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Example 6 with MixedMaterial

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class TunnelLayerDialog method saveSettingsTo.

private void saveSettingsTo(TunnelLayer layer, boolean registerMaterials) {
    layer.setFloorLevel((Integer) spinnerFloorLevel.getValue());
    layer.setFloorMin((Integer) spinnerFloorMin.getValue());
    layer.setFloorMax((Integer) spinnerFloorMax.getValue());
    MixedMaterial floorMaterial = mixedMaterialSelectorFloor.getMaterial();
    if ((floorMaterial != null) && registerMaterials) {
        // Make sure the material is registered, in case it's new
        floorMaterial = MixedMaterialManager.getInstance().register(floorMaterial);
    if (radioButtonFloorFixedDepth.isSelected()) {
    } else if (radioButtonFloorFixedLevel.isSelected()) {
    } else {
    NoiseSettings floorNoiseSettings = noiseSettingsEditorFloor.getNoiseSettings();
    if (floorNoiseSettings.getRange() == 0) {
    } else {
    layer.setRoofLevel((Integer) spinnerRoofLevel.getValue());
    layer.setRoofMin((Integer) spinnerRoofMin.getValue());
    layer.setRoofMax((Integer) spinnerRoofMax.getValue());
    MixedMaterial roofMaterial = mixedMaterialSelectorRoof.getMaterial();
    if ((roofMaterial != null) && registerMaterials) {
        // Make sure the material is registered, in case it's new
        roofMaterial = MixedMaterialManager.getInstance().register(roofMaterial);
    if (radioButtonRoofFixedDepth.isSelected()) {
    } else if (radioButtonRoofFixedLevel.isSelected()) {
    } else {
    NoiseSettings roofNoiseSettings = noiseSettingsEditorRoof.getNoiseSettings();
    if (roofNoiseSettings.getRange() == 0) {
    } else {
    layer.setFloorWallDepth((Integer) spinnerWallFloorDepth.getValue());
    layer.setRoofWallDepth((Integer) spinnerWallRoofDepth.getValue());
    MixedMaterial wallMaterial = mixedMaterialSelectorWall.getMaterial();
    if ((wallMaterial != null) && registerMaterials) {
        // Make sure the material is registered, in case it's new
        wallMaterial = MixedMaterialManager.getInstance().register(wallMaterial);
    layer.setFloodLevel(checkBoxFlood.isSelected() ? (Integer) spinnerFloodLevel.getValue() : 0);
    Map<Layer, TunnelLayer.LayerSettings> floorLayers = floorLayersTableModel.getLayers();
    layer.setFloorLayers(((floorLayers != null) && (!floorLayers.isEmpty())) ? floorLayers : null);
Also used : NoiseSettings(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.NoiseSettings) Bo2Layer(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.Bo2Layer) CustomLayer(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.CustomLayer) PlantLayer(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.plants.PlantLayer) Layer(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.Layer) GroundCoverLayer(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.groundcover.GroundCoverLayer) MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial)

Example 7 with MixedMaterial

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class CustomItemsTreeModel method getSelectedItems.

public List<Object> getSelectedItems(TreePath[] selectedTreePaths) {
    ArrayList<Object> selectedItems = new ArrayList<>();
    for (TreePath selectedPath : selectedTreePaths) {
        Object object = selectedPath.getLastPathComponent();
        if (object == ROOT) {
        } else if (object == TERRAINS) {
        } else if (object == LAYERS) {
        } else if (object == BIOMES) {
        } else if ((object instanceof CustomLayer) || (object instanceof MixedMaterial) || (object instanceof CustomBiome)) {
        } else {
            throw new InternalError("Unknown node type " + object.getClass() + " (\"" + object + "\") encountered");
    return selectedItems;
Also used : CustomLayer(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.CustomLayer) TreePath(javax.swing.tree.TreePath) CustomBiome(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.biomeschemes.CustomBiome) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial)

