use of umontreal.ssj.probdist.UniformIntDist in project Stochastic-Inventory by RobinChen121.
the class GetPmfMulti method getPmf.
public double[][] getPmf(int t) {
stepSize = 1;
if (t > 4)
stepSize = 4;
if (distributionGeneral[0][t] instanceof NormalDist) {
NormalDist distribution1 = new NormalDist(distributionGeneral[0][t].getMean(), distributionGeneral[0][t].getStandardDeviation());
NormalDist distribution2 = new NormalDist(distributionGeneral[1][t].getMean(), distributionGeneral[1][t].getStandardDeviation());
double[] supportLB = new double[2];
double[] supportUB = new double[2];
supportLB[0] = (int) distribution1.inverseF(1 - truncationQuantile);
supportUB[0] = (int) distribution1.inverseF(truncationQuantile);
supportLB[1] = (int) distribution2.inverseF(1 - truncationQuantile);
supportUB[1] = (int) distribution2.inverseF(truncationQuantile);
int demandLength1 = (int) ((supportUB[0] - supportLB[0] + 1) / stepSize);
int demandLength2 = (int) ((supportUB[1] - supportLB[1] + 1) / stepSize);
double[][] pmf = new double[demandLength1 * demandLength2][3];
int index = 0;
double probilitySum = (2 * truncationQuantile - 1) * (2 * truncationQuantile - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < demandLength1; i++) for (int j = 0; j < demandLength2; j++) {
pmf[index][0] = supportLB[0] + i * stepSize;
pmf[index][1] = supportLB[1] + j * stepSize;
pmf[index][2] = (distribution1.cdf(pmf[index][0] + 0.5 * stepSize) - distribution1.cdf(pmf[index][0] - 0.5 * stepSize)) * (distribution2.cdf(pmf[index][1] + 0.5 * stepSize) - distribution2.cdf(pmf[index][1] - 0.5 * stepSize)) / probilitySum;
return pmf;
if (distributionGeneral[0][t] instanceof GammaDist) {
double mean1 = distributionGeneral[0][t].getMean();
double mean2 = distributionGeneral[1][t].getMean();
double variance1 = distributionGeneral[0][t].getVariance();
double variance2 = distributionGeneral[1][t].getVariance();
double scale1 = mean1 / variance1;
double shape1 = mean1 * scale1;
double scale2 = mean2 / variance2;
double shape2 = mean2 * scale2;
GammaDist distribution1 = new GammaDist(shape1, scale1);
GammaDist distribution2 = new GammaDist(shape2, scale2);
double[] supportLB = new double[2];
double[] supportUB = new double[2];
supportLB[0] = (int) distribution1.inverseF(1 - truncationQuantile);
supportUB[0] = (int) distribution1.inverseF(truncationQuantile);
supportLB[1] = (int) distribution2.inverseF(1 - truncationQuantile);
supportUB[1] = (int) distribution2.inverseF(truncationQuantile);
int demandLength1 = (int) ((supportUB[0] - supportLB[0] + 1) / stepSize);
int demandLength2 = (int) ((supportUB[1] - supportLB[1] + 1) / stepSize);
double[][] pmf = new double[demandLength1 * demandLength2][3];
int index = 0;
double probilitySum = (2 * truncationQuantile - 1) * (2 * truncationQuantile - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < demandLength1; i++) for (int j = 0; j < demandLength2; j++) {
pmf[index][0] = supportLB[0] + i * stepSize;
pmf[index][1] = supportLB[1] + j * stepSize;
pmf[index][2] = (distribution1.cdf(pmf[index][0] + 0.5 * stepSize) - distribution1.cdf(pmf[index][0] - 0.5 * stepSize)) * (distribution2.cdf(pmf[index][1] + 0.5 * stepSize) - distribution2.cdf(pmf[index][1] - 0.5 * stepSize)) / probilitySum;
return pmf;
if (distributionGeneral[0][t] instanceof PoissonDist) {
PoissonDist distribution1 = new PoissonDist(distributionGeneral[0][t].getMean());
PoissonDist distribution2 = new PoissonDist(distributionGeneral[1][t].getMean());
double[] supportLB = new double[2];
double[] supportUB = new double[2];
supportLB[0] = (int) distribution1.inverseF(1 - truncationQuantile);
