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Example 11 with ImageTimeSeries

use of in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class WorkflowObjectsTableModel method getValue.

private String getValue(WorkflowObject workflowObject) {
    if (workflowObject instanceof Task) {
        return "";
    } else {
        Object data = null;
        Class dataType = null;
        if (workflowObject instanceof WorkflowDataSource) {
            WorkflowDataSource dataHolder = (WorkflowDataSource) workflowObject;
            WorkflowDataSource dataSource = taskContext.getWorkflow().getDataSource((DataObject) dataHolder);
            data = taskContext.getRepository().getData(dataSource);
            dataType = dataHolder.getType();
        } else if (workflowObject instanceof DataInput) {
            DataInput dataInput = (DataInput) workflowObject;
            data = taskContext.getData(dataInput);
            dataType = dataInput.getType();
        if (data instanceof RowColumnResultSet) {
            RowColumnResultSet rc = (RowColumnResultSet) data;
            int N = rc.getColumnDescriptionsCount();
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(rc.getRowCount() + " rows of " + N + " {");
            int MAX = 3;
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                buffer.append("\"" + rc.getColumnDescriptions(i).getDisplayName() + "\"");
                if (i >= MAX - 1) {
                    buffer.append(", ...");
                if (i < N - 1) {
                    buffer.append(", ");
            return buffer.toString();
        } else if (data instanceof String) {
            return "\"" + (String) data + "\"";
        } else if (data instanceof ROI) {
            return "ROI \"" + ((ROI) data).getROIName() + "\"";
        } else if (data instanceof ROI[]) {
            ROI[] rois = (ROI[]) data;
            int N = rois.length;
            int MAX = 3;
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("ROI[" + N + "] { ");
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                buffer.append("\"" + rois[i].getROIName() + "\"");
                if (i >= MAX - 1) {
                    buffer.append(", ...");
                if (i < N - 1) {
                    buffer.append(", ");
            return buffer.toString();
        } else if (data instanceof Image) {
            Image image = (Image) data;
            return image.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + image.getISize().toString();
        } else if (data instanceof ImageTimeSeries) {
            ImageTimeSeries ts = (ImageTimeSeries) data;
            int N = ts.getSizeT();
            double[] times = ts.getImageTimeStamps();
            return ts.getType().getSimpleName() + "[" + N + "] " + ts.getISize() + " times=[" + times[0] + "," + times[N - 1] + "]";
        } else if (data != null) {
            return data.toString();
        } else {
            return "null " + dataType.getSimpleName();
Also used : Task(org.vcell.workflow.Task) Image(cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.Image) ROI(cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.ROI) WorkflowDataSource(org.vcell.workflow.WorkflowDataSource) DataInput(org.vcell.workflow.DataInput) DataObject(org.vcell.workflow.DataObject) WorkflowObject(org.vcell.workflow.WorkflowObject) RowColumnResultSet(cbit.vcell.math.RowColumnResultSet) ImageTimeSeries(

Example 12 with ImageTimeSeries

use of in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class GenerateNormalizedPhotoactivationDataOp method generate.

