use of org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException in project structr by structr.
the class BulkDeleteCommand method bulkDelete.
public void bulkDelete(final Iterator<GraphObject> iterator) throws FrameworkException {
final App app = StructrApp.getInstance(securityContext);
final long count = bulkGraphOperation(securityContext, iterator, 1000, "DeleteObjects", new BulkGraphOperation<GraphObject>() {
public void handleGraphObject(final SecurityContext securityContext, final GraphObject obj) {
try {
if (obj.isNode()) {
final AbstractNode node = (AbstractNode) obj;
if (!node.isGranted(Permission.delete, securityContext)) {
logger.warn("Could not delete {} because {} has no delete permission", obj.getUuid(), securityContext.getUser(false));
} else {
app.delete((NodeInterface) obj);
} else {
app.delete((RelationshipInterface) obj);
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
logger.warn("Unable to delete node {}: {}", obj.getUuid(), fex.toString());
public void handleThrowable(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t, GraphObject node) {
logger.warn("Unable to delete node {}", node.getUuid());
public void handleTransactionFailure(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Unable to delete nodes {}", t.toString());
info("Done with deleting {} nodes", count);
use of org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException in project structr by structr.
the class BulkSetRelationshipPropertiesCommand method execute.
// ~--- methods --------------------------------------------------------
public void execute(final Map<String, Object> properties) throws FrameworkException {
final DatabaseService graphDb = (DatabaseService) arguments.get("graphDb");
final RelationshipFactory relationshipFactory = new RelationshipFactory(securityContext);
if (graphDb != null) {
Iterator<AbstractRelationship> relIterator = null;
final String typeName = "type";
if (properties.containsKey(typeName)) {
relIterator = StructrApp.getInstance(securityContext).relationshipQuery(SchemaHelper.getEntityClassForRawType(typeName)).getAsList().iterator();
} else {
relIterator =, graphDb.getAllRelationships()).iterator();
final long count = bulkGraphOperation(securityContext, relIterator, 1000, "SetRelationshipProperties", new BulkGraphOperation<AbstractRelationship>() {
public void handleGraphObject(SecurityContext securityContext, AbstractRelationship rel) {
// Treat only "our" nodes
if (rel.getProperty( != null) {
for (Entry entry : properties.entrySet()) {
String key = (String) entry.getKey();
Object val = entry.getValue();
PropertyKey propertyKey = StructrApp.getConfiguration().getPropertyKeyForDatabaseName(rel.getClass(), key);
if (propertyKey != null) {
try {
rel.setProperty(propertyKey, val);
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
logger.warn("Unable to set relationship property {} of relationship {} to {}: {}", new Object[] { propertyKey, rel.getUuid(), val, fex.getMessage() });
public void handleThrowable(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t, AbstractRelationship rel) {
logger.warn("Unable to set properties of relationship {}: {}", new Object[] { rel.getUuid(), t.getMessage() });
public void handleTransactionFailure(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Unable to set relationship properties: {}", t.getMessage());
});"Finished setting properties on {} relationships", count);
use of org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException in project structr by structr.
the class BulkSetUuidCommand method execute.
// ~--- methods --------------------------------------------------------
public void execute(Map<String, Object> attributes) throws FrameworkException {
final String nodeType = (String) attributes.get("type");
final String relType = (String) attributes.get("relType");
final Boolean allNodes = (Boolean) attributes.get("allNodes");
final Boolean allRels = (Boolean) attributes.get("allRels");
final DatabaseService graphDb = (DatabaseService) arguments.get("graphDb");
final SecurityContext superUserContext = SecurityContext.getSuperUserInstance();
final NodeFactory nodeFactory = new NodeFactory(superUserContext);
final RelationshipFactory relFactory = new RelationshipFactory(superUserContext);
if (nodeType != null || Boolean.TRUE.equals(allNodes)) {
Iterator<AbstractNode> nodeIterator = null;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(allNodes)) {
nodeIterator =, graphDb.getAllNodes()).iterator();
info("Start setting UUID on all nodes");
} else {
nodeIterator =, graphDb.getNodesByTypeProperty(nodeType)).iterator();
info("Start setting UUID on nodes of type {}", new Object[] { nodeType });
final long count = bulkGraphOperation(securityContext, nodeIterator, 1000, "SetNodeUuid", new BulkGraphOperation<AbstractNode>() {
public void handleGraphObject(final SecurityContext securityContext, final AbstractNode node) {
try {
if (node.getProperty( == null) {
node.setProperty(, NodeServiceCommand.getNextUuid());
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
logger.warn("Unable to set UUID of node {}", node, fex);
public void handleThrowable(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t, AbstractNode node) {
logger.warn("Unable to set UUID of node {}", node, t);
public void handleTransactionFailure(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Unable to set UUID on node", t);
public boolean doValidation() {
return false;
info("Done with setting UUID on {} nodes", count);
if (relType != null || Boolean.TRUE.equals(allRels)) {
Iterator<AbstractRelationship> relIterator = null;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(allRels)) {
relIterator =, graphDb.getAllRelationships()).iterator();
info("Start setting UUID on all rels", new Object[] { relType });
} else {
relIterator =, graphDb.getRelationshipsByType(relType)).iterator();
info("Start setting UUID on rels of type {}", new Object[] { relType });
final long count = bulkGraphOperation(securityContext, relIterator, 1000, "SetRelationshipUuid", new BulkGraphOperation<AbstractRelationship>() {
public void handleGraphObject(SecurityContext securityContext, AbstractRelationship rel) {
try {
if (rel.getProperty( == null) {
rel.setProperty(, NodeServiceCommand.getNextUuid());
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
logger.warn("Unable to set UUID of relationship {}: {}", new Object[] { rel, fex.getMessage() });
public void handleThrowable(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t, AbstractRelationship rel) {
logger.warn("Unable to set UUID of relationship {}: {}", rel, t.getMessage());
public void handleTransactionFailure(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Unable to set UUID on relationships {}", t.toString());
public boolean doValidation() {
return false;
info("Done with setting UUID on {} relationships", count);
info("Unable to determine entity type to set UUID.");
use of org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException in project structr by structr.