supportUB[0] = (int) distribution1.inverseF(truncationQuantile);
supportLB[1] = (int) distribution2.inverseF(1 - truncationQuantile);
supportUB[1] = (int) distribution2.inverseF(truncationQuantile);
int demandLength1 = (int) ((supportUB[0] - supportLB[0] + 1) / stepSize);
int demandLength2 = (int) ((supportUB[1] - supportLB[1] + 1) / stepSize);
double[][] pmf = new double[demandLength1 * demandLength2][3];
int index = 0;
double probilitySum = (2 * truncationQuantile - 1) * (2 * truncationQuantile - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < demandLength1; i++) for (int j = 0; j < demandLength2; j++) {
pmf[index][0] = supportLB[0] + i * stepSize;
pmf[index][1] = supportLB[1] + j * stepSize;
pmf[index][2] = distribution1.prob(i) * distribution2.prob(j) / probilitySum;
return pmf;
if (distributionGeneral[0][t] instanceof UniformIntDist) {
UniformIntDist distribution1 = (UniformIntDist) distributionGeneral[0][t];
UniformIntDist distribution2 = (UniformIntDist) distributionGeneral[1][t];
int demandLength1 = distribution1.getJ() - distribution1.getI() + 1;
int demandLength2 = distribution2.getJ() - distribution2.getI() + 1;
double[][] pmf = new double[demandLength1 * demandLength2][3];
int index = 0;
for (int i = distribution1.getXinf(); i <= distribution1.getXsup(); i++) for (int j = distribution2.getXinf(); j <= distribution2.getXsup(); j++) {
pmf[index][0] = i;
pmf[index][1] = j;
pmf[index][2] = distribution1.prob(i) * distribution2.prob(j);
return pmf;
return null;
use of umontreal.ssj.probdist.UniformIntDist in project Stochastic-Inventory by RobinChen121.
the class GetPmf method getpmf.
* @return
public double[][][] getpmf() {
int T = distributions.length;
double[] supportLB = new double[T];
double[] supportUB = new double[T];
for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) {
supportLB[i] = (int) distributions[i].inverseF(1 - truncationQuantile);
if (distributions[0] instanceof DiscreteDistributionInt)
supportLB[i] = 0;
supportUB[i] = (int) distributions[i].inverseF(truncationQuantile);
double[][][] pmf = new double[T][][];
if (distributions[0] instanceof UniformIntDist) {
for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) {
UniformIntDist distribution = (UniformIntDist) distributions[0];
int demandLength = distribution.getJ() - distribution.getI() + 1;
pmf[i] = new double[demandLength][];
int index = 0;
for (int j = distribution.getXinf(); j <= distribution.getXsup(); j++) {
pmf[i][index] = new double[2];
pmf[i][index][0] = j;
pmf[i][index][1] = distribution.prob(j);
return pmf;
for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) {
int demandLength = (int) ((supportUB[i] - supportLB[i] + 1) / stepSize);
pmf[i] = new double[demandLength][];
// demand values are all integers
for (int j = 0; j < demandLength; j++) {
pmf[i][j] = new double[2];
pmf[i][j][0] = supportLB[i] + j * stepSize;
if (distributions[0] instanceof DiscreteDistributionInt || distributions[0] instanceof PoissonDist) {
// may be something wrong, poisson[] can't be (casted) delivered
// but the results are correct
double probilitySum = distributions[i].cdf(supportUB[i]) - distributions[i].cdf(supportLB[i] - 1);
pmf[i][j][1] = ((DiscreteDistributionInt) distributions[i]).prob(j) / probilitySum;
} else {
double probilitySum = distributions[i].cdf(supportUB[i] + 0.5 * stepSize) - distributions[i].cdf(supportLB[i] - 0.5 * stepSize);
pmf[i][j][1] = (distributions[i].cdf(pmf[i][j][0] + 0.5 * stepSize) - distributions[i].cdf(pmf[i][j][0] - 0.5 * stepSize)) / probilitySum;
return pmf;
use of umontreal.ssj.probdist.UniformIntDist in project Stochastic-Inventory by RobinChen121.
