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Example 1 with IList

use of suite.immutable.IList in project suite by stupidsing.

the class BuildLr method build.

private Blr build(IList<Pair<String, Set<String>>> ps, Grammar eg, Transition nextx) {
    Fun<Streamlet2<String, Transition>, Blr> mergeAll = st2 -> {
        Transition next = newTransition(readLookahead.readLookahead(eg, nextx.keySet()));
        State state1 = newState(nextx);
        st2.sink((egn, next1) -> {
            next.put_(egn, Pair.of(state1, null));
            merges.add(Pair.of(next, next1));
        return new Blr(1, next);
    Pair<String, Set<String>> k;
    Blr blr;
    switch(eg.type) {
        case AND___:
            if (!eg.children.isEmpty()) {
                Grammar tail = new Grammar(GrammarType.AND___, List_.right(eg.children, 1));
                Blr blr1 = build(ps, tail, nextx);
                Blr blr0 = build(ps, eg.children.get(0),;
                blr = new Blr(blr0.nTokens + blr1.nTokens,;
            } else
                blr = new Blr(0, nextx);
        case ENTITY:
            k = Pair.of(eg.content, nextx.keySet());
            Transition next1 = transitions.computeIfAbsent(k, k_ -> new Transition());
            blr = mergeAll.apply(Read.each2(eg.content, next1));
        case NAMED_:
            Reduce reduce = new Reduce();
            Transition next = newTransition(nextx.keySet(), Pair.of(null, reduce));
            Blr blr1 = build(ps, eg.children.get(0), next);
            reduce.n = blr1.nTokens;
   = eg.content;
            blr = new Blr(1,;
        case OR____:
            List<Pair<String, Transition>> pairs = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Grammar eg1 : Read.from(eg.children)) {
                String egn = "OR." + System.identityHashCode(eg1);
                pairs.add(Pair.of(egn, build(ps, new Grammar(GrammarType.NAMED_, egn, eg1), nextx).next));
            blr = mergeAll.apply(Read.from2(pairs));
        case STRING:
            State state1 = newState(nextx);
            blr = new Blr(1, kv(eg.content, state1));
            blr = Fail.t("LR parser cannot recognize " + eg.type);
    return blr;
Also used : Read(suite.streamlet.Read) Streamlet2(suite.streamlet.Streamlet2) Set(java.util.Set) List_(suite.util.List_) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) IList(suite.immutable.IList) Grammar(suite.ebnf.Grammar) Fun(suite.util.FunUtil.Fun) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Objects(java.util.Objects) Pair(suite.adt.pair.Pair) List(java.util.List) GrammarType(suite.ebnf.Grammar.GrammarType) Map(java.util.Map) Fail(suite.util.Fail) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Grammar(suite.ebnf.Grammar) Streamlet2(suite.streamlet.Streamlet2) Pair(suite.adt.pair.Pair)

Example 2 with IList

use of suite.immutable.IList in project suite by stupidsing.

the class SewingProverImpl method save.

private Restore save(Runtime rt) {
    Cps cps0 = rt.cps;
    Env env0 = rt.env;
    Node query0 = rt.query;
    IList<Trampoline> cutPoint0 = rt.cutPoint;
    IList<Trampoline> rems0 = rt.rems;
    int pit0 = rt.trail.getPointInTime();
    Sink<Node> handler0 = rt.handler;
    return rt_ -> {
        rt_.cps = cps0;
        rt_.env = env0;
        rt_.query = query0;
        rt_.cutPoint = cutPoint0;
        rt_.rems = rems0;
        rt_.handler = handler0;
Also used : Prover(suite.lp.doer.Prover) BindEnv(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.BindEnv) BuiltinPredicate(suite.lp.predicate.PredicateUtil.BuiltinPredicate) LogUtil(suite.os.LogUtil) Mutable(suite.adt.Mutable) BinderFactory(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory) Node(suite.node.Node) ProverConstant(suite.lp.doer.ProverConstant) VariableMapper(suite.lp.sewing.VariableMapper) Suspend(suite.node.Suspend) Map(java.util.Map) Prototype(suite.lp.kb.Prototype) RuleSet(suite.lp.kb.RuleSet) Generalizer(suite.lp.doer.Generalizer) Bind_(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.Bind_) Cloner(suite.lp.doer.Cloner) Object_(suite.util.Object_) SystemPredicates(suite.lp.predicate.SystemPredicates) Tree(suite.node.Tree) Pair(suite.adt.pair.Pair) Friends.max(suite.util.Friends.max) List(java.util.List) Clone_(suite.lp.doer.ClonerFactory.Clone_) ListMultimap( As(suite.streamlet.As) Int(suite.node.Int) TreeUtil(suite.node.util.TreeUtil) ProverConfig(suite.lp.Configuration.ProverConfig) Read(suite.streamlet.Read) Rule(suite.lp.kb.Rule) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) IList(suite.immutable.IList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Data(suite.node.Data) Formatter( String_(suite.util.String_) Rethrow(suite.util.Rethrow) Binder(suite.lp.doer.Binder) Tuple(suite.node.Tuple) Reference(suite.node.Reference) Suite(suite.Suite) SuiteException(suite.node.util.SuiteException) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) CompileExpressionImpl(suite.lp.compile.impl.CompileExpressionImpl) Source(suite.util.FunUtil.Source) TermOp( List_(suite.util.List_) Evaluate_(suite.lp.doer.EvaluatorFactory.Evaluate_) Rewrite(suite.node.util.Rewrite) Streamlet(suite.streamlet.Streamlet) Atom(suite.node.Atom) Sink(suite.util.FunUtil.Sink) ProverFactory(suite.lp.doer.ProverFactory) Env(suite.lp.sewing.Env) Fail(suite.util.Fail) Node(suite.node.Node) BindEnv(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.BindEnv) Env(suite.lp.sewing.Env)

