Search in sources :

Example 1 with ErrorModelState

use of org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.util.ErrorModelState in project osate2 by osate.

the class PropagationGraphBackwardTraversal method traverseIncomingErrorPropagation.

 * traverse backwards according to propagation paths
 * if preProcessing result is non-null return it instead of result of actual traversal (used for shared subtrees)
 * handle external incoming propagations as origin by calling on processIncomingErrorPropagation
 * handle source outgoing propagation
 * collection of those results are post processed postProcessIncomingPropagation.
 * If empty incoming propagation itself is processed as "leaf" by processIncomingErrorPropagation
 * @param component component instance with incoming propagation
 * @param errorPropagation incoming propagation
 * @param type error type
 * @return EObject (can be null)
private EObject traverseIncomingErrorPropagation(ComponentInstance component, ErrorPropagation errorPropagation, TypeToken proptype, BigDecimal scale) {
    List<EObject> results = new LinkedList<EObject>();
    Collection<TypeToken> filteredtypes = filterTokenThroughConstraint(errorPropagation.getTypeSet(), proptype);
    if (filteredtypes.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    boolean traversed = false;
    boolean hasCycle = false;
    List<EObject> subResults = new LinkedList<EObject>();
    for (TypeToken type : filteredtypes) {
        boolean didProp = false;
        // we want to track cycles.
        // we do that by tagging the feature instance of the error propagation with the error type (as token)
        ErrorModelState st = null;
        FeatureInstance fi = EMV2Util.findFeatureInstance(errorPropagation, component);
        if (fi != null) {
            st = (ErrorModelState) ErrorModelStateAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.adapt(fi, ErrorModelState.class);
        } else {
            st = (ErrorModelState) ErrorModelStateAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.adapt(component, ErrorModelState.class);
        if (st.visited(errorPropagation, type)) {
            // we were there before.
            hasCycle = true;
        } else {
            st.setVisitToken(errorPropagation, type);
        EObject preResult = preProcessIncomingErrorPropagation(component, errorPropagation, type, scale);
        if (preResult != null) {
            // found common event
            addSubresult(results, preResult);
        for (PropagationGraphPath ppr : Util.getAllReversePropagationPaths(currentAnalysisModel, component, errorPropagation)) {
            // traverse incoming
            if (ppr.getConnection() != null) {
                ErrorSource ces = EMV2Util.findConnectionErrorSourceForConnection(ppr.getConnection());
                // the type constraint has to come from the error source as the connection does not have one
                if (ces != null && contains(ces.getTypeTokenConstraint(), type)) {
                    // XXX filter type
                    EObject result = processConnectionErrorSource(ppr.getConnection(), ces, type, scale);
                    addSubresult(subResults, result);
                    didProp = true;
                ComponentInstance contextCI = ppr.getConnection().getComponentInstance();
                TypeTransformationSet tts = EMV2Util.getAllTypeTransformationSet(contextCI);
                for (PropagationPathEnd ppe : Util.getAllPropagationSourceEnds(currentAnalysisModel, ppr.getConnection())) {
                    ComponentInstance componentSource = ppe.getComponentInstance();
                    ErrorPropagation propagationSource = ppe.getErrorPropagation();
                    TypeSet newtype = reverseMapTypeTokenToContributor(type, tts);
                    if (newtype != null) {
                        EList<TypeToken> ttlist = flattenTypesetElements(newtype);
                        for (TypeToken typeToken : ttlist) {
                            TypeToken ntype = EMV2TypeSetUtil.contains(typeToken, type) ? type : typeToken;
                            EObject result = traverseOutgoingErrorPropagation(componentSource, propagationSource, ntype, scale);
                            addSubresult(subResults, result);
                            didProp = true;
                    } else {
                        EObject result = traverseOutgoingErrorPropagation(componentSource, propagationSource, type, scale);
                        addSubresult(subResults, result);
                        didProp = true;
                    // source of connection
                    newtype = reverseMapTypeTokenToSource(type, tts);
                    if (newtype != null) {
                        EList<TypeToken> ttlist = flattenTypesetElements(newtype);
                        for (TypeToken typeToken : ttlist) {
                            TypeToken ntype = EMV2TypeSetUtil.contains(typeToken, type) ? type : typeToken;
                            EObject result = traverseOutgoingErrorPropagation(componentSource, propagationSource, ntype, scale);
                            addSubresult(subResults, result);
                            didProp = true;
                    } else {
                        EObject result = traverseOutgoingErrorPropagation(componentSource, propagationSource, type, scale);
                        if (!addSubresult(subResults, result)) {
                            didProp = true;
            PropagationPathEnd ppe = ppr.getPathSrc();
            ComponentInstance componentSource = ppe.getComponentInstance();
            ErrorPropagation propagationSource = ppe.getErrorPropagation();
            if (propagationSource.getDirection() == DirectionType.IN) {
                // we have an external incoming propagation
                EObject result = processIncomingErrorPropagation(componentSource, propagationSource, type, scale);
                addSubresult(subResults, result);
                didProp = true;
            } else {
                EObject result = traverseOutgoingErrorPropagation(componentSource, propagationSource, type, scale);
                addSubresult(subResults, result);
                didProp = true;
        st.removeVisitedToken(errorPropagation, type);
        if (didProp) {
            traversed = true;
    if (!subResults.isEmpty()) {
        return postProcessIncomingErrorPropagation(component, errorPropagation, proptype, subResults, scale);
    if (traversed || hasCycle) {
        return null;
    // we have no subresults and did not prune. Allow handling of incoming propagation as endpoint of traversal
    return processIncomingErrorPropagation(component, errorPropagation, proptype, scale);
Also used : FeatureInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.FeatureInstance) PropagationPathEnd(org.osate.aadl2.errormodel.PropagationGraph.PropagationPathEnd) PropagationGraphPath(org.osate.aadl2.errormodel.PropagationGraph.PropagationGraphPath) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) ErrorModelState(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.util.ErrorModelState) TypeTransformationSet(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeTransformationSet) ErrorSource(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.ErrorSource) TypeToken(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeToken) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) TypeSet(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeSet) ComponentInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance) ErrorPropagation(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.ErrorPropagation)