the class MultiItemCashXW method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
double[] price = { 2, 10 };
// higher margin vs lower margin
double[] variCost = { 1, 1 };
double depositeRate = 0;
// initial cash
double iniCash = 10;
// initial inventory
int iniInventory1 = 0;
int iniInventory2 = 0;
// gamma distribution:mean demand is shape / beta and variance is shape / beta^2
// beta = 1 / scale
// shape = demand * beta
// variance = demand / beta
// gamma in ssj: alpha is alpha, and lambda is beta(beta)
// horizon length
int T = 4;
double[] meanDemands = new double[] { 10, 3 };
// higher average demand vs lower average demand
double[][] demand = new double[2][T];
// higher variance vs lower variance
double[] beta = { 10, 1 };
double d1 = meanDemands[0];
double d2 = meanDemands[1];
double v1 = variCost[0];
double v2 = variCost[1];
double p1 = price[0];
double p2 = price[1];
for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
demand[0][t] = d1;
demand[1][t] = d2;
double[] salPrice = -> a * 0.5).toArray();
// number of products
int m = demand.length;
// may affect poisson results
double truncationQuantile = 0.9999;
double stepSize = 1;
double minCashState = 0;
double maxCashState = 10000;
int minInventoryState = 0;
int maxInventoryState = 200;
int Qbound = 20;
double discountFactor = 1;
// get demand possibilities for each period
Distribution[][] distributions = new GammaDist[m][T];
// Distribution[][] distributions = new UniformIntDist[m][T];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
distributions[i][t] = new GammaDist(demand[i][t] * beta[i], beta[i]);
// distributions[i][t] = new UniformIntDist((int)(demand[i][t] * 0.6), (int)(demand[i][t] * 1.4));
// distributions[i][t] = new PoissonDist(demand[i][t]);
// distributions[i][t]= new NormalDist(demand[i][t], 0.1 * demand[i][t]);
GetPmfMulti PmfMulti = new GetPmfMulti(distributions, truncationQuantile, stepSize);
// build action list (y1, y2) for pai(x1, x2, w)
// CashStateMulti are states (x1, x2, w)
Function<CashStateMulti, ArrayList<double[]>> buildActionListPai = s -> {
ArrayList<double[]> actions = new ArrayList<>();
double Ybound = Qbound;
for (double i = 0; i < Ybound; i = i + 1) for (double j = 0; j < Ybound; j = j + 1) {
double[] thisActions = { i, j };
return actions;
// build action list (y1, y2) for V(x1, x2, w)
Function<CashStateMulti, ArrayList<double[]>> buildActionListV = s -> {
ArrayList<double[]> actions = new ArrayList<>();
int miny1 = (int) s.getIniInventory1();
int miny2 = (int) s.getIniInventory2();
double iniR = s.getIniCash() + v1 * s.getIniInventory1() + v2 * s.getIniInventory2();
for (double i = miny1; i < miny1 + Qbound; i = i + 1) for (double j = miny2; j < miny2 + Qbound; j = j + 1) {
if (v1 * i + v2 * j < iniR + 0.1) {
double[] thisActions = { i, j };
return actions;
BoundaryFuncton<CashStateMulti, Double> boundFinalCash = (IniState) -> {
return IniState.getIniCash() + salPrice[0] * IniState.getIniInventory1() + salPrice[1] * IniState.getIniInventory2();
// State Transition Function
// revise
StateTransitionFunction<CashStateMulti, double[], double[], CashStateMulti> stateTransition = (IniState, actions, RandomDemands) -> {
double x1 = IniState.getIniInventory1();
double x2 = IniState.getIniInventory2();
double y1 = actions[0];
double y2 = actions[1];
double endInventory1 = y1 - RandomDemands[0];
endInventory1 = Math.max(0, endInventory1);
double endInventory2 = y2 - RandomDemands[1];
endInventory2 = Math.max(0, endInventory2);
double revenue1 = p1 * Math.min(y1, RandomDemands[0]);
double revenue2 = p2 * Math.min(y2, RandomDemands[1]);
double nextW = revenue1 + revenue2 + (1 + depositeRate) * (IniState.getIniCash() - v1 * (y1 - x1) - // revise
v2 * (y2 - x2));
// rounding the states to one decimal 10.0
endInventory1 = Math.round(endInventory1 * 10) / 10;
endInventory2 = Math.round(endInventory2 * 10) / 10;
nextW = Math.round(nextW * 10) / 10;
