use of org.spf4j.stackmonitor.InvokedMethod in project spf4j by zolyfarkas.
the class ZStackPanel method filter.
public void filter() {
List<Sampled<InvokedMethod>> tips = search(xx, yy, 0, 0);
if (tips.size() >= 1) {
final InvokedMethod value = tips.get(0).getObj();
updateSamples(getMethod(), getSamples().filteredBy(new EqualsPredicate<>(value.getMethod())));
use of org.spf4j.stackmonitor.InvokedMethod in project spf4j by zolyfarkas.
the class ZStackPanel method paintGraph.
private void paintGraph(final Graphics2D g2, final int x, final int y, final double areaWidth, final double rowHeight) {
final Graph<InvokedMethod, SampleNode.InvocationCount> graph = completeGraph.copy();
int rootSamples = graph.getEdges(startFrom).getIncomming().keySet().iterator().next().getValue();
final double pps = areaWidth / rootSamples;
methodLocations = new HashMap<InvokedMethod, Rectangle2D>();
final Traversals.TraversalCallback<InvokedMethod, SampleNode.InvocationCount> traversalCallback = new Traversals.TraversalCallback<InvokedMethod, SampleNode.InvocationCount>() {
private int counter = 0;
public void handle(final InvokedMethod vertex, final Map<SampleNode.InvocationCount, InvokedMethod> edges) {
if (edges.size() == 1) {
if (vertex.equals(startFrom)) {
int nrSamples = edges.keySet().iterator().next().getValue();
drawMethod(vertex, nrSamples, (double) x, (double) y, (double) areaWidth, (double) rowHeight);
} else {
Map.Entry<SampleNode.InvocationCount, InvokedMethod> fromEntry = edges.entrySet().iterator().next();
InvokedMethod fromMethod = fromEntry.getValue();
Rectangle2D fromMethodLocation = methodLocations.get(fromMethod);
int relativeSamples = 0;
for (Map.Entry<SampleNode.InvocationCount, InvokedMethod> ens : graph.getEdges(fromMethod).getOutgoing().entrySet()) {
InvokedMethod slm = ens.getValue();
if (methodLocations.containsKey(slm) && graph.getEdges(slm).getIncomming().size() == 1 && !fromMethod.equals(slm)) {
relativeSamples += ens.getKey().getValue();
int nrSamples = fromEntry.getKey().getValue();
double width = nrSamples * pps;
double newX = fromMethodLocation.getX() + relativeSamples * pps;
drawMethod(vertex, nrSamples, newX, (fromMethodLocation.getY() + rowHeight), width, rowHeight);
} else if (edges.size() > 1) {
renderMethodLinked(edges, vertex);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid state, there must be a way to get to node " + vertex);
private void drawMethod(final InvokedMethod vertex, final int nrSamples, final double x, final double y, final double width, final double height, final Point... fromLinks) {
Rectangle2D.Double location = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, width, height);
methodLocations.put(vertex, location);
insert(x, y, width, height, new Sampled<>(vertex, nrSamples));
double newHeight = y + height;
if (totalHeight < newHeight) {
totalHeight = newHeight;
FlameStackPanel.setElementColor(counter++, g2);
g2.setClip((int) x, (int) y, (int) width, (int) height);
g2.fillRect((int) x, (int) y, (int) width, (int) height);
String val = vertex.getMethod().toString() + '-' + nrSamples;
g2.drawString(val, (int) x, (int) (y + height - 1));
for (Point divLoc : fromLinks) {
g2.drawLine((int) divLoc.getX(), (int) divLoc.getY(), (int) (x + width / 2), (int) y);
g2.drawRect((int) x, (int) y, (int) width, (int) height);
private void renderMethodLinked(final Map<SampleNode.InvocationCount, InvokedMethod> edges, final InvokedMethod vertex) {
List<Point> fromPoints = new ArrayList<>(edges.size());
double newYBase = 0;
double newXBase = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double newWidth = 0;