Example 8 with MixedMaterial

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class TileFactoryPreviewer method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    final long seed;
    if (args.length > 0) {
        seed = Long.parseLong(args[0]);
    } else {
        seed = new Random().nextLong();
    // final ExperimentalTileFactory tileFactory = new ExperimentalTileFactory(DEFAULT_MAX_HEIGHT_2);
    // final HeightMapTileFactory tileFactory = TileFactoryFactory.createNoiseTileFactory(Terrain.GRASS, World2.DEFAULT_MAX_HEIGHT, 58, 62, false, true, 20.0f, 1.0);
    // HeightMap oceanFloor = new ConstantHeightMap(40f);
    // HeightMap continent;
    // //        continent = new NinePatchHeightMap(200, 100, 50, 58f);
    // continent = new NinePatchHeightMap(0, 1000, 50, 22f);
    // HeightMap hills = new ProductHeightMap(
    // new NoiseHeightMap(1.0f, 10f, 1),
    // new SumHeightMap(
    // new NoiseHeightMap(20.0f, 1.0f, 2),
    // new ConstantHeightMap(-5f)));
    // continent = new SumHeightMap(
    // new SumHeightMap(
    // oceanFloor,
    // continent),
    // hills);
    // HeightMap mountainsLimit = new NinePatchHeightMap(0, 1000, 200, 1f);
    // HeightMap mountains = new ProductHeightMap(
    // new ProductHeightMap(
    // new NoiseHeightMap(1.0f, 10f, 1),
    // mountainsLimit),
    // new NoiseHeightMap(256f, 5f, 4));
    // HeightMap heightMap = new MaximisingHeightMap(continent, mountains);
    // final HeightMapTileFactory tileFactory = new HeightMapTileFactory(seed, heightMap, 256, false, new FancyTheme(256, 62, heightMap));
    final HeightMapTileFactory tileFactory = TileFactoryFactory.createFancyTileFactory(seed, Terrain.GRASS, Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_HEIGHT_2, 62, 58, false, 20f, 1.0);
    // SortedMap<Integer, Terrain> terrainRanges = tileFactory.getTerrainRanges();
    // terrainRanges.clear();
    // terrainRanges.put( -1, Terrain.DIRT);
    // terrainRanges.put( 64, Terrain.GRASS);
    // terrainRanges.put(128, Terrain.ROCK);
    // terrainRanges.put(192, Terrain.DEEP_SNOW);
    // tileFactory.setTerrainRanges(terrainRanges);
    final org.pepsoft.worldpainter.TileProvider tileProvider = new org.pepsoft.worldpainter.TileProvider() {

        public Rectangle getExtent() {
            // Tile factories are endless
            return null;

        public boolean isTilePresent(int x, int y) {
            // Tile factories are endless and have no holes
            return true;

        public Tile getTile(int x, int y) {
            Point coords = new Point(x, y);
            synchronized (cache) {
                Tile tile = cache.get(coords);
                if (tile == null) {
                    tile = tileFactory.createTile(x, y);
                    cache.put(coords, tile);
                return tile;

        private final Map<Point, Tile> cache = new HashMap<>();
    Terrain.setCustomMaterial(0, new MixedMaterial("Dirt/Gravel", new Row[] { new Row(Material.DIRT, 750, 1.0f), new Row(Material.GRAVEL, 250, 1.0f) }, Minecraft1_2BiomeScheme.BIOME_PLAINS, null, 1.0f));
    Terrain.setCustomMaterial(1, new MixedMaterial("Stone/Gravel", new Row[] { new Row(Material.STONE, 750, 1.0f), new Row(Material.GRAVEL, 250, 1.0f) }, Minecraft1_2BiomeScheme.BIOME_PLAINS, null, 1.0f));
    TiledImageViewer viewer = new TiledImageViewer();
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("TileFactory Previewer");
    viewer.setTileProvider(new WPTileProvider(tileProvider, new DynMapColourScheme("default", true), new AutoBiomeScheme(null), null, Collections.singleton((Layer) Biome.INSTANCE), true, 10, TileRenderer.LightOrigin.NORTHWEST, false, null));
    frame.getContentPane().add(viewer, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    frame.setSize(1000, 800);
Also used : AutoBiomeScheme(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.biomeschemes.AutoBiomeScheme) TiledImageViewer(org.pepsoft.util.swing.TiledImageViewer) Tile(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Tile) Point(java.awt.Point) DynMapColourScheme(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.colourschemes.DynMapColourScheme) WPTileProvider(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.WPTileProvider) Random(java.util.Random) JFrame(javax.swing.JFrame) HeightMapTileFactory(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.HeightMapTileFactory) Row(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial.Row) WPTileProvider(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.WPTileProvider) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial)