Example 2 with ErrorModelState

use of org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.util.ErrorModelState in project osate2 by osate.

the class PropagationGraphBackwardTraversal method traverseOutgoingErrorPropagation.

 * process an Outgoing Error Propagation by going backwards in the propagation graph
 * if preProcessOutgoingerrorPropagation returns non-null return its value as traverse result.
 * First we attempt to go backwards according to the component error behavior, i.e., the OutgoingPropagationCondition.
 * If subresults is non-null then return value of postProcessingErrorPropagationCOndition.
 * If not present we do it according to error flow specifications.
 * @param component ComponentInstance
 * @param errorPropagation outgoing ErrorPropagation
 * @param type ErrorTypes
 * @return EObject (can be null)
public EObject traverseOutgoingErrorPropagation(final ComponentInstance component, final ErrorPropagation errorPropagation, TypeToken proptype, BigDecimal scale) {
    List<EObject> subResults = new LinkedList<EObject>();
    Collection<TypeToken> filteredTypes = filterTokenThroughConstraint(errorPropagation.getTypeSet(), proptype);
    if (filteredTypes.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    HashMultimap<ErrorPropagation, String> handledEOPs = HashMultimap.create();
    boolean traverse = false;
    boolean hasCycle = false;
    for (TypeToken type : filteredTypes) {
        // we did follow an OPC.
        boolean didProp = false;
        EObject found = preProcessOutgoingErrorPropagation(component, errorPropagation, type, scale);
        if (found != null) {
            addSubresult(subResults, found);
            // found common event
        // we want to track cycles.
        // we do that by tagging the feature instance of the error propagation with the error type (as token)
        ErrorModelState st = null;
        FeatureInstance fi = EMV2Util.findFeatureInstance(errorPropagation, component);
        if (fi != null) {
            st = (ErrorModelState) ErrorModelStateAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.adapt(fi, ErrorModelState.class);
        } else {
            st = (ErrorModelState) ErrorModelStateAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.adapt(component, ErrorModelState.class);
        if (st.visited(errorPropagation, type)) {
            // we were there before.
            hasCycle = true;
        } else {
            st.setVisitToken(errorPropagation, type);
        // processing call has to be after the preproccessing call so it is not found and we proceed in processing.
        // On the other hand it needs to be called here so the event exists in ftamodel and is found the next time around.
        // Originally we were creating the events bottom up thus the loop did not find the event.
        // EObject myEvent = processOutgoingErrorPropagation(component, errorPropagation, type, scale);
        Collection<ErrorFlow> errorFlows = EMV2Util.getAllErrorFlows(component);
        Collection<OutgoingPropagationCondition> opcs = EMV2Util.getAllOutgoingPropagationConditions(component);
        for (OutgoingPropagationCondition opc : opcs) {
            if ((opc.getTypeToken() != null && !isNoError(opc.getTypeToken())) || opc.getTypeToken() == null) {
                if (opc.isAllPropagations() || (EMV2Util.isSame(opc.getOutgoing(), errorPropagation))) {
                    // opc token if OPC token is subtype or same type
                    Collection<TypeToken> opcFilteredTypes = filterTokenThroughConstraint(opc.getTypeToken(), type);
                    for (TypeToken opctype : opcFilteredTypes) {
                        if (contains(opc.getTypeToken(), opctype)) {
                            EObject res = handleOutgoingErrorPropagationCondition(component, opc, opctype, handledEOPs, scale);
                            addSubresult(subResults, res);
                            didProp = true;
        // try to find a path from an outer to an inner out error propagation
        EList<PropagationPathEnd> propagationSources = Util.getAllPropagationSourceEnds(currentAnalysisModel, component, errorPropagation);
        for (PropagationPathEnd ppe : propagationSources) {
            ComponentInstance componentSource = ppe.getComponentInstance();
            ErrorPropagation propagationSource = ppe.getErrorPropagation();
            if (propagationSource.getDirection() == DirectionType.OUT) {
                Set<ErrorPropagation> eops = handledEOPs.keySet();
                if (!containsEOP(eops, propagationSource)) {
