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Example 16 with SOCShip

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient method handleREMOVEPIECE.

 * A player's piece (a ship) has been removed from the board. Updates game state.
 * Currently, only ships can be removed, in game scenario {@code _SC_PIRI}.
 * Other {@code pieceType}s are ignored.
 * @since 2.0.00
protected void handleREMOVEPIECE(SOCRemovePiece mes) {
    final String gaName = mes.getGame();
    SOCGame ga = games.get(gaName);
    if (ga == null)
        // Not one of our games
    SOCPlayer player = ga.getPlayer(mes.getParam1());
    final int pieceType = mes.getParam2();
    final int pieceCoordinate = mes.getParam3();
    switch(pieceType) {
        case SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP:
            ga.removeShip(new SOCShip(player, pieceCoordinate, null));
            System.err.println("Displayless.updateAtPieceRemoved called for un-handled type " + pieceType);
Also used : SOCShip( SOCPlayer( SOCGame(

Example 17 with SOCShip

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotBrain method buildOrGetResourceByTradeOrCard.

 * Either ask to build a planned piece, or use trading or development cards to get resources to build it.
 * Examines {@link #buildingPlan} for the next piece wanted.
 * Sets {@link #whatWeWantToBuild} by calling {@link #buildRequestPlannedPiece()}
 * or using a Road Building dev card.
 * If we need resources and we can't get them through the robber,
 * the {@link SOCDevCardConstants#ROADS Road Building} or
 * {@link SOCDevCardConstants#MONO Monopoly} or
 * {@link SOCDevCardConstants#DISC Discovery} development cards,
 * then trades with the bank ({@link #tradeToTarget2(SOCResourceSet)})
 * or with other players ({@link #makeOffer(SOCPossiblePiece)}).
 * Call when these conditions are all true:
 * <UL>
 *<LI> {@link #ourTurn}
 *<LI> {@link #planBuilding()} already called
 *<LI> ! {@link #buildingPlan}.empty()
 *<LI> gameState {@link SOCGame#PLAY1} or {@link SOCGame#SPECIAL_BUILDING}
 *<LI> <tt>waitingFor...</tt> flags all false ({@link #waitingForGameState}, etc)
 *     except possibly {@link #waitingForSpecialBuild}
 *<LI> <tt>expect...</tt> flags all false ({@link #expectPLACING_ROAD}, etc)
 *<LI> ! {@link #waitingForOurTurn}
 *<LI> ! ({@link #expectROLL_OR_CARD} && (counter < 4000))
 * May set any of these flags:
 * <UL>
 *<LI> {@link #waitingForGameState}, and {@link #expectWAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY} or {@link #expectWAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY}
 *<LI> {@link #waitingForTradeMsg} or {@link #waitingForTradeResponse} or {@link #doneTrading}
 *<LI> {@link #waitingForDevCard}, or {@link #waitingForGameState} and {@link #expectPLACING_SETTLEMENT} (etc).
 *<LI> {@link #waitingForPickSpecialItem}
 *<LI> Scenario actions such as {@link #waitingForSC_PIRI_FortressRequest}
 * In a future iteration of the run() loop with the expected {@code PLACING_} state, the
 * bot will build {@link #whatWeWantToBuild} by calling {@link #placeIfExpectPlacing()}.
 * @since 1.1.08
 * @throws IllegalStateException  if {@link #buildingPlan}{@link Stack#isEmpty() .isEmpty()}
private void buildOrGetResourceByTradeOrCard() throws IllegalStateException {
    if (buildingPlan.isEmpty())
        throw new IllegalStateException("buildingPlan empty when called");
     * If we're in SPECIAL_BUILDING (not PLAY1),
     * can't trade or play development cards.
    final boolean gameStatePLAY1 = (game.getGameState() == SOCGame.PLAY1);
     * check to see if this is a Road Building plan
    boolean roadBuildingPlan = false;
    if (gameStatePLAY1 && (!ourPlayerData.hasPlayedDevCard()) && (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD) >= 2) && ourPlayerData.getInventory().hasPlayable(SOCDevCardConstants.ROADS) && (rejectedPlayDevCardType != SOCDevCardConstants.ROADS)) {
        // D.ebugPrintln("** Checking for Road Building Plan **");
        SOCPossiblePiece topPiece = buildingPlan.pop();
        // D.ebugPrintln("$ POPPED "+topPiece);
        if ((topPiece != null) && (topPiece instanceof SOCPossibleRoad)) {
            SOCPossiblePiece secondPiece = (buildingPlan.isEmpty()) ? null : buildingPlan.peek();
            // D.ebugPrintln("secondPiece="+secondPiece);
