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Example 36 with Area

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class SeaGenerator method addPrecompSea.

 * Loads the precompiled sea tiles and adds the data to the
 * element saver.
private void addPrecompSea() {"Load precompiled sea tiles");
    // flag if all tiles contains sea or way only
    // this is important for polygon processing
    boolean distinctTilesOnly = true;
    List<Way> landWays = new ArrayList<Way>();
    List<Way> seaWays = new ArrayList<Way>();
    List<java.awt.geom.Area> seaOnlyAreas = new ArrayList<java.awt.geom.Area>();
    List<java.awt.geom.Area> landOnlyAreas = new ArrayList<java.awt.geom.Area>();
    // get the index with assignment key => sea/land/tilename
    ZipFile zipFile = null;
    PrecompData pd = precompIndex.get();
    if (precompSeaDir.getName().endsWith(".zip")) {
        zipFile = pd.zipFile;
    for (String precompKey : getPrecompKeyNames()) {
        String tileName = getTileName(precompKey);
        if (tileName == null) {
            log.error("Precompile sea tile " + precompKey + " is missing in the index. Skipping.");
        if ("sea".equals(tileName) || "land".equals(tileName)) {
            // the whole precompiled tile is filled with either land or sea
            // => create a rectangle that covers the whole precompiled tile
            String[] tileCoords = keySplitter.split(precompKey);
            int minLat = Integer.valueOf(tileCoords[0]);
            int minLon = Integer.valueOf(tileCoords[1]);
            Rectangle r = new Rectangle(minLon, minLat, PRECOMP_RASTER, PRECOMP_RASTER);
            if ("sea".equals(tileName)) {
                seaOnlyAreas = addWithoutCreatingHoles(seaOnlyAreas, new java.awt.geom.Area(r));
            } else {
                landOnlyAreas = addWithoutCreatingHoles(landOnlyAreas, new java.awt.geom.Area(r));
        } else {
            distinctTilesOnly = false;
            try {
                InputStream is = null;
                if (zipFile != null) {
                    ZipEntry entry = zipFile.getEntry(pd.precompZipFileInternalPath + tileName);
                    if (entry != null) {
                        is = zipFile.getInputStream(entry);
                    } else {
                        log.error("Preompiled sea tile " + tileName + " not found.");
                } else {
                    File precompTile = new File(precompSeaDir, tileName);
                    is = new FileInputStream(precompTile);
                if (is != null) {
                    Collection<Way> seaPrecompWays = loadPrecompTile(is, tileName);
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug(seaPrecompWays.size(), "precomp sea ways from", tileName, "loaded.");
                    for (Way w : seaPrecompWays) {
                        // set a new id to be sure that the precompiled ids do not
                        // interfere with the ids of this run
                        if ("land".equals(w.getTag("natural"))) {
                        } else {
            } catch (FileNotFoundException exp) {
                log.error("Preompiled sea tile " + tileName + " not found.");
            } catch (Exception exp) {
    landWays.addAll(areaToWays(landOnlyAreas, "land"));
    seaWays.addAll(areaToWays(seaOnlyAreas, "sea"));
    landOnlyAreas = null;
    seaOnlyAreas = null;
    // check if the land tags need to be changed
    if (landTag != null && ("natural".equals(landTag[0]) && "land".equals(landTag[1])) == false) {
        for (Way w : landWays) {
            w.addTag(landTag[0], landTag[1]);
    if (generateSeaUsingMP || distinctTilesOnly) {
        // also with polygons if all tiles are using either sea or land only
        for (Way w : landWays) {
        for (Way w : seaWays) {
    } else {
        // using polygons
        Area bounds = saver.getBoundingBox();
        // first add the complete bounding box as sea
        Way sea = new Way(FakeIdGenerator.makeFakeId(), bounds.toCoords());
        sea.addTag("natural", "sea");
        for (Way w : landWays) {
Also used : GZIPInputStream( FileInputStream( InputStream( ZipEntry( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) FileNotFoundException( FileInputStream( ExitException( MapFailedException( IOException( FormatException( FileNotFoundException( Area( ZipFile( ZipFile( File(

Example 37 with Area

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class SeaGenerator method getPrecompKeyNames.

