those are nice values.
		 * The site accepts AADL processors.
    final SiteArchitecture siteArchitecture = new SiteArchitecture();
    AADLProcessor ap = AADLProcessor.PROTOTYPE;
    final Site theSite = new Site(100.0, 100.0, new SiteGuest[] { ap });
		 * The hardware is fixed based on the AADL specification, so we
		 * use the NoExpansionExpansor to keep the hardware from being
		 * generated for us.
		 * Populate the problem space based on the AADL specification. First
		 * we walk the instance model and add all the processors. Then we
		 * walk the instance model again to add all the threads.
    OutDegreeAssignmentProblem problem1 = new OutDegreeAssignmentProblem(new OutDegreeComparator(), new BandwidthComparator(), new CapacityComparator());
    problem1.setErrorReporter(new BinPackErrorReporter());
    final OutDegreeAssignmentProblem problem = problem1;
    // Add procs
    final ForAllElement addProcessors = new ForAllElement(errManager) {

        public void process(Element obj) {
            ComponentInstance ci = (ComponentInstance) obj;
            // the createInstance method already assigns a default MIPS if none exists
            double mips = GetProperties.getProcessorMIPS(ci);
            // checking consistency;
            existsProcessorWithMIPS |= (mips != 0);
            existsProcessorWithoutMIPS |= (mips == 0);
            final AADLProcessor proc = AADLProcessor.createInstance(ci);
            if (proc != null) {
                System.out.println("Processor cycles Per sec:" + proc.getCyclesPerSecond());
                siteArchitecture.addSiteGuest(proc, theSite);
                // add reverse mapping
                procToHardware.put(ci, proc);
    addProcessors.processPreOrderComponentInstance(root, ComponentCategory.PROCESSOR);
		 * Get all the links
    final ForAllElement addBuses = new ForAllElement(errManager) {

        public void process(Element obj) {
            ComponentInstance bi = (ComponentInstance) obj;
            final AADLBus bus = AADLBus.createInstance(bi);
            busToHardware.put(bi, bus);
    addBuses.processPreOrderComponentInstance(root, ComponentCategory.BUS);
		 * create the links between processors and busses
		 * (i.e., process connections)
    for (final Iterator<ConnectionInstance> i = root.getAllConnectionInstances().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        final ConnectionInstance connInst =;
        if (connInst.getKind() == ConnectionKind.ACCESS_CONNECTION) {
            InstanceObject src = connInst.getSource();
            InstanceObject dst = connInst.getDestination();
            AADLBus bus = null;
            AADLProcessor processor = null;
            // swap if i got them in the opposite order
            if (src instanceof FeatureInstance) {
                InstanceObject tmp = dst;
                dst = src;
                src = tmp;
            bus = busToHardware.get(src);
            FeatureInstance fi = (FeatureInstance) dst;
            processor = procToHardware.get(fi.getContainingComponentInstance());
            if (bus != null && processor != null) {
    for (Iterator<AADLBus> iBus = busToHardware.values().iterator(); iBus.hasNext(); ) {
        AADLBus bus =;
        siteArchitecture.addSiteGuest(bus, theSite);
    // Add threads
    final ForAllElement addThreads = new ForAllElement(errManager) {

