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Example 1 with PropertyIsModalException

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class Aadl2Validator method checkPortConnectionClassifiers.

 * Checks legality rule L13 for section 9.2 (Port Connections) "For
 * connections between data ports, event data ports, and data access, the
 * data classifier of the source port must match the data type of the
 * destination port. The Classifier_Matching_Rule property specifies the
 * rule to be applied to match the data classifier of a connection source to
 * the data classifier of a connection destination."
 * Checks legality rule L14 for section 9.2 (Port Connections) "The
 * following rules are supported:
 * -Classifier_Match: The source data type and data implementation must be
 * identical to the data type or data implementation of the destination. If
 * the destination classifier is a component type, then any implementation
 * of the source matches. This is the default rule.
 * -Equivalence: An indication that the two classifiers of a connection are
 * considered to match if they are listed in the
 * Supported_Classifier_Equivalence_Matches property. Acceptable data
 * classifiers matches are specified as
 * Supported_Classifier_Equivalence_Matches property with pairs of
 * classifier values representing acceptable matches. Either element of the
 * pair can be the source or destination classifier. Equivalence is intended
 * to be used when the data types are considered to be identical, i.e., no
 * conversion is necessary. The Supported_Classifier_Equivalence_Matches
 * property is declared globally as a property constant.
 * -Subset: A mapping of (a subset of) data elements of the source port data
 * type to all data elements of the destination port data type. Acceptable
 * data classifier matches are specified as
 * Supported_Classifier_Subset_Matches property with pairs of classifier
 * values representing acceptable matches. The first element of each pair
 * specifies the acceptable source classifier, while the second element
 * specifies the acceptable destination classifier. The
 * Supported_Classifier_Subset_Matches property is declared globally as a
 * property constant. A virtual bus or bus must represent a protocol that
 * supports subsetting, such as OMG DDS.
 * -Conversion: A mapping of the source port data type to the destination
 * port data type, where the source port data type requires a conversion to
 * the destination port data type. Acceptable data classifier matches are
 * specified as Supported_Type_Conversions property with pairs of classifier
 * values representing acceptable matches. The first element of each pair
 * specifies the acceptable source classifier, while the second element
 * specifies the acceptable destination classifier. The
 * Supported_Type_Conversions property may be declared globally as a
 * property constant. A virtual bus or bus must support the conversion from
 * the source data classifier to the destination classifier."
private void checkPortConnectionClassifiers(PortConnection connection) {
    ConnectionEnd source = connection.getAllLastSource();
    ConnectionEnd destination = connection.getAllLastDestination();
    if ((source instanceof DataAccess || source instanceof DataSubcomponent || source instanceof DataPort || source instanceof EventDataPort) && (destination instanceof DataAccess || destination instanceof DataSubcomponent || destination instanceof DataPort || destination instanceof EventDataPort)) {
        Classifier sourceClassifier;
        Classifier destinationClassifier;
        final boolean sourceIsSubcomponent = source instanceof DataSubcomponent;
        final boolean destIsSubcomponent = destination instanceof DataSubcomponent;
        if (sourceIsSubcomponent) {
            sourceClassifier = ((DataSubcomponent) source).getAllClassifier();
        } else {
            sourceClassifier = ((Feature) source).getAllClassifier();
