use of evodef.EvoAlg in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class SimpleMaxNTest method runOnce.
public static double runOnce() {
// make an agent to test
StateObservation noiseFree = new SimpleMaxGame();
// new NoisyMaxGame();
StateObservation stateObs = new SimpleMaxGame();
// System.exit(0);
ElapsedCpuTimer timer = new ElapsedCpuTimer();
AbstractPlayer player;
controllers.singlePlayer.sampleOLMCTS.Agent olmcts = new controllers.singlePlayer.sampleOLMCTS.Agent(stateObs, timer);
controllers.singlePlayer.discountOLMCTS.Agent discountOlmcts = new controllers.singlePlayer.discountOLMCTS.Agent(stateObs, timer);
controllers.singlePlayer.nestedMC.Agent nestedMC = new controllers.singlePlayer.nestedMC.Agent(stateObs, timer);
player = olmcts;
player = discountOlmcts;
// for the following we can pass the Evolutionary algorithm to use
int nResamples = 2;
EvoAlg evoAlg = new SimpleRMHC(nResamples);
int nEvals = 1000;
double kExplore = 10;
int nNeighbours = 100;
evoAlg = new NTupleBanditEA(kExplore, nNeighbours);
// DefaultMutator.totalRandomChaosMutation = true;
Agent.useShiftBuffer = false;
controllers.singlePlayer.ea.Agent.SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 100;
player = new controllers.singlePlayer.ea.Agent(stateObs, timer, evoAlg, nEvals);
nestedMC.maxRolloutLength = 5;
nestedMC.nestDepth = 5;
player = nestedMC;
// in milliseconds
int thinkingTime = 50;
int delay = 30;
// player = new controllers.singlePlayer.sampleRandom.Agent(stateObs, timer);
// check that we can play the game
Random random = new Random();
// this is how many steps we'll take in the actual game ...
int nSteps = 10;
ElapsedTimer t = new ElapsedTimer();
for (int i = 0; i < nSteps && !stateObs.isGameOver(); i++) {
timer = new ElapsedCpuTimer();
Types.ACTIONS action = player.act(stateObs.copy(), timer);
// System.out.println("Selected: " + action); // + "\t " + action.ordinal());
// System.out.println(stateObs.getGameScore());
return noiseFree.getGameScore();
use of evodef.EvoAlg in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class SpaceBattleLinkTest method runTrial.
public static double runTrial(boolean runVisible) {
// make an agent to test
StateObservation stateObs = new SimpleMaxGame();
// BattleGameSearchSpace.inject(BattleGameSearchSpace.getRandomPoint());
//[1][2] = 5;
// BattleGameSearchSpace.inject([1]);
// BattleGameSearchSpace.inject([2]);
System.out.println("Params are:");
// can also overide parameters by setting them directly as follows:
// BattleGameParameters.loss = 1.1;
SpaceBattleLinkState linkState = new SpaceBattleLinkState();
// set some parameters for the experiment
GameActionSpaceAdapter.useHeuristic = false;
Agent.useShiftBuffer = true;
// DefaultMutator.totalRandomChaosMutation = false;
// // supercl
// StateObservation stateObs = linkState;
ElapsedCpuTimer timer = new ElapsedCpuTimer();
AbstractPlayer player;
// controllers.singlePlayer.sampleOLMCTS.Agent olmcts =
// new controllers.singlePlayer.sampleOLMCTS.Agent(linkState, timer);
player = new controllers.singlePlayer.discountOLMCTS.Agent(linkState, timer);
// try the evolutionary players
int nResamples = 2;
EvoAlg evoAlg = new SimpleRMHC(nResamples);
double kExplore = 10;
int nNeighbours = 100;
int nEvals = 200;
evoAlg = new NTupleBanditEA(kExplore, nNeighbours);
// player = new controllers.singlePlayer.ea.Agent(linkState, timer, evoAlg, nEvals);
controllers.singlePlayer.nestedMC.Agent nestedMC = new controllers.singlePlayer.nestedMC.Agent(linkState, timer);
nestedMC.maxRolloutLength = 10;
nestedMC.nestDepth = 2;
player = nestedMC;
// in milliseconds
int thinkingTime = 50;
int delay = 10;
// player = new controllers.singlePlayer.sampleRandom.Agent(stateObs, timer);
// check that we can play the game
Random random = new Random();
int nSteps = 500;
ElapsedTimer t = new ElapsedTimer();
BattleView view = new BattleView(linkState.state);
// set view to null to run fast with no visuals
if (!runVisible)
view = null;
if (view != null) {
new JEasyFrame(view, "Simple Battle Game");
boolean verbose = false;
for (int i = 0; i < nSteps && !linkState.isGameOver(); i++) {
ArrayList<Types.ACTIONS> actions = linkState.getAvailableActions();
timer = new ElapsedCpuTimer();
Types.ACTIONS action = player.act(linkState.copy(), timer);
// action = actions.get(random.nextInt(actions.size()));