Example 3 with IList

use of suite.immutable.IList in project suite by stupidsing.

the class SewingProverImpl method compileTrCallPredicate.

private Trampoline compileTrCallPredicate(BinderFactory bf, Node node) {
    Prototype prototype = Prototype.of(node);
    if (rules.containsKey(prototype)) {
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(node);
        Trampoline tr;
        if (isHasCutByPrototype.get(prototype)) {
            Mutable<Trampoline> mtr = getTrampolineByPrototype(prototype);
            tr = rt -> {
                rt.query = f.apply(rt.env);
                return mtr.get()::prove;
        } else {
            Mutable<Cps> mcps = getCpsByPrototype(prototype);
            Cps cpsx = rt -> {
                IList<Trampoline> rems = rt.rems;
                rt.rems = IList.cons(fail, IList.end());
                new Runtime(rt, rt_ -> {
                    rt_.rems = rems;
                    return okay;
                return null;
            tr = rt -> {
                Cps cps0 = rt.cps;
                rt.cps = rt_ -> {
                    rt.cps = cps0;
                    return cpsx;
                rt.query = f.apply(rt.env);
                return fail;
        return tr;
    } else
        return Fail.t("cannot find predicate " + prototype);
Also used : Prover(suite.lp.doer.Prover) BindEnv(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.BindEnv) BuiltinPredicate(suite.lp.predicate.PredicateUtil.BuiltinPredicate) LogUtil(suite.os.LogUtil) Mutable(suite.adt.Mutable) BinderFactory(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory) Node(suite.node.Node) ProverConstant(suite.lp.doer.ProverConstant) VariableMapper(suite.lp.sewing.VariableMapper) Suspend(suite.node.Suspend) Map(java.util.Map) Prototype(suite.lp.kb.Prototype) RuleSet(suite.lp.kb.RuleSet) Generalizer(suite.lp.doer.Generalizer) Bind_(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.Bind_) Cloner(suite.lp.doer.Cloner) Object_(suite.util.Object_) SystemPredicates(suite.lp.predicate.SystemPredicates) Tree(suite.node.Tree) Pair(suite.adt.pair.Pair) Friends.max(suite.util.Friends.max) List(java.util.List) Clone_(suite.lp.doer.ClonerFactory.Clone_) ListMultimap( As(suite.streamlet.As) Int(suite.node.Int) TreeUtil(suite.node.util.TreeUtil) ProverConfig(suite.lp.Configuration.ProverConfig) Read(suite.streamlet.Read) Rule(suite.lp.kb.Rule) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) IList(suite.immutable.IList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Data(suite.node.Data) Formatter( String_(suite.util.String_) Rethrow(suite.util.Rethrow) Binder(suite.lp.doer.Binder) Tuple(suite.node.Tuple) Reference(suite.node.Reference) Suite(suite.Suite) SuiteException(suite.node.util.SuiteException) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) CompileExpressionImpl(suite.lp.compile.impl.CompileExpressionImpl) Source(suite.util.FunUtil.Source) TermOp( List_(suite.util.List_) Evaluate_(suite.lp.doer.EvaluatorFactory.Evaluate_) Rewrite(suite.node.util.Rewrite) Streamlet(suite.streamlet.Streamlet) Atom(suite.node.Atom) Sink(suite.util.FunUtil.Sink) ProverFactory(suite.lp.doer.ProverFactory) Env(suite.lp.sewing.Env) Fail(suite.util.Fail) Prototype(suite.lp.kb.Prototype) Clone_(suite.lp.doer.ClonerFactory.Clone_) IList(suite.immutable.IList)