Example 9 with MixedMaterial

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class GroundCoverLayerExporter method apply.

public Fixup apply(Dimension dimension, Point3i location, int intensity, Rectangle exportedArea, MinecraftWorld minecraftWorld) {
    if (intensity > 0) {
        final int blockBelow = minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(location.x, location.y, location.z - 1);
        if ((blockBelow != BLK_AIR) && (!Block.BLOCKS[blockBelow].insubstantial)) {
            final int thickness = layer.getThickness();
            final MixedMaterial mixedMaterial = layer.getMaterial();
            final long seed = dimension.getSeed();
            int effectiveThickness = Math.abs(thickness);
            if (noiseHeightMap != null) {
                effectiveThickness += noiseHeightMap.getHeight(location.x, location.y) - noiseOffset;
            if (thickness > 0) {
                final int maxZ = dimension.getMaxHeight() - 1;
                for (int dz = 0; dz < effectiveThickness; dz++) {
                    final int z = location.z + dz;
                    if (z > maxZ) {
                    final int existingBlockType = minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(location.x, location.y, z);
                    final Material material = mixedMaterial.getMaterial(seed, location.x, location.y, z);
                    if ((material != Material.AIR) && ((!material.block.veryInsubstantial) || (existingBlockType == BLK_AIR) || Block.BLOCKS[existingBlockType].insubstantial)) {
                        minecraftWorld.setMaterialAt(location.x, location.y, z, material);
            } else {
                final int minZ = dimension.isBottomless() ? 0 : 1;
                for (int dz = 0; dz < effectiveThickness; dz++) {
                    final int z = location.z - 1 - dz;
                    if (z < minZ) {
                    int existingBlockType = minecraftWorld.getBlockTypeAt(location.x, location.y, z);
                    if (existingBlockType != BLK_AIR) {
                        minecraftWorld.setMaterialAt(location.x, location.y, z, mixedMaterial.getMaterial(seed, location.x, location.y, z));
    return null;
Also used : Material(org.pepsoft.minecraft.Material) MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial) MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial)

Example 10 with MixedMaterial

use of org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class TunnelLayerExporter method render.