if (verbose)
// + "\t " + action.ordinal());
System.out.println(i + "\t Selected: " + action);
if (view != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (verbose)
System.out.println("Game score: " + linkState.getGameScore());
return linkState.getGameScore();
use of evodef.EvoAlg in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class Test method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// pre-load some classes
EvoAlg alg = new SlidingMeanEDA();
// Available controllers:
String sampleRandomController = "controllers.singlePlayer.sampleRandom.Agent";
String doNothingController = "controllers.singlePlayer.doNothing.Agent";
String sampleOneStepController = "controllers.singlePlayer.sampleonesteplookahead.Agent";
String sampleMCTSController = "controllers.singlePlayer.sampleMCTS.Agent";
String sampleFlatMCTSController = "controllers.singlePlayer.sampleFlatMCTS.Agent";
String sampleOLMCTSController = "controllers.singlePlayer.sampleOLMCTS.Agent";
String sampleGAController = "controllers.singlePlayer.sampleGA.Agent";
String sampleOLETSController = "controllers.singlePlayer.olets.Agent";
String repeatOLETS = "controllers.singlePlayer.repeatOLETS.Agent";
String slidingEA = "controllers.singlePlayer.ea.Agent";
// Available Generators
String randomLevelGenerator = "levelGenerators.randomLevelGenerator.LevelGenerator";
String geneticGenerator = "levelGenerators.geneticLevelGenerator.LevelGenerator";
String constructiveLevelGenerator = "levelGenerators.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelGenerator";
// Available games:
String gamesPath = "examples/gridphysics/";
String[] games = new String[] {};
String generateLevelPath = "examples/gridphysics/";
// All public games
games = new String[] { // 0-4
"aliens", // 0-4
"angelsdemons", // 0-4
"assemblyline", // 0-4
"avoidgeorge", // 0-4
"bait", // 5-9
"beltmanager", // 5-9
"blacksmoke", // 5-9
"boloadventures", // 5-9
"bomber", // 5-9
"bomberman", // 10-14
"boulderchase", // 10-14
"boulderdash", // 10-14
"brainman", // 10-14
"butterflies", // 10-14
"cakybaky", // 15-19
"camelRace", // 15-19
"catapults", // 15-19
"chainreaction", // 15-19
"chase", // 15-19
"chipschallenge", // 20-24
"clusters", // 20-24
"colourescape", // 20-24
"chopper", // 20-24
"cookmepasta", // 20-24
"cops", // 25-29
"crossfire", // 25-29
"defem", // 25-29
"defender", // 25-29
"digdug", // 25-29
"dungeon", // 30-34
"eighthpassenger", // 30-34
"eggomania", // 30-34
"enemycitadel", // 30-34
"escape", // 30-34
"factorymanager", // 35-39
"firecaster", // 35-39
"fireman", // 35-39
"firestorms", // 35-39
"freeway", // 35-39
"frogs", // 40-44
"garbagecollector", // 40-44
"gymkhana", // 40-44
"hungrybirds", // 40-44
"iceandfire", // 40-44
"ikaruga", // 45-49
"infection", // 45-49
"intersection", // 45-49
"islands", // 45-49
"jaws", // 45-49
"killbillVol1", // 50-54
"labyrinth", // 50-54
"labyrinthdual", // 50-54
"lasers", // 50-54
"lasers2", // 50-54
"lemmings", // 55-59
"missilecommand", // 55-59
"modality", // 55-59
"overload", // 55-59
"pacman", // 55-59
"painter", // 60-64
"pokemon", // 60-64
"plants", // 60-64
"plaqueattack", // 60-64
"portals", // 60-64
"racebet", // 65-69
"raceBet2", // 65-69
"realportals", // 65-69
"realsokoban", // 65-69
"rivers", // 65-69
"roadfighter", // 70-74
"roguelike", // 70-74
"run", // 70-74
"seaquest", // 70-74
"sheriff", // 70-74
"shipwreck", // 75-79
"sokoban", // 75-79
"solarfox", // 75-79
"superman", // 75-79
"surround", // 75-79
"survivezombies", // 80-84
"tercio", // 80-84
"thecitadel", // 80-84
"thesnowman", // 80-84
"waitforbreakfast", // 80-84
"watergame", // 85-89
"waves", // 85-89
"whackamole", // 85-89
"wildgunman", // 85-89
"witnessprotection", // 85-89
"wrapsokoban", "zelda", // 90, 91
"zenpuzzle" };
// Other settings
boolean visuals = true;
int seed = new Random().nextInt();
// Game and level to play
// int gameIdx = 0; // aliens
// int gameIdx = 28; // dig-dug
int gameIdx = 72;
// level names from 0 to 4 (game_lvlN.txt).
int levelIdx = 0;
String game = gamesPath + games[gameIdx] + ".txt";
String level1 = gamesPath + games[gameIdx] + "_lvl" + levelIdx + ".txt";
String recordLevelFile = generateLevelPath + games[gameIdx] + "_glvl.txt";
// "actions_" + games[gameIdx] + "_lvl" + levelIdx + "_" + seed + ".txt"; //where to record the actions executed. null if not to save.
