use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class TypeReader method readType.
public GType readType(TokenScanner ts, boolean performChecks, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> overlays) {
// We should have a '[' to start with
Token t = ts.nextToken();
if (t == null || t.getType() == TokType.EOF)
throw new SyntaxException(ts, "No garmin type information given");
if (!t.getValue().equals("[")) {
throw new SyntaxException(ts, "No type definition");
String type = ts.nextValue();
if (!Character.isDigit(type.charAt(0)))
throw new SyntaxException(ts, "Garmin type number must be first. Saw '" + type + '\'');
log.debug("gtype", type);
GType gt = new GType(kind, type);
if (GType.checkType(gt.getFeatureKind(), gt.getType()) == false) {
if (!performChecks && (kind != FeatureKind.POLYLINE || overlays == null || overlays.get(gt.getType()) == null))
throw new SyntaxException("invalid type " + type + " for " + kind + " in style file " + ts.getFileName() + ", line " + ts.getLinenumber());
while (!ts.isEndOfFile()) {
String w = ts.nextValue();
if (w.equals("]"))
if (w.equals("level")) {
setLevel(ts, gt);
} else if (w.equals("resolution")) {
setResolution(ts, gt);
} else if (w.equals("default_name")) {
} else if (w.equals("road_class")) {
} else if (w.equals("road_speed")) {
} else if (w.equals("copy")) {
// Reserved
} else if (w.equals("continue")) {
// By default no propagate of actions on continue
} else if (w.equals("propagate") || w.equals("with_actions") || w.equals("withactions")) {
} else if (w.equals("no_propagate")) {
} else if (w.equals("oneway")) {
// reserved
} else if (w.equals("access")) {
// reserved
} else {
throw new SyntaxException(ts, "Unrecognised type command '" + w + '\'');
if ("lines".equals(ts.getFileName())) {
if (gt.getRoadClass() < 0 || gt.getRoadClass() > 4)
log.error("road class value", gt.getRoadClass(), "not in the range 0-4 in style file lines, line " + ts.getLinenumber());
if (gt.getRoadSpeed() < 0 || gt.getRoadSpeed() > 7)
log.error("road speed value ", gt.getRoadSpeed(), "not in the range 0-7 in style file lines, line " + ts.getLinenumber());
if (performChecks) {
boolean fromOverlays = false;
List<Integer> usedTypes = null;
if (gt.getMaxResolution() < levels[0].getBits() || gt.getMaxResolution() > 24) {
System.out.println("Warning: Object with max resolution of " + gt.getMaxResolution() + " is ignored. Check levels option and style file " + ts.getFileName() + ", line " + ts.getLinenumber());
} else if (gt.getMinResolution() > 24) {
System.out.println("Warning: Object with min resolution of " + gt.getMinResolution() + " is ignored. Check levels option and style file " + ts.getFileName() + ", line " + ts.getLinenumber());
if (overlays != null && kind == FeatureKind.POLYLINE) {
usedTypes = overlays.get(gt.getType());
if (usedTypes != null)
fromOverlays = true;
if (usedTypes == null)
usedTypes = Arrays.asList(gt.getType());
boolean foundRoutableType = false;
for (int i = 0; i < usedTypes.size(); i++) {
int usedType = usedTypes.get(i);
String typeOverlaidMsg = ". Type is overlaid with " + GType.formatType(usedType);
if (GType.checkType(kind, usedType) == false) {
String msg = "Warning: invalid type " + type + " for " + kind + " in style file " + ts.getFileName() + ", line " + ts.getLinenumber();
if (fromOverlays)
msg += typeOverlaidMsg;
if (kind == FeatureKind.POLYLINE && gt.getMinLevel() == 0 && gt.getMaxLevel() >= 0) {
if (GType.isSpecialRoutableLineType(usedType)) {
if (gt.hasRoadAttribute() == false) {
String msg = "Warning: routable type " + type + " is used for non-routable line with level 0. This may break routing. Style file " + ts.getFileName() + ", line " + ts.getLinenumber();
if (fromOverlays)
msg += typeOverlaidMsg;
} else if (i > 0) {
System.out.println("Warning: routable type " + type + " is used for non-routable line with level 0. " + "This may break routing. Style file " + ts.getFileName() + ", line " + ts.getLinenumber() + typeOverlaidMsg + " which is used for adding the non-routable copy of the way.");
if (kind == FeatureKind.POLYLINE && GType.isRoutableLineType(usedType)) {
foundRoutableType = true;
if (gt.hasRoadAttribute() && foundRoutableType == false && gt.getMinLevel() == 0 && gt.getMaxLevel() >= 0) {
String msg = "Warning: non-routable type " + type + " is used in combination with road_class/road_speed. Line will not be routable. Style file " + ts.getFileName() + ", line " + ts.getLinenumber();
if (fromOverlays)
msg += ". Type is overlaid, but not with a routable type";
return gt;
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class TypeReader method setResolution.
* A resolution can be just a single number, in which case that is the
* min resolution and the max defaults to 24. Or a min to max range.
private static void setResolution(TokenScanner ts, GType gt) {
String str = ts.nextWord();
log.debug("res word value", str);
try {
if (str.indexOf('-') >= 0) {
String[] minmax = HYPHEN_PATTERN.split(str, 2);
int val1 = Integer.parseInt(minmax[0]);
int val2 = Integer.parseInt(minmax[1]);
if (val1 > val2) {
// Previously there was a bug where the order was reversed, so we swap the numbers if they are
// the wrong way round.
int h = val1;
val1 = val2;
val2 = h;
} else {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new SyntaxException(ts, "Invalid value for resolution: '" + str + '\'');
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class Main method readOneStyle.
* Try to read a style from styleFile directory
* @param name name of the style
* @param performChecks perform checks?
* @return the style or null in case of errors
private Style readOneStyle(String name, boolean performChecks) {
searchedStyleName = name;
Style style = null;
try {
style = new StyleImpl(styleFile, name, new EnhancedProperties(), performChecks);
} catch (SyntaxException e) {
System.err.println("Error in style: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
log.debug("could not find style", name);
try {
searchedStyleName = new File(styleFile).getName();
style = new StyleImpl(styleFile, null, new EnhancedProperties(), performChecks);
} catch (SyntaxException e1) {
System.err.println("Error in style: " + e1.getMessage());
} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
log.debug("could not find style", styleFile);
return style;
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class TypCompiler method standAloneRun.
private void standAloneRun(String in, String out) {
CharsetProbe probe = new CharsetProbe();
String readCharset = probe.probeCharset(in);
TypData data;
try {
data = compile(in, readCharset, null);
} catch (SyntaxException e) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new MapFailedException("Could not open TYP file " + in + " to read");
try {
writeTyp(data, new File(out));
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error writing file: " + e.getMessage());
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class OverlayReader method readReplacements.
* Read the line of replacements.
private List<Integer> readReplacements(TokenScanner ts, String line) {
List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<Integer>();
String[] nums = line.split("[ ,]");
for (String n : nums) {
if (n == null || n.length() == 0)
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new SyntaxException(ts, "List of numbers expected");
return l;