public List<Fixup> render(Dimension dimension, Rectangle area, Rectangle exportedArea, MinecraftWorld world) {
    final TunnelLayer.Mode floorMode = layer.getFloorMode(), roofMode = layer.getRoofMode();
    final int floorWallDepth = layer.getFloorWallDepth(), roofWallDepth = layer.getRoofWallDepth(), floorLevel = layer.getFloorLevel(), roofLevel = layer.getRoofLevel(), maxWallDepth = Math.max(floorWallDepth, roofWallDepth) + 1, floorMin = layer.getFloorMin(), floorMax = layer.getFloorMax(), roofMin = layer.getRoofMin(), roofMax = layer.getRoofMax(), floodLevel = layer.getFloodLevel();
    final int minZ = dimension.isBottomless() ? 0 : 1, maxZ = dimension.getMaxHeight() - 1;
    final boolean removeWater = layer.isRemoveWater(), floodWithLava = layer.isFloodWithLava();
    final MixedMaterial floorMaterial = layer.getFloorMaterial(), wallMaterial = layer.getWallMaterial(), roofMaterial = layer.getRoofMaterial();
    if (floorNoise != null) {
    if (roofNoise != null) {
    if ((floorMaterial == null) && (wallMaterial == null) && (roofMaterial == null)) {
        // One pass: just remove blocks
        for (int x = area.x; x < area.x + area.width; x++) {
            for (int y = area.y; y < area.y + area.height; y++) {
                if (dimension.getBitLayerValueAt(layer, x, y)) {
                    final int terrainHeight = dimension.getIntHeightAt(x, y);
                    int actualFloorLevel = calculateLevel(floorMode, floorLevel, terrainHeight, floorMin, floorMax, minZ, maxZ, (floorNoise != null) ? ((int) floorNoise.getHeight(x, y) - floorNoiseOffset) : 0);
                    int actualRoofLevel = calculateLevel(roofMode, roofLevel, terrainHeight, roofMin, roofMax, minZ, maxZ, (roofNoise != null) ? ((int) roofNoise.getHeight(x, y) - roofNoiseOffset) : 0);
                    if (actualRoofLevel <= actualFloorLevel) {
                    final float distanceToWall = dimension.getDistanceToEdge(layer, x, y, maxWallDepth) - 1;
                    final int floorLedgeHeight = calculateLedgeHeight(floorWallDepth, distanceToWall);
                    final int roofLedgeHeight = calculateLedgeHeight(roofWallDepth, distanceToWall);
                    actualFloorLevel += floorLedgeHeight;
                    actualRoofLevel -= roofLedgeHeight;
                    if (actualRoofLevel <= actualFloorLevel) {
                    final int waterLevel = dimension.getWaterLevelAt(x, y);
                    for (int z = Math.min(removeWater ? Math.max(terrainHeight, waterLevel) : terrainHeight, actualRoofLevel); z > actualFloorLevel; z--) {
                        if (removeWater || (z <= terrainHeight) || (z > waterLevel)) {
                            if (z <= floodLevel) {
                                world.setMaterialAt(x, y, z, floodWithLava ? Material.LAVA : Material.WATER);
                            } else {
                                world.setMaterialAt(x, y, z, Material.AIR);
                    if (actualFloorLevel == 0) {
                        // probably what the user wants
                        if ((floodLevel > 0) && (0 <= floodLevel)) {
                            world.setMaterialAt(x, y, 0, floodWithLava ? Material.STATIONARY_LAVA : Material.STATIONARY_WATER);
                        } else {
                            world.setMaterialAt(x, y, 0, Material.AIR);
    } else {
        // excavate the interior
        for (int x = area.x; x < area.x + area.width; x++) {
            for (int y = area.y; y < area.y + area.height; y++) {
                if (dimension.getBitLayerValueAt(layer, x, y)) {
                    int terrainHeight = dimension.getIntHeightAt(x, y);
                    int actualFloorLevel = calculateLevel(floorMode, floorLevel, terrainHeight, floorMin, floorMax, minZ, maxZ, (floorNoise != null) ? ((int) floorNoise.getHeight(x, y) - floorNoiseOffset) : 0);
                    int actualRoofLevel = calculateLevel(roofMode, roofLevel, terrainHeight, roofMin, roofMax, minZ, maxZ, (roofNoise != null) ? ((int) roofNoise.getHeight(x, y) - roofNoiseOffset) : 0);
                    if (actualRoofLevel <= actualFloorLevel) {
                    final float distanceToWall = dimension.getDistanceToEdge(layer, x, y, maxWallDepth) - 1;
                    final int floorLedgeHeight = calculateLedgeHeight(floorWallDepth, distanceToWall);
                    final int roofLedgeHeight = calculateLedgeHeight(roofWallDepth, distanceToWall);
                    actualFloorLevel += floorLedgeHeight;
                    actualRoofLevel -= roofLedgeHeight;
                    if (actualRoofLevel <= actualFloorLevel) {
                    int waterLevel = dimension.getWaterLevelAt(x, y);