        public void process(Element obj) {
            final ComponentInstance ci = (ComponentInstance) obj;
             * JD - check the modes according to what was
             * suggested by Dave.
            boolean selected = true;
            if (som.getCurrentModes().size() > 0) {
                selected = false;
                for (ModeInstance mi : ci.getInModes()) {
                    if (mi == som.getCurrentModes().get(0)) {
                        selected = true;
            if (!selected) {
            final AADLThread thread = AADLThread.createInstance(ci);
            double refmips = GetProperties.getReferenceMIPS(ci);
            // validate consistency
            existsThreadWithReferenceProcessor |= (refmips != 0);
            existsThreadWithoutReferenceProcessor |= (refmips == 0);
            // logInfo(thread.getReport());
            // add reverse mapping
            threadToSoftwareNode.put(ci, thread);
            // Process NOT_COLLOCATED property.
            RecordValue disjunctFrom = GetProperties.getNotCollocated(ci);
            if (disjunctFrom == null) {
            final Set<ComponentInstance> disjunctSet = new HashSet<>();
            ListValue tvl = (ListValue) PropertyUtils.getRecordFieldValue(disjunctFrom, "Targets");
            for (PropertyExpression ref : tvl.getOwnedListElements()) {
					 * Add all the instances rooted at the named instance.
					 * For example, the thread may be declared to be disjunct
					 * from another process, so we really want to be disjunct
					 * from the other threads contained in that process.
                final InstanceReferenceValue rv = (InstanceReferenceValue) ref;
                final ComponentInstance refCI = (ComponentInstance) rv.getReferencedInstanceObject();
            if (!disjunctSet.isEmpty()) {
                notCollocated.put(ci, disjunctSet);
    addThreads.processPreOrderComponentInstance(root, ComponentCategory.THREAD);
    // only some processors have mips
    if (existsProcessorWithMIPS && existsProcessorWithoutMIPS) {
        errManager.error(root, "Not all processors have MIPSCapacity");
        return null;
    // only some threads with reference processor
    if (existsThreadWithReferenceProcessor && existsThreadWithoutReferenceProcessor) {
        errManager.error(root, "Not all threads have execution time reference processor");
        return null;
    // threads and processors mips spec not consistent
    if (existsProcessorWithMIPS && existsThreadWithoutReferenceProcessor) {
        errManager.error(root, "There are some processors with MIPSCapacity but some threads without execution time reference processors");
        return null;
    if (existsProcessorWithoutMIPS && existsThreadWithReferenceProcessor) {
        errManager.error(root, "There are some threads with execution time reference processors but not all processors have MIPSCapacity");
        return null;
    // Add thread connections (Messages)
    for (final Iterator<ConnectionInstance> i = root.getAllConnectionInstances().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        final ConnectionInstance connInst =;
        if (connInst.getKind() == ConnectionKind.PORT_CONNECTION) {
            if (!(connInst.getSource() instanceof FeatureInstance && connInst.getDestination() instanceof FeatureInstance)) {
            final FeatureInstance src = (FeatureInstance) connInst.getSource();
            final FeatureInstance dst = (FeatureInstance) connInst.getDestination();
            final ComponentInstance ci = src.getContainingComponentInstance();
            AADLThread t1 = threadToSoftwareNode.get(ci);
            AADLThread t2 = threadToSoftwareNode.get(dst.getContainingComponentInstance());
            if (t1 != null && t2 != null) {
                Feature srcAP = src.getFeature();
                // TODO: get the property directly
                Classifier cl = srcAP.getClassifier();
                if (cl instanceof DataClassifier) {
                    DataClassifier srcDC = (DataClassifier) cl;
                    double dataSize = 0.0;
                    double threadPeriod = 0.0;
                    try {
                        dataSize = AadlContribUtils.getDataSize(srcDC, SizeUnits.BYTES);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        errManager.warning(connInst, "No Data Size for connection");
                    try {
                        threadPeriod = GetProperties.getPeriodinNS(ci);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        errManager.warning(connInst, "No Period for connection");
                    // Now I can create the Message
                    Message msg = new Message((long) dataSize, (long) threadPeriod, (long) threadPeriod, t1, t2);
                    System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>> Adding message (" + Long.toString((long) dataSize) + "/" + Long.toString((long) threadPeriod) + ") between " + t1.getName() + " and " + t2.getName() + " based on connection " + connInst.getName());
                } else {
                    errManager.warning(connInst, "No Data Classifier for connection");
    // Add collocation constraints
    for (final Iterator<ComponentInstance> constrained = notCollocated.keySet().iterator(); constrained.hasNext(); ) {
        final ComponentInstance ci =;
        final SoftwareNode sn = threadToSoftwareNode.get(ci);
        final Set<ComponentInstance> disjunctFrom = notCollocated.get(ci);
        for (final Iterator<ComponentInstance> dfIter = disjunctFrom.iterator(); dfIter.hasNext(); ) {
				 * Items in the disjunctFrom set do not have to be thread
				 * instances because of the way we add items to it (see above).
				 * We are only interested in the thread instances here, in
				 * particular because we only create SoftwareNodes for the
				 * thread instances, and we don't want to get null return
				 * values from the threadToSoftwareNode map.
            final ComponentInstance ci2 =;
            if (ci2.getCategory() == ComponentCategory.THREAD) {
                final SoftwareNode sn2 = threadToSoftwareNode.get(ci2);
                final SoftwareNode[] disjunction = new SoftwareNode[] { sn, sn2 };
                problem.addConstraint(new Disjoint(disjunction));
		 * Add Allowed_Processor_Binding and
		 * Allowed_Processor_Binding_Class constraints
    for (final Iterator<ComponentInstance> i = threads.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        final ComponentInstance thr =;
        final SoftwareNode thrSN = threadToSoftwareNode.get(thr);
        Collection<ComponentInstance> allowed = getActualProcessorBindings(thr);
        if (allowed.size() == 0) {
            allowed = getAllowedProcessorBindings(thr);
        if (allowed.size() > 0) {
            final Object[] allowedProcs = new Object[allowed.size()];
            int idx = 0;
            for (Iterator<ComponentInstance> j = allowed.iterator(); j.hasNext(); idx++) {
                final ComponentInstance proc =;
                allowedProcs[idx] = procToHardware.get(proc);
            problem.addConstraint(new SetConstraint(new SoftwareNode[] { thrSN }, allowedProcs));
    // Try to bin pack
    final NFCHoBinPacker highPacker = new NFCHoBinPacker(packer);
    final boolean res = highPacker.solve(problem);
    return new AssignmentResult(problem, res);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SiteArchitecture(EAnalysis.BinPacking.SiteArchitecture) Feature(org.osate.aadl2.Feature) SetConstraint(EAnalysis.BinPacking.SetConstraint) ComponentInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance) NFCHoBinPacker(EAnalysis.BinPacking.NFCHoBinPacker) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ListValue(org.osate.aadl2.ListValue) AssignmentResult(EAnalysis.BinPacking.AssignmentResult) InstanceObject(org.osate.aadl2.instance.InstanceObject) Site(EAnalysis.BinPacking.Site) ConnectionInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ConnectionInstance) ModeInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ModeInstance) CapacityComparator(EAnalysis.BinPacking.CapacityComparator) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Message(EAnalysis.BinPacking.Message) FeatureInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.FeatureInstance) SoftwareNode(EAnalysis.BinPacking.SoftwareNode) Element(org.osate.aadl2.Element) ForAllElement(org.osate.aadl2.modelsupport.modeltraversal.ForAllElement) NamedElement(org.osate.aadl2.NamedElement) Classifier(org.osate.aadl2.Classifier) SystemClassifier(org.osate.aadl2.SystemClassifier) ComponentClassifier(org.osate.aadl2.ComponentClassifier) DataClassifier(org.osate.aadl2.DataClassifier) ProcessorClassifier(org.osate.aadl2.ProcessorClassifier) DataClassifier(org.osate.aadl2.DataClassifier) InstanceObject(org.osate.aadl2.instance.InstanceObject) Disjoint(EAnalysis.BinPacking.Disjoint) PropertyExpression(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyExpression) RecordValue(org.osate.aadl2.RecordValue) InvalidModelException( PropertyNotPresentException( Disjoint(EAnalysis.BinPacking.Disjoint) SetConstraint(EAnalysis.BinPacking.SetConstraint) OutDegreeAssignmentProblem(EAnalysis.BinPacking.OutDegreeAssignmentProblem) ForAllElement(org.osate.aadl2.modelsupport.modeltraversal.ForAllElement) BandwidthComparator(EAnalysis.BinPacking.BandwidthComparator) OutDegreeComparator(EAnalysis.BinPacking.OutDegreeComparator) InstanceReferenceValue(org.osate.aadl2.instance.InstanceReferenceValue)

