use of watson.DisplaySettings in project watson by totemo.
the class PlayerEditSet method drawVectors.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Draw direction vectors indicating motion of the miner.
* @param colour the colour to draw the vectors.
public synchronized void drawVectors(ARGB colour) {
DisplaySettings settings = Controller.instance.getDisplaySettings();
if (settings.areVectorsShown() && isVisible() && !_edits.isEmpty()) {
final Tessellator tess = Tessellator.getInstance();
final WorldRenderer wr = tess.getWorldRenderer();
// TODO: Make the vector colour and thickness configurable.
wr.setColorRGBA_I(colour.getRGB(), colour.getAlpha());
// Unit X and Y vectors used for cross products to get arrow axes.
Vec3 unitX = new Vec3(1, 0, 0);
Vec3 unitY = new Vec3(0, 1, 0);
// We only need to draw vectors if there are at least 2 edits.
Iterator<BlockEdit> it = _edits.iterator();
if (it.hasNext()) {
BlockEdit prev =;
while (it.hasNext()) {
BlockEdit next =;
// Work out whether to link edits with vectors.
boolean show = (next.creation && settings.isLinkedCreations()) || (!next.creation && settings.isLinkedDestructions());
if (show) {
Vec3 pPos = new Vec3(0.5 + prev.x, 0.5 + prev.y, 0.5 + prev.z);
Vec3 nPos = new Vec3(0.5 + next.x, 0.5 + next.y, 0.5 + next.z);
// Vector difference, from prev to next.
Vec3 diff = nPos.subtract(pPos);
// Compute length. We want to scale the arrow heads by the length,
// so can't avoid the sqrt() here.
double length = diff.lengthVector();
if (length >= settings.getMinVectorLength()) {
// Draw the vector.
wr.addVertex(pPos.xCoord, pPos.yCoord, pPos.zCoord);
wr.addVertex(nPos.xCoord, nPos.yCoord, nPos.zCoord);
// Length from arrow tip to midpoint of vector as a fraction of
// the total vector length. Scale the arrow in proportion to the
// square root of the length up to a maximum size.
double arrowSize = UNIT_VECTOR_ARROW_SIZE * Math.sqrt(length);
if (arrowSize > MAX_ARROW_SIZE) {
arrowSize = MAX_ARROW_SIZE;
double arrowScale = arrowSize / length;
// Position of the tip and tail of the arrow, sitting in the
// middle of the vector.
Vec3 tip = new Vec3(pPos.xCoord * (0.5 - arrowScale) + nPos.xCoord * (0.5 + arrowScale), pPos.yCoord * (0.5 - arrowScale) + nPos.yCoord * (0.5 + arrowScale), pPos.zCoord * (0.5 - arrowScale) + nPos.zCoord * (0.5 + arrowScale));
Vec3 tail = new Vec3(pPos.xCoord * (0.5 + arrowScale) + nPos.xCoord * (0.5 - arrowScale), pPos.yCoord * (0.5 + arrowScale) + nPos.yCoord * (0.5 - arrowScale), pPos.zCoord * (0.5 + arrowScale) + nPos.zCoord * (0.5 - arrowScale));
// Fin axes, perpendicular to vector. Scale by vector length.
// If the vector is colinear with the Y axis, use the X axis for
// the cross products to derive the fin directions.
Vec3 fin1;
if (Math.abs(unitY.dotProduct(diff)) > 0.9 * length) {
fin1 = unitX.crossProduct(diff).normalize();
} else {
fin1 = unitY.crossProduct(diff).normalize();
Vec3 fin2 = fin1.crossProduct(diff).normalize();
Vec3 draw1 = new Vec3(fin1.xCoord * arrowScale * length, fin1.yCoord * arrowScale * length, fin1.zCoord * arrowScale * length);
Vec3 draw2 = new Vec3(fin2.xCoord * arrowScale * length, fin2.yCoord * arrowScale * length, fin2.zCoord * arrowScale * length);
// Draw four fins.