nextW = nextW > maxCashState ? maxCashState : nextW;
nextW = nextW < minCashState ? minCashState : nextW;
endInventory1 = endInventory1 > maxInventoryState ? maxInventoryState : endInventory1;
endInventory2 = endInventory2 < minInventoryState ? minInventoryState : endInventory2;
return new CashStateMulti(IniState.getPeriod() + 1, endInventory1, endInventory2, nextW);
* Solve
CashRecursionV2 recursion = new CashRecursionV2(discountFactor, PmfMulti, buildActionListV, buildActionListPai, stateTransition, boundFinalCash, T, variCost);
int period = 1;
CashStateMulti iniState = new CashStateMulti(period, iniInventory1, iniInventory2, iniCash);
long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
double finalValue = recursion.getExpectedValueV(iniState);
System.out.println("final optimal cash is " + finalValue);
System.out.println("optimal order quantity in the first priod is : y1 = " + recursion.getAction(iniState)[0] + ", y2 = " + recursion.getAction(iniState)[1]);
double time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000.0;
System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
double[] optY = recursion.getYStar(iniState);
System.out.println("optimal order quantity y* in the first priod is : " + Arrays.toString(optY));
* Simulate
* basically, this simulation is testing for Theorem 1:
* optimal ordering decisions depend on y*(R)
int sampleNum = 10000;
currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
CashSimulationY simulation = new CashSimulationY(sampleNum, distributions, discountFactor, recursion, stateTransition);
double simFinalValue = simulation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNum2(iniState, variCost);
double gap = (finalValue - simFinalValue) / finalValue;
System.out.printf("optimality gap for this policy y* is %.2f%%\n", gap * 100);
time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000.0;
System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
* Compute a1* and a2*
* and simulate their results to test Theorem 2
stepSize = 0.1;
double[][][] pmf1 = new GetPmf(distributions[0], truncationQuantile, stepSize).getpmf();
Distribution[] distributions1 = distributions[0];
double[][][] pmf2 = new GetPmf(distributions[1], truncationQuantile, stepSize).getpmf();
Distribution[] distributions2 = distributions[1];
RecursionG recursionG1 = new RecursionG(pmf1, distributions1, price[0], variCost[0], 0, salPrice[0]);
RecursionG recursionG2 = new RecursionG(pmf2, distributions2, price[1], variCost[1], 0, salPrice[1]);
double[] opta1 = recursionG1.getOptY();
double[] opta2 = recursionG2.getOptY();
System.out.println("a1* in each period:");
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); -> System.out.print(df.format(e) + " "));
System.out.println("a2* in each period:"); -> System.out.print(df.format(e) + " "));
// double simFinalValue2 = simulation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNuma1a22(iniState, variCost, opta1, opta2);
// double gap2 = (simFinalValue2 - finalValue) / finalValue;
// System.out.printf("optimality gap for this policy a* is %.2f%%\n", gap2 * 100);
double[] mean = new double[] { demand[0][0], demand[1][0] };
double[] variance = new double[] { demand[0][0] / beta[0], demand[1][0] / beta[1] };
double[][] optTable = recursion.getOptTableDetail(mean, variance, price, opta1, opta2);
double[] gaps = new double[] { gap };
WriteToExcel wr = new WriteToExcel();
String fileName = "run" + ".xls";
String headString = "meanD1" + "\t" + "meanD2" + "\t" + "variance1" + "\t" + "variance2" + "\t" + "period" + "\t" + "x1" + "\t" + "x2" + "\t" + "w" + "\t" + "p1" + "\t" + "p2" + "\t" + "c1" + "\t" + "c2" + "\t" + "R" + "\t" + "y1*" + "\t" + "y2*" + "\t" + "cashSituation" + "\t" + "alpha" + "\t" + "yHead1" + "\t" + "yHead2" + "\t" + "a1*" + "\t" + "a2*" + "\t" + "Theorem1Gap";
wr.writeArrayToExcel2(optTable, fileName, headString, gaps);
use of umontreal.ssj.probdist.UniformIntDist in project Stochastic-Inventory by RobinChen121.
