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Example 1 with Binder

use of suite.lp.doer.Binder in project suite by stupidsing.

the class CompileBinderImpl method binder.

public Bind_ binder(Node node) {
    FunCreator<Bind_> fc = FunCreator.of(Bind_.class, false);
    return fc.create(new BinOp<>() {

        private FunExpr env, trail, b;

        public FunExpr apply(FunExpr bindEnv, FunExpr target) {
            this.env = bindEnv.field("env");
            this.trail = bindEnv.field("trail");
            return f.declare(ok, b -> {
                this.b = b;
                return compile_(node, target);

        private FunExpr compile_(Node node, FunExpr target) {
            FunExpr br = bind(f.object_(node, Node.class), target);
            FunExpr brc = bindClone(node, target);
            return new // 
            node).applyIf(Atom.class, n -> {
                return f.ifEquals(target, f.object(node), ok, br);
            }).applyIf(Int.class, n -> {
                return f.ifInstance(Int.class, target, i -> f.ifEquals(i.field("number"), f.int_(n.number), ok, fail), br);
            }).applyIf(Reference.class, n -> {
                FunExpr ref = env.field("refs").index(f.int_(mapper().computeIndex(n)));
                return f.invokeStatic(Binder.class, "bind", target, ref.cast_(Node.class), trail);
            }).applyIf(Str.class, n -> {
                return f.ifInstance(Str.class, target, s -> f.object(n.value).invoke("equals", s.field("value").cast_(Object.class)), br);
            }).applyIf(Tree.class, tree -> {
                return f.declare(f.invokeStatic(Tree.class, "decompose", target, f.object(tree.getOperator())), t -> {
                    Node lt = tree.getLeft();
                    Node rt = tree.getRight();
                    return f.ifNonNull(t, compile_(lt, t.invoke("getLeft"), compile_(rt, t.invoke("getRight"), ok)), brc);
            }).applyIf(Tuple.class, n -> {
                return f.ifInstance(Tuple.class, target, tuple -> f.declare(tuple.field("nodes"), targets -> {
                    Node[] nodes = n.nodes;
                    FunExpr fe = ok;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) fe = compile_(nodes[i], targets.index(f.int_(i)), fe);
                    return f.if_(targets.length(), fe, brc);
                }), brc);
            }).applyIf(Node.class, n -> {
                Clone_ cloner = cloner(n);
                return f.invokeStatic(Binder.class, "bind", target, f.object(cloner).invoke("apply", env), trail);

        private FunExpr compile_(Node node, FunExpr target, FunExpr cps) {
            return f.assign(b, compile_(node, target), f.if_(b, cps, fail));

        private FunExpr bindClone(Node node, FunExpr target) {
            if (isBindTrees)
                return bind(f.object(cloner(node)).apply(env), target);
                return fail;

        private FunExpr bind(FunExpr node, FunExpr target) {
            return f.ifInstanceAnd(Reference.class, target, ref -> f.seq(trail.invoke("addBind", ref, node), ok));
Also used : Reference(suite.node.Reference) BinderFactory(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory) Tree(suite.node.Tree) BinOp(suite.util.FunUtil2.BinOp) Node(suite.node.Node) Atom(suite.node.Atom) Map(java.util.Map) FunCreator(suite.jdk.gen.FunCreator) Binder(suite.lp.doer.Binder) SwitchNode( FunExpr(suite.jdk.gen.FunExpression.FunExpr) FunFactory(suite.jdk.gen.FunFactory) Int(suite.node.Int) Tuple(suite.node.Tuple) Str(suite.node.Str) Binder(suite.lp.doer.Binder) Reference(suite.node.Reference) Node(suite.node.Node) SwitchNode( Tree(suite.node.Tree) BinOp(suite.util.FunUtil2.BinOp) SwitchNode( FunExpr(suite.jdk.gen.FunExpression.FunExpr) Atom(suite.node.Atom)

Example 2 with Binder

use of suite.lp.doer.Binder in project suite by stupidsing.

the class SewingBinderImpl method binder.

