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Example 1 with MixedMaterial

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class GetTerrainOp method go.

public MixedMaterial go() throws ScriptException {
    File file = sanityCheckFileName(fileName);
    try {
        try (ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)))) {
            return (MixedMaterial) in.readObject();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ScriptException("I/O error while loading terrain " + fileName, e);
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        throw new ScriptException(fileName + " is not a WorldPainter custom terrain file", e);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ScriptException("Class not found exception while loading terrain " + fileName + " (not a WorldPainter custom terrain?)", e);
Also used : GZIPInputStream( IOException( File( FileInputStream( MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial) ObjectInputStream(

Example 2 with MixedMaterial

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class RiverExporter method render.

public List<Fixup> render(final Dimension dimension, final Rectangle area, final Rectangle exportedArea, final MinecraftWorld minecraftWorld) {
    final RiverSettings settings = new RiverSettings();
    final int shoreHeight = settings.getShoreHeight();
    final boolean shore = shoreHeight > 0;
    final MixedMaterial riverBedMaterial = settings.getRiverBedMaterial();
    final int riverConnectionRadius = settings.getRiverConnectionRadius();
    final int maxDepth = shoreHeight + settings.getMaxDepth();
    final int depthVariation = settings.getMaxDepth() - settings.getMinDepth();
    final long seed = dimension.getSeed();
    if (floorNoise.getSeed() != seed) {
    // First pass. Dig out the riverbed and flood the river
    for (int x = area.x; x < area.x + area.width; x++) {
        for (int y = area.y; y < area.y + area.height; y++) {
            if (dimension.getBitLayerValueAt(River.INSTANCE, x, y)) {
                final float distanceToShore = dimension.getDistanceToEdge(River.INSTANCE, x, y, maxDepth);
                final int depth = (int) Math.min(distanceToShore, maxDepth - (int) ((floorNoise.getPerlinNoise(x / TINY_BLOBS, y / TINY_BLOBS) + 0.5f) * depthVariation + 0.5f));
                final int terrainHeight = dimension.getIntHeightAt(x, y);
                final int waterLevel = dimension.getWaterLevelAt(x, y);
                if ((waterLevel > terrainHeight) && (!dimension.getBitLayerValueAt(FloodWithLava.INSTANCE, x, y))) {
                    // river bed
                    for (int dz = 0; dz >= (-depth - 1); dz--) {
                        final int z = waterLevel + dz;
                        if (dz > -depth) {
                            minecraftWorld.setMaterialAt(x, y, z, STATIONARY_WATER);
                        } else if (z <= terrainHeight) {
                            minecraftWorld.setMaterialAt(x, y, z, riverBedMaterial.getMaterial(seed, x, y, z));
                } else {
                    // check for it
                    for (int dz = 0; dz >= (-depth - 1); dz--) {
                        final int z = terrainHeight + dz;
                        if (z <= 0) {
                        if (dz <= -depth) {
                            // River bed
                            int existingBlockType = minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(x, y, z);
                            if (!BLOCKS[existingBlockType].veryInsubstantial) {
                                minecraftWorld.setMaterialAt(x, y, z, riverBedMaterial.getMaterial(seed, x, y, z));
                        } else if (dz > -shoreHeight) {
                            // The air above the river
                            int existingBlockType = minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(x, y, z);
                            if ((existingBlockType != BLK_WATER) && (existingBlockType != BLK_STATIONARY_WATER)) {
                                minecraftWorld.setMaterialAt(x, y, z, AIR);
                        } else if (dz == -shoreHeight) {
                            // The surface of the river
                            minecraftWorld.setMaterialAt(x, y, z, STATIONARY_WATER);
                        } else {
                            // The river itself below the surface
                            minecraftWorld.setMaterialAt(x, y, z, STATIONARY_WATER);
    // flood the connecting areas
    if (shore) {
        for (int x = area.x; x < area.x + area.width; x++) {
            for (int y = area.y; y < area.y + area.height; y++) {
                final int waterLevel = dimension.getWaterLevelAt(x, y);
                if (// River
                dimension.getBitLayerValueAt(River.INSTANCE, x, y) && // Flooded
                (waterLevel > dimension.getIntHeightAt(x, y)) && (dimension.getFloodedCount(x, y, 1, false) < 9)) {
                    // Not every surrounding block flooded
                    // We're at the edge of a flooded area. Check