the class MultiItemCashXWTesting method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
double[] price = { 2, 10 };
// higher margin vs lower margin
double[] variCost = { 1, 2 };
double depositeRate = 0;
// initial cash
double iniCash = 10;
// initial inventory
int iniInventory1 = 0;
int iniInventory2 = 0;
// gamma distribution:mean demand is shape / beta and variance is shape / beta^2
// beta = 1 / scale
// shape = demand * beta
// variance = demand / beta
// gamma in ssj: alpha is alpha, and lambda is beta(beta)
// horizon length
int T = 4;
double[] meanDemands = new double[] { 10, 3 };
// read parameter settings from excel files
ReadExcel re = new ReadExcel();
double[][] paraSettings = re.readExcelXLSX("Numerical experiments-2021-02-06.xlsx", 2);
for (int runTime = 1; runTime < 2; runTime = runTime + 1) {
price = new double[] { paraSettings[runTime][2], paraSettings[runTime][8] };
variCost = new double[] { paraSettings[runTime][1], paraSettings[runTime][7] };
double[] beta = new double[] { paraSettings[runTime][6], paraSettings[runTime][12] };
// a = new int[] {(int)paraSettings[runTime][5], (int)paraSettings[runTime][11]}; // integer for uniform
meanDemands = new double[] { paraSettings[runTime][3], paraSettings[runTime][9] };
// higher average demand vs lower average demand
double[][] demand = new double[2][T];
double d1 = meanDemands[0];
double d2 = meanDemands[1];
double v1 = variCost[0];
double v2 = variCost[1];
double p1 = price[0];
double p2 = price[1];
for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
demand[0][t] = d1;
demand[1][t] = d2;
double[] salPrice = -> a * 0.5).toArray();
// number of products
int m = demand.length;
// may affect poisson results
double truncationQuantile = 0.9999;
double stepSize = 1;
double minCashState = 0;
double maxCashState = 10000;
int minInventoryState = 0;
int maxInventoryState = 200;
int Qbound = 20;
double discountFactor = 1;
// get demand possibilities for each period
// Distribution[][] distributions = new GammaDist[m][T];
// Distribution[][] distributions = new PoissonDist[m][T];
// Distribution[][] distributions = new NormalDist[m][T];
Distribution[][] distributions = new UniformIntDist[m][T];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
// distributions[i][t] = new GammaDist(demand[i][t]* beta[i], beta[i]);
distributions[i][t] = new UniformIntDist((int) (demand[i][t] * 0.2), (int) (demand[i][t] * 1.8));
// distributions[i][t] = new PoissonDist(demand[i][t]);
// distributions[i][t]= new NormalDist(demand[i][t], 0.1 * demand[i][t]);
// distributions[i][t] = new UniformIntDist(a[i], b[i]);
GetPmfMulti PmfMulti = new GetPmfMulti(distributions, truncationQuantile, stepSize);
// build action list (y1, y2) for pai(x1, x2, w)
// CashStateMulti are states (x1, x2, w)
Function<CashStateMulti, ArrayList<double[]>> buildActionListPai = s -> {
ArrayList<double[]> actions = new ArrayList<>();
double Ybound = Qbound;
for (double i = 0; i < Ybound; i = i + 1) for (double j = 0; j < Ybound; j = j + 1) {
double[] thisActions = { i, j };
return actions;
// build action list (y1, y2) for V(x1, x2, w), no use in the recursion
Function<CashStateMulti, ArrayList<double[]>> buildActionListV = s -> {
ArrayList<double[]> actions = new ArrayList<>();
int miny1 = (int) s.getIniInventory1();
int miny2 = (int) s.getIniInventory2();
double iniR = s.getIniCash() + v1 * s.getIniInventory1() + v2 * s.getIniInventory2();
for (double i = miny1; i < miny1 + Qbound; i = i + 1) for (double j = miny2; j < miny2 + Qbound; j = j + 1) {
if (v1 * i + v2 * j < iniR + 0.1) {
double[] thisActions = { i, j };
return actions;
BoundaryFuncton<CashStateMulti, Double> boundFinalCash = (IniState) -> {
return IniState.getIniCash() + salPrice[0] * IniState.getIniInventory1() + salPrice[1] * IniState.getIniInventory2();
// State Transition Function
// revise
StateTransitionFunction<CashStateMulti, double[], double[], CashStateMulti> stateTransition = (IniState, actions, RandomDemands) -> {
double x1 = IniState.getIniInventory1();
double x2 = IniState.getIniInventory2();
double y1 = actions[0];
double y2 = actions[1];
double endInventory1 = y1 - RandomDemands[0];
endInventory1 = Math.max(0, endInventory1);
double endInventory2 = y2 - RandomDemands[1];
endInventory2 = Math.max(0, endInventory2);
double revenue1 = p1 * Math.min(y1, RandomDemands[0]);
double revenue2 = p2 * Math.min(y2, RandomDemands[1]);
