use of plugin.exporttokens.SpellMemToken in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class SpellMemTokenTest method testSpontaneousCasterKnown.
* Test the SPELLMEM tag for a spontaneous caster. Checks that the
* list of known spells is auto populated and that the spell can be
* retrieved correctly.
public void testSpontaneousCasterKnown() {
PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter();
String spellBook = "Travel";
character.incrementClassLevel(1, arcaneClass, true);
PCClass ac = character.getClassKeyed(arcaneClass.getKeyName());
CharacterSpell aCharacterSpell = new CharacterSpell(ac, testSpell);
aCharacterSpell.addInfo(1, 1, null);
character.addCharacterSpell(ac, aCharacterSpell);
List<CharacterSpell> spellList = character.getCharacterSpells(ac, testSpell, "", 1);
CharacterSpell charSpell = spellList.get(0);
String result = character.addSpell(charSpell, null, arcaneClass.getKeyName(), Globals.getDefaultSpellBook(), 1, 1);
assertEquals("No CHA, so should reject attempt to add spell", "You can only learn 0 spells for level 1 " + "\nand there are no higher-level slots available.", result);
SpellMemToken token = new SpellMemToken();
assertEquals("Retrieve spell from known list of arcane caster.", "Test Spell", token.getToken("SPELLMEM.", character, null));
use of plugin.exporttokens.SpellMemToken in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class SpellMemTokenTest method testPreparedCaster.
* Test the SPELLMEM tag for a spontaneous caster. Checks that the
* list of known spells is auto populated and that a spell can be added to
* a prepared list, and that the spell can be retrieved correctly from both
* books.
public void testPreparedCaster() {
PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter();
String spellBook = "Travel";
character.incrementClassLevel(1, divineClass, true);
PCClass dc = character.getClassKeyed(divineClass.getKeyName());
CharacterSpell aCharacterSpell = new CharacterSpell(dc, testSpell);
aCharacterSpell.addInfo(1, 1, null);
character.addCharacterSpell(dc, aCharacterSpell);
List<CharacterSpell> spellList = character.getCharacterSpells(dc, testSpell, "", 1);
CharacterSpell charSpell = spellList.get(0);
String result = character.addSpell(charSpell, null, divineClass.getKeyName(), Globals.getDefaultSpellBook(), 1, 1);
assertEquals("Known spells already has all spells, should reject.", "The Known Spells spellbook contains all spells of this level that you " + "know. You cannot place spells in multiple times.", result);
result = character.addSpell(charSpell, null, divineClass.getKeyName(), spellBook, 1, 1);
assertEquals("No WIS, so should reject attempt to add spell", "You can only prepare 0 spells for level 1 " + "\nand there are no higher-level slots available.", result);
setPCStat(character, wis, 12);
result = character.addSpell(charSpell, null, divineClass.getKeyName(), spellBook, 1, 1);
assertEquals("Should be no error messages from adding spell", "", result);
SpellMemToken token = new SpellMemToken();
assertEquals("Retrieve spell from known list of divine caster.", "Test Spell", token.getToken("SPELLMEM.", character, null));
assertEquals("Retrieve spell from prepared list of divine caster.", "Test Spell", token.getToken("SPELLMEM.", character, null));