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Example 1 with Sei

use of org.osate.contribution.sei.sei.Sei in project osate2 by osate.

the class PropertyTotals method calcWeight.

private static Result calcWeight(ComponentInstance ci, boolean needWeight) {
    Result result = ResultFactory.eINSTANCE.createResult();
    final boolean getWeight = hasWeight.contains(ci.getCategory());
    final double net = getWeight ? PropertyUtils.getScaled(Sei::getNetweight, ci, Weightunits.KG).orElse(0.0) : 0.0;
    double weight = 0.0;
    final double gross = getWeight ? PropertyUtils.getScaled(Sei::getGrossweight, ci, Weightunits.KG).orElse(0.0) : 0.0;
    double sublimit = 0.0;
    EList<ComponentInstance> cil = ci.getComponentInstances();
    for (ComponentInstance subi : cil) {
        ComponentCategory subcat = subi.getCategory();
        if (!(subcat.equals(ComponentCategory.PROCESS) || subcat.equals(ComponentCategory.VIRTUAL_BUS) || subcat.equals(ComponentCategory.VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR))) {
            Result subresult = calcWeight(subi, (needWeight && (gross == 0.0 || net > 0.0)));
            double subweight = ResultUtil.getReal(subresult, 0);
            weight += subweight;
            sublimit += hasWeight.contains(subi.getCategory()) ? PropertyUtils.getScaled(Sei::getWeightlimit, subi, Weightunits.KG).orElse(0.0) : 0.0;
    EList<ConnectionInstance> connl = ci.getConnectionInstances();
    for (ConnectionInstance connectionInstance : connl) {
        ConnectionInstanceEnd source = connectionInstance.getSource();
        ConnectionInstanceEnd destination = connectionInstance.getDestination();
        if ((source instanceof FeatureInstance && ((FeatureInstance) source).getCategory() == FeatureCategory.BUS_ACCESS) || (destination instanceof FeatureInstance && ((FeatureInstance) destination).getCategory() == FeatureCategory.BUS_ACCESS)) {
            double netconn = PropertyUtils.getScaled(Sei::getNetweight, connectionInstance, Weightunits.KG).orElse(0.0);
            double grossconn = PropertyUtils.getScaled(Sei::getGrossweight, connectionInstance, Weightunits.KG).orElse(0.0);
            weight += netconn > 0 ? netconn : grossconn;
            if (netconn > 0 || grossconn > 0) {
                String ResultMsg = String.format(connectionInstance.getName() + ": Weight of access connection is %.3f kg", netconn > 0 ? netconn : grossconn);
                result.getDiagnostics().add(ResultUtil.createInfoDiagnostic(ResultMsg, connectionInstance));
            sublimit += connectionInstance.getKind() == ConnectionKind.ACCESS_CONNECTION ? PropertyUtils.getScaled(Sei::getWeightlimit, connectionInstance, Weightunits.KG).orElse(0.0) : 0.0;
    if (weight == 0.0 && cil.isEmpty()) {
        if (gross == 0 && net > 0) {
            weight = net;
        } else {
            weight = gross;
    } else {
        weight += net;
    if (gross > 0.0) {
        if (weight > gross) {
            // problem
            result.getDiagnostics().add(ResultUtil.createWarningDiagnostic(String.format("[G] Sum of weights (%.3f kg) exceeds gross weight of %.3f kg", weight, gross), ci));
        // Set gross weight
        } else if (weight > 0 && weight < gross) {
            // problem
            result.getDiagnostics().add(ResultUtil.createWarningDiagnostic(String.format("[G] Sum of weights (%.3f kg) less than gross weight of %.3f kg (using gross weight)", weight, gross), ci));
            weight = gross;
        if (weight == 0.0) {
            weight = gross;
    final double limit = getWeight ? PropertyUtils.getScaled(Sei::getWeightlimit, ci, Weightunits.KG).orElse(0.0) : 0.0;
    if (limit > 0.0) {
        if (weight > limit) {
            // problem
            String ResultMsg = String.format("[A] Sum of weights (%.3f kg) exceeds weight limit of %.3f kg", weight, limit);
            result.getDiagnostics().add(ResultUtil.createErrorDiagnostic(ResultMsg, ci));
        } else {
            if (sublimit > limit) {
                // problem
                result.getDiagnostics().add(ResultUtil.createWarningDiagnostic(String.format("[L] Sum of subcomponent weight limits (%.3f kg) exceeds weight limit of %.3f kg", sublimit, limit), ci));
            if (weight < limit) {
                String ResultMsg = String.format("[A] Sum of weights (%.3f kg) is below weight limit of %.3f kg (%.1f %% Weight slack)", weight, limit, (limit - weight) / limit * 100);
                result.getDiagnostics().add(ResultUtil.createInfoDiagnostic(ResultMsg, ci));
    } else {
        if (weight > 0.0) {
            String ResultMsg = String.format("[L] Sum of weights / gross weight is %.3f kg (no limit specified)", weight);
            result.getDiagnostics().add(ResultUtil.createInfoDiagnostic(ResultMsg, ci));
        } else if (needWeight) {
            String ResultMsg = "[L] No net weight plus subcomponent weight or no gross weight";
            result.getDiagnostics().add(ResultUtil.createWarningDiagnostic(ResultMsg, ci));
    ResultUtil.addRealValue(result, weight, "kg");
    ResultUtil.addRealValue(result, gross, "kg");
    ResultUtil.addRealValue(result, net, "kg");
    ResultUtil.addRealValue(result, limit, "kg");
    return result;
Also used : ConnectionInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ConnectionInstance) FeatureInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.FeatureInstance) Sei(org.osate.contribution.sei.sei.Sei) ConnectionInstanceEnd(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ConnectionInstanceEnd) ComponentInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance) ComponentCategory(org.osate.aadl2.ComponentCategory) Result(org.osate.result.Result) AnalysisResult(org.osate.result.AnalysisResult)