                    // if not already handled by a opc
                    EObject res = traverseOutgoingErrorPropagation(componentSource, propagationSource, type, scale);
                    addSubresult(subResults, res);
                    didProp = true;
        for (ErrorFlow ef : errorFlows) {
            if (ef instanceof ErrorPath) {
                ErrorPath ep = (ErrorPath) ef;
                if (handledEOPs.containsEntry(ep.getIncoming(), EMV2Util.getPrintName(type))) {
                    // already handled by a opc
                if (Util.conditionHolds(ef, component)) {
                     * Make sure that the error type we are looking for is contained
                     * in the error types for the out propagation.
                     * This is a fix for the JMR/SAVI WBS model.
                    if (ep.isAllOutgoing() || EMV2Util.isSame(ep.getOutgoing(), errorPropagation)) {
                        BigDecimal newscale = scale;
                        double pathprobability = EMV2Properties.getProbability(component, ep, type);
                        if (pathprobability > 0) {
                            newscale = scale.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf((pathprobability)));
                        if (ep.getTargetToken() != null) {
                            Collection<TypeToken> mappedTypes = filterTokenThroughConstraint(ep.getTargetToken(), type);
                            for (TypeToken mappedtype : mappedTypes) {
                                // we have a type mapping
                                EList<TypeToken> result;
                                if (ep.getTypeTokenConstraint() != null) {
                                    // get type from path constraint
                                    result = mapTokenThroughConstraint(ep.getTypeTokenConstraint(), mappedtype);
                                } else {
                                    // get incoming type from propagation
                                    result = mapTokenThroughConstraint(ep.getIncoming().getTypeSet(), mappedtype);
                                for (TypeToken newToken : result) {
                                    if (ep.isAllIncoming()) {
                                        Collection<ErrorPropagation> inprops = EMV2Util.getAllIncomingErrorPropagations(component);
                                        for (ErrorPropagation eprop : inprops) {
                                            handledEOPs.put(eprop, EMV2Util.getPrintName(newToken));
                                            EObject newEvent = traverseIncomingErrorPropagation(component, eprop, newToken, newscale);
                                            addSubresult(subResults, newEvent);
                                            didProp = true;
                                    } else {
                                        handledEOPs.put(ep.getIncoming(), EMV2Util.getPrintName(newToken));
                                        EObject newEvent = traverseIncomingErrorPropagation(component, ep.getIncoming(), newToken, newscale);
                                        addSubresult(subResults, newEvent);
                                        didProp = true;
                        } else {
                            // no type mapping
                            if (ep.isAllIncoming()) {
                                Collection<ErrorPropagation> inprops = EMV2Util.getAllIncomingErrorPropagations(component);
                                for (ErrorPropagation eprop : inprops) {
                                    TypeSet matchtype = ep.getTypeTokenConstraint();
                                    if (matchtype == null) {
                                        matchtype = eprop.getTypeSet();
                                    EList<TypeToken> filteredtypes = filterTokenThroughConstraint(matchtype, type);
                                    for (TypeToken subtype : filteredtypes) {
                                        handledEOPs.put(eprop, EMV2Util.getPrintName(subtype));
                                        EObject newEvent = traverseIncomingErrorPropagation(component, eprop, subtype, newscale);
                                        addSubresult(subResults, newEvent);
                                        didProp = true;
                            } else {
                                ErrorPropagation inep = ep.getIncoming();
                                TypeSet matchtype = ep.getTypeTokenConstraint();
                                if (matchtype == null) {