 * Calculates the key names of the precompiled sea tiles for the bounding box.
 * The key names are compiled of {@code lat+"_"+lon}.
 * @return the key names for the bounding box
private List<String> getPrecompKeyNames() {
    Area bounds = saver.getBoundingBox();
    List<String> precompKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int lat = getPrecompTileStart(bounds.getMinLat()); lat < getPrecompTileEnd(bounds.getMaxLat()); lat += PRECOMP_RASTER) {
        for (int lon = getPrecompTileStart(bounds.getMinLong()); lon < getPrecompTileEnd(bounds.getMaxLong()); lon += PRECOMP_RASTER) {
            precompKeys.add(lat + "_" + lon);
    return precompKeys;
Also used : Area( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 38 with Area

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class SeaGenerator method end.

 * All done, process the saved shoreline information and construct the polygons.
public void end() {
    // if it is set do not perform any other algorithm
    if (precompSeaDir != null) {
    final Area seaBounds = saver.getBoundingBox();
    if (coastlineFilenames == null) {"Shorelines before join", shoreline.size());
        shoreline = joinWays(shoreline);
    } else {
        shoreline.addAll(CoastlineFileLoader.getCoastlineLoader().getCoastlines(seaBounds));"Shorelines from extra file:", shoreline.size());
    int closedS = 0;
    int unclosedS = 0;
    for (Way w : shoreline) {
        if (w.hasIdenticalEndPoints()) {
        } else {
    }"Closed shorelines", closedS);"Unclosed shorelines", unclosedS);
    // clip all shoreline segments
    clipShorlineSegments(shoreline, seaBounds);"generating sea, seaBounds=", seaBounds);
    int minLat = seaBounds.getMinLat();
    int maxLat = seaBounds.getMaxLat();
    int minLong = seaBounds.getMinLong();
    int maxLong = seaBounds.getMaxLong();
    Coord nw = new Coord(minLat, minLong);
    Coord ne = new Coord(minLat, maxLong);
    Coord sw = new Coord(maxLat, minLong);
    Coord se = new Coord(maxLat, maxLong);
    if (shoreline.isEmpty()) {
        // no sea required
        // even though there is no sea, generate a land
        // polygon so that the tile's background colour will
        // match the land colour on the tiles that do contain
        // some sea
        long landId = FakeIdGenerator.makeFakeId();
        Way land = new Way(landId, seaBounds.toCoords());
        land.addTag(landTag[0], landTag[1]);
        // no matter if the multipolygon option is used it is
        // only necessary to create a land polygon
        // nothing more to do
    long multiId = FakeIdGenerator.makeFakeId();
    Relation seaRelation = null;
    if (generateSeaUsingMP) {
        log.debug("Generate seabounds relation", multiId);
        seaRelation = new GeneralRelation(multiId);
        seaRelation.addTag("type", "multipolygon");
        seaRelation.addTag("natural", "sea");
    List<Way> islands = new ArrayList<Way>();
    // handle islands (closed shoreline components) first (they're easy)
    handleIslands(shoreline, seaBounds, islands);
    // the remaining shoreline segments should intersect the boundary
    // find the intersection points and store them in a SortedMap
