use of planetwar.EvoAgentSearchSpaceAsteroids in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class TestHyperParamAsteroids method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotatedFitnessSpace testAsteroids = new EvoAgentSearchSpaceAsteroids();
EvoAlg[] evoAlgs = { new NTupleBanditEA().setKExplore(10000), // new CompactSlidingGA(),
new SlidingMeanEDA() };
int nChecks = 50;
int nEvals = 50;
int nTrials = 2;
for (EvoAlg evoAlg : evoAlgs) {
HyperParamTuneRunner runner = new HyperParamTuneRunner();
runner.nChecks = nChecks;
runner.nTrials = nTrials;
runner.nEvals = nEvals;
runner.runTrials(evoAlg, testAsteroids);
use of planetwar.EvoAgentSearchSpaceAsteroids in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class TestSolutionAsteroids method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// use this code to re-rest a particular point in the search space
ElapsedTimer timer = new ElapsedTimer();
int[] solution = { 0, 1, 1, 0, 5 };
int nChecks = 10;
new HyperParamTuneRunner().runChecks(new EvoAgentSearchSpaceAsteroids(), solution, nChecks);