use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class RuleFileReader method loadFile.
* Load a rules file. This should be used when calling recursively when including
* files.
private void loadFile(StyleFileLoader loader, String name) throws FileNotFoundException {
Reader r =;
TokenScanner scanner = new TokenScanner(name, r);
ExpressionReader expressionReader = new ExpressionReader(scanner, kind);
ActionReader actionReader = new ActionReader(scanner);
// Read all the rules in the file.
while (!scanner.isEndOfFile()) {
if (checkCommand(loader, scanner, expressionReader))
if (scanner.isEndOfFile())
Op expr = expressionReader.readConditions(ifStack);
expr = arranger.arrange(expr);
ActionList actionList = actionReader.readActions();
if (performChecks && this.kind == FeatureKind.RELATION) {
String actionsString = actionList.getList().toString();
if (actionsString.contains("set mkgmap:stylefilter") || actionsString.contains("add mkgmap:stylefilter")) {
log.error("Style file", name, "should not set or add the special tag mkgmap:stylefilter:", actionsString);
List<GType> types = new ArrayList<>();
while (scanner.checkToken("[")) {
GType type = typeReader.readType(scanner, performChecks, overlays);
// If there is an action list, then we don't need a type
if (types.isEmpty() && actionList.isEmpty())
throw new SyntaxException(scanner, "No type definition given");
if (types.isEmpty())
saveRule(scanner, expr, actionList, null);
if (types.size() >= 2 && actionList.isModifyingTags()) {
throw new SyntaxException(scanner, "Combination of multiple type definitions with tag modifying action is not yet supported.");
for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) {
GType type = types.get(i);
if (i + 1 < types.size()) {
// No need to create a deep copy of expr
saveRule(scanner, expr, actionList, type);
actionList = new ActionList(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptySet());
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class RuleFileReader method saveRule.
* Save the expression as a rule. We need to extract an index such
* as highway=primary first and then add the rest of the expression as
* the condition for it.
* So in other words each condition is dropped into a number of different
* baskets based on the first 'tag=value' term. We then only look
* for expressions that are in the correct basket. For each expression
* in a basket we know that the first term is true so we can drop that
* from the expression.
private void saveRule(TokenScanner scanner, Op op, ActionList actions, GType gt) {
log.debug("EXP", op, ", type=", gt);
// check if the type definition is allowed
if (inFinalizeSection && gt != null)
throw new SyntaxException(scanner, "Element type definition is not allowed in <finalize> section");
Iterator<Op> it = arranger.prepareForSave(op);
while (it.hasNext()) {
Op prepared =;
String keystring = arranger.getKeystring(scanner, prepared);
createAndSaveRule(keystring, prepared, actions, gt);
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class LengthFunction method calcLength.
private double calcLength(Element el) {
if (el instanceof Way) {
Way w = (Way) el;
double length = 0;
Coord prevC = null;
for (Coord c : w.getPoints()) {
if (prevC != null) {
length += prevC.distance(c);
prevC = c;
return length;
} else if (el instanceof Relation) {
Relation rel = (Relation) el;
double length = 0;
for (Entry<String, Element> relElem : rel.getElements()) {
if (relElem.getValue() instanceof Way || relElem.getValue() instanceof Relation) {
if (rel == relElem.getValue()) {
// avoid recursive call
log.error("Relation " + rel.getId() + " contains itself as element. This is not supported.");
} else {
length += calcLength(relElem.getValue());
return length;
} else {
throw new SyntaxException("length() cannot calculate elements of type " + el.getClass().getName());
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class ActionReader method readAllCmd.
private Action readAllCmd(boolean once) {
String role = null;
if (scanner.checkToken("role")) {
String eq = scanner.nextValue();
if (!"=".equals(eq))
throw new SyntaxException(scanner, "Expecting '=' after role keyword");
role = scanner.nextWord();
SubAction subAction = new SubAction(role, once);
List<Action> actionList = readActions().getList();
for (Action a : actionList) subAction.add(a);
return subAction;
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class ActionReader method readValueBuilder.
* A name command has a number of alternatives separated by '|' characters.
private Action readValueBuilder(ValueBuildedAction action) {
do {
if (!inActionCmd())
throw new SyntaxException(scanner, "unexpected end of add/set list");
String val = scanner.nextWord();
} while (hasMoreWords());
return action;