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Example 1 with RnwWeave

use of in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class TextEditingTargetCompilePdfHelper method checkCompilers.

public void checkCompilers(final WarningBarDisplay display, TextFileType fileType) {
    // for all tex files we need to parse magic comments and validate
    // any explict latex proram directive
    ArrayList<TexMagicComment> magicComments = null;
    if (fileType.canCompilePDF()) {
        magicComments = TexMagicComment.parseComments(docDisplay_.getCode());
        String latexProgramDirective = detectLatexProgramDirective(magicComments);
        if (latexProgramDirective != null) {
            if (latexProgramRegistry_.findTypeIgnoreCase(latexProgramDirective) == null) {
                // show warning and bail 
                display.showWarningBar("Unknown LaTeX program type '" + latexProgramDirective + "' specified (valid types are " + latexProgramRegistry_.getPrintableTypeNames() + ")");
    // for Rnw we first determine the RnwWeave type
    RnwWeave rnwWeave = null;
    RnwWeaveDirective rnwWeaveDirective = null;
    if (fileType.isRnw()) {
        rnwWeaveDirective = detectRnwWeaveDirective(magicComments);
        if (rnwWeaveDirective != null) {
            rnwWeave = rnwWeaveDirective.getRnwWeave();
            if (rnwWeave == null) {
                // show warning and bail 
                display.showWarningBar("Unknown Rnw weave method '" + rnwWeaveDirective.getName() + "' specified (valid types are " + rnwWeaveRegistry_.getPrintableTypeNames() + ")");
        } else {
            rnwWeave = rnwWeaveRegistry_.findTypeIgnoreCase(prefs_.defaultSweaveEngine().getValue());
    final SessionInfo sessionInfo = session_.getSessionInfo();
    TexCapabilities texCap = sessionInfo.getTexCapabilities();
    final boolean checkForTeX = fileType.canCompilePDF() && !texCap.isTexInstalled();
    final boolean checkForRnwWeave = (rnwWeave != null) && !texCap.isRnwWeaveAvailable(rnwWeave);
    if (checkForTeX || checkForRnwWeave) {
        // alias variables to finals
        final boolean hasRnwWeaveDirective = rnwWeaveDirective != null;
        final RnwWeave fRnwWeave = rnwWeave;
        server_.getTexCapabilities(new ServerRequestCallback<TexCapabilities>() {

            public void onResponseReceived(TexCapabilities response) {
                if (checkForTeX && !response.isTexInstalled()) {
                    String warning;
                    if (Desktop.isDesktop())
                        warning = "No TeX installation detected. Please install " + "TeX before compiling.";
                        warning = "This server does not have TeX installed. You " + "may not be able to compile.";
                } else if (checkForRnwWeave && !response.isRnwWeaveAvailable(fRnwWeave)) {
                    String forContext = "";
                    if (hasRnwWeaveDirective)
                        forContext = "this file";
                    else if (sessionInfo.getActiveProjectFile() != null)
                        forContext = "Rnw files for this project";
                        forContext = "Rnw files";
                    display.showWarningBar(fRnwWeave.getName() + " is configured to weave " + forContext + " " + "however the " + fRnwWeave.getPackageName() + " package is not installed.");
                } else {

            public void onError(ServerError error) {
    } else {
Also used : RnwWeave( RnwWeaveDirective( ServerError( TexCapabilities( TexMagicComment(org.rstudio.core.client.tex.TexMagicComment) SessionInfo(

Example 2 with RnwWeave

use of in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class Source method onNewSweaveDoc.

public void onNewSweaveDoc() {
    // set concordance value if we need to
    String concordance = new String();
    if (uiPrefs_.alwaysEnableRnwConcordance().getValue()) {
        RnwWeave activeWeave = rnwWeaveRegistry_.findTypeIgnoreCase(uiPrefs_.defaultSweaveEngine().getValue());
        if (activeWeave.getInjectConcordance())
            concordance = "\\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}\n";
    final String concordanceValue = concordance;
    // show progress
    final ProgressIndicator indicator = new GlobalProgressDelayer(globalDisplay_, 500, "Creating new document...").getIndicator();
    // get the template
    server_.getSourceTemplate("", "sweave.Rnw", new ServerRequestCallback<String>() {

        public void onResponseReceived(String templateContents) {
            // add in concordance if necessary
            final boolean hasConcordance = concordanceValue.length() > 0;
            if (hasConcordance) {
                String beginDoc = "\\begin{document}\n";
                templateContents = templateContents.replace(beginDoc, beginDoc + concordanceValue);
            newDoc(FileTypeRegistry.SWEAVE, templateContents, new ResultCallback<EditingTarget, ServerError>() {

                public void onSuccess(EditingTarget target) {
                    int startRow = 4 + (hasConcordance ? 1 : 0);
                    target.setCursorPosition(Position.create(startRow, 0));

        public void onError(ServerError error) {
Also used : RnwWeave( ProgressIndicator(org.rstudio.core.client.widget.ProgressIndicator) ServerError( GlobalProgressDelayer( TextEditingTarget( EditingTarget( DataEditingTarget( CodeBrowserEditingTarget( JSONString( JsArrayString( NativePreviewHandler( FileTypeChangedHandler( Handler(org.rstudio.core.client.command.Handler) ValueChangeHandler( SelectionHandler( CloseHandler( ViewDataHandler( SourceOnSaveChangedHandler( ChangeHandler( OpenSourceFileHandler(

Example 3 with RnwWeave

use of in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class TextEditingTarget method sourceActiveDocument.