                                    matchtype = inep.getTypeSet();
                                Collection<TypeToken> mappedtypes = filterTokenThroughConstraint(matchtype, type);
                                for (TypeToken subtype : mappedtypes) {
                                    handledEOPs.put(inep, EMV2Util.getPrintName(subtype));
                                    EObject newEvent = traverseIncomingErrorPropagation(component, inep, subtype, newscale);
                                    addSubresult(subResults, newEvent);
                                    didProp = true;
            } else if (ef instanceof ErrorSource) {
                ErrorSource errorSource = (ErrorSource) ef;
                NamedElement src = errorSource.getSourceModelElement();
                if (src instanceof ErrorPropagation) {
                    // check if error source was already handled by opc
                    ErrorPropagation srcep = (ErrorPropagation) src;
                    if (targetsEOP(opcs, srcep, type)) {
                        // already handled by a opc with the same target
                if (Util.conditionHolds(ef, component)) {
                    if (errorSource.isAll() || EMV2Util.isSame(errorSource.getSourceModelElement(), errorPropagation)) {
                        Collection<TypeToken> mappedTypes = filterTokenThroughConstraint(errorSource.getTypeTokenConstraint(), type);
                        for (TypeToken mappedType : mappedTypes) {
                            if (src instanceof ErrorPropagation) {
                                handledEOPs.put((ErrorPropagation) src, EMV2Util.getPrintName(mappedType));
                            if (errorSource.getFailureModeReference() != null) {
                                List<EObject> stResults = new LinkedList<EObject>();
                                ErrorBehaviorState ebs = errorSource.getFailureModeReference();
                                EObject sEvent = traverseErrorBehaviorState(component, ebs, mappedType, scale);
                                addSubresult(stResults, sEvent);
                                EObject newEvent = postProcessErrorSource(component, errorSource, proptype, stResults, scale);
                                addSubresult(subResults, newEvent);
                                didProp = true;
                            } else {
                                EObject newEvent = processErrorSource(component, errorSource, mappedType, scale);
                                addSubresult(subResults, newEvent);
                                didProp = true;
        st.removeVisitedToken(errorPropagation, type);
        if (didProp) {
            traverse = true;
    if (!subResults.isEmpty()) {
        // out propagation with sub elements
        return postProcessOutgoingErrorPropagation(component, errorPropagation, proptype, subResults, scale);
    if (hasCycle) {
        return null;
    if (traverse && !handledEOPs.isEmpty()) {
        // we handled error out propagations
        return null;
    // out propagation as end point
    return processOutgoingErrorPropagation(component, errorPropagation, proptype, scale);
Also used : FeatureInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.FeatureInstance) ErrorModelState(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.util.ErrorModelState) ErrorSource(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.ErrorSource) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) ComponentInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance) ErrorPropagation(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.ErrorPropagation) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) EList(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) ErrorBehaviorState(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.ErrorBehaviorState) QualifiedErrorBehaviorState(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.QualifiedErrorBehaviorState) ErrorFlow(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.ErrorFlow) PropagationPathEnd(org.osate.aadl2.errormodel.PropagationGraph.PropagationPathEnd) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) TypeToken(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeToken) TypeSet(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeSet) ErrorPath(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.ErrorPath) Collection(java.util.Collection) OutgoingPropagationCondition(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.OutgoingPropagationCondition) NamedElement(org.osate.aadl2.NamedElement)