public Bind_ binder(Node node) {
    return new // 
    node).applyIf(Atom.class, n -> {
        return compileBindAtom(n);
    }).applyIf(Int.class, n -> {
        return compileBindInt(n);
    }).applyIf(Reference.class, n -> {
        int index = mapper().computeIndex(n);
        return (be, n_) -> Binder.bind(n_, be.env.get(index), be.trail);
    }).applyIf(Str.class, n -> {
        return compileBindStr(n);
    }).applyTree((operator, l, r) -> {
        Clone_ f = cloner(node);
        Bind_ c0 = binder(l);
        Bind_ c1 = binder(r);
        return (be, n) -> {
            Node n_ = n.finalNode();
            Tree t;
            if (n_ instanceof Reference)
                if (isBindTrees) {
                    be.trail.addBind((Reference) n_, f.apply(be.env));
                    return true;
                } else
                    return false;
                return // 
                (t = Tree.decompose(n_, operator)) != null && // 
                c0.test(be, t.getLeft()) && c1.test(be, t.getRight());
    }).applyIf(Tuple.class, tuple -> {
        Clone_ f = cloner(node);
        Bind_[] cs = Read.from(tuple.nodes).map(this::binder).toArray(Bind_.class);
        int length = cs.length;
        return (be, n) -> {
            Node n_ = n.finalNode();
            if (n_ instanceof Tuple) {
                Node[] nodes = ((Tuple) n_).nodes;
                if (nodes.length == length) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) if (!cs[i].test(be, nodes[i]))
                        return false;
                    return true;
                } else
                    return false;
            } else if (n_ instanceof Reference)
                if (isBindTrees) {
                    be.trail.addBind((Reference) n_, f.apply(be.env));
                    return true;
                } else
                    return false;
                return false;
    }).applyIf(Node.class, n -> {
        Clone_ f = cloner(node);
        return (be, n_) -> Binder.bind(n_, f.apply(be.env), be.trail);
Also used : Reference(suite.node.Reference) Read(suite.streamlet.Read) Atom(suite.node.Atom) Binder(suite.lp.doer.Binder) SwitchNode( Int(suite.node.Int) Tuple(suite.node.Tuple) BinderFactory(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory) Str(suite.node.Str) Tree(suite.node.Tree) Node(suite.node.Node) Reference(suite.node.Reference) SwitchNode( Node(suite.node.Node) Tree(suite.node.Tree) SwitchNode( Atom(suite.node.Atom) Tuple(suite.node.Tuple)

Example 3 with Binder

use of suite.lp.doer.Binder in project suite by stupidsing.

the class SewingProverImpl method compileTr.

