use of org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.IPhaseState in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class GeneralPhase method performPostBlockAdditions.
private static void performPostBlockAdditions(PhaseContext<?> postContext, List<Transaction<BlockSnapshot>> transactions, IPhaseState<?> unwindingState, PhaseContext<?> unwindingPhaseContext) {
// We have to use a proxy so that our pending changes are notified such that any accessors from block
// classes do not fail on getting the incorrect block state from the IBlockAccess
final SpongeProxyBlockAccess proxyBlockAccess = new SpongeProxyBlockAccess(transactions);
final CapturedMultiMapSupplier<BlockPos, ItemDropData> capturedBlockDrops = postContext.getBlockDropSupplier();
final CapturedMultiMapSupplier<BlockPos, EntityItem> capturedBlockItemEntityDrops = postContext.getBlockItemDropSupplier();
for (Transaction<BlockSnapshot> transaction : transactions) {
if (!transaction.isValid()) {
// Don't use invalidated block transactions during notifications, these only need to be restored
// Handle custom replacements
if (transaction.getCustom().isPresent()) {
transaction.getFinal().restore(true, BlockChangeFlags.ALL);
final SpongeBlockSnapshot oldBlockSnapshot = (SpongeBlockSnapshot) transaction.getOriginal();
final SpongeBlockSnapshot newBlockSnapshot = (SpongeBlockSnapshot) transaction.getFinal();
// Handle item drops captured
final Location<World> worldLocation = oldBlockSnapshot.getLocation().get();
final IMixinWorldServer mixinWorldServer = (IMixinWorldServer) worldLocation.getExtent();
final BlockPos pos = ((IMixinLocation) (Object) worldLocation).getBlockPos();
capturedBlockDrops.acceptAndRemoveIfPresent(pos, items -> TrackingUtil.spawnItemDataForBlockDrops(items, oldBlockSnapshot, unwindingPhaseContext, unwindingState));
capturedBlockItemEntityDrops.acceptAndRemoveIfPresent(pos, items -> TrackingUtil.spawnItemEntitiesForBlockDrops(items, oldBlockSnapshot, unwindingPhaseContext, unwindingState));
final WorldServer worldServer = mixinWorldServer.asMinecraftWorld();
SpongeHooks.logBlockAction(worldServer, oldBlockSnapshot.blockChange, transaction);
final SpongeBlockChangeFlag spongeFlag = oldBlockSnapshot.getChangeFlag();
final int updateFlag = spongeFlag.getRawFlag();
final IBlockState originalState = (IBlockState) oldBlockSnapshot.getState();
final IBlockState newState = (IBlockState) newBlockSnapshot.getState();
// Containers get placed automatically
final CapturedSupplier<BlockSnapshot> capturedBlockSupplier = postContext.getCapturedBlockSupplier();
if (spongeFlag.performBlockPhysics() && originalState.getBlock() != newState.getBlock() && !SpongeImplHooks.hasBlockTileEntity(newState.getBlock(), newState)) {
newState.getBlock().onBlockAdded(worldServer, pos, newState);
postContext.getCapturedEntitySupplier().acceptAndClearIfNotEmpty(entities -> {
final ArrayList<Entity> capturedEntities = new ArrayList<>(entities);
((IPhaseState) unwindingState).postProcessSpawns(unwindingPhaseContext, capturedEntities);
capturedBlockSupplier.acceptAndClearIfNotEmpty(blocks -> {
final List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots = new ArrayList<>(blocks);
processBlockTransactionListsPost(postContext, blockSnapshots, unwindingState, unwindingPhaseContext);
((IPhaseState) unwindingState).handleBlockChangeWithUser(oldBlockSnapshot.blockChange, transaction, unwindingPhaseContext);
if (spongeFlag.isNotifyClients()) {
// Since notifyBlockUpdate is basically to tell clients that the block position has changed,
// we need to respect that flag
worldServer.notifyBlockUpdate(pos, originalState, newState, updateFlag);
if (spongeFlag.updateNeighbors()) {
// Notify neighbors only if the change flag allowed it.
mixinWorldServer.spongeNotifyNeighborsPostBlockChange(pos, originalState, newState, spongeFlag);
} else if (spongeFlag.notifyObservers()) {
worldServer.updateObservingBlocksAt(pos, newState.getBlock());
capturedBlockSupplier.acceptAndClearIfNotEmpty(blocks -> {
final List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots = new ArrayList<>(blocks);
processBlockTransactionListsPost(postContext, blockSnapshots, unwindingState, unwindingPhaseContext);
use of org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.IPhaseState in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class PostState method appendContextPreExplosion.
public void appendContextPreExplosion(ExplosionContext explosionContext, UnwindingPhaseContext context) {
final IPhaseState phaseState = context.getUnwindingState();
final PhaseContext<?> unwinding = context.getUnwindingContext();
phaseState.appendContextPreExplosion(explosionContext, unwinding);
use of org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.IPhaseState in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class PostState method unwind.
public void unwind(UnwindingPhaseContext context) {
final IPhaseState unwindingState = context.getUnwindingState();
final PhaseContext<?> unwindingContext = context.getUnwindingContext();
this.postDispatch(unwindingState, unwindingContext, context);
use of org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.IPhaseState in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class MixinDedicatedServer method isBlockProtected.