Example 4 with IList

use of suite.immutable.IList in project suite by stupidsing.

the class Lister method leaves.

private Streamlet<IList<Node>> leaves(Node node, IList<Node> prefix) {
    NodeRead nr = NodeRead.of(node);
    Streamlet<IList<Node>> st;
    if (nr.type == ReadType.TUPLE)
        st = // 
        (i, p) -> leaves(p.t1, IList.cons(Int.of(i), prefix))).collect(As::concat);
    else if (nr.type != ReadType.TERM)
        st = Read.from(nr.children).concatMap(p -> leaves(p.t1, IList.cons(p.t0, prefix)));
        st = Read.from(List.of(IList.cons(nr.terminal, prefix)));
    if (nr.op != null)
        st = st.cons(IList.cons(Atom.of(nr.op.toString()), prefix));
    return st;
Also used : List(java.util.List) Read(suite.streamlet.Read) Streamlet(suite.streamlet.Streamlet) Atom(suite.node.Atom) As(suite.streamlet.As) IList(suite.immutable.IList) NodeRead( Int(suite.node.Int) Node(suite.node.Node) ReadType( NodeRead( As(suite.streamlet.As) IList(suite.immutable.IList)

Example 5 with IList

use of suite.immutable.IList in project suite by stupidsing.

the class SewingProverImpl method compileTr.