    NavigableMap<EdgeHit, Way> hitMap = findIntesectionPoints(shoreline, seaBounds, seaRelation);
    // now construct inner ways from these segments
    boolean shorelineReachesBoundary = createInnerWays(seaBounds, islands, hitMap);
    if (!shorelineReachesBoundary && roadsReachBoundary) {
        // try to avoid tiles being flooded by anti-lakes or other
        // bogus uses of natural=coastline
        generateSeaBackground = false;
    List<Way> antiIslands = removeAntiIslands(seaRelation, islands);
    if (islands.isEmpty()) {
        // the tile doesn't contain any islands so we can assume
        // that it's showing a land mass that contains some
        // enclosed sea areas - in which case, we don't want a sea
        // coloured background
        generateSeaBackground = false;
    if (generateSeaBackground) {
        for (Way ai : antiIslands) {
            boolean containedByLand = false;
            for (Way i : islands) {
                if (i.containsPointsOf(ai)) {
                    containedByLand = true;
            if (!containedByLand) {
                // found an anti-island that is not contained by
                // land so convert it back into an island
                ai.addTag(landTag[0], landTag[1]);
                if (generateSeaUsingMP) {
                    // create a "inner" way for the island
                    assert seaRelation != null;
                    seaRelation.addElement("inner", ai);
                log.warn("Converting anti-island starting at", ai.getPoints().get(0).toOSMURL(), "into an island as it is surrounded by water");
        long seaId = FakeIdGenerator.makeFakeId();
        Way sea = new Way(seaId);
        // the sea background area must be a little bigger than all
        // inner land areas. this is a workaround for a mp shortcoming:
        // mp is not able to combine outer and inner if they intersect
        // or have overlaying lines
        // the added area will be clipped later by the style generator
        sea.addPoint(new Coord(nw.getLatitude() - 1, nw.getLongitude() - 1));
        sea.addPoint(new Coord(sw.getLatitude() + 1, sw.getLongitude() - 1));
        sea.addPoint(new Coord(se.getLatitude() + 1, se.getLongitude() + 1));
        sea.addPoint(new Coord(ne.getLatitude() - 1, ne.getLongitude() + 1));
        // close shape
        sea.addTag("natural", "sea");
        sea.setFullArea(seaSize);"sea: ", sea);
        if (generateSeaUsingMP) {
            assert seaRelation != null;
            seaRelation.addElement("outer", sea);
    } else {
        // background is land
        // generate a land polygon so that the tile's
        // background colour will match the land colour on the
        // tiles that do contain some sea
        long landId = FakeIdGenerator.makeFakeId();
        Way land = new Way(landId, seaBounds.toCoords());
        land.addTag(landTag[0], landTag[1]);
        if (generateSeaUsingMP) {
            seaRelation.addElement("inner", land);
    if (generateSeaUsingMP) {
        SeaPolygonRelation coastRel = saver.createSeaPolyRelation(seaRelation);
        if (floodblocker) {
            coastRel.setLandTag(landTag[0], landTag[1]);
    shoreline = null;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Coord( Area(