            if ((secondPiece != null) && (secondPiece instanceof SOCPossibleRoad)) {
                roadBuildingPlan = true;
                // builds ships only if the 2 possible pieces are non-coastal ships
                if ((topPiece instanceof SOCPossibleShip) && (!((SOCPossibleShip) topPiece).isCoastalRoadAndShip) && (secondPiece instanceof SOCPossibleShip) && (!((SOCPossibleShip) secondPiece).isCoastalRoadAndShip))
                    whatWeWantToBuild = new SOCShip(ourPlayerData, topPiece.getCoordinates(), null);
                    whatWeWantToBuild = new SOCRoad(ourPlayerData, topPiece.getCoordinates(), null);
                if (!whatWeWantToBuild.equals(whatWeFailedToBuild)) {
                    waitingForGameState = true;
                    counter = 0;
                    expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD1 = true;
                    // D.ebugPrintln("!! PLAYING ROAD BUILDING CARD");
                    client.playDevCard(game, SOCDevCardConstants.ROADS);
                } else {
                    // We already tried to build this.
                    roadBuildingPlan = false;
                // cancel sets whatWeWantToBuild = null;
            } else {
                // D.ebugPrintln("$ PUSHING "+topPiece);
        } else {
            // D.ebugPrintln("$ PUSHING "+topPiece);
    if (roadBuildingPlan) {
        // <---- Early return: Road Building dev card ----
    // /
    // / figure out what resources we need
    // /
    SOCPossiblePiece targetPiece = buildingPlan.peek();
    // may be null
    SOCResourceSet targetResources = targetPiece.getResourcesToBuild();
    // D.ebugPrintln("^^^ targetPiece = "+targetPiece);
    // D.ebugPrintln("^^^ ourResources = "+ourPlayerData.getResources());
    negotiator.setTargetPiece(ourPlayerNumber, targetPiece);
    // /
    if (gameStatePLAY1 && (!ourPlayerData.hasPlayedDevCard()) && ourPlayerData.getInventory().hasPlayable(SOCDevCardConstants.DISC) && (rejectedPlayDevCardType != SOCDevCardConstants.DISC)) {
        if (chooseFreeResourcesIfNeeded(targetResources, 2, false)) {
            // /
            // / play the card
            // /
            expectWAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY = true;
            waitingForGameState = true;
            counter = 0;
            client.playDevCard(game, SOCDevCardConstants.DISC);
    if (!expectWAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY) {
        // /
        if (gameStatePLAY1 && (!ourPlayerData.hasPlayedDevCard()) && ourPlayerData.getInventory().hasPlayable(SOCDevCardConstants.MONO) && (rejectedPlayDevCardType != SOCDevCardConstants.MONO) && monopolyStrategy.decidePlayMonopoly()) {
            // /
            // / play the card
            // /
            expectWAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY = true;
            waitingForGameState = true;
            counter = 0;
            client.playDevCard(game, SOCDevCardConstants.MONO);
        if (!expectWAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY) {
            if (gameStatePLAY1 && (!doneTrading) && (!ourPlayerData.getResources().contains(targetResources))) {
                waitingForTradeResponse = false;
                if (robotParameters.getTradeFlag() == 1) {
                // makeOffer will set waitingForTradeResponse or doneTrading.
            if (gameStatePLAY1 && !waitingForTradeResponse) {
                 * trade with the bank/ports
                if (tradeToTarget2(targetResources)) {
                    counter = 0;
                    waitingForTradeMsg = true;
            // /
            if ((!(waitingForTradeMsg || waitingForTradeResponse)) && ourPlayerData.getResources().contains(targetResources)) {
                // Remember that targetPiece == buildingPlan.peek().
                // Calls buildingPlan.pop().
                // Checks against whatWeFailedToBuild to see if server has rejected this already.
                // Calls client.buyDevCard or client.buildRequest.
                // Sets waitingForDevCard, or waitingForGameState and expectPLACING_SETTLEMENT (etc).
                // Sets waitingForPickSpecialItem if target piece is SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem.
Also used : SOCShip( SOCResourceSet( SOCRoad(

