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Example 1 with MeasurementMapper

use of in project qupath by qupath.

the class PathHierarchyPaintingHelper method paintObject.

 * Paint an object (or, more precisely, its ROI), optionally along with the ROIs of any child objects.
 * This is subject to the OverlayOptions, and therefore may not actually end up painting anything
 * (if the settings are such that objects of the class provided are not to be displayed)
 * @param pathObject
 * @param paintChildren
 * @param g
 * @param boundsDisplayed
 * @param overlayOptions
 * @param selectionModel
 * @param downsample
 * @return true if anything was painted, false otherwise
public static boolean paintObject(PathObject pathObject, boolean paintChildren, Graphics2D g, Rectangle boundsDisplayed, OverlayOptions overlayOptions, PathObjectSelectionModel selectionModel, double downsample) {
    if (pathObject == null)
        return false;
    // g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION_SPEED);
    // g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION_QUALITY);
    // Always paint the selected object
    // Note: this makes the assumption that child ROIs are completely contained within their parents;
    // this probably should be the case, but isn't guaranteed
    boolean isSelected = (selectionModel != null && selectionModel.isSelected(pathObject)) && (PathPrefs.useSelectedColorProperty().get() || !PathObjectTools.hasPointROI(pathObject));
    boolean isDetectedObject = pathObject.isDetection() || (pathObject.isTile() && pathObject.hasMeasurements());
    // Check if the PathClass isn't being shown
    PathClass pathClass = pathObject.getPathClass();
    if (!isSelected && overlayOptions != null && overlayOptions.isPathClassHidden(pathClass))
        return false;
    boolean painted = false;
    // See if we need to check the children
    ROI pathROI = pathObject.getROI();
    if (pathROI != null) {
        double roiBoundsX = pathROI.getBoundsX();
        double roiBoundsY = pathROI.getBoundsY();
        double roiBoundsWidth = pathROI.getBoundsWidth();
        double roiBoundsHeight = pathROI.getBoundsHeight();
        if (PathObjectTools.hasPointROI(pathObject) || boundsDisplayed == null || pathROI instanceof LineROI || boundsDisplayed.intersects(roiBoundsX, roiBoundsY, Math.max(roiBoundsWidth, 1), Math.max(roiBoundsHeight, 1))) {
            // Paint the ROI, if necessary
            if (isSelected || (overlayOptions.getShowDetections() && isDetectedObject) || (overlayOptions.getShowAnnotations() && pathObject.isAnnotation()) || (overlayOptions.getShowTMAGrid() && pathObject.isTMACore())) {
                boolean doFill = overlayOptions.getFillDetections() || pathObject instanceof ParallelTileObject;
                boolean doOutline = true;
                Color color = null;
                boolean useMapper = false;
                double fillOpacity = .75;
                if (isSelected && PathPrefs.useSelectedColorProperty().get() && PathPrefs.colorSelectedObjectProperty().getValue() != null)
                    color = ColorToolsAwt.getCachedColor(PathPrefs.colorSelectedObjectProperty().get());
                else {
                    MeasurementMapper mapper = overlayOptions.getMeasurementMapper();
                    useMapper = mapper != null && mapper.isValid() && pathObject.isDetection();
                    if (useMapper) {
                        if (pathObject.hasMeasurements()) {
                            Integer rgb = mapper.getColorForObject(pathObject);
                            // If the mapper returns null, the object shouldn't be painted
                            if (rgb == null)
                                return false;
                            // , mapper.getColorMapper().hasAlpha());
                            color = ColorToolsAwt.getCachedColor(rgb);
                        } else
                            color = null;
                        // System.out.println(color + " - " + pathObject.getMeasurementList().getMeasurementValue(mapper.));
                        fillOpacity = 1.0;
                        // Outlines are not so helpful with the measurement mapper
                        if (doFill)
                            doOutline = doOutline && !pathObject.isTile();
                    } else {
                        Integer rgb = ColorToolsFX.getDisplayedColorARGB(pathObject);
                        color = ColorToolsAwt.getCachedColor(rgb);
                // color = PathObjectHelpers.getDisplayedColor(pathObject);
                // Check if we have only one or two pixels to draw - if so, we can be done quickly
                if (isDetectedObject && downsample > 4 && roiBoundsWidth / downsample < 3 && roiBoundsHeight / downsample < 3) {
                    int x = (int) roiBoundsX;
                    int y = (int) roiBoundsY;
                    // Prefer rounding up, lest we lose a lot of regions unnecessarily
                    int w = (int) (roiBoundsWidth + .9);
                    int h = (int) (roiBoundsHeight + .9);
                    if (w > 0 && h > 0) {
                        // g.setColor(DisplayHelpers.getMoreTranslucentColor(color));
                        // g.setStroke(getCachedStroke(overlayOptions.strokeThinThicknessProperty().get()));
                        g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
                    painted = true;
                } else {
                    Stroke stroke = null;
                    // Decide whether to fill or not
                    Color colorFill = doFill && (isDetectedObject || PathObjectTools.hasPointROI(pathObject)) ? color : null;
                    if (colorFill != null && fillOpacity != 1) {
                        if (pathObject instanceof ParallelTileObject)
                            colorFill = ColorToolsAwt.getMoreTranslucentColor(colorFill);
                        else if (pathObject instanceof PathCellObject && overlayOptions.getShowCellBoundaries() && overlayOptions.getShowCellNuclei()) {
                            // if (isSelected)
                            // colorFill = ColorToolsAwt.getTranslucentColor(colorFill);
                            // else
                            colorFill = ColorToolsAwt.getMoreTranslucentColor(colorFill);
                        } else if (pathObject.getParent() instanceof PathDetectionObject) {
                            colorFill = ColorToolsAwt.getTranslucentColor(colorFill);
                        } else if (pathObject instanceof PathTileObject && pathClass == null && color != null && color.getRGB() == PathPrefs.colorTileProperty().get()) {
                            // Don't fill in empty, unclassified tiles
                            // DisplayHelpers.getMoreTranslucentColor(colorFill);