double nextW = revenue1 + revenue2 + (1 + depositeRate) * (IniState.getIniCash() - v1 * (y1 - x1) - // revise
v2 * (y2 - x2));
// rounding the states to one decimal 10.0
endInventory1 = Math.round(endInventory1 * 1) / 1;
// very slow when decimal
endInventory2 = Math.round(endInventory2 * 1) / 1;
nextW = Math.round(nextW * 1) / 1;
nextW = nextW > maxCashState ? maxCashState : nextW;
nextW = nextW < minCashState ? minCashState : nextW;
endInventory1 = endInventory1 > maxInventoryState ? maxInventoryState : endInventory1;
endInventory2 = endInventory2 < minInventoryState ? minInventoryState : endInventory2;
return new CashStateMulti(IniState.getPeriod() + 1, endInventory1, endInventory2, nextW);
* Solve
CashRecursionV2 recursion = new CashRecursionV2(discountFactor, PmfMulti, buildActionListV, buildActionListPai, stateTransition, boundFinalCash, T, variCost);
int period = 1;
CashStateMulti iniState = new CashStateMulti(period, iniInventory1, iniInventory2, iniCash);
long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
double finalValue = recursion.getExpectedValueV(iniState);
System.out.println("final optimal cash is " + finalValue);
System.out.println("optimal order quantity in the first priod is : y1 = " + recursion.getAction(iniState)[0] + ", y2 = " + recursion.getAction(iniState)[1]);
double time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000.0;
System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
double[] optY = recursion.getYStar(iniState);
System.out.println("optimal order quantity y* in the first priod is : " + Arrays.toString(optY));
* Simulate
* basically, this simulation is testing for Theorem 1:
* optimal ordering decisions depend on y*(R)
int sampleNum = 10000;
currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
CashSimulationY simulation = new CashSimulationY(sampleNum, distributions, discountFactor, recursion, stateTransition);
double simFinalValue = simulation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNum2(iniState, variCost);
double gap = (finalValue - simFinalValue) / finalValue;
System.out.printf("optimality gap for this policy y* is %.2f%%\n", gap * 100);
time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000.0;
System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
* Compute a1* and a2*
* and simulate their results to test Theorem 2
// can be changed
stepSize = 1;
double[][][] pmf1 = new GetPmf(distributions[0], truncationQuantile, stepSize).getpmf();
Distribution[] distributions1 = distributions[0];
double[][][] pmf2 = new GetPmf(distributions[1], truncationQuantile, stepSize).getpmf();
Distribution[] distributions2 = distributions[1];
RecursionG recursionG1 = new RecursionG(pmf1, distributions1, price[0], variCost[0], 0, salPrice[0]);
RecursionG recursionG2 = new RecursionG(pmf2, distributions2, price[1], variCost[1], 0, salPrice[1]);
double[] opta1 = recursionG1.getOptY();
double[] opta2 = recursionG2.getOptY();
System.out.println("a1* in each period:");
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); -> System.out.print(df.format(e) + " "));
System.out.println("a2* in each period:"); -> System.out.print(df.format(e) + " "));
// double simFinalValue2 = simulation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNuma1a22(iniState, variCost, opta1, opta2);
// double gap2 = (simFinalValue2 - finalValue) / finalValue;
// System.out.printf("optimality gap for this policy a* is %.2f%%\n", gap2 * 100);
double[] mean = new double[] { demand[0][0], demand[1][0] };
double[] variance = new double[] { demand[0][0] / beta[0], demand[1][0] / beta[1] };
double[][] optTable = recursion.getOptTableDetail(mean, variance, price, opta1, opta2);
double[] gaps = new double[] { gap };
WriteToExcel wr = new WriteToExcel();
String fileName = "run" + (int) paraSettings[runTime][0] + ".xls";
String headString = "meanD1" + "\t" + "meanD2" + "\t" + "variance1" + "\t" + "variance2" + "\t" + "period" + "\t" + "x1" + "\t" + "x2" + "\t" + "w" + "\t" + "p1" + "\t" + "p2" + "\t" + "c1" + "\t" + "c2" + "\t" + "R" + "\t" + "y1*" + "\t" + "y2*" + "\t" + "cashSituation" + "\t" + "alpha" + "\t" + "yHead1" + "\t" + "yHead2" + "\t" + "a1*" + "\t" + "a2*" + "\t" + "Theorem1Gap";
wr.writeArrayToExcel2(optTable, fileName, headString, gaps);
use of umontreal.ssj.probdist.UniformIntDist in project Stochastic-Inventory by RobinChen121.