Example 5 with SystemOperationMode

use of org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemOperationMode in project osate2 by osate.

the class NewBusLoadAnalysis method analyzeBody.

private AnalysisResult analyzeBody(final IProgressMonitor monitor, final Element obj) {
    if (obj instanceof InstanceObject) {
        final SystemInstance root = ((InstanceObject) obj).getSystemInstance();
        final AnalysisResult analysisResult = ResultUtil.createAnalysisResult("Bus  Load", root);
        analysisResult.setMessage("Bus load analysis of " + root.getFullName());
        final SOMIterator soms = new SOMIterator(root);
        while (soms.hasNext()) {
            final SystemOperationMode som = soms.nextSOM();
            final Result somResult = ResultUtil.createResult(Aadl2Util.isPrintableSOMName(som) ? Aadl2Util.getPrintableSOMMembers(som) : "", som, ResultType.SUCCESS);
            final BusLoadModel busLoadModel = BusLoadModelBuilder.buildModel(root, som);
            analyzeBusLoadModel(busLoadModel, somResult, monitor);
        return analysisResult;
    } else {
        Dialog.showError("Bound Bus Bandwidth Analysis Error", "Can only check system instances");
        return null;
Also used : InstanceObject(org.osate.aadl2.instance.InstanceObject) SOMIterator(org.osate.aadl2.modelsupport.modeltraversal.SOMIterator) SystemInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemInstance) BusLoadModel(org.osate.analysis.resource.budgets.internal.models.busload.BusLoadModel) SystemOperationMode(org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemOperationMode) AnalysisResult(org.osate.result.AnalysisResult) Result(org.osate.result.Result) AnalysisResult(org.osate.result.AnalysisResult)


SystemOperationMode (org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemOperationMode)27 ComponentInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance)21 SystemInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemInstance)18 ConnectionInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.ConnectionInstance)12 Classifier (org.osate.aadl2.Classifier)10 Element (org.osate.aadl2.Element)10 InstanceObject (org.osate.aadl2.instance.InstanceObject)9 ForAllElement (org.osate.aadl2.modelsupport.modeltraversal.ForAllElement)9 FeatureInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.FeatureInstance)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 AadlPackage (org.osate.aadl2.AadlPackage)6 PropertyAssociation (org.osate.aadl2.PropertyAssociation)6 ModeInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.ModeInstance)6 InvalidModelException ( Optional (java.util.Optional)5 Inject ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 EList (org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList)4 ComponentClassifier (org.osate.aadl2.ComponentClassifier)4 ModalPropertyValue (org.osate.aadl2.ModalPropertyValue)4