private Trampoline compileTr(BinderFactory bf, Node node) {
    List<Node> list;
    Trampoline tr;
    Tree tree;
    Node[] m;
    if (1 < (list = TreeUtil.breakdown(TermOp.AND___, node)).size())
        tr = andTr(Read.from(list).map(n -> compileTr(bf, n)));
    else if (1 < (list = TreeUtil.breakdown(TermOp.OR____, node)).size())
        tr = orTr(Read.from(list).map(n -> compileTr(bf, n)));
    else if ((m = Suite.pattern(".0 = .1").match(node)) != null) {
        boolean b = complexity(m[0]) <= complexity(m[1]);
        Node n0 = b ? m[0] : m[1];
        Node n1 = b ? m[1] : m[0];
        Bind_ p = bf.binder(n1);
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(n0);
        tr = rt -> p.test(rt, f.apply(rt.env)) ? okay : fail;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("builtin:.0:.1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        String className = ((Atom) m[0]).name;
        String fieldName = ((Atom) m[1]).name;
        BuiltinPredicate predicate = Rethrow.ex(() -> {
            Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
            return (BuiltinPredicate) clazz.getField(fieldName).get(Object_.new_(clazz));
        tr = compileTrCallPredicate(bf, predicate, m[2]);
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("find.all .0 .1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Trampoline tr1 = compileTr(bf, m[1]);
        Bind_ p = bf.binder(m[2]);
        List<Node> vs = new ArrayList<>();
        tr = rt -> {
            Restore restore = save(rt);
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                vs.add(new Cloner().clone(f.apply(rt_.env)));
                return fail;
            rt.pushAlt(rt_ -> {
                return p.test(rt, Tree.of(TermOp.AND___, vs)) ? okay : fail;
            return tr1;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("if .0 .1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        Trampoline tr0 = compileTr(bf, m[0]);
        Trampoline tr1 = compileTr(bf, m[1]);
        Trampoline tr2 = compileTr(bf, m[2]);
        tr = if_(tr0, tr1, tr2);
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("let .0 .1").match(node)) != null) {
        Bind_ p = bf.binder(m[0]);
        Evaluate_ eval = new CompileExpressionImpl(bf).evaluator(m[1]);
        tr = rt -> p.test(rt, Int.of(eval.evaluate(rt.env))) ? okay : fail;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("list.fold .0/.1/.2 .3").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ list0_ = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Clone_ value0_ = bf.cloner(m[1]);
        Bind_ valuex_ = bf.binder(m[2]);
        Clone_ ht_ = bf.cloner(m[3]);
        tr = rt -> {
            Node[] ht = Suite.pattern(".0 .1").match(ht_.apply(rt.env));
            Trampoline tr1 = saveEnvTr(compileTrRule(ht[0], ht[1]));
            Mutable<Node> current = Mutable.of(value0_.apply(rt.env));
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> valuex_.test(rt_, current.get()) ? okay : fail);
            for (Node elem : Tree.iter(list0_.apply(rt.env))) {
                Reference result = new Reference();
                rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                    return okay;
                rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                    rt_.query = Tree.of(TermOp.ITEM__, Tree.of(TermOp.ITEM__, elem, current.get()), result);
                    return tr1;
            return okay;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("list.fold.clone .0/.1/.2 .3/.4/.5 .6").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ list0_ = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Clone_ value0_ = bf.cloner(m[1]);
        Bind_ valuex_ = bf.binder(m[2]);
        Bind_ elem_ = bf.binder(m[3]);
        Bind_ v0_ = bf.binder(m[4]);
        Clone_ vx_ = bf.cloner(m[5]);
        Trampoline tr1 = compileTr(bf, m[6]);
        tr = rt -> {
            Mutable<Node> current = Mutable.of(value0_.apply(rt.env));
            Env env0 = rt.env;
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.env = env0;
                return valuex_.test(rt_, current.get()) ? okay : fail;
            for (Node elem : Tree.iter(list0_.apply(rt.env))) {
                rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                    return okay;
                rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                    rt_.env = env0.clone();
                    return elem_.test(rt_, elem) && v0_.test(rt_, current.get()) ? tr1 : fail;
            return okay;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("list.query .0 .1").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ l_ = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Clone_ ht_ = bf.cloner(m[1]);
        tr = rt -> {
            Node[] ht = Suite.pattern(".0 .1").match(ht_.apply(rt.env));
            Trampoline tr1 = saveEnvTr(compileTrRule(ht[0], ht[1]));
            for (Node n : Tree.iter(l_.apply(rt.env))) rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.query = n;
                return tr1;
            return okay;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("list.query.clone .0 .1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Bind_ p = bf.binder(m[1]);
        Trampoline tr1 = compileTr(bf, m[2]);
        tr = rt -> {
            Env env0 = rt.env;
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.env = env0;
                return okay;
            for (Node n : Tree.iter(f.apply(rt.env))) rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.env = env0.clone();
                return p.test(rt_, n) ? tr1 : fail;
            return okay;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("member .0 .1").match(node)) != null && TreeUtil.isList(m[0], TermOp.AND___)) {
        List<Bind_> elems_ = Read.from(Tree.iter(m[0])).map(bf::binder).toList();
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(m[1]);
        tr = rt -> {
            Iterator<Bind_> iter = elems_.iterator();
            Trampoline[] alt = new Trampoline[1];
            Restore restore = save(rt);
            return alt[0] = rt_ -> {
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    if (, f.apply(rt.env))) {
                        return okay;
                return fail;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("not .0").match(node)) != null)
        tr = if_(compileTr(bf, m[0]), fail, okay);
    else if ((m = Suite.pattern("once .0").match(node)) != null) {
        Trampoline tr0 = compileTr(bf, m[0]);
        tr = rt -> {
            IList<Trampoline> alts0 = rt.alts;