                            colorFill = null;
                    // Color colorStroke = doOutline ? (colorFill == null ? color : (downsample > overlayOptions.strokeThinThicknessProperty().get() ? null : DisplayHelpers.darkenColor(color))) : null;
                    Color colorStroke = doOutline ? (colorFill == null ? color : ColorToolsAwt.darkenColor(color)) : null;
                    // For thick lines, antialiasing is very noticeable... less so for thin lines (of which there may be a huge number)
                    if (isDetectedObject) {
                        // Detections inside detections get half the line width
                        if (pathObject.getParent() instanceof PathDetectionObject)
                            stroke = getCachedStroke(PathPrefs.detectionStrokeThicknessProperty().get() / 2.0);
                            stroke = getCachedStroke(PathPrefs.detectionStrokeThicknessProperty().get());
                    } else {
                        double thicknessScale = downsample * (isSelected && !PathPrefs.useSelectedColorProperty().get() ? 1.6 : 1);
                        float thickness = (float) (PathPrefs.annotationStrokeThicknessProperty().get() * thicknessScale);
                        if (isSelected && pathObject.getParent() == null && PathPrefs.selectionModeProperty().get()) {
                            stroke = getCachedStrokeDashed(thickness);
                        } else {
                            stroke = getCachedStroke(thickness);
                    boolean paintSymbols = overlayOptions.getDetectionDisplayMode() == DetectionDisplayMode.CENTROIDS && pathObject.isDetection() && !pathObject.isTile();
                    if (paintSymbols) {
                        pathROI = PathObjectTools.getROI(pathObject, true);
                        double x = pathROI.getCentroidX();
                        double y = pathROI.getCentroidY();
                        double radius = PathPrefs.detectionStrokeThicknessProperty().get() * 2.0;
                        if (pathObject.getParent() instanceof PathDetectionObject)
                            radius /= 2.0;
                        Shape shape;
                        int nSubclasses = 0;
                        if (pathClass != null) {
                            nSubclasses = PathClassTools.splitNames(pathClass).size();
                        switch(nSubclasses) {
                            case 0:
                                var ellipse = localEllipse2D.get();
                                ellipse.setFrame(x - radius, y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2);
                                shape = ellipse;
                            case 1:
                                var rect = localRect2D.get();
                                rect.setFrame(x - radius, y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2);
                                shape = rect;
                            case 2:
                                var triangle = localPath2D.get();
                                double sqrt3 = Math.sqrt(3.0);
                                triangle.moveTo(x, y - radius * 2.0 / sqrt3);
                                triangle.lineTo(x - radius, y + radius / sqrt3);
                                triangle.lineTo(x + radius, y + radius / sqrt3);
                                shape = triangle;
                            case 3:
                                var plus = localPath2D.get();
                                plus.moveTo(x, y - radius);
                                plus.lineTo(x, y + radius);
                                plus.moveTo(x - radius, y);
                                plus.lineTo(x + radius, y);
                                shape = plus;
                                var cross = localPath2D.get();
                                radius /= Math.sqrt(2);
                                cross.moveTo(x - radius, y - radius);
                                cross.lineTo(x + radius, y + radius);
                                cross.moveTo(x + radius, y - radius);
                                cross.lineTo(x - radius, y + radius);
                                shape = cross;
                        paintShape(shape, g, colorStroke, stroke, colorFill);
                    } else if (pathObject instanceof PathCellObject) {
                        PathCellObject cell = (PathCellObject) pathObject;
                        if (overlayOptions.getShowCellBoundaries())
                            paintROI(pathROI, g, colorStroke, stroke, colorFill, downsample);
                        if (overlayOptions.getShowCellNuclei())
                            paintROI(cell.getNucleusROI(), g, colorStroke, stroke, colorFill, downsample);
                        painted = true;
                    } else {
                        if ((overlayOptions.getFillAnnotations() && pathObject.isAnnotation() && pathObject.getPathClass() != PathClassFactory.getPathClass(StandardPathClasses.REGION) && (pathObject.getPathClass() != null || !pathObject.hasChildren())) || (pathObject.isTMACore() && overlayOptions.getShowTMACoreLabels()))
                            paintROI(pathROI, g, colorStroke, stroke, ColorToolsAwt.getMoreTranslucentColor(colorStroke), downsample);
                            paintROI(pathROI, g, colorStroke, stroke, colorFill, downsample);
                        painted = true;
    // Paint the children, if necessary
    if (paintChildren) {
        for (PathObject childObject : pathObject.getChildObjectsAsArray()) {
            // Only call the painting method if required
            ROI childROI = childObject.getROI();
            if ((childROI != null && boundsDisplayed.intersects(childROI.getBoundsX(), childROI.getBoundsY(), childROI.getBoundsWidth(), childROI.getBoundsHeight())) || childObject.hasChildren())
                painted = paintObject(childObject, paintChildren, g, boundsDisplayed, overlayOptions, selectionModel, downsample) | painted;
    return painted;
Also used : BasicStroke(java.awt.BasicStroke) Stroke(java.awt.Stroke) PathDetectionObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathDetectionObject) Shape(java.awt.Shape) RectangularShape(java.awt.geom.RectangularShape) Color(java.awt.Color) EllipseROI(qupath.lib.roi.EllipseROI) PointsROI(qupath.lib.roi.PointsROI) RectangleROI(qupath.lib.roi.RectangleROI) LineROI(qupath.lib.roi.LineROI) ROI(qupath.lib.roi.interfaces.ROI) ParallelTileObject(qupath.lib.plugins.ParallelTileObject) PathClass(qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClass) PathTileObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathTileObject) PathObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathObject) MeasurementMapper( LineROI(qupath.lib.roi.LineROI) PathCellObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathCellObject)

