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Example 6 with MarshalerMethod

use of org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalerMethod in project robovm by robovm.

the class CallbackMethodCompiler method updateNative.

private void updateNative(SootMethod method, Function fn, Value env, long flags, List<MarshaledArg> marshaledArgs) {
    for (MarshaledArg value : marshaledArgs) {
        MarshalerMethod marshalerMethod = config.getMarshalerLookup().findMarshalerMethod(new MarshalSite(method, value.paramIndex));
        SootMethod afterMethod = ((PointerMarshalerMethod) marshalerMethod).getAfterCallbackCallMethod();
        if (afterMethod != null) {
            Invokestatic invokestatic = new Invokestatic(getInternalName(method.getDeclaringClass()), getInternalName(afterMethod.getDeclaringClass()), afterMethod.getName(), getDescriptor(afterMethod));
            call(fn, invokestatic.getFunctionRef(), env, value.handle, value.object, new IntegerConstant(flags));
Also used : MarshalSite(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalSite) Invokestatic(org.robovm.compiler.trampoline.Invokestatic) PointerMarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.PointerMarshalerMethod) SootMethod(soot.SootMethod) MarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalerMethod) PointerMarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.PointerMarshalerMethod) IntegerConstant(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.IntegerConstant)

Example 7 with MarshalerMethod

use of org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalerMethod in project robovm by robovm.

the class BroMethodCompiler method getStructMemberType.

public Type getStructMemberType(SootMethod method) {
    String methodType = hasStructMemberAnnotation(method) ? "@StructMember" : "@GlobalValue";
    SootMethod getter = method.getParameterCount() == 0 ? method : null;
    SootMethod setter = getter == null ? method : null;
    soot.Type type = getter != null ? getter.getReturnType() : setter.getParameterType(0);
    Type memberType = null;
    if (getter != null && hasPointerAnnotation(getter) || setter != null && hasPointerAnnotation(setter, 0)) {
        memberType = I8_PTR;
    } else if (getter != null && hasMachineSizedFloatAnnotation(getter) || setter != null && hasMachineSizedFloatAnnotation(setter, 0)) {
        memberType = config.getArch().is32Bit() ? FLOAT : DOUBLE;
    } else if (getter != null && (hasMachineSizedSIntAnnotation(getter) || hasMachineSizedUIntAnnotation(getter)) || setter != null && (hasMachineSizedSIntAnnotation(setter, 0) || hasMachineSizedUIntAnnotation(setter, 0))) {
        memberType = config.getArch().is32Bit() ? I32 : I64;
    } else if (type instanceof PrimType) {
        memberType = getType(type);
    } else if (getter != null && hasArrayAnnotation(getter) || setter != null && hasArrayAnnotation(setter, 0)) {
        int[] dimensions = getter != null ? getArrayDimensions(getter) : getArrayDimensions(setter, 0);
        if (dimensions == null || dimensions.length == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No dimensions specified for @Array annotation on " + methodType + " " + (getter != null ? "getter" : "setter") + " " + method);
        if (type instanceof soot.ArrayType && ((soot.ArrayType) type).numDimensions != dimensions.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatch in number of dimennsions for @Array annotation " + "and type on " + methodType + " " + (getter != null ? "getter" : "setter") + " " + method);
        Type baseType = null;
        if (type instanceof soot.ArrayType) {
            soot.ArrayType arrayType = (soot.ArrayType) type;
            if (isStruct(arrayType.baseType)) {
                // ByVal is implied for arrays of structs
                try {
                    baseType = getStructType(arrayType.baseType);
                } catch (StackOverflowError e) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Struct type " + type + " refers to itself");
            } else {
                baseType = getType(arrayType.baseType);
        } else if (isStruct(type)) {
            // ByVal is implied
            try {
                baseType = getStructType(type);
            } catch (StackOverflowError e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Struct type " + type + " refers to itself");
        } else if (type instanceof RefType) {
            MarshalerMethod marshalerMethod = config.getMarshalerLookup().findMarshalerMethod(getter != null ? new MarshalSite(getter) : new MarshalSite(setter, 0));
            baseType = getType(((ArrayMarshalerMethod) marshalerMethod).getBaseType());
        if (baseType == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arrays of " + type + " is not supported");
        long total = dimensions[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < dimensions.length; i++) {
            total *= dimensions[i];
        memberType = new ArrayType(total, baseType);
    } else if (isStruct(type)) {
        boolean byVal = getter != null ? isPassByValue(getter) : isPassByValue(setter, 0);
        if (!byVal) {
            // NOTE: We use i8* instead of <StructType>* to support pointers to recursive structs
            memberType = I8_PTR;
        } else {
            try {
                memberType = getStructType(type);
            } catch (StackOverflowError e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Struct type " + type + " refers to itself");
    } else if (isNativeObject(type)) {
        memberType = I8_PTR;
    } else {
        MarshalerMethod marshalerMethod = config.getMarshalerLookup().findMarshalerMethod(getter != null ? new MarshalSite(getter) : new MarshalSite(setter, 0));
        if (marshalerMethod instanceof ValueMarshalerMethod) {
            memberType = ((ValueMarshalerMethod) marshalerMethod).getNativeType(config.getArch());
        } else {
            memberType = I8_PTR;
    return memberType;
Also used : MarshalSite(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalSite) ValueMarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.ValueMarshalerMethod) Ptrtoint(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.Ptrtoint) ArrayType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.ArrayType) RefType(soot.RefType) RefType(soot.RefType) IntegerType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.IntegerType) StructureType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.StructureType) ArrayType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.ArrayType) PointerType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.PointerType) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) FloatType(soot.FloatType) LongType(soot.LongType) Type(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.Type) AggregateType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.AggregateType) PrimitiveType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.PrimitiveType) PrimType(soot.PrimType) VoidType(soot.VoidType) FunctionType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.FunctionType) SootMethod(soot.SootMethod) PrimType(soot.PrimType) MarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalerMethod) ValueMarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.ValueMarshalerMethod) ArrayMarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.ArrayMarshalerMethod) ArrayMarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.ArrayMarshalerMethod)

