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Example 6 with Key

use of water.Key in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class Frames method parse.

   * Parse a dataset into a Frame.
public static Frame parse(File file) {
    Key fkey = NFSFileVec.make(file);
    Key dest = Key.make(file.getName());
    Frame frame = ParseDataset2.parse(dest, new Key[] { fkey });
    return frame;
Also used : Key(water.Key)

Example 7 with Key

use of water.Key in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class Frames method execImpl.

protected void execImpl() {
    // From file
    parse(new File(VM.h2oFolder(), "smalldata/iris/iris.csv"));
    // Programmatically
    Frame frame = create(//
    new String[] { "A", "B" }, new double[][] { //
    new double[] { 1.0, 2.0 }, new double[] { 3.0, 4.0 } });
    // Store frame in H2O's K/V store
    Key key = Key.make("MyFrame");
    UKV.put(key, frame);
Also used : File( Key(water.Key)

Example 8 with Key

use of water.Key in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class MapReduceKMeans method execImpl.

protected void execImpl() {
    // Load and parse a file. Data is distributed to other nodes in a round-robin way
    Key file = NFSFileVec.make(new File("../lib/resources/datasets/gaussian.csv"));
    Frame frame = ParseDataset2.parse(Key.make("test"), new Key[] { file });
    // Optionally create a frame with less columns, e.g. skip first
    frame = new Frame(Utils.remove(frame._names, 0), Utils.remove(frame.vecs(), 0));
    // Create k clusters as arrays of doubles
    int k = 7;
    double[][] clusters = new double[k][frame.vecs().length];
    // Initialize first cluster to random row
    Random rand = new Random();
    for (int cluster = 0; cluster < clusters.length; cluster++) {
        long row = Math.max(0, (long) (rand.nextDouble() * frame.vecs().length) - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < frame.vecs().length; i++) {
            Vec v = frame.vecs()[i];
            clusters[cluster][i] =;
    // Iterate over the dataset and show error for each step
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        KMeans task = new KMeans();
        task.clusters = clusters;
        for (int c = 0; c < clusters.length; c++) {
            if (task.counts[c] > 0) {
                for (int v = 0; v < frame.vecs().length; v++) {
                    double value = task.sums[c][v] / task.counts[c];
                    clusters[c][v] = value;
        System.out.println("Error is " + task.error);
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
    for (int c = 0; c < clusters.length; c++) {
        for (int v = 0; v < frame.vecs().length; v++) System.out.print(df.format(clusters[c][v]) + ", ");
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) File( Key(water.Key)

Example 9 with Key

use of water.Key in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class CategoricalWrappedVec method computeMap.

public static int[] computeMap(String[] from, String[] to) {
    Key key = Vec.newKey();
    CategoricalWrappedVec tmp = new CategoricalWrappedVec(key);
    tmp.computeMap(from, to, false);
    return tmp._map;
Also used : Key(water.Key)

Example 10 with Key

use of water.Key in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class AstRename method apply.

public ValNum apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
    Key oldKey = Key.make(env.expand(asts[1].exec(env).getStr()));
    Key newKey = Key.make(env.expand(asts[2].exec(env).getStr()));
    Iced o = DKV.remove(oldKey).get();
    if (o instanceof Frame)
        DKV.put(newKey, new Frame(newKey, ((Frame) o)._names, ((Frame) o).vecs()));
    else if (o instanceof Model) {
        ((Model) o)._key = newKey;
        DKV.put(newKey, o);
    } else
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to rename Value of type " + o.getClass());
    return new ValNum(Double.NaN);
Also used : Frame(water.fvec.Frame) Model(hex.Model) Iced(water.Iced) ValNum(water.rapids.vals.ValNum) Key(water.Key)


Key (water.Key)94 Frame (water.fvec.Frame)56 Test (org.junit.Test)42 Vec (water.fvec.Vec)21 File ( NFSFileVec (water.fvec.NFSFileVec)17 Futures (water.Futures)10 Random (java.util.Random)7 H2OIllegalArgumentException (water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException)6 ValFrame (water.rapids.vals.ValFrame)6 DateTimeZone (org.joda.time.DateTimeZone)5 Model (hex.Model)4 SplitFrame (hex.SplitFrame)4 DeepLearning (hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning)4 DeepLearningModel (hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel)4 AppendableVec (water.fvec.AppendableVec)4 NewChunk (water.fvec.NewChunk)4 Grid (hex.grid.Grid)3 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3