        if (destIsSubcomponent) {
            destinationClassifier = ((DataSubcomponent) destination).getAllClassifier();
        } else {
            destinationClassifier = ((Feature) destination).getAllClassifier();
        if (sourceClassifier == null && destinationClassifier != null) {
            warning("Expected " + (sourceIsSubcomponent ? "subcomponent" : "feature") + " \'" + source.getName() + "' to have classifier '" + destinationClassifier.getQualifiedName() + '\'', connection, Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getConnection_Source());
        } else if (sourceClassifier != null && destinationClassifier == null) {
            warning("Expected " + (destIsSubcomponent ? "subcomponent" : "feature") + " \'" + destination.getName() + "' to have classifier '" + sourceClassifier.getQualifiedName() + '\'', connection, Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getConnection_Destination());
        } else if (sourceClassifier != null && destinationClassifier != null) {
            try {
                final ClassifierMatchingRule classifierMatchingRuleValue = org.osate.aadl2.contrib.modeling.ModelingProperties.getClassifierMatchingRule(connection).orElse(ClassifierMatchingRule.CLASSIFIER_MATCH);
                if (classifierMatchingRuleValue == ClassifierMatchingRule.CLASSIFIER_MATCH) {
                    if (!testClassifierMatchRule(connection, source, sourceClassifier, destination, destinationClassifier)) {
                        error(connection, '\'' + source.getName() + "' and '" + destination.getName() + "' have incompatible classifiers.");
                } else if (classifierMatchingRuleValue == ClassifierMatchingRule.EQUIVALENCE) {
                    if (!testClassifierMatchRule(connection, source, sourceClassifier, destination, destinationClassifier) && !classifiersFoundInSupportedClassifierEquivalenceMatchesProperty(connection, sourceClassifier, destinationClassifier)) {
                        error(connection, "The types of '" + source.getName() + "' and '" + destination.getName() + "' ('" + sourceClassifier.getQualifiedName() + "' and '" + destinationClassifier.getQualifiedName() + "') are incompatible and they are not listed as matching classifiers in the property constant '" + AadlProject.SUPPORTED_CLASSIFIER_EQUIVALENCE_MATCHES + "'.");
                } else if (classifierMatchingRuleValue == ClassifierMatchingRule.SUBSET) {
                    if (!classifiersFoundInSupportedClassifierSubsetMatchesProperty(connection, sourceClassifier, destinationClassifier) && !isDataSubset(sourceClassifier, destinationClassifier)) {
                        error(connection, "The data type of '" + source.getName() + "' ('" + sourceClassifier.getQualifiedName() + "') is not a subset of the data type of '" + destination.getName() + "' ('" + destinationClassifier.getQualifiedName() + "') based on name matching or the property constant '" + AadlProject.SUPPORTED_CLASSIFIER_SUBSET_MATCHES + "'.");
                } else if (classifierMatchingRuleValue == ClassifierMatchingRule.CONVERSION) {
                    if (!testClassifierMatchRule(connection, source, sourceClassifier, destination, destinationClassifier) && !classifiersFoundInSupportedTypeConversionsProperty(connection, sourceClassifier, destinationClassifier)) {
                        error(connection, "The types of '" + source.getName() + "' and '" + destination.getName() + "' ('" + sourceClassifier.getQualifiedName() + "' and '" + destinationClassifier.getQualifiedName() + "') are incompatible and they are not listed as matching classifiers in the property constant '" + AadlProject.SUPPORTED_TYPE_CONVERSIONS + "'.");
            } catch (PropertyIsModalException e) {
            // ignored exception. handled in separate validation method checkConnectionPropertyIsModal(Connection connection)
Also used : PropertyIsModalException( ClassifierMatchingRule(org.osate.aadl2.contrib.modeling.ClassifierMatchingRule)