private Trampoline compileTr(BinderFactory bf, Node node) {
    List<Node> list;
    Trampoline tr;
    Tree tree;
    Node[] m;
    if (1 < (list = TreeUtil.breakdown(TermOp.AND___, node)).size())
        tr = andTr(Read.from(list).map(n -> compileTr(bf, n)));
    else if (1 < (list = TreeUtil.breakdown(TermOp.OR____, node)).size())
        tr = orTr(Read.from(list).map(n -> compileTr(bf, n)));
    else if ((m = Suite.pattern(".0 = .1").match(node)) != null) {
        boolean b = complexity(m[0]) <= complexity(m[1]);
        Node n0 = b ? m[0] : m[1];
        Node n1 = b ? m[1] : m[0];
        Bind_ p = bf.binder(n1);
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(n0);
        tr = rt -> p.test(rt, f.apply(rt.env)) ? okay : fail;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("builtin:.0:.1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        String className = ((Atom) m[0]).name;
        String fieldName = ((Atom) m[1]).name;
        BuiltinPredicate predicate = Rethrow.ex(() -> {
            Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
            return (BuiltinPredicate) clazz.getField(fieldName).get(Object_.new_(clazz));
        tr = compileTrCallPredicate(bf, predicate, m[2]);
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("find.all .0 .1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Trampoline tr1 = compileTr(bf, m[1]);
        Bind_ p = bf.binder(m[2]);
        List<Node> vs = new ArrayList<>();
        tr = rt -> {
            Restore restore = save(rt);
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                vs.add(new Cloner().clone(f.apply(rt_.env)));
                return fail;
            rt.pushAlt(rt_ -> {
                return p.test(rt, Tree.of(TermOp.AND___, vs)) ? okay : fail;
            return tr1;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("if .0 .1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        Trampoline tr0 = compileTr(bf, m[0]);
        Trampoline tr1 = compileTr(bf, m[1]);
        Trampoline tr2 = compileTr(bf, m[2]);
        tr = if_(tr0, tr1, tr2);
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("let .0 .1").match(node)) != null) {
        Bind_ p = bf.binder(m[0]);
        Evaluate_ eval = new CompileExpressionImpl(bf).evaluator(m[1]);
        tr = rt -> p.test(rt, Int.of(eval.evaluate(rt.env))) ? okay : fail;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("list.fold .0/.1/.2 .3").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ list0_ = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Clone_ value0_ = bf.cloner(m[1]);
        Bind_ valuex_ = bf.binder(m[2]);
        Clone_ ht_ = bf.cloner(m[3]);
        tr = rt -> {
            Node[] ht = Suite.pattern(".0 .1").match(ht_.apply(rt.env));
            Trampoline tr1 = saveEnvTr(compileTrRule(ht[0], ht[1]));
            Mutable<Node> current = Mutable.of(value0_.apply(rt.env));
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> valuex_.test(rt_, current.get()) ? okay : fail);
            for (Node elem : Tree.iter(list0_.apply(rt.env))) {
                Reference result = new Reference();
                rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                    return okay;
                rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                    rt_.query = Tree.of(TermOp.ITEM__, Tree.of(TermOp.ITEM__, elem, current.get()), result);
                    return tr1;
            return okay;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("list.fold.clone .0/.1/.2 .3/.4/.5 .6").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ list0_ = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Clone_ value0_ = bf.cloner(m[1]);
        Bind_ valuex_ = bf.binder(m[2]);
        Bind_ elem_ = bf.binder(m[3]);
        Bind_ v0_ = bf.binder(m[4]);
        Clone_ vx_ = bf.cloner(m[5]);
        Trampoline tr1 = compileTr(bf, m[6]);
        tr = rt -> {
            Mutable<Node> current = Mutable.of(value0_.apply(rt.env));
            Env env0 = rt.env;
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.env = env0;
                return valuex_.test(rt_, current.get()) ? okay : fail;
            for (Node elem : Tree.iter(list0_.apply(rt.env))) {
                rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                    return okay;
                rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                    rt_.env = env0.clone();
                    return elem_.test(rt_, elem) && v0_.test(rt_, current.get()) ? tr1 : fail;
            return okay;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("list.query .0 .1").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ l_ = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Clone_ ht_ = bf.cloner(m[1]);
        tr = rt -> {
            Node[] ht = Suite.pattern(".0 .1").match(ht_.apply(rt.env));
            Trampoline tr1 = saveEnvTr(compileTrRule(ht[0], ht[1]));
            for (Node n : Tree.iter(l_.apply(rt.env))) rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.query = n;
                return tr1;
            return okay;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("list.query.clone .0 .1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Bind_ p = bf.binder(m[1]);
        Trampoline tr1 = compileTr(bf, m[2]);
        tr = rt -> {
            Env env0 = rt.env;
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.env = env0;
                return okay;
            for (Node n : Tree.iter(f.apply(rt.env))) rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.env = env0.clone();
                return p.test(rt_, n) ? tr1 : fail;
            return okay;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("member .0 .1").match(node)) != null && TreeUtil.isList(m[0], TermOp.AND___)) {
        List<Bind_> elems_ = Read.from(Tree.iter(m[0])).map(bf::binder).toList();
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(m[1]);
        tr = rt -> {
            Iterator<Bind_> iter = elems_.iterator();
            Trampoline[] alt = new Trampoline[1];
            Restore restore = save(rt);
            return alt[0] = rt_ -> {
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    if (, f.apply(rt.env))) {
                        return okay;
                return fail;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("not .0").match(node)) != null)
        tr = if_(compileTr(bf, m[0]), fail, okay);
    else if ((m = Suite.pattern("once .0").match(node)) != null) {
