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Example 1 with TexCapabilities

use of in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class TextEditingTargetCompilePdfHelper method checkCompilers.

public void checkCompilers(final WarningBarDisplay display, TextFileType fileType) {
    // for all tex files we need to parse magic comments and validate
    // any explict latex proram directive
    ArrayList<TexMagicComment> magicComments = null;
    if (fileType.canCompilePDF()) {
        magicComments = TexMagicComment.parseComments(docDisplay_.getCode());
        String latexProgramDirective = detectLatexProgramDirective(magicComments);
        if (latexProgramDirective != null) {
            if (latexProgramRegistry_.findTypeIgnoreCase(latexProgramDirective) == null) {
                // show warning and bail 
                display.showWarningBar("Unknown LaTeX program type '" + latexProgramDirective + "' specified (valid types are " + latexProgramRegistry_.getPrintableTypeNames() + ")");
    // for Rnw we first determine the RnwWeave type
    RnwWeave rnwWeave = null;
    RnwWeaveDirective rnwWeaveDirective = null;
    if (fileType.isRnw()) {
        rnwWeaveDirective = detectRnwWeaveDirective(magicComments);
        if (rnwWeaveDirective != null) {
            rnwWeave = rnwWeaveDirective.getRnwWeave();
            if (rnwWeave == null) {
                // show warning and bail 
                display.showWarningBar("Unknown Rnw weave method '" + rnwWeaveDirective.getName() + "' specified (valid types are " + rnwWeaveRegistry_.getPrintableTypeNames() + ")");
        } else {
            rnwWeave = rnwWeaveRegistry_.findTypeIgnoreCase(prefs_.defaultSweaveEngine().getValue());
    final SessionInfo sessionInfo = session_.getSessionInfo();
    TexCapabilities texCap = sessionInfo.getTexCapabilities();
    final boolean checkForTeX = fileType.canCompilePDF() && !texCap.isTexInstalled();
    final boolean checkForRnwWeave = (rnwWeave != null) && !texCap.isRnwWeaveAvailable(rnwWeave);
    if (checkForTeX || checkForRnwWeave) {
        // alias variables to finals
        final boolean hasRnwWeaveDirective = rnwWeaveDirective != null;
        final RnwWeave fRnwWeave = rnwWeave;
        server_.getTexCapabilities(new ServerRequestCallback<TexCapabilities>() {

            public void onResponseReceived(TexCapabilities response) {
                if (checkForTeX && !response.isTexInstalled()) {
                    String warning;
                    if (Desktop.isDesktop())
                        warning = "No TeX installation detected. Please install " + "TeX before compiling.";
                        warning = "This server does not have TeX installed. You " + "may not be able to compile.";
                } else if (checkForRnwWeave && !response.isRnwWeaveAvailable(fRnwWeave)) {
                    String forContext = "";
                    if (hasRnwWeaveDirective)
                        forContext = "this file";
                    else if (sessionInfo.getActiveProjectFile() != null)
                        forContext = "Rnw files for this project";
                        forContext = "Rnw files";
                    display.showWarningBar(fRnwWeave.getName() + " is configured to weave " + forContext + " " + "however the " + fRnwWeave.getPackageName() + " package is not installed.");
                } else {

            public void onError(ServerError error) {
    } else {
Also used : RnwWeave( RnwWeaveDirective( ServerError( TexCapabilities( TexMagicComment(org.rstudio.core.client.tex.TexMagicComment) SessionInfo(

Example 2 with TexCapabilities

use of in project rstudio by rstudio.

the class RnwWeaveSelectWidget method verifyAvailable.

protected void verifyAvailable(final RnwWeave weave) {
    // first check if it was already available at startup
    TexCapabilities texCap = session_.getSessionInfo().getTexCapabilities();
    if (texCap.isRnwWeaveAvailable(weave))
    server_.getTexCapabilities(new ServerRequestCallback<TexCapabilities>() {

        public void onResponseReceived(TexCapabilities capabilities) {
            if (!capabilities.isRnwWeaveAvailable(weave)) {
                globalDisplay_.showYesNoMessage(MessageDialog.QUESTION, "Confirm Change", "The " + weave.getPackageName() + " package is required " + "for " + weave.getName() + " weaving, " + "however it is not currently installed. You should " + "ensure that " + weave.getPackageName() + " is installed " + "prior to compiling a PDF." + "\n\nAre you sure you want to change this option?", false, new Operation() {

                    public void execute() {
                }, new Operation() {

                    public void execute() {
                }, false);

        public void onError(ServerError error) {
Also used : ServerError( TexCapabilities( Operation(org.rstudio.core.client.widget.Operation)


ServerError ( TexCapabilities ( TexMagicComment (org.rstudio.core.client.tex.TexMagicComment)1 Operation (org.rstudio.core.client.widget.Operation)1 RnwWeave ( RnwWeaveDirective ( SessionInfo (