Example 2 with PropertyIsModalException

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class PropertyUtils method getScaledRangeMaximum.

 * Return the maximum value of a non-modal range property value scaled to a
 * given unit. Throws an exception if no property value exists or an error
 * occurs.
 * @param ph The property holder from which to retrieve the property value.
 * @param pd The property to retrieve.
 * @param unit The unit to scale the value to.
 * @return The maximum of the range value scaled to the given unit.
 * @throws InvalidModelException Thrown if the property value cannot be
 *             retrieved because the model is incomplete or otherwise
 *             invalid.
 * @throws PropertyNotPresentException Thrown if the property is undefined
 *             for ph.
 * @throws PropertyIsModalException Thrown if ph is modal and declarative.
 * @throws IllegalStateException Thrown if the lookup encounters a cycle of
 *             property reference dependencies.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the given unit literal is not
 *             from the property's unit type or if ph, pd, or unit is null.
 * @throws PropertyDoesNotApplyToHolderException Thrown if pd does not apply
 *             to ph.
 * @throws PropertyIsListException Thrown if the property is not scalar.
 * @throws ClassCastException Thrown if the retrieved value is not a range
 *             value.
public static double getScaledRangeMaximum(final NamedElement ph, final Property pd, final UnitLiteral unit) throws InvalidModelException, PropertyNotPresentException, PropertyIsModalException, IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, PropertyDoesNotApplyToHolderException, PropertyIsListException, ClassCastException {
    final PropertyExpression pv = checkUnitsAndGetSimplePropertyValue(ph, pd, unit);
    RangeValue rv = (RangeValue) pv;
    PropertyExpression maximum = rv.getMaximum().evaluate(null, 0).first().getValue();
    if (maximum instanceof NumberValue) {
        return ((NumberValue) maximum).getScaledValue(unit);
    throw new InvalidModelException(maximum, "Cannot evaluate upper range limit");
Also used : InvalidModelException( NumberValue(org.osate.aadl2.NumberValue) PropertyExpression(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyExpression) RangeValue(org.osate.aadl2.RangeValue)

Example 3 with PropertyIsModalException

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class PropertyUtils method getScaledRangeDelta.

 * Return the delta value of a non-modal range property value scaled to a
 * given unit. Throws an exception if no property value exists or an error
 * occurs.
 * @param ph The property holder from which to retrieve the property value.
 * @param pd The property to retrieve.
 * @param unit The unit to scale the value to.
 * @return The delta of the range value scaled to the given unit.
 * @throws InvalidModelException Thrown if the property value cannot be
 *             retrieved because the model is incomplete or otherwise
 *             invalid.
 * @throws PropertyNotPresentException Thrown if the property is undefined
 *             for ph.
 * @throws PropertyIsModalException Thrown if ph is modal and declarative.
 * @throws IllegalStateException Thrown if the lookup encounters a cycle of
 *             property reference dependencies.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the given unit literal is not
 *             from the property's unit type or if ph, pd, or unit is null.
 * @throws PropertyDoesNotApplyToHolderException Thrown if pd does not apply
 *             to ph.
 * @throws PropertyIsListException Thrown if the property is not scalar.
 * @throws ClassCastException Thrown if the retrieved value is not a range
 *             value.
public static double getScaledRangeDelta(final NamedElement ph, final Property pd, final UnitLiteral unit) throws InvalidModelException, PropertyNotPresentException, PropertyIsModalException, IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, PropertyDoesNotApplyToHolderException, PropertyIsListException, ClassCastException {
    final PropertyExpression pv = checkUnitsAndGetSimplePropertyValue(ph, pd, unit);
    RangeValue rv = (RangeValue) pv;
    return rv.getDeltaValue().getScaledValue(unit);
Also used : PropertyExpression(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyExpression) RangeValue(org.osate.aadl2.RangeValue)

Example 4 with PropertyIsModalException

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class PropertyUtils method getSimplePropertyListValue.

 * get non-model proeprty list value
public static PropertyExpression getSimplePropertyListValue(final NamedElement ph, final Property pd) throws InvalidModelException, PropertyNotPresentException, PropertyIsModalException, IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, PropertyDoesNotApplyToHolderException, PropertyIsListException {
    PropertyExpression res;
    if (ph == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("NamedElement ph cannot be null.");
    res = ph.getSimplePropertyValue(pd);
    if (res instanceof NamedValue) {
        AbstractNamedValue nv = ((NamedValue) res).getNamedValue();
        if (nv instanceof Property) {
            res = ph.getSimplePropertyValue((Property) nv);
        } else if (nv instanceof PropertyConstant) {
            res = ((PropertyConstant) nv).getConstantValue();
    return res;
Also used : AbstractNamedValue(org.osate.aadl2.AbstractNamedValue) PropertyExpression(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyExpression) NamedValue(org.osate.aadl2.NamedValue) AbstractNamedValue(org.osate.aadl2.AbstractNamedValue) Property(org.osate.aadl2.Property) PropertyConstant(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyConstant)

Example 5 with PropertyIsModalException

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class NamedElementImpl method getNonModalPropertyValue.