* @author zml - March 9th, 2016
* @author blood - July 7th, 2016 - Add cause tracker handling for throwing pre change block checks
* @author gabizou - July 7th, 2016 - Update for 1.10's cause tracking changes
* @reason Change spawn protection to take advantage of Sponge permissions. Rather than affecting only the default world like vanilla, this
* will apply to any world. Additionally, fire a spawn protection event
public boolean isBlockProtected( worldIn, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer playerIn) {
// Mods such as ComputerCraft and Thaumcraft check this method before attempting to set a blockstate.
final PhaseTracker phaseTracker = PhaseTracker.getInstance();
final PhaseData peek = phaseTracker.getCurrentPhaseData();
final IPhaseState phaseState = peek.state;
if (phaseState == null || !phaseState.isInteraction()) {
if (SpongeCommonEventFactory.callChangeBlockEventPre((IMixinWorldServer) worldIn, pos, playerIn).isCancelled()) {
return true;
BlockPos spawnPoint = worldIn.getSpawnPoint();
int protectionRadius = getSpawnProtectionSize();
return protectionRadius > 0 && Math.max(Math.abs(pos.getX() - spawnPoint.getX()), Math.abs(pos.getZ() - spawnPoint.getZ())) <= protectionRadius && !((Player) playerIn).hasPermission("minecraft.spawn-protection.override");
use of org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.IPhaseState in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class ContainerUtil method performBlockInventoryDrops.
* Replacement helper method for {@link MixinInventoryHelper#spongeDropInventoryItems(World, double, double, double, IInventory)}
* to perform cause tracking related drops. This is specific for blocks, not for any other cases.
* @param worldServer The world server
* @param x the x position
* @param y the y position
* @param z the z position
* @param inventory The inventory to drop items from
public static void performBlockInventoryDrops(WorldServer worldServer, double x, double y, double z, IInventory inventory) {
final PhaseData currentPhase = PhaseTracker.getInstance().getCurrentPhaseData();
final IPhaseState currentState = currentPhase.state;
if (currentState.tracksBlockSpecificDrops()) {
final PhaseContext<?> context = currentPhase.context;
if (!currentState.ignoresItemPreMerging() && SpongeImpl.getGlobalConfig().getConfig().getOptimizations().doDropsPreMergeItemDrops()) {
// Add itemstack to pre merge list
final Multimap<BlockPos, ItemDropData> multimap = context.getBlockDropSupplier().get();
final BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
final Collection<ItemDropData> itemStacks = multimap.get(pos);
for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSizeInventory(); i++) {
final net.minecraft.item.ItemStack itemStack = inventory.getStackInSlot(i);
if (!itemStack.isEmpty()) {
SpongeImplHooks.addItemStackToListForSpawning(itemStacks, ItemDropData.item(itemStack).position(VecHelper.toVector3d(pos)).build());
} else {
// Don't do pre-merging - directly spawn in item
final Multimap<BlockPos, EntityItem> multimap = context.getBlockItemDropSupplier().get();
final BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
final Collection<EntityItem> itemStacks = multimap.get(pos);
for (int j = 0; j < inventory.getSizeInventory(); j++) {
final net.minecraft.item.ItemStack itemStack = inventory.getStackInSlot(j);
if (!itemStack.isEmpty()) {
float f = RANDOM.nextFloat() * 0.8F + 0.1F;
float f1 = RANDOM.nextFloat() * 0.8F + 0.1F;
float f2 = RANDOM.nextFloat() * 0.8F + 0.1F;
while (!itemStack.isEmpty()) {
int i = RANDOM.nextInt(21) + 10;
EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(worldServer, x + f, y + f1, z + f2, itemStack.splitStack(i));
entityitem.motionX = RANDOM.nextGaussian() * 0.05;
entityitem.motionY = RANDOM.nextGaussian() * 0.05 + 0.2;
entityitem.motionZ = RANDOM.nextGaussian() * 0.05;
// Finally, just default to spawning the entities normally, regardless of the case.
for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSizeInventory(); i++) {
final net.minecraft.item.ItemStack itemStack = inventory.getStackInSlot(i);
if (!itemStack.isEmpty()) {
InventoryHelper.spawnItemStack(worldServer, x, y, z, itemStack);