Example 18 with SOCShip

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotDM method getWinGameETABonus.

 * add a bonus to the possible piece score based
 * on the change in win game ETA
 * @param posPiece  the possible piece that we're scoring
protected float getWinGameETABonus(final SOCPossiblePiece posPiece) {
    HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker> trackersCopy = null;
    SOCSettlement tmpSet = null;
    SOCCity tmpCity = null;
    // road or ship
    SOCRoad tmpRoad = null;
    float bonus = 0;
    D.ebugPrintln("--- before [start] ---");
    // SOCPlayerTracker.playerTrackersDebug(playerTrackers);
    D.ebugPrintln("our player numbers = " + ourPlayerData.getNumbers());
    D.ebugPrintln("--- before [end] ---");
    switch(posPiece.getType()) {
        case SOCPossiblePiece.SETTLEMENT:
            tmpSet = new SOCSettlement(ourPlayerData, posPiece.getCoordinates(), null);
            trackersCopy = SOCPlayerTracker.tryPutPiece(tmpSet, game, playerTrackers);
        case SOCPossiblePiece.CITY:
            trackersCopy = SOCPlayerTracker.copyPlayerTrackers(playerTrackers);
            tmpCity = new SOCCity(ourPlayerData, posPiece.getCoordinates(), null);
            SOCPlayerTracker trackerCopy = trackersCopy.get(Integer.valueOf(ourPlayerNumber));
            if (trackerCopy != null) {
        case SOCPossiblePiece.ROAD:
            tmpRoad = new SOCRoad(ourPlayerData, posPiece.getCoordinates(), null);
            trackersCopy = SOCPlayerTracker.tryPutPiece(tmpRoad, game, playerTrackers);
        case SOCPossiblePiece.SHIP:
            tmpRoad = new SOCShip(ourPlayerData, posPiece.getCoordinates(), null);
            trackersCopy = SOCPlayerTracker.tryPutPiece(tmpRoad, game, playerTrackers);
    // trackersCopyIter = trackersCopy.iterator();
    // while (trackersCopyIter.hasNext()) {
    // SOCPlayerTracker trackerCopy = (SOCPlayerTracker);
    // trackerCopy.updateThreats(trackersCopy);
    // }
    D.ebugPrintln("--- after [start] ---");
    // SOCPlayerTracker.playerTrackersDebug(trackersCopy);
    float WGETABonus = calcWGETABonus(playerTrackers, trackersCopy);
    D.ebugPrintln("$$$ win game ETA bonus : +" + WGETABonus);
    bonus = WGETABonus;
    D.ebugPrintln("our player numbers = " + ourPlayerData.getNumbers());
    D.ebugPrintln("--- after [end] ---");
    switch(posPiece.getType()) {
        case SOCPossiblePiece.SETTLEMENT:
            SOCPlayerTracker.undoTryPutPiece(tmpSet, game);
        case SOCPossiblePiece.CITY:
        // fall through to ROAD
        case SOCPossiblePiece.SHIP:
        case SOCPossiblePiece.ROAD:
            SOCPlayerTracker.undoTryPutPiece(tmpRoad, game);
    D.ebugPrintln("our player numbers = " + ourPlayerData.getNumbers());
    D.ebugPrintln("--- cleanup done ---");
    return bonus;
Also used : SOCSettlement( SOCCity( SOCShip( SOCRoad(

Example 19 with SOCShip

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotDM method scenarioGameStrategyPlan_SC_PIRI_buildNextShip.