Example 3 with ErrorModelState

use of org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.util.ErrorModelState in project osate2 by osate.

the class PropagateErrorSources method traceErrorPaths.

 * traverse to the destination of the propagation path
 * @param conni
protected void traceErrorPaths(ComponentInstance ci, ErrorPropagation ep, TypeToken tt, int depth, String entryText) {
    ErrorModelState st = null;
    FeatureInstance fi = EMV2Util.findFeatureInstance(ep, ci);
    if (fi != null) {
        st = (ErrorModelState) ErrorModelStateAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.adapt(fi, ErrorModelState.class);
    } else {
        st = (ErrorModelState) ErrorModelStateAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.adapt(ci, ErrorModelState.class);
    if (st.visited(ep, tt)) {
        // we were there before.
        String effectText = "," + generateTypeTokenErrorPropText(ep, tt);
        reportEntry(entryText + effectText + " -> [Propagation Cycle],,", depth);
    } else {
        st.setVisitToken(ep, tt);
    EList<PropagationGraphPath> paths = Util.getAllPropagationPaths(faultModel, ci, ep);
    String effectText = "," + generateTypeTokenErrorPropText(ep, tt);
    if (paths.isEmpty()) {
        if (fi != null) {
            EList<ConnectionInstance> conns = fi.getSrcConnectionInstances();
            if (conns.isEmpty()) {
                reportEntry(entryText + effectText + " -> [No Outgoing Connection],,", depth);
            } else {
                for (ConnectionInstance connectionInstance : conns) {
                    reportEntry(entryText + "," + (tt != null ? EMV2Util.getPrintName(tt) + " " : "") + connectionInstance.getName() + "[No In Propagation],,", depth);
        } else if (EMV2Util.getPropagationPoint(ep) != null) {
            reportEntry(entryText + effectText + " -> [No Propagation Point Connection],,", depth);
        } else if (ep.getKind() != null) {
            reportEntry(entryText + effectText + " -> [No Binding],,", depth);
        } else {
            reportEntry(entryText + effectText + " -> [Could not find propagation feature],,", depth);
    } else {
        for (PropagationGraphPath path : paths) {
            ConnectionInstance pathConni = path.getConnection();
            TypeMappingSet typeEquivalence = EMV2Util.getAllTypeEquivalenceMapping(ci.getContainingComponentInstance());
            TypeToken mappedtt = tt;
            TypeToken resulttt = tt;
            TypeToken xformedtt = tt;
            if (typeEquivalence != null) {
                mappedtt = EMV2TypeSetUtil.mapTypeToken(tt, typeEquivalence);
                if (mappedtt != null) {
                    resulttt = mappedtt;
            if (pathConni != null) {
                // find the connection transformation rules if we have a connection path
                ComponentInstance contextCI = pathConni.getComponentInstance();
                TypeTransformationSet tts = EMV2Util.getAllTypeTransformationSet(contextCI);
                // TODO find contributor type token by looking for the state/out prop type.
                if (tts != null) {
                    xformedtt = EMV2TypeSetUtil.mapTypeToken(tt, null, tts);
                    if (xformedtt == null && mappedtt != null) {
                        xformedtt = EMV2TypeSetUtil.mapTypeToken(mappedtt, null, tts);
                    if (xformedtt != null) {
                        resulttt = xformedtt;
            EList<PropagationPathEnd> dstEnds;
            ConnectionInstance dstConni = path.getPathDst().getConnectionInstance();
            String connSymbol = " -> ";
            if (dstConni != null) {
                // we have a connection binding path with a connection instance as target
                dstEnds = Util.getAllPropagationDestinationEnds(faultModel, dstConni);
                connSymbol = " -Conn-> ";
                // find the connection transformation rules
                ComponentInstance contextCI = dstConni.getComponentInstance();
                TypeTransformationSet tts = EMV2Util.getAllTypeTransformationSet(contextCI);
                // TODO find source type token by looking for the state/out prop type.
                if (tts != null) {
                    xformedtt = EMV2TypeSetUtil.mapTypeToken(null, tt, tts);
                    if (xformedtt == null && mappedtt != null) {
                        xformedtt = EMV2TypeSetUtil.mapTypeToken(null, mappedtt, tts);
                    if (xformedtt != null) {
                        resulttt = xformedtt;
            } else {
                dstEnds = new BasicEList<PropagationPathEnd>();