                    // whether it needs to be expanded to flood the
                    // connecting riverbed, where the water will be
                    // lower (if the shore height is higher than zero)
                    final int finalX = x, finalY = y;
                    // First see if there is any river around with a
                    // water level that's higher
                    final boolean[] higherRiverAround = new boolean[1];
                    GeometryUtil.visitFilledCircle(riverConnectionRadius, (dx, dy, d) -> {
                        final int x1 = finalX + dx, y1 = finalY + dy;
                        if ((dimension.getBitLayerValueAt(River.INSTANCE, x1, y1)) && ((dimension.getIntHeightAt(x1, y1) - shoreHeight) > waterLevel)) {
                            higherRiverAround[0] = true;
                            return false;
                        } else {
                            return true;
                    if (higherRiverAround[0]) {
                        // There is a river near with a water level
                        // that's higher, so flood the surroundings to
                        // the height of the body of water
                        GeometryUtil.visitFilledCircle(riverConnectionRadius, (dx, dy, d) -> {
                            final int x1 = finalX + dx, y1 = finalY + dy;
                            if ((dimension.getBitLayerValueAt(River.INSTANCE, x1, y1)) && (dimension.getWaterLevelAt(x1, y1) < waterLevel)) {
                                int z = waterLevel;
                                int existingBlockType = minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(x1, y1, z);
                                while ((z > 0) && (existingBlockType != BLK_WATER) && (existingBlockType != BLK_STATIONARY_WATER) && (existingBlockType != BLK_ICE) && BLOCKS[existingBlockType].veryInsubstantial) {
                                    minecraftWorld.setMaterialAt(x1, y1, z, STATIONARY_WATER);
                                    existingBlockType = minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(x1, y1, z);
                            return true;
                    } else {
                        // There is no river near with a water level
                        // that's higher, so flood the surroundings
                        // sloping down just in case there's *lower*
                        // river water which we want to connect to a bit
                        // less abruptly than with a sheer wall of water
                        GeometryUtil.visitFilledCircle(riverConnectionRadius, (dx, dy, d) -> {
                            final int x1 = finalX + dx, y1 = finalY + dy;
                            if ((dimension.getBitLayerValueAt(River.INSTANCE, x1, y1)) && (dimension.getWaterLevelAt(x1, y1) < waterLevel)) {
                                int z = waterLevel - ((int) d);
                                int existingBlockType = minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(x1, y1, z);
                                while ((z > 0) && (existingBlockType != BLK_WATER) && (existingBlockType != BLK_STATIONARY_WATER) && (existingBlockType != BLK_ICE) && BLOCKS[existingBlockType].veryInsubstantial) {
                                    minecraftWorld.setMaterialAt(x1, y1, z, STATIONARY_WATER);
                                    existingBlockType = minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(x1, y1, z);
                            return true;
    // overflowing problems
    for (int x = area.x; x < area.x + area.width; x++) {
        for (int y = area.y; y < area.y + area.height; y++) {
            if (dimension.getBitLayerValueAt(River.INSTANCE, x, y)) {
                int lowestWaterHeight = -1;
                for (int z = dimension.getIntHeightAt(x, y); z > 0; z--) {
                    if (((minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(x, y, z) == BLK_WATER) || (minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(x, y, z) == BLK_STATIONARY_WATER)) && (minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(x, y, z - 1) != BLK_WATER) && (minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(x, y, z - 1) != BLK_STATIONARY_WATER)) {
                        lowestWaterHeight = z;
                if (lowestWaterHeight != -1) {
                    // There is water in this column. Raise the water in
                    // surrounding columns to at least the height of the
                    // lowest water block in this column.
                    raiseWaterTo(dimension, minecraftWorld, x + 1, y, lowestWaterHeight - 1);
                    raiseWaterTo(dimension, minecraftWorld, x, y + 1, lowestWaterHeight - 1);
                    raiseWaterTo(dimension, minecraftWorld, x - 1, y, lowestWaterHeight - 1);
                    raiseWaterTo(dimension, minecraftWorld, x, y - 1, lowestWaterHeight - 1);
    return null;
Also used : MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial)