 * If possible, calculate where our next ship would be placed, and add it to {@link #buildingPlan}.
 * Assumes our player's {@link SOCPlayer#getFortress()} is west of all boats we've already placed.
 * If our line of ships has reached the fortress per {@link SOCPlayer#getMostRecentShip()},
 * nothing to do: That goal is complete.
 * @return True if next ship is possible and was added to {@link #buildingPlan}
 * @since 2.0.00
private final boolean scenarioGameStrategyPlan_SC_PIRI_buildNextShip() {
    SOCShip prevShip = ourPlayerData.getMostRecentShip();
    if (prevShip == null)
        // player starts with 1 ship, so should never be null
        return false;
    final int fortressNode;
        final SOCFortress fo = ourPlayerData.getFortress();
        if (fo == null)
            // already defeated it
            return false;
        fortressNode = fo.getCoordinates();
    final int prevShipNode;
        final int[] nodes = prevShip.getAdjacentNodes();
        final int c0 = nodes[0] & 0xFF, c1 = nodes[1] & 0xFF;
        if (c0 < c1)
            prevShipNode = nodes[0];
        else if (c1 < c0)
            prevShipNode = nodes[1];
        else {
            // prevShip goes north-south; check its node rows vs fortress row
            final int r0 = nodes[0] >> 8, r1 = nodes[1] >> 8, rFort = fortressNode >> 8;
            if (Math.abs(rFort - r0) < Math.abs(rFort - r1))
                prevShipNode = nodes[0];
                prevShipNode = nodes[1];
    if (prevShipNode == fortressNode) {
        return false;
    // Get the player's ship path towards fortressNode from prevShip.
    // We need to head west, possibly north or south.
    final HashSet<Integer> lse = ourPlayerData.getRestrictedLegalShips();
    if (lse == null)
        // null lse should not occur in _SC_PIRI
        return false;
    // Need 1 or 2 edges that are in lse and aren't prevShipEdge,
    // and the edge's far node is either further west than prevShipNode,
    // or is vertical and takes us closer north or south to the fortress.
    int edge1 = -9, edge2 = -9;
    final SOCBoard board = game.getBoard();
    final int prevShipEdge = prevShip.getCoordinates();
    int[] nextPossiEdges = board.getAdjacentEdgesToNode_arr(prevShipNode);
    for (int i = 0; i < nextPossiEdges.length; ++i) {
        final int edge = nextPossiEdges[i];
        if ((edge == -9) || (edge == prevShipEdge) || !lse.contains(Integer.valueOf(edge)))
        // be sure this edge takes us towards fortressNode
        final int farNode = board.getAdjacentNodeFarEndOfEdge(edge, prevShipNode);
        final int cShip = prevShipNode & 0xFF, cEdge = farNode & 0xFF;
        if (cEdge > cShip) {
            // farNode is east, not west
        } else if (cEdge == cShip) {
            final int rShip = prevShipNode >> 8, rEdge = farNode >> 8, rFort = fortressNode >> 8;
            if (Math.abs(rFort - rEdge) > Math.abs(rFort - rShip))
                // farNode isn't closer to fortress
        // OK
        if (edge1 == -9)
            edge1 = edge;
            edge2 = edge;
    if (edge1 == -9)
        // happens if we've built ships out to fortressNode already
        return false;
    final int newEdge;
    if ((edge2 == -9) || (Math.random() < 0.5))
        newEdge = edge1;
        newEdge = edge2;
    buildingPlan.add(new SOCPossibleShip(ourPlayerData, newEdge, false, null));
    System.err.println("L2112 ** " + ourPlayerData.getName() + ": Planned possible ship at 0x" + Integer.toHexString(newEdge) + " towards fortress");
    return true;
Also used : SOCBoard( SOCShip( SOCFortress(

Example 20 with SOCShip

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCPlayerInterface method updateAtPutPiece.