private void sourceActiveDocument(final boolean echo) {
    // If the document being sourced is a Shiny file, run the app instead.
    if (fileType_.isR() && extendedType_.startsWith(SourceDocument.XT_SHINY_PREFIX)) {
    // if the document is an R Markdown notebook, run all its chunks instead
    if (fileType_.isRmd() && isRmdNotebook()) {
    // If the document being sourced is a script then use that codepath
    if (fileType_.isScript()) {
    // If the document is previewable
    if (fileType_.canPreviewFromR()) {
    String code = docDisplay_.getCode();
    if (code != null && code.trim().length() > 0) {
        // R 2.14 prints a warning when sourcing a file with no trailing \n
        if (!code.endsWith("\n"))
            code = code + "\n";
        boolean sweave = fileType_.canCompilePDF() || fileType_.canKnitToHTML() || fileType_.isRpres();
        RnwWeave rnwWeave = compilePdfHelper_.getActiveRnwWeave();
        final boolean forceEcho = sweave && (rnwWeave != null) ? rnwWeave.forceEchoOnExec() : false;
        // NOTE: we always set echo to true for knitr because knitr doesn't
        // require print statements so if you don't echo to the console
        // then you don't see any of the output
        boolean saveWhenSourcing = fileType_.isCpp() || docDisplay_.hasBreakpoints() || (prefs_.saveBeforeSourcing().getValue() && (getPath() != null) && !sweave);
        if ((dirtyState_.getValue() || sweave) && !saveWhenSourcing) {
            server_.saveActiveDocument(code, sweave, compilePdfHelper_.getActiveRnwWeaveName(), new SimpleRequestCallback<Void>() {

                public void onResponseReceived(Void response) {
                    consoleDispatcher_.executeSourceCommand("~/.active-rstudio-document", fileType_, "UTF-8", activeCodeIsAscii(), forceEcho ? true : echo, prefs_.focusConsoleAfterExec().getValue(), docDisplay_.hasBreakpoints());
        } else {
            Command sourceCommand = new Command() {

                public void execute() {
                    if (docDisplay_.hasBreakpoints()) {
                    consoleDispatcher_.executeSourceCommand(getPath(), fileType_, docUpdateSentinel_.getEncoding(), activeCodeIsAscii(), forceEcho ? true : echo, prefs_.focusConsoleAfterExec().getValue(), docDisplay_.hasBreakpoints());
            if (saveWhenSourcing && (dirtyState_.getValue() || (getPath() == null)))
                saveThenExecute(null, sourceCommand);
    // update pref if necessary
    if (prefs_.sourceWithEcho().getValue() != echo) {
        prefs_.sourceWithEcho().setGlobalValue(echo, true);
Also used : RnwWeave( ScheduledCommand( RepeatingCommand( Command( AppCommand(org.rstudio.core.client.command.AppCommand) JsArrayString( Void(

Example 4 with RnwWeave

use of in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class TextEditingTargetCompilePdfHelper method getActiveRnwWeave.

// get the currently active rnw weave method -- note this can return
// null in the case that there is an embedded directive which is invalid
public RnwWeave getActiveRnwWeave() {
    if (docDisplay_.getFileType().canKnitToHTML())
        return rnwWeaveRegistry_.findTypeIgnoreCase("knitr");
    RnwWeave weave = null;
    ArrayList<TexMagicComment> magicComments = TexMagicComment.parseComments(docDisplay_.getCode());
    RnwWeaveDirective rnwWeaveDirective = detectRnwWeaveDirective(magicComments);
    if (rnwWeaveDirective != null) {
        weave = rnwWeaveDirective.getRnwWeave();
    } else {
        weave = rnwWeaveRegistry_.findTypeIgnoreCase(prefs_.defaultSweaveEngine().getValue());
    // look for the 'driver' directive and don't inject 
    // concocordance if there is a custom driver
    String driver = detectRnwDriverDirective(magicComments);
    if (driver != null)
        return RnwWeave.withNoConcordance(weave);
        return weave;
Also used : RnwWeave( RnwWeaveDirective( TexMagicComment(org.rstudio.core.client.tex.TexMagicComment)

Example 5 with RnwWeave

use of in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class TextEditingTargetCompilePdfHelper method ensureRnwConcordance.

public void ensureRnwConcordance() {
    RnwWeave rnwWeave = getActiveRnwWeave();
    if ((rnwWeave != null) && rnwWeave.getInjectConcordance()) {
        if (!hasConcordanceDirective(docDisplay_.getCode())) {
            InputEditorSelection doc ="\\\\begin{document}", // backwards
            false, // wrap
            true, // case sensitive
            false, // whole word
            false, // from selection
            null, // range (search all)
            null, // regexp mode
            if (doc != null) {
                InputEditorPosition pos = doc.getEnd().moveToNextLine();
                docDisplay_.insertCode(pos, "\\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}\n");
Also used : RnwWeave( InputEditorSelection( InputEditorPosition(


RnwWeave ( JsArrayString ( TexMagicComment (org.rstudio.core.client.tex.TexMagicComment)2 RnwWeaveDirective ( ServerError ( RepeatingCommand ( ScheduledCommand ( ChangeHandler ( CloseHandler ( SelectionHandler ( ValueChangeHandler ( JSONString ( Command ( NativePreviewHandler ( AppCommand (org.rstudio.core.client.command.AppCommand)1 Handler (org.rstudio.core.client.command.Handler)1 ProgressIndicator (org.rstudio.core.client.widget.ProgressIndicator)1 GlobalProgressDelayer ( OpenSourceFileHandler ( Void (