Example 39 with Area

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class UnusedElementsRemoverHook method end.

public void end() {
    long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();"Removing unused elements");
    final Area bbox = saver.getBoundingBox();
    long nodes = saver.getNodes().size();
    // go through all nodes
    for (Node node : new ArrayList<Node>(saver.getNodes().values())) {
        // nodes without tags can be removed
        if (node.getTagCount() == 0) {
        // check if the node is within the tile bounding box
        if (bbox.contains(node.getLocation()) == false) {
            boolean removeNode = true;
            // check if the node has no tag of the blacklist
            if (nodeTagBlacklist.isEmpty() == false) {
                for (String tag : nodeTagBlacklist) {
                    if (node.getTag(tag) != null) {
                        // the node contains one tag that might be interesting for the POIGeneratorHook
                        // do not remove it
                        removeNode = false;
            if (removeNode) {
            } else {
                log.debug("Keep node", node, "because it contains a tag which might be required for the area-to-poi function.");
    long tr1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // store all way ids that are referenced by a relation
    // all tags without a tag must not be removed if they are referenced by a relation
    Set<Long> relationWays = new HashSet<Long>();
    for (Relation rel : saver.getRelations().values()) {
        for (Entry<String, Element> relEntry : rel.getElements()) {
            if (relEntry.getValue() instanceof Way) {
    log.debug("Collecting way ids from relations took", (System.currentTimeMillis() - tr1), "ms");
    Rectangle bboxRect = new Rectangle(bbox.getMinLong(), bbox.getMinLat(), bbox.getWidth(), bbox.getHeight());
    long relWays = 0;
    long ways = saver.getWays().size();
    for (Way way : new ArrayList<Way>(saver.getWays().values())) {
        if (way.getPoints().isEmpty()) {
            // empty way will not appear in the map => remove it
        // a relation might be used to add tags to the way using the style file
        if (way.getTagCount() == 0) {
            if (relationWays.contains(way.getId())) {
            } else {
        // check if the way is completely outside the tile bounding box
        boolean coordInBbox = false;
        Coord prevC = null;
        // It is possible that the way is larger than the bounding box and therefore
        // contains the bbox completely. Especially this is true for the sea polygon
        // when using --generate-sea=polygon
        // So need the calc the bbox of the way
        Coord firstC = way.getPoints().get(0);
        int minLat = firstC.getLatitude();
        int maxLat = firstC.getLatitude();
        int minLong = firstC.getLongitude();
        int maxLong = firstC.getLongitude();
        for (Coord c : way.getPoints()) {
            if (bbox.contains(c)) {
                coordInBbox = true;
            } else if (prevC != null) {
                // check if the line intersects the bounding box
                if (bboxRect.intersectsLine(prevC.getLongitude(), prevC.getLatitude(), c.getLongitude(), c.getLatitude())) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("Bbox:", bbox);
                        log.debug("Way coords:", prevC, c);
                    coordInBbox = true;
            if (minLat > c.getLatitude()) {
                minLat = c.getLatitude();
            } else if (maxLat < c.getLatitude()) {
                maxLat = c.getLatitude();
            if (minLong > c.getLongitude()) {
                minLong = c.getLongitude();
            } else if (maxLong < c.getLongitude()) {
                maxLong = c.getLongitude();
            prevC = c;
        if (coordInBbox == false) {
            // no coord of the way is within the bounding box
            // check if the way possibly covers the bounding box completely
            Area wayBbox = new Area(minLat, minLong, maxLat, maxLong);
            if (wayBbox.intersects(saver.getBoundingBox())) {
                log.debug(way, "possibly covers the bbox completely. Keep it.", way.toTagString());
            } else {
    }"Relation referenced ways:", relationWays.size(), "Used:", relWays);"Nodes: before:", nodes, "after:", saver.getNodes().size());"Ways: before:", ways, "after:", saver.getWays().size());"Removing unused elements took", (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1), "ms");
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) Coord( Area( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 40 with Area

use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.

the class HGTConverterTest method testLon0Right.

public void testLon0Right() throws Exception {
    Area bbox = new Area(0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0);
    HGTConverter hgtConverter = new HGTConverter(HGT_PATH, bbox, null, DEMFile.EXTRA);
    assertEquals(0, hgtConverter.getElevation(bbox.getMaxLat() * 256, bbox.getMinLong() * 256));
    assertEquals(0, hgtConverter.getElevation(bbox.getMaxLat() * 256, bbox.getMaxLong() * 256));
    assertEquals(0, hgtConverter.getElevation(bbox.getMinLat() * 256, bbox.getMinLong() * 256));
    assertEquals(0, hgtConverter.getElevation(bbox.getMinLat() * 256, bbox.getMaxLong() * 256));
Also used : Area( Test(org.junit.Test)


Area ( Test (org.junit.Test)26 Coord ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 List (java.util.List)7 MapShape ( MapPoint ( Way ( Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)2 File ( IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 ExitException ( MapFailedException ( Point ( Zoom ( Element ( Node ( Long2ObjectOpenHashMap (it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap)1