Example 3 with MixedMaterial

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class GroundCoverLayerExporter method render.

public void render(Dimension dimension, Tile tile, Chunk chunk) {
    if (noiseHeightMap != null) {
    final int xOffset = (chunk.getxPos() & 7) << 4;
    final int zOffset = (chunk.getzPos() & 7) << 4;
    final int minY = dimension.isBottomless() ? 0 : 1;
    final int maxY = dimension.getMaxHeight() - 1;
    final MixedMaterial mixedMaterial = layer.getMaterial();
    final int thickness = layer.getThickness(), edgeThickness = Math.abs(thickness) - 2;
    final GroundCoverLayer.EdgeShape edgeShape = layer.getEdgeShape();
    final boolean taperedEdge = (edgeShape != GroundCoverLayer.EdgeShape.SHEER) && (Math.abs(thickness) > 1);
    final int edgeWidth = layer.getEdgeWidth(), edgeWidthPlusOne = edgeWidth + 1, edgeWidthMinusOne = edgeWidth - 1;
    final double edgeFactor = edgeThickness / 2.0, edgeOffset = 1.5 + edgeFactor;
    final long seed = dimension.getSeed();
    final boolean smooth = layer.isSmooth();
    for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
        final int localX = xOffset + x;
        final int worldX = (chunk.getxPos() << 4) + x;
        for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
            final int localY = zOffset + z;
            if (tile.getBitLayerValue(layer, localX, localY)) {
                final int terrainheight = tile.getIntHeight(localX, localY);
                final int blockBelow = chunk.getBlockType(x, terrainheight, z);
                if ((blockBelow != BLK_AIR) && (!Block.BLOCKS[blockBelow].insubstantial)) {
                    int effectiveThickness = Math.abs(thickness);
                    final int worldY = (chunk.getzPos() << 4) + z;
                    if (taperedEdge) {
                        float distanceToEdge = dimension.getDistanceToEdge(layer, worldX, worldY, edgeWidthPlusOne);
                        if (distanceToEdge < edgeWidthPlusOne) {
                            final double normalisedDistance = (distanceToEdge - 1) / edgeWidthMinusOne;
                            switch(edgeShape) {
                                case LINEAR:
                                    effectiveThickness = (int) (1.5 + normalisedDistance * edgeThickness);
                                case SMOOTH:
                                    effectiveThickness = (int) (edgeOffset + -Math.cos(normalisedDistance * Math.PI) * edgeFactor);
                                case ROUNDED:
                                    double reversedNormalisedDistance = 1 - (distanceToEdge - 0.5) / edgeWidth;
                                    effectiveThickness = (int) (1.5 + Math.sqrt(1 - reversedNormalisedDistance * reversedNormalisedDistance) * edgeThickness);
                    if (noiseHeightMap != null) {
                        effectiveThickness += noiseHeightMap.getHeight(worldX, worldY) - noiseOffset;
                    if (thickness > 0) {
                        for (int dy = 0; dy < effectiveThickness; dy++) {
                            final int y = terrainheight + dy + 1;
                            if (y > maxY) {
                            final int existingBlockType = chunk.getBlockType(x, y, z);
                            final Material material = mixedMaterial.getMaterial(seed, worldX, worldY, y);
                            if ((material != Material.AIR) && ((!material.block.veryInsubstantial) || (existingBlockType == BLK_AIR) || Block.BLOCKS[existingBlockType].insubstantial)) {
                                if (smooth && (dy == (effectiveThickness - 1))) {
                                    // Top layer, smooth enabled
                                    int layerHeight = (int) ((dimension.getHeightAt(worldX, worldY) + 0.5f - dimension.getIntHeightAt(worldX, worldY)) / 0.125f);
                                    if (layerHeight > 0) {
                                        layerHeight = Math.max(Math.min(layerHeight, dimension.getBitLayerCount(layer, worldX, worldY, 1) - 2), 0);
                                    chunk.setBlockType(x, y, z, material.blockType);
                                    chunk.setDataValue(x, y, z, layerHeight);
                                } else {
                                    chunk.setMaterial(x, y, z, material);
                    } else {
                        for (int dy = 0; dy < effectiveThickness; dy++) {
                            final int y = terrainheight - dy;
                            if (y < minY) {
                            int existingBlockType = chunk.getBlockType(x, y, z);
                            if (existingBlockType != BLK_AIR) {
                                chunk.setMaterial(x, y, z, mixedMaterial.getMaterial(seed, worldX, worldY, y));
Also used : Material(org.pepsoft.minecraft.Material) MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial) MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial)

