use of org.zalando.nakadi.exceptions.ConflictException in project nakadi by zalando.
the class TimelineService method switchTimelines.
private void switchTimelines(final Timeline activeTimeline, final Timeline nextTimeline) throws InconsistentStateException, RepositoryProblemException, TimelineException, ConflictException {"Switching timelines from {} to {}", activeTimeline, nextTimeline);
try {
timelineSync.startTimelineUpdate(activeTimeline.getEventType(), nakadiSettings.getTimelineWaitTimeoutMs());
} catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
throw new TimelineException("Failed to switch timeline for: " + activeTimeline.getEventType());
} catch (final IllegalStateException ie) {
throw new ConflictException("Timeline is already being created for: " + activeTimeline.getEventType(), ie);
try {
transactionTemplate.execute(status -> {
nextTimeline.setSwitchedAt(new Date());
final Timeline.StoragePosition sp = topicRepositoryHolder.createStoragePosition(activeTimeline);
return null;
} catch (final TransactionException tx) {
LOG.error(tx.getMessage(), tx);
throw new TimelineException("Failed to create timeline in DB for: " + activeTimeline.getEventType(), tx);
} finally {
use of org.zalando.nakadi.exceptions.ConflictException in project nakadi by zalando.
the class EventTypeService method delete.
public void delete(final String eventTypeName) throws EventTypeDeletionException, AccessDeniedException, NoEventTypeException, ConflictException, ServiceTemporarilyUnavailableException, DbWriteOperationsBlockedException {
if (featureToggleService.isFeatureEnabled(FeatureToggleService.Feature.DISABLE_DB_WRITE_OPERATIONS)) {
throw new DbWriteOperationsBlockedException("Cannot delete event type: write operations on DB " + "are blocked by feature flag.");
Closeable deletionCloser = null;
final EventType eventType;
Multimap<TopicRepository, String> topicsToDelete = null;
try {
deletionCloser = timelineSync.workWithEventType(eventTypeName, nakadiSettings.getTimelineWaitTimeoutMs());
final Optional<EventType> eventTypeOpt = eventTypeRepository.findByNameO(eventTypeName);
if (!eventTypeOpt.isPresent()) {
throw new NoEventTypeException("EventType \"" + eventTypeName + "\" does not exist.");
eventType = eventTypeOpt.get();
final List<Subscription> subscriptions = subscriptionRepository.listSubscriptions(ImmutableSet.of(eventTypeName), Optional.empty(), 0, 1);
if (!subscriptions.isEmpty()) {
throw new ConflictException("Can't remove event type " + eventTypeName + ", as it has subscriptions");
topicsToDelete = transactionTemplate.execute(action -> deleteEventType(eventTypeName));
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to wait for timeline switch", e);
throw new EventTypeUnavailableException("Event type " + eventTypeName + " is currently in maintenance, please repeat request");
} catch (final TimeoutException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to wait for timeline switch", e);
throw new EventTypeUnavailableException("Event type " + eventTypeName + " is currently in maintenance, please repeat request");
} catch (final NakadiException e) {
LOG.error("Error deleting event type " + eventTypeName, e);
throw new EventTypeDeletionException("Failed to delete event type " + eventTypeName);
} finally {
try {
if (deletionCloser != null) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
LOG.error("Exception occurred when releasing usage of event-type", e);
if (topicsToDelete != null) {
for (final TopicRepository topicRepository : topicsToDelete.keySet()) {
for (final String topic : topicsToDelete.get(topicRepository)) {
try {
} catch (TopicDeletionException e) {
// If a timeline was marked as deleted, then the topic does not exist, and we should proceed."Could not delete topic " + topic, e);
nakadiKpiPublisher.publish(etLogEventType, () -> new JSONObject().put("event_type", eventTypeName).put("status", "deleted").put("category", eventType.getCategory()).put("authz", identifyAuthzState(eventType)).put("compatibility_mode", eventType.getCompatibilityMode()));