use of org.terasology.engine.logic.console.commandSystem.annotations.Command in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class ChatSystem method say.
@Command(runOnServer = true, requiredPermission = PermissionManager.CHAT_PERMISSION, shortDescription = "Sends a message to all other players")
public String say(@Sender EntityRef sender, @CommandParam(value = "message") String[] message) {
String messageToString = join(message, " ");
logger.debug("Received chat message from {} : '{}'", sender, messageToString);
for (EntityRef client : entityManager.getEntitiesWith(ClientComponent.class)) {
client.send(new ChatMessageEvent(messageToString, sender.getComponent(ClientComponent.class).clientInfo));
return "Message sent";
use of org.terasology.engine.logic.console.commandSystem.annotations.Command in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class CoreCommands method editScreen.
* Opens the NUI editor for a ui screen
* @param uri String containing ui screen name
* @return String containing final message
@Command(shortDescription = "Opens the NUI editor for a ui screen", requiredPermission = PermissionManager.NO_PERMISSION)
public String editScreen(@CommandParam(value = "uri", suggester = ScreenSuggester.class) String uri) {
if (!nuiEditorSystem.isEditorActive()) {
Set<ResourceUrn> urns = assetManager.resolve(uri, UIElement.class);
switch(urns.size()) {
case 0:
return String.format("No asset found for screen '%s'", uri);
case 1:
ResourceUrn urn = urns.iterator().next();
((NUIEditorScreen) nuiManager.getScreen(NUIEditorScreen.ASSET_URI)).selectAsset(urn);
return "Success";
return String.format("Multiple matches for screen '%s': {%s}", uri, Arrays.toString(urns.toArray()));
use of org.terasology.engine.logic.console.commandSystem.annotations.Command in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class CoreCommands method bulkDrop.
@Command(shortDescription = "Mass-drops the desired block however many times the player indicates", helpText = "First parameter indicates which block to drop, second parameter how many", runOnServer = true, requiredPermission = PermissionManager.CHEAT_PERMISSION)
public String bulkDrop(@Sender EntityRef sender, @CommandParam("blockName") String blockName, @CommandParam("value") int value) {
// This is a loop which gives the particular amount of block the player wants to spawn
ClientComponent clientComponent = sender.getComponent(ClientComponent.class);
LocationComponent characterLocation = clientComponent.character.getComponent(LocationComponent.class);
Vector3f spawnPos = characterLocation.getWorldPosition(new Vector3f());
Vector3f offset = characterLocation.getWorldDirection(new Vector3f());
spawnPos.add(5, 10, 0);
BlockFamily block = blockManager.getBlockFamily(blockName);
if (block == null) {
return "Sorry, your block is not found";
BlockItemFactory blockItemFactory = new BlockItemFactory(entityManager);
if (value > 5000) {
return "Value exceeds the maximum limit of 5000 blocks. your value: " + value + " blocks";
for (int i = 0; i < value; i++) {
EntityRef blockItem = blockItemFactory.newInstance(block);
blockItem.send(new DropItemEvent(spawnPos));
// this returns the block you have spawned and the amount
return "Dropped " + value + " " + blockName + " Blocks :)";
use of org.terasology.engine.logic.console.commandSystem.annotations.Command in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class CoreCommands method spawnBlock.
* Spawns a block in front of the player
* @param sender Sender of command
* @param blockName String containing name of block to spawn
* @return String containg final message
@Command(shortDescription = "Spawns a block in front of the player", helpText = "Spawns the specified block as a " + "item in front of the player. You can simply pick it up.", runOnServer = true, requiredPermission = PermissionManager.CHEAT_PERMISSION)
public String spawnBlock(@Sender EntityRef sender, @CommandParam("blockName") String blockName) {
ClientComponent clientComponent = sender.getComponent(ClientComponent.class);
LocationComponent characterLocation = clientComponent.character.getComponent(LocationComponent.class);
Vector3f spawnPos = characterLocation.getWorldPosition(new Vector3f());
Vector3f offset = characterLocation.getWorldDirection(new Vector3f());
BlockFamily block = blockManager.getBlockFamily(blockName);
if (block == null) {
return "";
BlockItemFactory blockItemFactory = new BlockItemFactory(entityManager);
EntityRef blockItem = blockItemFactory.newInstance(block);
blockItem.send(new DropItemEvent(spawnPos));
return "Spawned block.";
use of org.terasology.engine.logic.console.commandSystem.annotations.Command in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class CoreCommands method dumpEntities.
* Writes out information on entities having specific components to a text file for debugging
* If no component names provided - writes out information on all entities
* @param componentNames string contains one or several component names, if more then one name
* provided - they must be braced with double quotes and all names separated
* by space
* @return String containing information about number of entities saved
* @throws IOException thrown when error with saving file occures
@Command(shortDescription = "Writes out information on all entities to a JSON file for debugging", helpText = "Writes entity information out into a file named \"<timestamp>-entityDump.json\"." + " Supports list of component names, which will be used to only save entities that contains" + " one or more of those components. Names should be separated by spaces.")
public String dumpEntities(@CommandParam(value = "componentNames", required = false) String... componentNames) throws IOException {
int savedEntityCount;
EngineEntityManager engineEntityManager = (EngineEntityManager) entityManager;
PrefabSerializer prefabSerializer = new PrefabSerializer(engineEntityManager.getComponentLibrary(), engineEntityManager.getTypeSerializerLibrary());
WorldDumper worldDumper = new WorldDumper(engineEntityManager, prefabSerializer);
Path outFile = PathManager.getInstance().getHomePath().resolve( + "-entityDump.json");
if (componentNames.length == 0) {
savedEntityCount =;
} else {
List<Class<? extends Component>> filterComponents = Trim off whitespace
String::trim).filter(// Remove empty strings
o -> !o.isEmpty()).map(// All component class names end with "component"
o -> o.toLowerCase().endsWith("component") ? o : o + "component").map(o -> -> e.getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase(o)).findFirst()).filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (!filterComponents.isEmpty()) {
savedEntityCount =, filterComponents);
} else {
return "Could not find components matching given names";
return "Number of entities saved: " + savedEntityCount;