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Example 1 with PgArray

use of org.postgresql.jdbc.PgArray in project debezium by debezium.

the class Wal2JsonReplicationMessage method getValue.

 * Converts the value (string representation) coming from wal2json plugin to
 * a Java value based on the type of the column from the message. This value will be converted later on if necessary by the
 * {@link PostgresValueConverter#converter(Column, Field)} instance to match whatever the Connect schema type expects.
 * Note that the logic here is tightly coupled (i.e. dependent) on the wal2json plugin logic which writes the actual
 * JSON messages.
 * @param a supplier to get a connection to Postgres instance for array handling
 * @return the value; may be null
public Object getValue(String columnName, PostgresType type, String fullType, Value rawValue, final PgConnectionSupplier connection, boolean includeUnknownDatatypes) {
    if (rawValue.isNull()) {
        // nulls are null
        return null;
    if (type.isArrayType()) {
        try {
            final String dataString = rawValue.asString();
            PgArray arrayData = new PgArray(connection.get(), type.getOid(), dataString);
            Object deserializedArray = arrayData.getArray();
            return Arrays.asList((Object[]) deserializedArray);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("Unexpected exception trying to process PgArray ({}) column '{}', {}", fullType, columnName, e);
        return null;
    switch(type.getName()) {
        // plus aliases from the shorter names produced by older wal2json
        case "boolean":
        case "bool":
            return rawValue.asBoolean();
        case "integer":
        case "int":
        case "int4":
        case "smallint":
        case "int2":
        case "smallserial":
        case "serial":
        case "serial2":
        case "serial4":
        case "oid":
            return rawValue.asInteger();
        case "bigint":
        case "bigserial":
        case "int8":
            return rawValue.asLong();
        case "real":
        case "float4":
            return rawValue.isNumber() ? rawValue.asFloat() : Float.valueOf(rawValue.asString());
        case "double precision":
        case "float8":
            return rawValue.isNumber() ? rawValue.asDouble() : Double.valueOf(rawValue.asString());
        case "numeric":
        case "decimal":
            if (rawValue.isInteger()) {
                return new SpecialValueDecimal(new BigDecimal(rawValue.asInteger()));
            } else if (rawValue.isLong()) {
                return new SpecialValueDecimal(new BigDecimal(rawValue.asLong()));
            } else if (rawValue.isBigInteger()) {
                return new SpecialValueDecimal(new BigDecimal(rawValue.asBigInteger()));
            return SpecialValueDecimal.valueOf(rawValue.asString());
        case "character":
        case "char":
        case "character varying":
        case "varchar":
        case "bpchar":
        case "text":
            return rawValue.asString();
        case "date":
            return DateTimeFormat.get().date(rawValue.asString());
        case "timestamp with time zone":
        case "timestamptz":
            return DateTimeFormat.get().timestampWithTimeZone(rawValue.asString());
        case "timestamp":
        case "timestamp without time zone":
            return DateTimeFormat.get().timestamp(rawValue.asString());
        case "time":
        case "time without time zone":
            return DateTimeFormat.get().time(rawValue.asString());
        case "time with time zone":
        case "timetz":
            return DateTimeFormat.get().timeWithTimeZone(rawValue.asString());
        case "bytea":
            return Strings.hexStringToByteArray(rawValue.asString());
        // i.e. those values won't actually be propagated to the outbound message until that's the case
        case "box":
            try {
                return new PGbox(rawValue.asString());
            } catch (final SQLException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to parse point {}, {}", rawValue.asString(), e);
                throw new ConnectException(e);
        case "circle":
            try {
                return new PGcircle(rawValue.asString());
            } catch (final SQLException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to parse circle {}, {}", rawValue.asString(), e);
                throw new ConnectException(e);
        case "interval":
            try {
                return new PGInterval(rawValue.asString());
            } catch (final SQLException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to parse point {}, {}", rawValue.asString(), e);
                throw new ConnectException(e);
        case "line":
            try {
                return new PGline(rawValue.asString());
            } catch (final SQLException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to parse point {}, {}", rawValue.asString(), e);
                throw new ConnectException(e);
        case "lseg":
            try {
                return new PGlseg(rawValue.asString());
            } catch (final SQLException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to parse point {}, {}", rawValue.asString(), e);
                throw new ConnectException(e);
        case "money":
            try {
                return new PGmoney(rawValue.asString()).val;
            } catch (final SQLException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to parse money {}, {}", rawValue.asString(), e);
                throw new ConnectException(e);
        case "path":
            try {
                return new PGpath(rawValue.asString());
            } catch (final SQLException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to parse point {}, {}", rawValue.asString(), e);
                throw new ConnectException(e);
        case "point":
            try {
                return new PGpoint(rawValue.asString());
            } catch (final SQLException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to parse point {}, {}", rawValue.asString(), e);
                throw new ConnectException(e);
        case "polygon":
            try {
                return new PGpolygon(rawValue.asString());
            } catch (final SQLException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to parse point {}, {}", rawValue.asString(), e);
                throw new ConnectException(e);
        // ValueConverter turns them into the correct types
        case "geometry":
        case "geography":
            return rawValue.asString();
        case "bit":
        case "bit varying":
        case "varbit":
        case "json":
        case "jsonb":
        case "xml":
        case "uuid":
        case "tstzrange":
            return rawValue.asString();
        // TODO: improve with more specific/useful classes here?
        case "cidr":
        case "inet":
        case "macaddr":
        case "macaddr8":
        case "pg_lsn":
        case "tsquery":
        case "tsvector":
        case "txid_snapshot":
        // catch-all for unknown (extension module/custom) types
    if (includeUnknownDatatypes) {
        // this includes things like PostGIS geometries or other custom types.
        // leave up to the downstream message recipient to deal with.
        LOGGER.debug("processing column '{}' with unknown data type '{}' as byte array", columnName, fullType);
        return rawValue.asString();
    LOGGER.debug("Unknown column type {} for column {} – ignoring", fullType, columnName);
    return null;
Also used : PGpoint(org.postgresql.geometric.PGpoint) PGcircle(org.postgresql.geometric.PGcircle) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) PGmoney(org.postgresql.util.PGmoney) PGpolygon(org.postgresql.geometric.PGpolygon) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) PGInterval(org.postgresql.util.PGInterval) PGline(org.postgresql.geometric.PGline) SpecialValueDecimal( PGpath(org.postgresql.geometric.PGpath) PgArray(org.postgresql.jdbc.PgArray) PGbox(org.postgresql.geometric.PGbox) ConnectException(org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException) PGlseg(org.postgresql.geometric.PGlseg)