String recordActionsFile = null;
// 1. This starts a game, in a level, played by a human.
// ArcadeMachine.playOneGame(game, level1, recordActionsFile, seed);
core.competition.CompetitionParameters.TIMER_TYPE = ElapsedCpuTimer.TimerType.WALL_TIME;
CompetitionParameters.LEVEL_ACTION_TIME = 10000000;
CompetitionParameters.LEVEL_ACTION_TIME_DISQ = 10000000;
// 2. This plays a game in a level by the controller.
ArcadeMachine.runOneGame(game, level1, visuals, slidingEA, recordActionsFile, seed, 0);
System.out.println("\nRunning next game\n");
ArcadeMachine.runOneGame(game, level1, visuals, sampleMCTSController, recordActionsFile, seed, 0);
// ArcadeMachine.runOneGame(game, level1, visuals, sampleRandomController, recordActionsFile, seed, 0);
// 3. This replays a game from an action file previously recorded
// String readActionsFile = recordActionsFile;
// ArcadeMachine.replayGame(game, level1, visuals, readActionsFile);
// 4. This plays a single game, in N levels, M times :
// String level2 = gamesPath + games[gameIdx] + "_lvl" + 1 +".txt";
// int M = 10;
// for(int i=0; i<games.length; i++){
// game = gamesPath + games[i] + ".txt";
// level1 = gamesPath + games[i] + "_lvl" + levelIdx +".txt";
// ArcadeMachine.runGames(game, new String[]{level1}, M, sampleMCTSController, null);
// }
// 5. This starts a game, in a generated level created by a specific level generator
// if(ArcadeMachine.generateOneLevel(game, randomLevelGenerator, recordLevelFile)){
// ArcadeMachine.playOneGeneratedLevel(game, recordActionsFile, recordLevelFile, seed);
// }
// 6. This plays N games, in the first L levels, M times each. Actions to file optional (set saveActions to true).
// int N = 82, L = 5, M = 1;
// boolean saveActions = false;
// String[] levels = new String[L];
// String[] actionFiles = new String[L*M];
// for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
// {
// int actionIdx = 0;
// game = gamesPath + games[i] + ".txt";
// for(int j = 0; j < L; ++j){
// levels[j] = gamesPath + games[i] + "_lvl" + j +".txt";
// if(saveActions) for(int k = 0; k < M; ++k)
// actionFiles[actionIdx++] = "actions_game_" + i + "_level_" + j + "_" + k + ".txt";
// }
// ArcadeMachine.runGames(game, levels, M, sampleMCTSController, saveActions? actionFiles:null);
// }
use of evodef.EvoAlg in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class TestHyperParamAsteroids method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotatedFitnessSpace testAsteroids = new EvoAgentSearchSpaceAsteroids();
EvoAlg[] evoAlgs = { new NTupleBanditEA().setKExplore(10000), // new CompactSlidingGA(),
new SlidingMeanEDA() };
int nChecks = 50;
int nEvals = 50;
int nTrials = 2;
for (EvoAlg evoAlg : evoAlgs) {
HyperParamTuneRunner runner = new HyperParamTuneRunner();
runner.nChecks = nChecks;
runner.nTrials = nTrials;
runner.nEvals = nEvals;
runner.runTrials(evoAlg, testAsteroids);
use of evodef.EvoAlg in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class TestHyperParamPlanetWars method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int nEvals = 288;
if (args.length == 1) {
nEvals = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
System.out.println("Optimization budget: " + nEvals);
NTupleBanditEA ntbea = new NTupleBanditEA().setKExplore(1);
GameState.includeBuffersInScore = true;
EvoAgentSearchSpace.tickBudget = 2000;
EvoAlg[] evoAlgs = { // new SimpleRMHC(5),
ntbea };
int nChecks = 100;
int nTrials = 100;
ElapsedTimer timer = new ElapsedTimer();
for (EvoAlg evoAlg : evoAlgs) {
// LineChart lineChart = new LineChart();
// lineChart.yAxis = new LineChartAxis(new double[]{-2, -1, 0, 1, 2});
// lineChart.setYLabel("Fitness");
HyperParamTuneRunner runner = new HyperParamTuneRunner();
// runner.verbose = true;
// runner.setLineChart(lineChart);
runner.nChecks = nChecks;
runner.nTrials = nTrials;
runner.nEvals = nEvals;
runner.plotChecks = 0;
AnnotatedFitnessSpace testPlanetWars = new EvoAgentSearchSpace();
System.out.println("Testing: " + evoAlg);
runner.runTrials(evoAlg, testPlanetWars);
System.out.println("Finished testing: " + evoAlg);
// note, this is a bit of a hack: it only reports the final solution
// System.out.println(new EvoAgentSearchSpace().report(runner.solution));
// System.out.println(ntbea.getModel().s);
System.out.println("Time for all experiments: " + timer);