            for (PropagationPathEnd propagationPathEnd : dstEnds) {
                ComponentInstance destci = propagationPathEnd.getComponentInstance();
                ErrorPropagation destEP = propagationPathEnd.getErrorPropagation();
                if (destEP != null) {
                    TypeSet dstTS = destEP.getTypeSet();
                    TypeToken targettt = null;
                    if (tt != null && EMV2TypeSetUtil.contains(dstTS, tt)) {
                        targettt = tt;
                    } else if (mappedtt != null && EMV2TypeSetUtil.contains(dstTS, mappedtt)) {
                        targettt = mappedtt;
                    } else if (xformedtt != null && EMV2TypeSetUtil.contains(dstTS, xformedtt)) {
                        targettt = xformedtt;
                    if (targettt == null) {
                        // type token or mapped/xformed type token is not contained in incoming EP
                        String connText = connSymbol + generateComponentPropagationPointTypeTokenText(destci, destEP, resulttt) + " [Unhandled Type]";
                        reportEntry(entryText + effectText + connText, depth);
                    } else if (destci instanceof SystemInstance) {
                        // we have an external propagation (out only connection)
                        String connText = connSymbol + generateComponentPropagationPointText(destci, destEP) + " [External Effect]";
                        reportEntry(entryText + effectText + connText, depth);
                    } else if (pathConni != null && Aadl2InstanceUtil.outOnly(pathConni) && !pathConni.isComplete()) {
                        // outgoing only, but not ending at root
                        String connText = connSymbol + generateComponentPropagationPointText(destci, destEP) + " [External Effect]";
                        reportEntry(entryText + effectText + connText, depth);
                    } else if (destci != null) {
                        String connText = connSymbol + generateComponentPropagationPointText(destci, destEP);
                        traceErrorFlows(destci, destEP, targettt, depth, entryText + effectText + connText);
    st.removeVisitedToken(ep, tt);
Also used : ConnectionInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ConnectionInstance) FeatureInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.FeatureInstance) PropagationPathEnd(org.osate.aadl2.errormodel.PropagationGraph.PropagationPathEnd) PropagationGraphPath(org.osate.aadl2.errormodel.PropagationGraph.PropagationGraphPath) ErrorModelState(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.util.ErrorModelState) TypeTransformationSet(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeTransformationSet) TypeToken(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeToken) SystemInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemInstance) TypeSet(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeSet) ComponentInstance(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance) TypeMappingSet(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeMappingSet) ErrorPropagation(org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.ErrorPropagation)


PropagationPathEnd (org.osate.aadl2.errormodel.PropagationGraph.PropagationPathEnd)3 ComponentInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance)3 FeatureInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.FeatureInstance)3 ErrorPropagation (org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.ErrorPropagation)3 TypeSet (org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeSet)3 TypeToken (org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeToken)3 ErrorModelState (org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.util.ErrorModelState)3 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2 EObject (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)2 PropagationGraphPath (org.osate.aadl2.errormodel.PropagationGraph.PropagationGraphPath)2 ErrorSource (org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.ErrorSource)2 TypeTransformationSet (org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.TypeTransformationSet)2 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)1 Collection (java.util.Collection)1 List (java.util.List)1 EList (org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList)1 NamedElement (org.osate.aadl2.NamedElement)1 ConnectionInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.ConnectionInstance)1 SystemInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemInstance)1 ErrorBehaviorState (org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.errorModel.ErrorBehaviorState)1