                    boolean flooded = waterLevel > terrainHeight;
                    final int startZ = Math.min(removeWater ? Math.max(terrainHeight, waterLevel) : terrainHeight, actualRoofLevel);
                    for (int z = startZ; z > actualFloorLevel; z--) {
                        if ((floorLedgeHeight == 0) && (floorMaterial != null)) {
                            setIfSolid(world, x, y, z - 1, minZ, maxZ, floorMaterial, flooded, terrainHeight, waterLevel, removeWater);
                        if (wallMaterial != null) {
                            if (floorLedgeHeight > 0) {
                                setIfSolid(world, x, y, z - 1, minZ, maxZ, wallMaterial, flooded, terrainHeight, waterLevel, removeWater);
                            if (roofLedgeHeight > 0) {
                                setIfSolid(world, x, y, z + 1, minZ, maxZ, wallMaterial, flooded, terrainHeight, waterLevel, removeWater);
                        if ((roofLedgeHeight == 0) && (roofMaterial != null)) {
                            setIfSolid(world, x, y, z + 1, minZ, maxZ, roofMaterial, flooded, terrainHeight, waterLevel, removeWater);
                    if (wallMaterial != null) {
                        terrainHeight = dimension.getIntHeightAt(x - 1, y);
                        waterLevel = dimension.getWaterLevelAt(x - 1, y);
                        flooded = waterLevel > terrainHeight;
                        for (int z = startZ; z > actualFloorLevel; z--) {
                            setIfSolid(world, x - 1, y, z, minZ, maxZ, wallMaterial, flooded, terrainHeight, waterLevel, removeWater);
                        terrainHeight = dimension.getIntHeightAt(x, y - 1);
                        waterLevel = dimension.getWaterLevelAt(x, y - 1);
                        flooded = waterLevel > terrainHeight;
                        for (int z = startZ; z > actualFloorLevel; z--) {
                            setIfSolid(world, x, y - 1, z, minZ, maxZ, wallMaterial, flooded, terrainHeight, waterLevel, removeWater);
                        terrainHeight = dimension.getIntHeightAt(x + 1, y);
                        waterLevel = dimension.getWaterLevelAt(x + 1, y);
                        flooded = waterLevel > terrainHeight;
                        for (int z = startZ; z > actualFloorLevel; z--) {
                            setIfSolid(world, x + 1, y, z, minZ, maxZ, wallMaterial, flooded, terrainHeight, waterLevel, removeWater);
                        terrainHeight = dimension.getIntHeightAt(x, y + 1);
                        waterLevel = dimension.getWaterLevelAt(x, y + 1);
                        flooded = waterLevel > terrainHeight;
                        for (int z = startZ; z > actualFloorLevel; z--) {
                            setIfSolid(world, x, y + 1, z, minZ, maxZ, wallMaterial, flooded, terrainHeight, waterLevel, removeWater);
        // Second pass: excavate interior
        for (int x = area.x; x < area.x + area.width; x++) {
            for (int y = area.y; y < area.y + area.height; y++) {
                if (dimension.getBitLayerValueAt(layer, x, y)) {
                    final int terrainHeight = dimension.getIntHeightAt(x, y);
                    int actualFloorLevel = calculateLevel(floorMode, floorLevel, terrainHeight, floorMin, floorMax, minZ, maxZ, (floorNoise != null) ? ((int) floorNoise.getHeight(x, y) - floorNoiseOffset) : 0);
                    int actualRoofLevel = calculateLevel(roofMode, roofLevel, terrainHeight, roofMin, roofMax, minZ, maxZ, (roofNoise != null) ? ((int) roofNoise.getHeight(x, y) - roofNoiseOffset) : 0);
                    if (actualRoofLevel <= actualFloorLevel) {
                    final float distanceToWall = dimension.getDistanceToEdge(layer, x, y, maxWallDepth) - 1;
                    final int floorLedgeHeight = calculateLedgeHeight(floorWallDepth, distanceToWall);
                    final int roofLedgeHeight = calculateLedgeHeight(roofWallDepth, distanceToWall);
                    actualFloorLevel += floorLedgeHeight;
                    actualRoofLevel -= roofLedgeHeight;
                    if (actualRoofLevel <= actualFloorLevel) {
                    final int waterLevel = dimension.getWaterLevelAt(x, y);
                    for (int z = actualRoofLevel; z > actualFloorLevel; z--) {
                        if (removeWater || (z <= terrainHeight) || (z > waterLevel)) {
                            if (z <= floodLevel) {
                                world.setMaterialAt(x, y, z, floodWithLava ? Material.LAVA : Material.WATER);
                            } else {
                                world.setMaterialAt(x, y, z, Material.AIR);