Example 4 with MixedMaterial

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class UndergroundPocketsDialog method updateNameAndColour.

private void updateNameAndColour() {
    if (fieldName.isEnabled()) {
        if (radioButtonCustomMaterial.isSelected()) {
            MixedMaterial material = mixedMaterialChooser.getMaterial();
            if (material != null) {
                if (material.getColour() != null) {
                    selectedColour = material.getColour();
        } else {
            Terrain terrain = (Terrain) comboBoxTerrain.getSelectedItem();
            if (terrain != null) {
Also used : Terrain(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Terrain) MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial)

Example 5 with MixedMaterial

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class UndergroundPocketsDialog method updatePreview.

private void updatePreview() {
    if (previewUpdateTimer != null) {
        // Superfluous?
        previewUpdateTimer = null;
    MixedMaterial material = radioButtonCustomMaterial.isSelected() ? mixedMaterialChooser.getMaterial() : null;
    Terrain terrain = radioButtonTerrain.isSelected() ? (Terrain) comboBoxTerrain.getSelectedItem() : null;
    if ((material == null) && (terrain == null)) {
    int occurrence = (Integer) spinnerOccurrence.getValue();
    int scale = (Integer) spinnerScale.getValue();
    int minLevel = (Integer) spinnerMinLevel.getValue();
    int maxLevel = (Integer) spinnerMaxLevel.getValue();
    UndergroundPocketsLayer tmpLayer = new UndergroundPocketsLayer("tmp", material, terrain, occurrence, minLevel, maxLevel, scale, 0);
    labelPreview.setIcon(new ImageIcon(((UndergroundPocketsLayerExporter) tmpLayer.getExporter()).createPreview(labelPreview.getWidth(), labelPreview.getHeight())));
Also used : Terrain(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Terrain) MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial)


MixedMaterial (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial)13 Terrain (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Terrain)3 File ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Material (org.pepsoft.minecraft.Material)2 CustomLayer (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.CustomLayer)2 Layer (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.Layer)2 Point (java.awt.Point)1 FileInputStream ( ObjectInputStream ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Random (java.util.Random)1 GZIPInputStream ( JFrame (javax.swing.JFrame)1 TreePath (javax.swing.tree.TreePath)1 Point3i (javax.vecmath.Point3i)1 ProgressReceiver (org.pepsoft.util.ProgressReceiver)1 TiledImageViewer (org.pepsoft.util.swing.TiledImageViewer)1