wr.addVertex(tip.xCoord, tip.yCoord, tip.zCoord);
wr.addVertex(tail.xCoord + draw1.xCoord, tail.yCoord + draw1.yCoord, tail.zCoord + draw1.zCoord);
wr.addVertex(tip.xCoord, tip.yCoord, tip.zCoord);
wr.addVertex(tail.xCoord - draw1.xCoord, tail.yCoord - draw1.yCoord, tail.zCoord - draw1.zCoord);
wr.addVertex(tip.xCoord, tip.yCoord, tip.zCoord);
wr.addVertex(tail.xCoord + draw2.xCoord, tail.yCoord + draw2.yCoord, tail.zCoord + draw2.zCoord);
wr.addVertex(tip.xCoord, tip.yCoord, tip.zCoord);
wr.addVertex(tail.xCoord - draw2.xCoord, tail.yCoord - draw2.yCoord, tail.zCoord - draw2.zCoord);
// if we are drawing this vector
prev = next;
// if
// while
// if
// if drawing
use of watson.DisplaySettings in project watson by totemo.
the class WatsonGuiScreen method initGui.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @see GuiScreen#initGui()
public void initGui() {
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
FontRenderer fr = mc.fontRendererObj;
_rowHeight = (int) (fr.FONT_HEIGHT * 2.75);
int startY = height / 2 - 4 * _rowHeight;
int currentRow = 0;
buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_SHOW_WATSON, width / 2 - 175, startY + currentRow * _rowHeight, 150, 20, getButtonLabel(ID_SHOW_WATSON)));
buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_CLEAR_EDITS, width / 2 + 25, startY + currentRow++ * _rowHeight, 150, 20, getButtonLabel(ID_CLEAR_EDITS)));
buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_SHOW_VECTORS, width / 2 - 175, startY + currentRow * _rowHeight, 150, 20, getButtonLabel(ID_SHOW_VECTORS)));
GuiResponder sliderResponder = new GuiPageButtonList.GuiResponder() {
public void onTick(int id, float value) {
// Update the display when the slider slides. Save the new length in
// the configuration when the GUI closes.
DisplaySettings ds = Controller.instance.getDisplaySettings();
ds.setMinVectorLength((int) value, false);
public void func_175321_a(int id, boolean value) {
public void func_175319_a(int id, String value) {
Configuration config = Configuration.instance;
GuiSlider slider = new GuiSlider(sliderResponder, ID_MIN_VECTOR_LENGTH, width / 2 + 25, startY + currentRow++ * _rowHeight, "Min Vector Length", 0, 20, config.getVectorLength(), new GuiSlider.FormatHelper() {
public String getText(int id, String name, float value) {
return "Min Vector Length: " + Integer.toString((int) value);
buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_SHOW_LABELS, width / 2 - 175, startY + currentRow * _rowHeight, 150, 20, getButtonLabel(ID_SHOW_LABELS)));
buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_LABEL_ORDER, width / 2 + 25, startY + currentRow++ * _rowHeight, 150, 20, getButtonLabel(ID_LABEL_ORDER)));
buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_SHOW_ANNOTATIONS, width / 2 - 175, startY + currentRow * _rowHeight, 150, 20, getButtonLabel(ID_SHOW_ANNOTATIONS)));
buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_SHOW_SELECTION, width / 2 + 25, startY + currentRow++ * _rowHeight, 150, 20, getButtonLabel(ID_SHOW_SELECTION)));
buttonList.add(new GuiOptionButton(ID_DONE, width / 2 - 40, startY + (currentRow + 2) * _rowHeight, 80, 20, I18n.format("gui.done", new Object[0])));
use of watson.DisplaySettings in project watson by totemo.
the class WatsonGuiScreen method getButtonLabel.
// actionPerformed
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Return the label text for a toggle button, based on its ID.
* @param id the control ID.
* @return the label text for a toggle button, based on its ID.
protected String getButtonLabel(int id) {
DisplaySettings ds = Controller.instance.getDisplaySettings();
Configuration config = Configuration.instance;
switch(id) {
return "Clear Edits";
return "Watson Display: " + (ds.isDisplayed() ? "ON" : "OFF");
return "Show Vectors: " + (ds.areVectorsShown() ? "ON" : "OFF");
// Slider uses a callback to set text.
return "";
return "Show Labels: " + (ds.areLabelsShown() ? "ON" : "OFF");
return "Label Order: " + (config.timeOrderedDeposits() ? "TIMESTAMPS" : "IMPORTANCE");
return "Show Annotations: " + (ds.areAnnotationsShown() ? "ON" : "OFF");
return "Show Selection: " + (ds.isSelectionShown() ? "ON" : "OFF");
return "";