Example 2 with MeasurementMapper

use of in project qupath by qupath.

the class MeasurementMapPane method showMap.

private void showMap() {
    String measurement = listMeasurements.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
    QuPathViewer viewer = qupath.getViewer();
    if (viewer == null || measurement == null)
    // Reuse mappers if we can
    mapper = mapperMap.get(measurement);
    var colorMapper = selectedColorMap.getValue();
    if (mapper == null) {
        mapper = new MeasurementMapper(colorMapper, measurement, viewer.getHierarchy().getObjects(null, null));
        if (mapper.isValid())
            mapperMap.put(measurement, mapper);
    } else if (colorMapper != null) {
    if (mapper != null && mapper.isValid()) {
        updatingSliders = true;
        sliderMin.setMin(Math.min(mapper.getDataMinValue(), mapper.getDisplayMinValue()));
        sliderMin.setMax(Math.max(mapper.getDataMaxValue(), mapper.getDisplayMaxValue()));
        sliderMin.setBlockIncrement((sliderMin.getMax() - sliderMin.getMin()) / 100);
        sliderMax.setMin(Math.min(mapper.getDataMinValue(), mapper.getDisplayMinValue()));
        sliderMax.setMax(Math.max(mapper.getDataMaxValue(), mapper.getDisplayMaxValue()));
        sliderMax.setBlockIncrement((sliderMax.getMax() - sliderMax.getMin()) / 100);
        updatingSliders = false;
    colorMapKeyImage = createPanelKey(mapper.getColorMapper());
    OverlayOptions overlayOptions = viewer.getOverlayOptions();
    if (overlayOptions != null)
Also used : OverlayOptions(qupath.lib.gui.viewer.OverlayOptions) MeasurementMapper( QuPathViewer(qupath.lib.gui.viewer.QuPathViewer)


MeasurementMapper ( BasicStroke (java.awt.BasicStroke)1 Color (java.awt.Color)1 Shape (java.awt.Shape)1 Stroke (java.awt.Stroke)1 RectangularShape (java.awt.geom.RectangularShape)1 OverlayOptions (qupath.lib.gui.viewer.OverlayOptions)1 QuPathViewer (qupath.lib.gui.viewer.QuPathViewer)1 PathCellObject (qupath.lib.objects.PathCellObject)1 PathDetectionObject (qupath.lib.objects.PathDetectionObject)1 PathObject (qupath.lib.objects.PathObject)1 PathTileObject (qupath.lib.objects.PathTileObject)1 PathClass (qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClass)1 ParallelTileObject (qupath.lib.plugins.ParallelTileObject)1 EllipseROI (qupath.lib.roi.EllipseROI)1 LineROI (qupath.lib.roi.LineROI)1 PointsROI (qupath.lib.roi.PointsROI)1 RectangleROI (qupath.lib.roi.RectangleROI)1 ROI (qupath.lib.roi.interfaces.ROI)1