use of in project cineast by vitrivr.
the class ConceptMasksAde20k method processSegment.
public synchronized void processSegment(SegmentContainer shot) {
if (shot == null || shot.getMostRepresentativeFrame() == null || shot.getMostRepresentativeFrame().getImage() == null || shot.getMostRepresentativeFrame().getImage() == VideoFrame.EMPTY_VIDEO_FRAME) {
if (this.ade20k == null) {
try {
this.ade20k = new DeepLabAde20k();
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
TUint8 inputTensor = DeepLab.prepareImage(shot.getMostRepresentativeFrame().getImage().getBufferedImage());
int[][] tmp = this.ade20k.processImage(inputTensor);
List<DeepLabLabel> ade20kLabels = linearize(DeepLabLabel.fromAde20kId(tmp));
ArrayList<LinkedList<DeepLabLabel>> ade20kPartitions = GridPartitioner.partition(ade20kLabels, tmp.length, tmp[0].length, GRID_PARTITIONS, GRID_PARTITIONS);
float[] vector = new float[2 * GRID_PARTITIONS * GRID_PARTITIONS];
for (int i = 0; i < GRID_PARTITIONS * GRID_PARTITIONS; ++i) {
DeepLabLabel dominantLabel = DeepLabLabel.getDominantLabel(ade20kPartitions.get(i));
vector[2 * i] = dominantLabel.getEmbeddX();
vector[2 * i + 1] = dominantLabel.getEmbeddY();
persist(shot.getId(), new FloatVectorImpl(vector));
use of in project cineast by vitrivr.
the class ConceptMasks method getSimilar.
public List<ScoreElement> getSimilar(SegmentContainer sc, ReadableQueryConfig qc) {
Optional<SemanticMap> optional = sc.getSemanticMap();
if (!optional.isPresent()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
DeepLabLabel[][] labels = optional.get().getLabels();
List<DeepLabLabel> list = linearize(labels);
ArrayList<LinkedList<DeepLabLabel>> partitions = GridPartitioner.partition(list, labels.length, labels[0].length, GRID_PARTITIONS, GRID_PARTITIONS);
float[] vector = new float[2 * GRID_PARTITIONS * GRID_PARTITIONS];
float[] weights = new float[2 * GRID_PARTITIONS * GRID_PARTITIONS];
for (int i = 0; i < GRID_PARTITIONS * GRID_PARTITIONS; ++i) {
DeepLabLabel dominantLabel = DeepLabLabel.getDominantLabel(partitions.get(i));
// TODO expose this to the API
float weight = dominantLabel == DeepLabLabel.NOTHING ? 0f : 1f;
weights[2 * i] = weight;
weights[2 * i + 1] = weight;
vector[2 * i] = dominantLabel.getEmbeddX();
vector[2 * i + 1] = dominantLabel.getEmbeddY();
return this.getSimilar(vector, new QueryConfig(qc).setDistanceWeights(weights));
use of in project cineast by vitrivr.
the class ConceptMasks method processSegment.
public synchronized void processSegment(SegmentContainer shot) {
if (shot == null || shot.getMostRepresentativeFrame() == null || shot.getMostRepresentativeFrame().getImage() == null || shot.getMostRepresentativeFrame().getImage() == VideoFrame.EMPTY_VIDEO_FRAME) {
TUint8 inputTensor = DeepLab.prepareImage(shot.getMostRepresentativeFrame().getImage().getBufferedImage());
int[][] tmp = this.ade20k.processImage(inputTensor);
List<DeepLabLabel> ade20kLabels = linearize(DeepLabLabel.fromAde20kId(tmp));
List<DeepLabLabel> cityscapesLabels = linearize(DeepLabLabel.fromCityscapesId(this.cityscapes.processImage(inputTensor)));
List<DeepLabLabel> pascalvocLabels = linearize(DeepLabLabel.fromPascalVocId(this.pascalvoc.processImage(inputTensor)));
ArrayList<LinkedList<DeepLabLabel>> ade20kPartitions = GridPartitioner.partition(ade20kLabels, tmp.length, tmp[0].length, GRID_PARTITIONS, GRID_PARTITIONS);
ArrayList<LinkedList<DeepLabLabel>> cityscapesPartitions = GridPartitioner.partition(cityscapesLabels, tmp.length, tmp[0].length, GRID_PARTITIONS, GRID_PARTITIONS);
ArrayList<LinkedList<DeepLabLabel>> pascalvocLabelsPartitions = GridPartitioner.partition(pascalvocLabels, tmp.length, tmp[0].length, GRID_PARTITIONS, GRID_PARTITIONS);
float[] vector = new float[2 * GRID_PARTITIONS * GRID_PARTITIONS];
for (int i = 0; i < GRID_PARTITIONS * GRID_PARTITIONS; ++i) {
ArrayList<DeepLabLabel> labels = new ArrayList<>();
DeepLabLabel dominantLabel = DeepLabLabel.getDominantLabel(labels);
vector[2 * i] = dominantLabel.getEmbeddX();
vector[2 * i + 1] = dominantLabel.getEmbeddY();
persist(shot.getId(), new FloatVectorImpl(vector));
use of in project cineast by vitrivr.
the class ConceptMasksAde20k method getSimilar.
public List<ScoreElement> getSimilar(SegmentContainer sc, ReadableQueryConfig qc) {
Optional<SemanticMap> optional = sc.getSemanticMap();
if (!optional.isPresent()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
DeepLabLabel[][] labels = optional.get().getLabels();
List<DeepLabLabel> list = linearize(labels);
ArrayList<LinkedList<DeepLabLabel>> ade20kPartitions = GridPartitioner.partition(list, labels.length, labels[0].length, GRID_PARTITIONS, GRID_PARTITIONS);
float[] vector = new float[2 * GRID_PARTITIONS * GRID_PARTITIONS];
float[] weights = new float[2 * GRID_PARTITIONS * GRID_PARTITIONS];
for (int i = 0; i < GRID_PARTITIONS * GRID_PARTITIONS; ++i) {
DeepLabLabel dominantLabel = DeepLabLabel.getDominantLabel(ade20kPartitions.get(i));
// TODO expose this to the API
float weight = dominantLabel == DeepLabLabel.NOTHING ? 0f : 1f;
weights[2 * i] = weight;
weights[2 * i + 1] = weight;
vector[2 * i] = dominantLabel.getEmbeddX();
vector[2 * i + 1] = dominantLabel.getEmbeddY();
return this.getSimilar(vector, new QueryConfig(qc).setDistanceWeights(weights));