Example 8 with MarshalerMethod

use of org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalerMethod in project robovm by robovm.

the class BroMethodCompiler method getParameterType.

private Type getParameterType(String anno, SootMethod method, int i) {
    soot.Type sootType = method.getParameterType(i);
    if (hasPointerAnnotation(method, i)) {
        if (!sootType.equals(LongType.v())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + (i + 1) + " of " + anno + " annotated method " + method + " must be of type long when annotated with @Pointer.");
        return I8_PTR;
    if (hasMachineSizedFloatAnnotation(method, i)) {
        if (!sootType.equals(DoubleType.v()) && !sootType.equals(FloatType.v())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + (i + 1) + " of " + anno + " annotated method " + method + " must be of type float or double when annotated with @MachineSizedFloat.");
        return config.getArch().is32Bit() ? FLOAT : DOUBLE;
    if (hasMachineSizedSIntAnnotation(method, i) || hasMachineSizedUIntAnnotation(method, i)) {
        if (!sootType.equals(LongType.v())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + (i + 1) + " of " + anno + " annotated method " + method + " must be of type long when annotated with " + "@MachineSizedSInt or @MachineSizedUInt");
        return config.getArch().is32Bit() ? I32 : I64;
    if (hasStructRetAnnotation(method, i)) {
        if (i > 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + (i + 1) + " of " + anno + " annotated method " + method + " cannot be annotated with @StructRet. Only the first" + " parameter may have this annotation.");
        if (!isStruct(sootType)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + (i + 1) + " of " + anno + " annotated method " + method + " must be a sub class of Struct when annotated with @StructRet.");
        // @StructRet implies pass by reference
        return new PointerType(getStructType(sootType));
    if (isStruct(sootType)) {
        StructureType structType = getStructType(sootType);
        if (hasByValAnnotation(method, i)) {
            return getStructType(sootType);
        return new PointerType(structType);
    } else if (isNativeObject(sootType)) {
        // NativeObjects are always passed by reference.
        return I8_PTR;
    } else if (sootType instanceof PrimType) {
        return getType(sootType);
    MarshalerMethod marshalerMethod = config.getMarshalerLookup().findMarshalerMethod(new MarshalSite(method, i));
    if (marshalerMethod instanceof ValueMarshalerMethod) {
        return ((ValueMarshalerMethod) marshalerMethod).getNativeType(config.getArch());
    } else {
        return I8_PTR;
Also used : MarshalSite(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalSite) ValueMarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.ValueMarshalerMethod) StructureType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.StructureType) PrimType(soot.PrimType) PointerType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.PointerType) MarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalerMethod) ValueMarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.ValueMarshalerMethod) ArrayMarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.ArrayMarshalerMethod)

Example 9 with MarshalerMethod

use of org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalerMethod in project robovm by robovm.

the class BroMethodCompiler method storeValueForSetter.

protected void storeValueForSetter(SootMethod method, Function function, Type memberType, Value memberPtr, Value env, Value value, long flags) {
    soot.Type type = method.getParameterType(0);
    if (needsMarshaler(type)) {
        MarshalerMethod marshalerMethod = config.getMarshalerLookup().findMarshalerMethod(new MarshalSite(method, 0));
        if (memberType instanceof PrimitiveType) {
            value = marshalValueObjectToNative(function, marshalerMethod, memberType, env, value, flags);
        } else {
            if (memberType instanceof StructureType || memberType instanceof ArrayType) {
                // The parameter must not be null. We assume that Structs 
                // never have a NULL handle so we just check that the Java
                // Object isn't null.
                call(function, CHECK_NULL, env, value);
            if (memberType instanceof ArrayType) {
                // Array
                marshalArrayToNative(function, marshalerMethod, env, value, memberPtr, flags, getArrayDimensions(method, 0));
                value = null;
            } else {
                value = marshalObjectToNative(function, marshalerMethod, null, memberType, env, value, flags);
    } else {
        value = marshalPrimitiveToNative(function, method, 0, value);
    if (value != null) {
        function.add(new Store(value, memberPtr));
Also used : MarshalSite(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalSite) ArrayType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.ArrayType) StructureType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.StructureType) Store(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.Store) PrimitiveType(org.robovm.compiler.llvm.PrimitiveType) MarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalerMethod) ValueMarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.ValueMarshalerMethod) ArrayMarshalerMethod(org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.ArrayMarshalerMethod)


MarshalSite (org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalSite)9 MarshalerMethod (org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.MarshalerMethod)9 StructureType (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.StructureType)6 ArrayMarshalerMethod (org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.ArrayMarshalerMethod)5 ValueMarshalerMethod (org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.ValueMarshalerMethod)5 PrimitiveType (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.PrimitiveType)5 PointerMarshalerMethod (org.robovm.compiler.MarshalerLookup.PointerMarshalerMethod)4 IntegerConstant (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.IntegerConstant)4 PointerType (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.PointerType)4 ArrayType (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.ArrayType)3 FunctionType (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.FunctionType)3 Type (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.Type)3 Value (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.Value)3 PrimType (soot.PrimType)3 SootMethod (soot.SootMethod)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 BasicBlockRef (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.BasicBlockRef)2 Bitcast (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.Bitcast)2 ConstantBitcast (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.ConstantBitcast)2 DataLayout (org.robovm.compiler.llvm.DataLayout)2