the class MultiItemYRTesting method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
double[] price = { 2, 10 };
// higher margin vs lower margin
double[] variCost = { 1, 2 };
double depositebeta = 0;
// initial cash
double iniCash = 10;
// initial inventory
int iniInventory1 = 0;
int iniInventory2 = 0;
// gamma distribution:mean demand is shape / beta and variance is shape / beta^2
// beta = 1 / scale
// shape = demand * beta
// variance = demand / beta
// gamma in ssj: alpha is alpha, and lambda is beta(beta)
// horizon length
int T = 4;
double[] meanDemands = new double[2];
// higher average demand vs lower average demand
double[][] demand = new double[2][T];
// higher variance vs lower variance
double[] beta = { 10, 1 };
int[] b = new int[2];
int[] a = new int[2];
// read parameter settings from excel files
ReadExcel re = new ReadExcel();
double[][] paraSettings = re.readExcelXLSX("Numerical experiments-settings.xlsx", 2);
for (int runTime = 3; runTime < 16; runTime = runTime + 2) {
price = new double[] { paraSettings[runTime][2], paraSettings[runTime][8] };
variCost = new double[] { paraSettings[runTime][1], paraSettings[runTime][7] };
b = new int[] { (int) paraSettings[runTime][6], (int) paraSettings[runTime][12] };
a = new int[] { (int) paraSettings[runTime][5], (int) paraSettings[runTime][11] };
meanDemands = new double[] { paraSettings[runTime][3], paraSettings[runTime][9] };
double d1 = meanDemands[0];
double d2 = meanDemands[1];
double v1 = variCost[0];
double v2 = variCost[1];
double p1 = price[0];
double p2 = price[1];
for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
demand[0][t] = d1;
demand[1][t] = d2;
// unit salvage value is half of the unit variable cost
double[] salPrice = -> s * 0.5).toArray();
// number of products
int m = demand.length;
// may affect poisson results
double truncationQuantile = 0.9999;
int stepSize = 1;
double minCashState = 0;
double maxCashState = 10000;
int minInventoryState = 0;
int maxInventoryState = 200;
int Qbound1 = 20;
int Qbound2 = 10;
double discountFactor = 1;
// get demand possibilities for each period
Distribution[][] distributions = new GammaDist[m][T];
// Distribution[][] distributions = new NormalDist[m][T];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
// distributions[i][t] = new UniformIntDist(a[i], b[i]);
distributions[i][t] = new GammaDist(demand[i][t] * beta[i], beta[i]);
// distributions[i][t] = new PoissonDist(demand[i][t]);
// distributions[i][t]= new NormalDist(demand[i][t], 0.1 * demand[i][t]);
// build action list (y1, y2) for V(x1, x2, R)
Function<CashStateMultiYR, ArrayList<double[]>> buildActionListPai = s -> {
ArrayList<double[]> actions = new ArrayList<>();
for (double i = 0; i < Qbound1; i++) for (double j = 0; j < Qbound2; j++) {
double[] thisActions = { i, j };
return actions;
// build action list (y1, y2) for Pai(x1, x2, R)
Function<CashStateMulti, ArrayList<double[]>> buildActionListV = s -> {
ArrayList<double[]> actions = new ArrayList<>();
int miny1 = (int) s.getIniInventory1();
int miny2 = (int) s.getIniInventory2();
double iniR = s.getIniCash() + v1 * s.getIniInventory1() + v2 * s.getIniInventory2();
for (int i = miny1; i < miny1 + Qbound1; i++) for (int j = miny2; j < miny2 + Qbound2; j++) {
if (v1 * i + v2 * j < iniR + 0.1) {
double[] thisActions = { i, j };
return actions;
BoundaryFuncton<CashStateMulti, Double> boundFinalCash = (IniState) -> {
return IniState.getIniCash() + salPrice[0] * IniState.getIniInventory1() + salPrice[1] * IniState.getIniInventory2();
// State Transition Function
StateTransitionFunctionV<CashStateMultiYR, double[], CashStateMulti> stateTransition = (IniState, RandomDemands) -> {
double endInventory1 = IniState.getIniInventory1() - RandomDemands[0];
endInventory1 = Math.max(0, endInventory1);
double endInventory2 = IniState.getIniInventory2() - RandomDemands[1];
endInventory2 = Math.max(0, endInventory2);
double revenue1 = p1 * Math.min(IniState.getIniInventory1(), RandomDemands[0]);
double revenue2 = p2 * Math.min(IniState.getIniInventory2(), RandomDemands[1]);
double nextW = revenue1 + revenue2 + (1 + depositebeta) * (IniState.getIniR() - v1 * IniState.getIniInventory1() - // revise
v2 * IniState.getIniInventory2());
endInventory1 = Math.round(endInventory1);