double maxX = Double.MIN_VALUE;
int nrSamples = 0;
for (Map.Entry<SampleNode.InvocationCount, InvokedMethod> fromEntry : edges.entrySet()) {
Rectangle2D fromRect = methodLocations.get(fromEntry.getValue());
newWidth += fromEntry.getKey().getValue() * pps;
nrSamples += fromEntry.getKey().getValue();
if (fromRect == null) {
double fromX = fromRect.getX();
if (fromX < newXBase) {
newXBase = fromX;
double mx = fromRect.getMaxX();
if (mx > maxX) {
maxX = mx;
double newY = fromRect.getMaxY() + rowHeight;
if (newY > newYBase) {
newYBase = newY;
fromPoints.add(new Point((int) fromRect.getCenterX(), (int) fromRect.getMaxY()));
Pair<List<Sampled<InvokedMethod>>, Double> result = findEmptySpace(newXBase, newYBase, newWidth, maxX);
while (!result.getFirst().isEmpty()) {
// TODO: optimize this to increment with a better value
newYBase += rowHeight;
result = findEmptySpace(newXBase, newYBase, newWidth, maxX);
drawMethod(vertex, nrSamples, result.getSecond(), newYBase, newWidth, rowHeight, fromPoints.toArray(new Point[fromPoints.size()]));
private Pair<List<Sampled<InvokedMethod>>, Double> findEmptySpace(final double newXBase, final double newYBase, final double newWidth, final double maxX) {
double tryx = newXBase + (maxX - newXBase) / 2 - newWidth / 2;
tryx = fitToViewableArea(tryx, newWidth);
List<Sampled<InvokedMethod>> methods = search(tryx, newYBase, newWidth, Float.MAX_VALUE);
if (!methods.isEmpty()) {
tryx = newXBase;
tryx = fitToViewableArea(tryx, newWidth);
methods = search(tryx, newYBase, newWidth, Float.MAX_VALUE);
if (!methods.isEmpty()) {
tryx = maxX - newWidth;
tryx = fitToViewableArea(tryx, newWidth);
methods = search(tryx, newYBase, newWidth, Float.MAX_VALUE);
return Pair.of(methods, tryx);
private double fitToViewableArea(final double ptryx, final double newWidth) {
double tryx = ptryx;
if (tryx < 0) {
tryx = 0;
} else if (tryx > areaWidth - newWidth) {
tryx = areaWidth - newWidth;
return tryx;
Traversals.customTraverse(graph, startFrom, traversalCallback);
use of org.spf4j.stackmonitor.InvokedMethod in project spf4j by zolyfarkas.
the class ZStackPanel method drill.
public void drill() {
List<Sampled<InvokedMethod>> tips = search(xx, yy, 0, 0);
if (tips.size() >= 1) {
final InvokedMethod value = tips.get(0).getObj();
startFrom = value;
use of org.spf4j.stackmonitor.InvokedMethod in project spf4j by zolyfarkas.
the class ZStackPanel method getDetail.
public String getDetail(final Point location) {
List<Sampled<InvokedMethod>> tips = search(location.x, location.y, 0, 0);
if (tips.size() >= 1) {
final Sampled<InvokedMethod> node = tips.get(0);
final InvokedMethod method = node.getObj();
final Map<SampleNode.InvocationCount, InvokedMethod> incomming = completeGraph.getEdges(method).getIncomming();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(method).append('-').append(node.getNrSamples()).append("\n invoked from: ");
appendEdgeInfo(incomming, sb);
sb.append("\n invoking: ");
final Map<SampleNode.InvocationCount, InvokedMethod> outgoing = completeGraph.getEdges(method).getOutgoing();
appendEdgeInfo(outgoing, sb);
return sb.toString();
} else {
return null;
use of org.spf4j.stackmonitor.InvokedMethod in project spf4j by zolyfarkas.
the class ZStackPanel method appendEdgeInfo.
private static void appendEdgeInfo(final Map<SampleNode.InvocationCount, InvokedMethod> incomming, final StringBuilder sb) {
for (Map.Entry<SampleNode.InvocationCount, InvokedMethod> entry : incomming.entrySet()) {
int ic = entry.getKey().getValue();
InvokedMethod method = entry.getValue();
sb.append(method).append('-').append(ic).append("; ");