 * Retrieves the property value (single or list) of a non-modal property.  Throws an exception
 * if its a modal value or undefined.
 * @param property Property
 * @return The property expression or null if the property has no value.
public PropertyExpression getNonModalPropertyValue(final Property property) throws InvalidModelException, PropertyNotPresentException, PropertyIsModalException, IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, PropertyDoesNotApplyToHolderException {
    PropertyAssociation pa = getPropertyValue(property, false).first();
    if (pa == null) {
        if (property.getDefaultValue() == null) {
            throw new PropertyNotPresentException(this, property, "No property association was found");
        return property.getDefaultValue();
    } else {
        if (!pa.isModal()) {
            // should always exist because it's not modal
            if (pa.getOwnedValues().isEmpty()) {
                throw new PropertyNotPresentException(this, property, "Property association has no value (yet)");
            return pa.getOwnedValues().get(0).getOwnedValue();
        } else {
            // If we are an InstanceObject, get the value in the current SOM
            if (this instanceof InstanceObject) {
                final SystemInstance si = ((InstanceObject) this).getSystemInstance();
                final SystemOperationMode som = si.getCurrentSystemOperationMode();
                if (som != null) {
                    PropertyExpression defaultPE = null;
                    // find value in SOM
                    for (ModalPropertyValue mpv : pa.getOwnedValues()) {
                        if (mpv.getInModes() == null || mpv.getInModes().size() == 0) {
                            defaultPE = mpv.getOwnedValue();
                        } else if (mpv.getInModes().contains(som)) {
                            return mpv.getOwnedValue();
                    // default
                    if (defaultPE != null) {
                        return defaultPE;
                    // use global default
                    return property.getDefaultValue();
                } else {
                    throw new PropertyIsModalException(this, property, "Cannot use simple property lookup because the instance model has not been projected into a System Operation Mode." + "  This occurred when looking up Property " + property.getName() + " on NamedElement " + getName() + ".");
            } else {
                throw new PropertyIsModalException(this, property, "A non-modal property lookup method was called for a modal property." + "  This occurred when looking up Property " + property.getName() + " on NamedElement " + getName() + ".");
Also used : InstanceObject(org.osate.aadl2.instance.InstanceObject) PropertyIsModalException( ModalPropertyValue(org.osate.aadl2.ModalPropertyValue) PropertyNotPresentException( PropertyAssociation(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyAssociation) SystemInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemInstance) PropertyExpression(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyExpression) SystemOperationMode(org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemOperationMode)


PropertyExpression (org.osate.aadl2.PropertyExpression)7 RangeValue (org.osate.aadl2.RangeValue)3 PropertyIsModalException ( InvalidModelException ( PropertyNotPresentException ( BasicEList (org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList)1 AbstractNamedValue (org.osate.aadl2.AbstractNamedValue)1 ListValue (org.osate.aadl2.ListValue)1 ModalPropertyValue (org.osate.aadl2.ModalPropertyValue)1 NamedValue (org.osate.aadl2.NamedValue)1 NumberType (org.osate.aadl2.NumberType)1 NumberValue (org.osate.aadl2.NumberValue)1 Property (org.osate.aadl2.Property)1 PropertyAssociation (org.osate.aadl2.PropertyAssociation)1 PropertyConstant (org.osate.aadl2.PropertyConstant)1 PropertyType (org.osate.aadl2.PropertyType)1 RangeType (org.osate.aadl2.RangeType)1 UnitsType (org.osate.aadl2.UnitsType)1 ClassifierMatchingRule (org.osate.aadl2.contrib.modeling.ClassifierMatchingRule)1 InstanceObject (org.osate.aadl2.instance.InstanceObject)1