public NormalizedPhotoactivationDataResults generate(ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage> rawImageTimeSeries, ROI backgroundROI_2D, Integer indexPostactivation, boolean backgroundSubtract, boolean normalizedByPreactivation) throws Exception {
    UShortImage preactivationImage = rawImageTimeSeries.getAllImages()[0];
    ISize isize = preactivationImage.getISize();
    int nX = isize.getX();
    int nY = isize.getY();
    int nZ = isize.getZ();
    int numTimes = rawImageTimeSeries.getSizeT();
    Extent extent = preactivationImage.getExtent();
    org.vcell.util.Origin origin = preactivationImage.getOrigin();
    if (indexPostactivation == 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("no preactivation images found - indexOfFirstPostactivation is 0");
    // find average "dark count" in background of pre-activation images (for background subtraction)
    float avgBackground = 0.0f;
    int numPreactivation = indexPostactivation;
    for (int i = 0; i < numPreactivation; i++) {
        avgBackground += getAverage(rawImageTimeSeries.getAllImages()[i], backgroundROI_2D);
    avgBackground /= numPreactivation;
    // find averaged preactivation image (corrected for background).
    int numPostactivationImages = numTimes - numPreactivation;
    // holds new averaged image pixels
    float[] preactivationAveragePixels = new float[nX * nY * nZ];
    for (int i = 0; i < numPreactivation; i++) {
        short[] currPreactivationImage = rawImageTimeSeries.getAllImages()[i].getPixels();
        for (int j = 0; j < isize.getXYZ(); j++) {
            float intPixel = 0x0000ffff & ((int) currPreactivationImage[j]);
            preactivationAveragePixels[j] += intPixel / numPreactivation;
    FloatImage preactivationAverageImage = new FloatImage(preactivationAveragePixels, origin, extent, nX, nY, nZ);
    UShortImage firstPostactivationImage = rawImageTimeSeries.getAllImages()[indexPostactivation];
    // create normalized dataset
    // normalized postbleach = (origPostbleach - background)/(prebleach - background)
    FloatImage[] normalizedImages = new FloatImage[numPostactivationImages];
    double[] postactivationTimeStamps = new double[numPostactivationImages];
    for (int i = 0; i < numPostactivationImages; i++) {
        double[] origTimeStamps = rawImageTimeSeries.getImageTimeStamps();
        postactivationTimeStamps[i] = origTimeStamps[indexPostactivation + i] - origTimeStamps[indexPostactivation];
        float[] normalizedPixels = new float[isize.getXYZ()];
        normalizedImages[i] = new FloatImage(normalizedPixels, origin, extent, nX, nY, nZ);
        short[] uncorrectedPixels = rawImageTimeSeries.getAllImages()[i + indexPostactivation].getPixels();
        for (int j = 0; j < isize.getXYZ(); j++) {
            int intUncorrectedPixel = 0x0000ffff & ((int) uncorrectedPixels[j]);
            float background = 0;
            if (backgroundSubtract) {
                background = avgBackground;
            if (normalizedByPreactivation) {
                int intPreactivationAvgPixel = 0x0000ffff & ((int) preactivationAveragePixels[j]);
                normalizedPixels[j] = (intUncorrectedPixel - background) / (Math.max(1, intPreactivationAvgPixel - background));
            } else {
                normalizedPixels[j] = (intUncorrectedPixel - background);
        normalizedImages[i] = new FloatImage(normalizedPixels, origin, extent, nX, nY, nZ);
    ImageTimeSeries<FloatImage> normalizedData = new ImageTimeSeries<FloatImage>(FloatImage.class, normalizedImages, postactivationTimeStamps, nZ);
    NormalizedPhotoactivationDataResults results = new NormalizedPhotoactivationDataResults();
    results.normalizedPhotoactivationData = normalizedData;
    results.preactivationAverageImage = preactivationAverageImage;
    results.normalizedPostactivationImage = normalizedData.getAllImages()[0];
    return results;
Also used : FloatImage(cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.FloatImage) Extent(org.vcell.util.Extent) ISize(org.vcell.util.ISize) UShortImage(cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.UShortImage) ImageTimeSeries(

Example 13 with ImageTimeSeries

use of in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class GenerateNormalizedFrapDataOp method generate.

public NormalizedFrapDataResults generate(ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage> rawImageTimeSeries, ROI backgroundROI_2D, Integer indexPostbleach) throws Exception {
    UShortImage firstImage = rawImageTimeSeries.getAllImages()[0];
    ISize isize = firstImage.getISize();
    int nX = isize.getX();
    int nY = isize.getY();
    int nZ = isize.getZ();
    int numTimes = rawImageTimeSeries.getSizeT();
    Extent extent = firstImage.getExtent();
    org.vcell.util.Origin origin = firstImage.getOrigin();
    if (indexPostbleach == 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("no prebleach images found - indexOfFirstPostbleach is 0");
    // find average "dark count" in background of pre-bleach images (for background subtraction)
    float avgBackground = 0.0f;
    int numPrebleach = indexPostbleach;
    for (int i = 0; i < numPrebleach; i++) {
        avgBackground += getAverage(rawImageTimeSeries.getAllImages()[i], backgroundROI_2D);
    avgBackground /= numPrebleach;
    // find averaged prebleach image (corrected for background).
    int numPostbleachImages = numTimes - numPrebleach;
    // holds new averaged image pixels
    float[] prebleachAveragePixels = new float[nX * nY * nZ];
    for (int i = 0; i < numPrebleach; i++) {
        short[] currPrebleachImage = rawImageTimeSeries.getAllImages()[i].getPixels();
        for (int j = 0; j < isize.getXYZ(); j++) {
            float intPixel = 0x0000ffff & ((int) currPrebleachImage[j]);
            prebleachAveragePixels[j] += intPixel / numPrebleach;
    FloatImage prebleachAverageImage = new FloatImage(prebleachAveragePixels, origin, extent, nX, nY, nZ);
    // create normalized dataset
    // normalized postbleach = (origPostbleach - background)/(prebleach - background)
    FloatImage[] normalizedImages = new FloatImage[numPostbleachImages];
    double[] postbleachTimeStamps = new double[numPostbleachImages];
    for (int i = 0; i < numPostbleachImages; i++) {
        double[] origTimeStamps = rawImageTimeSeries.getImageTimeStamps();
        postbleachTimeStamps[i] = origTimeStamps[indexPostbleach + i] - origTimeStamps[indexPostbleach];
        float[] normalizedPixels = new float[isize.getXYZ()];
        normalizedImages[i] = new FloatImage(normalizedPixels, origin, extent, nX, nY, nZ);
        short[] uncorrectedPixels = rawImageTimeSeries.getAllImages()[i + indexPostbleach].getPixels();
        for (int j = 0; j < isize.getXYZ(); j++) {
            int intPixel = 0x0000ffff & ((int) uncorrectedPixels[j]);
            normalizedPixels[j] = (intPixel - avgBackground) / (Math.max(1, prebleachAveragePixels[j] - avgBackground));
        normalizedImages[i] = new FloatImage(normalizedPixels, origin, extent, nX, nY, nZ);
    ImageTimeSeries<FloatImage> normalizedData = new ImageTimeSeries<FloatImage>(FloatImage.class, normalizedImages, postbleachTimeStamps, nZ);
    NormalizedFrapDataResults results = new NormalizedFrapDataResults();
    results.normalizedFrapData = normalizedData;
    results.prebleachAverage = prebleachAverageImage;
    return results;
Also used : FloatImage(cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.FloatImage) Extent(org.vcell.util.Extent) ISize(org.vcell.util.ISize) UShortImage(cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.UShortImage) ImageTimeSeries(

