use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class CoreCommands method spawnBlock.
* Spawns a block in front of the player
* @param sender Sender of command
* @param blockName String containing name of block to spawn
* @return String containg final message
@Command(shortDescription = "Spawns a block in front of the player", helpText = "Spawns the specified block as a " + "item in front of the player. You can simply pick it up.", runOnServer = true, requiredPermission = PermissionManager.CHEAT_PERMISSION)
public String spawnBlock(@Sender EntityRef sender, @CommandParam("blockName") String blockName) {
ClientComponent clientComponent = sender.getComponent(ClientComponent.class);
LocationComponent characterLocation = clientComponent.character.getComponent(LocationComponent.class);
Vector3f spawnPos = characterLocation.getWorldPosition();
Vector3f offset = characterLocation.getWorldDirection();
BlockFamily block = blockManager.getBlockFamily(blockName);
if (block == null) {
return "";
BlockItemFactory blockItemFactory = new BlockItemFactory(entityManager);
EntityRef blockItem = blockItemFactory.newInstance(block);
blockItem.send(new DropItemEvent(spawnPos));
return "Spawned block.";
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class CharacterInventorySystem method onDropItemRequest.
@ReceiveEvent(components = { CharacterComponent.class, LocationComponent.class }, netFilter = RegisterMode.AUTHORITY)
public void onDropItemRequest(DropItemRequest event, EntityRef character) {
// make sure we own the item and it exists
if (!event.getItem().exists() || !networkSystem.getOwnerEntity(event.getItem()).equals(networkSystem.getOwnerEntity(character))) {
int count = event.getCount();
// remove 'count' items from the stack
EntityRef pickupItem = event.getItem();
EntityRef owner = pickupItem.getOwner();
if (owner.hasComponent(InventoryComponent.class)) {
final EntityRef removedItem = inventoryManager.removeItem(owner, EntityRef.NULL, pickupItem, false, count);
if (removedItem != null) {
pickupItem = removedItem;
pickupItem.send(new DropItemEvent(event.getNewPosition()));
if (pickupItem.hasComponent(PickupComponent.class)) {
PickupComponent pickupComponent = pickupItem.getComponent(PickupComponent.class);
pickupComponent.timeDropped = time.getGameTimeInMs();
pickupItem.send(new ImpulseEvent(event.getImpulse()));
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class BlockEntitySystem method processDropping.
private void processDropping(EntityRef item, Vector3i location, float impulsePower) {
item.send(new DropItemEvent(location.toVector3f()));
item.send(new ImpulseEvent(random.nextVector3f(impulsePower)));
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class CoreCommands method bowlingPrep.
@Command(shortDescription = "Sets up a typical bowling pin arrangement in front of the player. ", helpText = "Spawns the specific block in a regular bowling pin pattern, Throw something at it!", runOnServer = true, requiredPermission = PermissionManager.CHEAT_PERMISSION)
public String bowlingPrep(@Sender EntityRef sender, @CommandParam("blockName") String blockName) {
ClientComponent clientComponent = sender.getComponent(ClientComponent.class);
LocationComponent characterLocation = clientComponent.character.getComponent(LocationComponent.class);
Vector3f spawnPos = characterLocation.getWorldPosition();
Vector3f offset = characterLocation.getWorldDirection();
BlockFamily block = blockManager.getBlockFamily(blockName);
if (block == null) {
return "Sorry, your block is not found";
BlockItemFactory blockItemFactory = new BlockItemFactory(entityManager);
Vector3f startPos = new Vector3f(spawnPos);
// delta x is the distance between the pins in the rows.
float deltax = 0.5f;
// delta z is the distance between the rows.
float deltaz = 1.0f;
// the height of the drop (to be modified to keep the bowlingPin upright)
float vectorY = 0.0f;
// rownumber loop is for selecting row
for (int rownumber = 0; rownumber < 4; rownumber++) {
// Spawn starting position for Rownumber
startPos.add(deltax * (4 - rownumber), vectorY, deltaz);
// pinPosx loop is for vectorx position of bowling pin in a particular row
for (int pinPosx = 0; pinPosx <= rownumber; pinPosx++) {
EntityRef blockItem = blockItemFactory.newInstance(block);
blockItem.send(new DropItemEvent(startPos));
if (pinPosx < rownumber) {
// drift of position in vector x coordinate, for the last pin stop drifting
startPos.add(2 * deltax, 0, 0);
// returns to start position
startPos.add(-deltax * (rownumber + 4), 0, 0);
return "prepared 10 " + blockName + " in a bowling pin pattern :)";
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class CoreCommands method bulkDrop.
@Command(shortDescription = "Mass-drops the desired block however many times the player indicates", helpText = "First parameter indicates which block to drop, second parameter how many", runOnServer = true, requiredPermission = PermissionManager.CHEAT_PERMISSION)
public String bulkDrop(@Sender EntityRef sender, @CommandParam("blockName") String blockName, @CommandParam("value") int value) {
// This is a loop which gives the particular amount of block the player wants to spawn
ClientComponent clientComponent = sender.getComponent(ClientComponent.class);
LocationComponent characterLocation = clientComponent.character.getComponent(LocationComponent.class);
Vector3f spawnPos = characterLocation.getWorldPosition();
Vector3f offset = characterLocation.getWorldDirection();
spawnPos.add(5, 10, 0);
BlockFamily block = blockManager.getBlockFamily(blockName);
if (block == null) {
return "Sorry, your block is not found";
BlockItemFactory blockItemFactory = new BlockItemFactory(entityManager);
if (value > 5000) {
return "Value exceeds the maximum limit of 5000 blocks. your value: " + value + " blocks";
for (int i = 0; i < value; i++) {
EntityRef blockItem = blockItemFactory.newInstance(block);
blockItem.send(new DropItemEvent(spawnPos));
// this returns the block you have spawned and the amount
return "Dropped " + value + " " + blockName + " Blocks :)";