                    if (actualFloorLevel == 0) {
                        // probably what the user wants
                        if ((floodLevel > 0) && (0 <= floodLevel)) {
                            world.setMaterialAt(x, y, 0, floodWithLava ? Material.LAVA : Material.WATER);
                        } else {
                            world.setMaterialAt(x, y, 0, Material.AIR);
    // Second/third pass: render floor layers
    List<Fixup> fixups = new ArrayList<>();
    final Map<Layer, TunnelLayer.LayerSettings> floorLayers = layer.getFloorLayers();
    if ((floorLayers != null) && (!floorLayers.isEmpty())) {
        final IncidentalLayerExporter[] floorExporters = new IncidentalLayerExporter[floorLayers.size()];
        final TunnelLayer.LayerSettings[] floorLayerSettings = new TunnelLayer.LayerSettings[floorLayers.size()];
        final NoiseHeightMap[] floorLayerNoise = new NoiseHeightMap[floorLayers.size()];
        int index = 0;
        for (Layer floorLayer : floorLayers.keySet()) {
            floorExporters[index] = (IncidentalLayerExporter) floorLayer.getExporter();
            TunnelLayer.LayerSettings layerSettings = floorLayers.get(floorLayer);
            floorLayerSettings[index] = layerSettings;
            if (layerSettings.getVariation() != null) {
                floorLayerNoise[index] = new NoiseHeightMap(layerSettings.getVariation(), index);
        final TunnelFloorDimension floorDimension = new TunnelFloorDimension(dimension, layer);
        for (int x = area.x; x < area.x + area.width; x++) {
            for (int y = area.y; y < area.y + area.height; y++) {
                if (dimension.getBitLayerValueAt(layer, x, y)) {
                    final int terrainHeight = dimension.getIntHeightAt(x, y);
                    int actualFloorLevel = calculateLevel(floorMode, floorLevel, terrainHeight, floorMin, floorMax, minZ, maxZ, (floorNoise != null) ? ((int) floorNoise.getHeight(x, y) - floorNoiseOffset) : 0);
                    int actualRoofLevel = calculateLevel(roofMode, roofLevel, terrainHeight, roofMin, roofMax, minZ, maxZ, (roofNoise != null) ? ((int) roofNoise.getHeight(x, y) - roofNoiseOffset) : 0);
                    if (actualRoofLevel <= actualFloorLevel) {
                    final float distanceToWall = dimension.getDistanceToEdge(layer, x, y, maxWallDepth) - 1;
                    final int floorLedgeHeight = calculateLedgeHeight(floorWallDepth, distanceToWall);
                    final int roofLedgeHeight = calculateLedgeHeight(roofWallDepth, distanceToWall);
                    actualFloorLevel += floorLedgeHeight;
                    actualRoofLevel -= roofLedgeHeight;
                    if ((actualRoofLevel <= actualFloorLevel) || (actualFloorLevel == 0)) {
                    final int z = actualFloorLevel + 1;
                    final Point3i location = new Point3i(x, y, z);
                    for (int i = 0; i < floorExporters.length; i++) {
                        if ((z >= floorLayerSettings[i].getMinLevel()) && (z <= floorLayerSettings[i].getMaxLevel())) {
                            final int intensity = floorLayerNoise[i] != null ? MathUtils.clamp(0, (int) (floorLayerSettings[i].getIntensity() + floorLayerNoise[i].getValue(x, y, z) + 0.5f), 100) : floorLayerSettings[i].getIntensity();
                            if (intensity > 0) {
                                Fixup fixup = floorExporters[i].apply(floorDimension, location, intensity, exportedArea, world);
                                if (fixup != null) {
    return fixups.isEmpty() ? null : fixups;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Layer(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.Layer) Point3i(javax.vecmath.Point3i) NoiseHeightMap(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.heightMaps.NoiseHeightMap) MixedMaterial(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial)


MixedMaterial (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.MixedMaterial)13 Terrain (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Terrain)3 File ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Material (org.pepsoft.minecraft.Material)2 CustomLayer (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.CustomLayer)2 Layer (org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.Layer)2 Point (java.awt.Point)1 FileInputStream ( ObjectInputStream ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Random (java.util.Random)1 GZIPInputStream ( JFrame (javax.swing.JFrame)1 TreePath (javax.swing.tree.TreePath)1 Point3i (javax.vecmath.Point3i)1 ProgressReceiver (org.pepsoft.util.ProgressReceiver)1 TiledImageViewer (org.pepsoft.util.swing.TiledImageViewer)1