Example 14 with ImageTimeSeries

use of in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class ImportRawTimeSeriesFrom2DVCellConcentrationsOp method importRawTimeSeries.

public ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage> importRawTimeSeries(File vcellSimLogFile, String fluorFunctionName, double maxIntensity, boolean bNoise) throws Exception {
    ClientTaskStatusSupport clientTaskStatusSupport = null;
    ImageDataset timeRawData = importRawTimeSeries(vcellSimLogFile, fluorFunctionName, maxIntensity, bNoise, clientTaskStatusSupport);
    ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage> imageTimeSeries = new ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage>(UShortImage.class, timeRawData.getAllImages(), timeRawData.getImageTimeStamps(), 1);
    return imageTimeSeries;
Also used : ImageDataset(cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.ImageDataset) ClientTaskStatusSupport(org.vcell.util.ClientTaskStatusSupport) UShortImage(cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.UShortImage) ImageTimeSeries(

Example 15 with ImageTimeSeries

use of in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class ImportRawTimeSeriesFromExperimentImagesOp method importRawTimeSeries.

public ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage> importRawTimeSeries(File[] expTimeSeriesFiles, double timeInterval) throws Exception {
    boolean isTimeSeries = true;
    ClientTaskStatusSupport clientTaskStatusSupport = null;
    ImageDataset rawTimeData = ImageDatasetReaderService.getInstance().getImageDatasetReader().readImageDatasetFromMultiFiles(expTimeSeriesFiles, clientTaskStatusSupport, isTimeSeries, timeInterval);
    ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage> imageTimeSeries = new ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage>(UShortImage.class, rawTimeData.getAllImages(), rawTimeData.getImageTimeStamps(), 1);
    return imageTimeSeries;
Also used : ImageDataset(cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.ImageDataset) ClientTaskStatusSupport(org.vcell.util.ClientTaskStatusSupport) UShortImage(cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.UShortImage) ImageTimeSeries(


ImageTimeSeries ( UShortImage (cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.UShortImage)12 Image (cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.Image)5 ImageDataset (cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.ImageDataset)5 Extent (org.vcell.util.Extent)5 ISize (org.vcell.util.ISize)5 FloatImage (cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.FloatImage)4 ROI (cbit.vcell.VirtualMicroscopy.ROI)4 RowColumnResultSet (cbit.vcell.math.RowColumnResultSet)4 File ( VCSimulationDataIdentifier (cbit.vcell.solver.VCSimulationDataIdentifier)3 VCSimulationIdentifier (cbit.vcell.solver.VCSimulationIdentifier)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 ClientTaskStatusSupport (org.vcell.util.ClientTaskStatusSupport)3 Origin (org.vcell.util.Origin)3 KeyValue (org.vcell.util.document.KeyValue)3 User (org.vcell.util.document.User)3 VCDataIdentifier (org.vcell.util.document.VCDataIdentifier)3 DataInput (org.vcell.workflow.DataInput)3 WorkflowDataSource (org.vcell.workflow.WorkflowDataSource)3