endInventory2 = Math.round(endInventory2);
nextW = Math.round(nextW);
nextW = nextW > maxCashState ? maxCashState : nextW;
nextW = nextW < minCashState ? minCashState : nextW;
endInventory1 = endInventory1 > maxInventoryState ? maxInventoryState : endInventory1;
endInventory2 = endInventory2 < minInventoryState ? minInventoryState : endInventory2;
return new CashStateMulti(IniState.getPeriod() + 1, endInventory1, endInventory2, nextW);
GetPmfMulti PmfMulti = new GetPmfMulti(distributions, truncationQuantile, stepSize);
* Solve
CashRecursionV recursion = new CashRecursionV(discountFactor, PmfMulti, buildActionListV, buildActionListPai, stateTransition, boundFinalCash, T, variCost);
int period = 1;
CashStateMulti iniState = new CashStateMulti(period, iniInventory1, iniInventory2, iniCash);
long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
double finalValue = recursion.getExpectedValueV(iniState);
System.out.println("final optimal cash is " + finalValue);
System.out.println("optimal order quantity in the first priod is : y1 = " + recursion.getAction(iniState)[0] + ", y2 = " + recursion.getAction(iniState)[1]);
double time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000.0;
System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
CashStateR iniState2 = new CashStateR(period, iniCash);
double[] optY = recursion.getYStar(iniState2);
System.out.println("optimal order quantity y* in the first priod is : " + Arrays.toString(optY));
double[] mean = new double[] { demand[0][0], demand[1][0] };
double[] variance = new double[] { demand[0][0] / beta[0], demand[1][0] / beta[1] };
* Simulate
* basically, this simulation is testing for Theorem 1:
* optimal ordering decisions depend on y*(R)
int sampleNum = 10000;
currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
CashSimulationY simulation = new CashSimulationY(sampleNum, distributions, discountFactor, recursion, stateTransition);
double simFinalValue = simulation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNum(iniState, variCost);
double gap = (simFinalValue - finalValue) / finalValue;
System.out.printf("optimality gap for this policy y* is %.2f%%\n", gap * 100);
time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000.0;
System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
* Compute a1* and a2*
* and simulate their results to test Theorem 2
double[][][] pmf1 = new GetPmf(distributions[0], truncationQuantile, stepSize).getpmf();
Distribution[] distributions1 = distributions[0];
double[][][] pmf2 = new GetPmf(distributions[1], truncationQuantile, stepSize).getpmf();
Distribution[] distributions2 = distributions[1];
RecursionG recursionG1 = new RecursionG(pmf1, distributions1, price[0], variCost[0], 0, salPrice[0]);
RecursionG recursionG2 = new RecursionG(pmf2, distributions2, price[1], variCost[1], 0, salPrice[1]);
double[] opta1 = recursionG1.getOptY();
double[] opta2 = recursionG2.getOptY();
System.out.println("a1* in each period:");
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); -> System.out.print(df.format(e) + " "));
System.out.println("a2* in each period:"); -> System.out.print(df.format(e) + " "));
double simFinalValue2 = simulation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNuma1a2(iniState, variCost, opta1, opta2);
double gap2 = (simFinalValue2 - finalValue) / finalValue;
System.out.printf("optimality gap for this policy a* is %.2f%%\n", gap2 * 100);
double[][] optTable = recursion.getOptTableDetail2(mean, variance, price, opta1, opta2);
double[] gaps = new double[] { gap, gap2 };
WriteToExcel wr = new WriteToExcel();
String fileName = "run" + (int) paraSettings[runTime][0] + ".xls";
String headString = "meanD1" + "\t" + "meanD2" + "\t" + "variance1" + "\t" + "variance2" + "\t" + "period" + "\t" + "x1" + "\t" + "x2" + "\t" + "w" + "\t" + "p1" + "\t" + "p2" + "\t" + "c1" + "\t" + "c2" + "\t" + "R" + "\t" + "y1*" + "\t" + "y2*" + "\t" + "cashSituation" + "\t" + "alpha" + "\t" + "yHead1" + "\t" + "yHead2" + "\t" + "a1*" + "\t" + "a2*" + "\t" + "Theorem1Gap" + "Theorem2Gap";
wr.writeArrayToExcel2(optTable, fileName, headString, gaps);
// System.out.println("alpha in the first period: " + optTable[0][10]);
// System.out.println("*******************************");