 * Handle updates after putting a piece on the board,
 * or moving a ship that was already placed.
 * Place or move the piece within our {@link SOCGame}
 * and visually on our {@link SOCBoardPanel}.
 * @param mesPn  The piece's player number
 * @param coord  The piece's coordinate.  If <tt>isMove</tt>, the coordinate to move <em>from</em>.
 * @param pieceType  Piece type, like {@link SOCPlayingPiece#CITY}
 * @param isMove   If true, it's a move, not a new placement; valid only for ships.
 * @param moveToCoord  If <tt>isMove</tt>, the coordinate to move <em>to</em>.  Otherwise ignored.
 * @see #updateAtPiecesChanged()
 * @since 2.0.00
public void updateAtPutPiece(final int mesPn, final int coord, final int pieceType, final boolean isMove, final int moveToCoord) {
    // TODO consider more effic way for flushBoardLayoutAndRepaint, without the =null
    final SOCPlayer pl = (pieceType != SOCPlayingPiece.VILLAGE) ? game.getPlayer(mesPn) : null;
    final SOCPlayer oldLongestRoadPlayer = game.getPlayerWithLongestRoad();
    final SOCHandPanel mesHp = (pieceType != SOCPlayingPiece.VILLAGE) ? getPlayerHandPanel(mesPn) : null;
    final boolean[] debugShowPotentials = boardPanel.debugShowPotentials;
    final SOCPlayingPiece pp;
    switch(pieceType) {
        case SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD:
            pp = new SOCRoad(pl, coord, null);
            if (debugShowPotentials[4] || debugShowPotentials[5] || debugShowPotentials[7])
        case SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT:
            pp = new SOCSettlement(pl, coord, null);
             * if this is the second initial settlement, then update the resource display
            if (debugShowPotentials[4] || debugShowPotentials[5] || debugShowPotentials[7] || debugShowPotentials[6])
        case SOCPlayingPiece.CITY:
            pp = new SOCCity(pl, coord, null);
            if (debugShowPotentials[4] || debugShowPotentials[5] || debugShowPotentials[7] || debugShowPotentials[6])
        case SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP:
            pp = new SOCShip(pl, coord, null);
            if (!isMove) {
            } else {
                game.moveShip((SOCShip) pp, moveToCoord);
                if (mesHp == clientHand)
                    // just in case; it probably wasn't enabled
            if (debugShowPotentials[4] || debugShowPotentials[5] || debugShowPotentials[7])
        case SOCPlayingPiece.VILLAGE:
            // no need to refresh boardPanel after receiving each village
            pp = new SOCVillage(coord, game.getBoard());
            // <--- Early return: Piece is part of board initial layout, not player info ---
        case SOCPlayingPiece.FORTRESS:
            pp = new SOCFortress(pl, coord, game.getBoard());
            // <--- Early return: Piece is part of board initial layout, not added during game ---
            chatPrintDebug("* Unknown piece type " + pieceType + " at coord 0x" + Integer.toHexString(coord));
            // <--- Early return ---
    if (game.isDebugFreePlacement() && game.isInitialPlacement())
        // update here, since gamestate doesn't change to trigger update
    if (hasCalledBegan && (game.getGameState() >= SOCGame.START1A))
     * Check for and announce change in longest road; update all players' victory points.
    SOCPlayer newLongestRoadPlayer = game.getPlayerWithLongestRoad();
    if (newLongestRoadPlayer != oldLongestRoadPlayer) {
        updateLongestLargest(true, oldLongestRoadPlayer, newLongestRoadPlayer);
Also used : SOCSettlement( SOCVillage( SOCCity( SOCPlayingPiece( SOCShip( SOCPlayer( SOCFortress( SOCRoad(


SOCShip ( SOCRoad ( SOCPlayer ( SOCSettlement ( SOCCity ( SOCFortress ( SOCBoardLarge ( SOCBoard ( SOCPlayingPiece ( SOCResourceSet ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 SOCGame ( SOCVillage ( Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1 Image (java.awt.Image)1 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)1 Vector (java.util.Vector)1 SOCInventoryItem ( SOCAcceptOffer (soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer)1 SOCChoosePlayerRequest (soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest)1