Example 2 with PgArray

use of org.postgresql.jdbc.PgArray in project debezium by debezium.

the class PgProtoReplicationMessage method getArray.

private Object getArray(PgProto.DatumMessage datumMessage, PgConnectionSupplier connection, int columnType) {
    // representations over the wire.
    try {
        byte[] data = datumMessage.hasDatumBytes() ? datumMessage.getDatumBytes().toByteArray() : null;
        if (data == null)
            return null;
        String dataString = new String(data, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
        PgArray arrayData = new PgArray(connection.get(), columnType, dataString);
        Object deserializedArray = arrayData.getArray();
        return Arrays.asList((Object[]) deserializedArray);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        LOGGER.warn("Unexpected exception trying to process PgArray column '{}'", datumMessage.getColumnName(), e);
    return null;
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) PgArray(org.postgresql.jdbc.PgArray)


SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 PgArray (org.postgresql.jdbc.PgArray)2 SpecialValueDecimal ( BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)1 ConnectException (org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException)1 PGbox (org.postgresql.geometric.PGbox)1 PGcircle (org.postgresql.geometric.PGcircle)1 PGline (org.postgresql.geometric.PGline)1 PGlseg (org.postgresql.geometric.PGlseg)1 PGpath (org.postgresql.geometric.PGpath)1 PGpoint (org.postgresql.geometric.PGpoint)1 PGpolygon (org.postgresql.geometric.PGpolygon)1 PGInterval (org.postgresql.util.PGInterval)1 PGmoney (org.postgresql.util.PGmoney)1