        Trampoline tr0 = compileTr(bf, m[0]);
        tr = rt -> {
            IList<Trampoline> alts0 = rt.alts;
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.alts = alts0;
                return okay;
            return tr0;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("suspend .0 .1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ f0 = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        Clone_ f1 = bf.cloner(m[1]);
        Trampoline tr0 = compileTr(bf, m[2]);
        tr = rt -> {
            List<Node> results = new ArrayList<>();
            Env env = rt.env;
            Trampoline tr_ = andTr(Read.each(tr0, rt_ -> {
                return fail;
            Node n0 = f0.apply(rt.env);
            Suspend suspend = new Suspend(() -> {
                Runtime rt_ = new Runtime(rt, tr_);
                return Read.from(results).uniqueResult();
            if (n0 instanceof Reference) {
                rt.trail.addBind((Reference) n0, suspend);
                return okay;
            } else
                return fail;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("throw .0").match(node)) != null) {
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(m[0]);
        tr = rt -> {
            rt.handler.sink(new Cloner().clone(f.apply(rt.env)));
            return okay;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern("try .0 .1 .2").match(node)) != null) {
        Trampoline tr0 = compileTr(bf, m[0]);
        Bind_ p = bf.binder(m[1]);
        Trampoline catch0 = compileTr(bf, m[2]);
        tr = rt -> {
            BindEnv be = rt;
            Restore restore = save(rt);
            IList<Trampoline> alts0 = rt.alts;
            Sink<Node> handler0 = rt.handler;
            rt.handler = node_ -> {
                if (p.test(be, node_)) {
                    rt.alts = alts0;
                } else
            rt.pushRem(rt_ -> {
                rt_.handler = handler0;
                return okay;
            return tr0;
    } else if ((m = Suite.pattern(".0 .1").match(node)) != null && m[0] instanceof Atom)
        tr = compileTrCallPredicate(bf, ((Atom) m[0]).name, m[1], node);
    else if (node instanceof Atom) {
        String name = ((Atom) node).name;
        if (node == ProverConstant.cut)
            tr = cutEnd();
        else if (String_.equals(name, ""))
            tr = okay;
        else if (String_.equals(name, "fail"))
            tr = fail;
            tr = compileTrCallPredicate(bf, name, Atom.NIL, node);
    } else if (node instanceof Data<?>) {
        Object data = ((Data<?>) node).data;
        if (data instanceof Source<?>)
            tr = rt -> ((Source<?>) data).source() != Boolean.TRUE ? okay : fail;
            tr = Fail.t("cannot understand " + node);
    } else if (node instanceof Reference) {
        Clone_ f = bf.cloner(node);
        tr = rt -> compileTr(passThru, f.apply(rt.env));
    } else if ((tree = Tree.decompose(node)) != null)
        tr = compileTrCallPredicate(bf, tree.getOperator().getName(), node, node);
    else if (node instanceof Tuple)
        tr = compileTrCallPredicate(bf, node);
        tr = Fail.t("cannot understand " + node);
    return tr;
Also used : Prover(suite.lp.doer.Prover) BindEnv(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.BindEnv) BuiltinPredicate(suite.lp.predicate.PredicateUtil.BuiltinPredicate) LogUtil(suite.os.LogUtil) Mutable(suite.adt.Mutable) BinderFactory(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory) Node(suite.node.Node) ProverConstant(suite.lp.doer.ProverConstant) VariableMapper(suite.lp.sewing.VariableMapper) Suspend(suite.node.Suspend) Map(java.util.Map) Prototype(suite.lp.kb.Prototype) RuleSet(suite.lp.kb.RuleSet) Generalizer(suite.lp.doer.Generalizer) Bind_(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.Bind_) Cloner(suite.lp.doer.Cloner) Object_(suite.util.Object_) SystemPredicates(suite.lp.predicate.SystemPredicates) Tree(suite.node.Tree) Pair(suite.adt.pair.Pair) Friends.max(suite.util.Friends.max) List(java.util.List) Clone_(suite.lp.doer.ClonerFactory.Clone_) ListMultimap( As(suite.streamlet.As) Int(suite.node.Int) TreeUtil(suite.node.util.TreeUtil) ProverConfig(suite.lp.Configuration.ProverConfig) Read(suite.streamlet.Read) Rule(suite.lp.kb.Rule) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) IList(suite.immutable.IList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Data(suite.node.Data) Formatter( String_(suite.util.String_) Rethrow(suite.util.Rethrow) Binder(suite.lp.doer.Binder) Tuple(suite.node.Tuple) Reference(suite.node.Reference) Suite(suite.Suite) SuiteException(suite.node.util.SuiteException) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) CompileExpressionImpl(suite.lp.compile.impl.CompileExpressionImpl) Source(suite.util.FunUtil.Source) TermOp( List_(suite.util.List_) Evaluate_(suite.lp.doer.EvaluatorFactory.Evaluate_) Rewrite(suite.node.util.Rewrite) Streamlet(suite.streamlet.Streamlet) Atom(suite.node.Atom) Sink(suite.util.FunUtil.Sink) ProverFactory(suite.lp.doer.ProverFactory) Env(suite.lp.sewing.Env) Fail(suite.util.Fail) Node(suite.node.Node) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CompileExpressionImpl(suite.lp.compile.impl.CompileExpressionImpl) Suspend(suite.node.Suspend) BindEnv(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.BindEnv) Env(suite.lp.sewing.Env) BindEnv(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.BindEnv) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Tree(suite.node.Tree) List(java.util.List) IList(suite.immutable.IList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BuiltinPredicate(suite.lp.predicate.PredicateUtil.BuiltinPredicate) Evaluate_(suite.lp.doer.EvaluatorFactory.Evaluate_) Reference(suite.node.Reference) Atom(suite.node.Atom) Cloner(suite.lp.doer.Cloner) IList(suite.immutable.IList) Bind_(suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory.Bind_) Mutable(suite.adt.Mutable) Clone_(suite.lp.doer.ClonerFactory.Clone_) Tuple(suite.node.Tuple)


Binder (suite.lp.doer.Binder)3 BinderFactory (suite.lp.doer.BinderFactory)3 Atom (suite.node.Atom)3 Int (suite.node.Int)3 Node (suite.node.Node)3 Reference (suite.node.Reference)3 Tree (suite.node.Tree)3 Tuple (suite.node.Tuple)3 Map (java.util.Map)2 Str (suite.node.Str)2 Read (suite.streamlet.Read)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 List (java.util.List)1 Suite (suite.Suite)1 Mutable (suite.adt.Mutable)1 ListMultimap ( Pair (suite.adt.pair.Pair)1 IList (suite.immutable.IList)1