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.alts = alts0;
                return okay;
            return tr0;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("suspend .0 .1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ f0 = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Clone_ f1 = bf.cloner(m[1]);
        Trampoline tr0 = compileTr(bf, m[2]);
        tr = rt -> {
            List<Node> results = new ArrayList<>();
            Env env = rt.env;
            Trampoline tr_ = andTr(Read.each(tr0, rt_ -> {
                return fail;
            Node n0 = f0.apply(rt.env);
            Suspend suspend = new Suspend(() -> {
                Runtime rt_ = new Runtime(rt, tr_);
                return Read.from(results).uniqueResult();
            if (n0 instanceof Reference) {
                rt.trail.addBind((Reference) n0, suspend);
                return okay;
            } else
                return fail;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("throw .0").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        tr = rt -> {
            rt.handler.sink(new Cloner().clone(f.apply(rt.env)));
            return okay;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("try .0 .1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        Trampoline tr0 = compileTr(bf, m[0]);
        Bind_ p = bf.binder(m[1]);
        Trampoline catch0 = compileTr(bf, m[2]);
        tr = rt -> {
            BindEnv be = rt;
            Restore restore = save(rt);
            IList<Trampoline> alts0 = rt.alts;
            Sink<Node> handler0 = rt.handler;
            rt.handler = node_ -> {
                if (p.test(be, node_)) {
                    rt.alts = alts0;
                } else
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.handler = handler0;
                return okay;
            return tr0;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern(".0 .1").match(node)) != null && m[0] instanceof Atom)
        tr = compileTrCallPredicate(bf, ((Atom) m[0]).name, m[1], node);
    else if (node instanceof Atom) {
        String name = ((Atom) node).name;
        if (node == ProverConstant.cut)
            tr = cutEnd();
        else if (String_.equals(name, ""))
            tr = okay;
        else if (String_.equals(name, "fail"))
            tr = fail;
            tr = compileTrCallPredicate(bf, name, Atom.NIL, node);
    } else if (node instanceof Data<?>) {
        Object data = ((Data<?>) node).data;
        if (data instanceof Source<?>)
            tr = rt -> ((Source<?>) data).source() != Boolean.TRUE ? okay : fail;
            tr = Fail.t("cannot understand " + node);
    } else if (node instanceof Reference) {
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(node);
        tr = rt -> compileTr(passThru, f.apply(rt.env));
    } else if ((tree = Tree.decompose(node)) != null)
        tr = compileTrCallPredicate(bf, tree.getOperator().getName(), node, node);
    else if (node instanceof Tuple)
        tr = compileTrCallPredicate(bf, node);
        tr = Fail.t("cannot understand " + node);
    return tr;
Also used : Prover(suite.lp.doer.Prover) BindEnv(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.BindEnv) BuiltinPredicate(suite.lp.predicate.PredicateUtil.BuiltinPredicate) LogUtil(suite.os.LogUtil) Mutable(suite.adt.Mutable) BinderFactory(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory) Node(suite.node.Node) ProverConstant(suite.lp.doer.ProverConstant) VariableMapper(suite.lp.sewing.VariableMapper) Suspend(suite.node.Suspend) Map(java.util.Map) Prototype(suite.lp.kb.Prototype) RuleSet(suite.lp.kb.RuleSet) Generalizer(suite.lp.doer.Generalizer) Bind_(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.Bind_) Cloner(suite.lp.doer.Cloner) Object_(suite.util.Object_) SystemPredicates(suite.lp.predicate.SystemPredicates) Tree(suite.node.Tree) Pair(suite.adt.pair.Pair) Friends.max(suite.util.Friends.max) List(java.util.List) Clone_(suite.lp.doer.ClonerFactory.Clone_) ListMultimap( As(suite.streamlet.As) Int(suite.node.Int) TreeUtil(suite.node.util.TreeUtil) ProverConfig(suite.lp.Configuration.ProverConfig) Read(suite.streamlet.Read) Rule(suite.lp.kb.Rule) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) IList(suite.immutable.IList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Data(suite.node.Data) Formatter( String_(suite.util.String_) Rethrow(suite.util.Rethrow) Binder(suite.lp.doer.Binder) Tuple(suite.node.Tuple) Reference(suite.node.Reference) Suite(suite.Suite) SuiteException(suite.node.util.SuiteException) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) CompileExpressionImpl(suite.lp.compile.impl.CompileExpressionImpl) Source(suite.util.FunUtil.Source) TermOp( List_(suite.util.List_) Evaluate_(suite.lp.doer.EvaluatorFactory.Evaluate_) Rewrite(suite.node.util.Rewrite) Streamlet(suite.streamlet.Streamlet) Atom(suite.node.Atom) Sink(suite.util.FunUtil.Sink) ProverFactory(suite.lp.doer.ProverFactory) Env(suite.lp.sewing.Env) Fail(suite.util.Fail) Node(suite.node.Node) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CompileExpressionImpl(suite.lp.compile.impl.CompileExpressionImpl) Suspend(suite.node.Suspend) BindEnv(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.BindEnv) Env(suite.lp.sewing.Env) BindEnv(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.BindEnv) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Tree(suite.node.Tree) List(java.util.List) IList(suite.immutable.IList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BuiltinPredicate(suite.lp.predicate.PredicateUtil.BuiltinPredicate) Evaluate_(suite.lp.doer.EvaluatorFactory.Evaluate_) Reference(suite.node.Reference) Atom(suite.node.Atom) Cloner(suite.lp.doer.Cloner) IList(suite.immutable.IList) Bind_(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.Bind_) Mutable(suite.adt.Mutable) Clone_(suite.lp.doer.ClonerFactory.Clone_) Tuple(suite.node.Tuple)


List (java.util.List)6 IList (suite.immutable.IList)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 Map (java.util.Map)5 Pair (suite.adt.pair.Pair)5 Atom (suite.node.Atom)5 Int (suite.node.Int)5 Node (suite.node.Node)5 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)4 Suite (suite.Suite)4 Mutable (suite.adt.Mutable)4 ListMultimap ( ProverConfig (suite.lp.Configuration.ProverConfig)4 CompileExpressionImpl (suite.lp.compile.impl.CompileExpressionImpl)4 Binder (suite.lp.doer.Binder)4 BinderFactory (suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory)4 BindEnv (suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.BindEnv)4 Bind_ (suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.Bind_)4 Cloner (suite.lp.doer.Cloner)4