Example 2 with Sei

use of org.osate.contribution.sei.sei.Sei in project osate2 by osate.

the class BoundResourceAnalysis method checkProcessorLoad.

 * check the load from components bound to the given processor The
 * components can be threads or higher level components.
 * @param curProcessor Component Instance of processor
private void checkProcessorLoad(ComponentInstance curProcessor, final SystemOperationMode som) {
    if (!curProcessor.isActive(som)) {
    double MIPScapacity = getMIPSCapacityInMIPS(curProcessor, 0.0);
    if (MIPScapacity == 0 && InstanceModelUtil.isVirtualProcessor(curProcessor)) {
        MIPScapacity = PropertyUtils.getScaled(Sei::getMipsbudget, curProcessor, ProcessorSpeedUnits.MIPS).orElse(0.0);
    EList<ComponentInstance> boundComponents = InstanceModelUtil.getBoundSWComponents(curProcessor);
    if (boundComponents.size() == 0 && MIPScapacity > 0) {
        errManager.infoSummary(curProcessor, som.getName(), "No application components bound to " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + " with MIPS capacity " + toStringScaled(MIPScapacity, ProcessorSpeedUnits.MIPS));
    if (MIPScapacity == 0 && InstanceModelUtil.isVirtualProcessor(curProcessor)) {
        errManager.warningSummary(curProcessor, som.getName(), "Virtual processor " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + " has no MIPS capacity or budget.");
    if (MIPScapacity == 0 && InstanceModelUtil.isProcessor(curProcessor)) {
        errManager.errorSummary(curProcessor, som.getName(), "Processor " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + " has no MIPS capacity but has bound components.");
    if (InstanceModelUtil.isVirtualProcessor(curProcessor)) {
        logHeader("\n\nDetailed Workload Report: " + Aadl2Util.getPrintableSOMName(som) + " for Virtual Processor " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + " with Capacity " + toStringScaled(MIPScapacity, ProcessorSpeedUnits.MIPS) + "\n\nComponent,Budget,Actual");
    } else {
        logHeader("\n\nDetailed Workload Report: " + Aadl2Util.getPrintableSOMName(som) + " for Processor " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + " with Capacity " + toStringScaled(MIPScapacity, ProcessorSpeedUnits.MIPS) + "\n\nComponent,Budget,Actual");
    double totalMIPS = 0.0;
    for (Iterator<ComponentInstance> it = boundComponents.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        ComponentInstance bci =;
        double actualmips = sumBudgets(bci, ResourceKind.MIPS, som, "");
        if (actualmips > 0) {
            totalMIPS += actualmips;
    logHeader("Total,," + toStringScaled(totalMIPS, ProcessorSpeedUnits.MIPS));
    if (totalMIPS > MIPScapacity) {
        errManager.errorSummary(curProcessor, null, "  Processor " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + ": Total MIPS " + toStringScaled(totalMIPS, ProcessorSpeedUnits.MIPS) + " of bound tasks exceeds MIPS capacity " + toStringScaled(MIPScapacity, ProcessorSpeedUnits.MIPS));
    } else if (totalMIPS == 0.0) {
        errManager.warningSummary(curProcessor, null, "  Processor " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + ": Bound app's have no MIPS budget.");
    } else {
        errManager.infoSummary(curProcessor, null, "  Processor " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + ": Total MIPS " + toStringScaled(totalMIPS, ProcessorSpeedUnits.MIPS) + " of bound tasks within " + "MIPS capacity " + toStringScaled(MIPScapacity, ProcessorSpeedUnits.MIPS) + " of " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath());
Also used : Sei(org.osate.contribution.sei.sei.Sei) ComponentInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance)


ComponentInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance)2 Sei (org.osate.contribution.sei.sei.Sei)2 ComponentCategory (org.osate.aadl2.ComponentCategory)1 ConnectionInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.ConnectionInstance)1 ConnectionInstanceEnd (org.osate.aadl2.instance.ConnectionInstanceEnd)1 FeatureInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.FeatureInstance)1 AnalysisResult (org.osate.result.AnalysisResult)1 Result (org.osate.result.Result)1