the class SetFunction method apply.
public Object apply(final ActionContext ctx, final Object caller, final Object[] sources) throws FrameworkException {
if (arrayHasMinLengthAndAllElementsNotNull(sources, 2)) {
final SecurityContext securityContext = ctx.getSecurityContext();
final ConfigurationProvider config = StructrApp.getConfiguration();
Class type = null;
PropertyMap propertyMap = null;
if (sources[0] instanceof GraphObject) {
final GraphObject source = (GraphObject) sources[0];
type = source.getEntityType();
if (type == null) {
throw new FrameworkException(422, "Can't get type of object '" + sources[0].toString() + "' in set() method!");
final GraphObject sourceObject = (GraphObject) sources[0];
if (sources.length == 2 && sources[1] instanceof Map) {
propertyMap = PropertyMap.inputTypeToJavaType(securityContext, type, (Map) sources[1]);
} else if (sources.length == 2 && sources[1] instanceof GraphObjectMap) {
propertyMap = PropertyMap.inputTypeToJavaType(securityContext, type, ((GraphObjectMap) sources[1]).toMap());
} else if (sources.length == 2 && sources[1] instanceof String) {
final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
final Map<String, Object> values = deserialize(gson, sources[1].toString());
if (values != null) {
propertyMap = PropertyMap.inputTypeToJavaType(securityContext, type, values);
} else if (sources.length > 2) {
propertyMap = new PropertyMap();
final int parameter_count = sources.length;
if (parameter_count % 2 == 0) {
throw new FrameworkException(400, "Invalid number of parameters: " + parameter_count + ". Should be uneven: " + (ctx.isJavaScriptContext() ? ERROR_MESSAGE_SET_JS : ERROR_MESSAGE_SET));
for (int c = 1; c < parameter_count; c += 2) {
final PropertyKey key = config.getPropertyKeyForJSONName(type, sources[c].toString());
if (key != null) {
final PropertyConverter inputConverter = key.inputConverter(securityContext);
Object value = sources[c + 1];
if (inputConverter != null) {
value = inputConverter.convert(value);
propertyMap.put(key, value);
} else {
throw new FrameworkException(422, "Invalid use of builtin method set, usage: set(entity, params..)");
if (propertyMap != null) {
sourceObject.setProperties(securityContext, propertyMap);
} else {
logParameterError(caller, sources, ctx.isJavaScriptContext());
return "";
use of org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException in project structr by structr.
the class StructrLDAPWrapper method add.
public void add(final Entry entry) throws LdapException {
try (final Tx tx = app().tx()) {
// create while descending
final Dn dn = entry.getDn();
final LDAPNode parent = find(dn.getParent());
if (parent != null) {
final Attribute objectClasses = entry.get(schemaManager.getAttributeType(SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT_OID));
final ObjectClassRegistry reg = schemaManager.getObjectClassRegistry();
final Set<String> classes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
final Rdn rdn = dn.getRdn();
String mainClass = null;
// make rdn schema aware
if (!rdn.isSchemaAware()) {
if (objectClasses != null) {
for (final Value<?> value : objectClasses) {
final String cls = value.getString();
final String objectClassOid = reg.getOidByName(cls);
if (reg.get(objectClassOid).isStructural()) {
mainClass = cls;
} else {
final LDAPNode newChild = parent.createChild(rdn.getNormName(), rdn.getName(), mainClass, classes);
if (newChild != null) {
for (final Attribute attr : entry) {
AttributeType type = attr.getAttributeType();
String oid = null;
if (type != null) {
oid = type.getOid();
} else {
type = schemaManager.getAttributeType(attr.getUpId());
oid = type.getOid();
newChild.createAttribute(oid, attr.getUpId(), attr);
} else {
logger.warn("Unable to add entry {}, could not create new instance", entry);
} else {
logger.warn("Unable to add entry {}, could not determine object class(es)", entry);
} else {
logger.warn("Unable to add entry {}, parent not found", entry);
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {