use of won.matcher.solr.query.factory.HasFlagQueryFactory in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class SolrMatcherActor method processActiveAtomEvent.
protected void processActiveAtomEvent(AtomEvent atomEvent) throws IOException, SolrServerException, JsonLdError {"Start processing active atom event {}", atomEvent);
// check if the atom has doNotMatch flag, then do not use it for querying or
// indexing
Dataset dataset = atomEvent.deserializeAtomDataset();
AtomModelWrapper atomModelWrapper = new AtomModelWrapper(dataset);
if (atomModelWrapper.flag(WONMATCH.NoHintForMe) && atomModelWrapper.flag(WONMATCH.NoHintForCounterpart)) {"Discarding received atom due to flags match:NoHintForMe and match:NoHintForCounterpart: {}", atomEvent);
// check if atom has a sparql query attached
if (atomModelWrapper.sparqlQuery()) {
log.debug("Atom {} has a sparql query, omitting this atom in Solr matcher", atomModelWrapper.getAtomUri());
// check if atom is usedForTesting only
boolean usedForTesting = atomModelWrapper.flag(WONMATCH.UsedForTesting);
SolrMatcherQueryExecutor queryExecutor = (usedForTesting ? testQueryExecuter : defaultQueryExecuter);
// create another query depending if the current atom is "WhatsAround" or a
// default atom
String queryString = null;
if (atomModelWrapper.flag(WONMATCH.WhatsAround)) {
// WhatsAround doesnt match on terms only other atoms in close location are
// boosted
WhatsAroundQueryFactory qf = new WhatsAroundQueryFactory(dataset);
queryString = qf.createQuery();
} else if (atomModelWrapper.flag(WONMATCH.WhatsNew)) {
WhatsNewQueryFactory qf = new WhatsNewQueryFactory(dataset);
queryString = qf.createQuery();
} else {
// default query matches content terms (of fields title, description and tags)
// with different weights
// and gives an additional multiplicative boost for geographically closer atoms
DefaultAtomQueryFactory qf = new DefaultAtomQueryFactory(dataset);
queryString = qf.createQuery();
// add filters to the query: default filters are
// - atom status active
// - creation date overlap 1 month
// - OR-filtering for matching contexts if any were specified
// now create three slightly different queries for different lists of atoms:
// 1) atoms without NoHintForCounterpart => hints for current atom
// 2) atoms without NoHintForSelf, excluding WhatsAround atoms => hints for
// atoms in index that are not WhatsAround
// 3) atoms without NoHintForSelf that are only WhatsAround atoms => hints for
// atoms in index that are WhatsAround
// to achieve this use a different filters for these queries
// case 1) atoms without NoHintForCounterpart => hints for current atom
List<String> filterQueries = new LinkedList<>();
filterQueries.add(new AtomStateQueryFactory(dataset).createQuery());
filterQueries.add(new CreationDateQueryFactory(dataset, 1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS).createQuery());
filterQueries.add(new BooleanQueryFactory(BooleanQueryFactory.BooleanOperator.NOT, new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.NO_HINT_FOR_COUNTERPART)).createQuery());
if (atomModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts() != null && atomModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts().size() > 0) {
filterQueries.add(new MatchingContextQueryFactory(atomModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts()).createQuery());
if (!atomModelWrapper.flag(WONMATCH.NoHintForMe)) {
// execute the query"query Solr endpoint {} for atom {} and atom list 1 (without NoHintForCounterpart)", config.getSolrEndpointUri(usedForTesting), atomEvent.getUri());
SolrDocumentList docs = queryExecutor.executeAtomQuery(queryString, config.getMaxHints(), null, filterQueries.toArray(new String[filterQueries.size()]));
if (docs != null) {
// perform knee detection depending on current atom is WhatsAround/WhatsNew or
// not)
boolean kneeDetection = atomModelWrapper.flag(WONMATCH.WhatsNew) || atomModelWrapper.flag(WONMATCH.WhatsAround) ? false : true;
// generate hints for current atom (only generate hints for current atom,
// suppress hints for matched atoms,
BulkHintEvent events = hintBuilder.generateHintsFromSearchResult(docs, atomEvent, atomModelWrapper, false, true, kneeDetection);"Create {} hints for atom {} and atom list 1 (without NoHintForCounterpart)", events.getHintEvents().size(), atomEvent);
// publish hints to current atom
if (events.getHintEvents().size() != 0) {
getSender().tell(events, getSelf());
} else {
log.warning("No results found for atom list 1 (without NoHintForCounterpart) query of atom ", atomEvent);
// case 2) atoms without NoHintForSelf, excluding WhatsAround atoms => hints for
// atoms in index that are not WhatsAround
filterQueries = new LinkedList<>();
filterQueries.add(new AtomStateQueryFactory(dataset).createQuery());
filterQueries.add(new CreationDateQueryFactory(dataset, 1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS).createQuery());
filterQueries.add(new BooleanQueryFactory(BooleanQueryFactory.BooleanOperator.NOT, new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.NO_HINT_FOR_ME)).createQuery());
filterQueries.add(new BooleanQueryFactory(BooleanQueryFactory.BooleanOperator.NOT, new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.WHATS_AROUND)).createQuery());
filterQueries.add(new BooleanQueryFactory(BooleanQueryFactory.BooleanOperator.NOT, new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.WHATS_NEW)).createQuery());
if (atomModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts() != null && atomModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts().size() > 0) {
filterQueries.add(new MatchingContextQueryFactory(atomModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts()).createQuery());
if (!atomModelWrapper.flag(WONMATCH.NoHintForCounterpart)) {
// execute the query"query Solr endpoint {} for atom {} and atom list 2 (without NoHintForSelf, excluding WhatsAround atoms)", config.getSolrEndpointUri(usedForTesting), atomEvent.getUri());
SolrDocumentList docs = queryExecutor.executeAtomQuery(queryString, config.getMaxHintsForCounterparts(), null, filterQueries.toArray(new String[filterQueries.size()]));
if (docs != null) {
// generate hints for matched atoms (suppress hints for current atom, only
// generate hints for matched atoms, perform knee detection)
BulkHintEvent events = hintBuilder.generateHintsFromSearchResult(docs, atomEvent, atomModelWrapper, true, false, true);"Create {} hints for atom {} and atom list 2 (without NoHintForSelf, excluding WhatsAround atoms)", events.getHintEvents().size(), atomEvent);
// publish hints to current atom
if (events.getHintEvents().size() != 0) {
getSender().tell(events, getSelf());
} else {
log.warning("No results found for atom list 2 (without NoHintForSelf, excluding WhatsAround atoms) query of atom ", atomEvent);
// case 3) atoms without NoHintForSelf that are only WhatsAround atoms => hints
// for atoms in index that are WhatsAround
filterQueries = new LinkedList<>();
filterQueries.add(new AtomStateQueryFactory(dataset).createQuery());
filterQueries.add(new CreationDateQueryFactory(dataset, 1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS).createQuery());
filterQueries.add(new BooleanQueryFactory(BooleanQueryFactory.BooleanOperator.NOT, new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.NO_HINT_FOR_ME)).createQuery());
filterQueries.add(new BooleanQueryFactory(BooleanQueryFactory.BooleanOperator.OR, new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.WHATS_AROUND), new HasFlagQueryFactory(HasFlagQueryFactory.FLAGS.WHATS_NEW)).createQuery());
if (atomModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts() != null && atomModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts().size() > 0) {
filterQueries.add(new MatchingContextQueryFactory(atomModelWrapper.getMatchingContexts()).createQuery());
if (!atomModelWrapper.flag(WONMATCH.NoHintForCounterpart)) {
// hints for WhatsAround Atoms should not have the keywords from title,
// description, tags etc.
// this can prevent to actually find WhatsAround atoms.
// Instead create a WhatsAround query (query without keywords, just location) to
// find other WhatsAround atoms
queryString = (new WhatsAroundQueryFactory(dataset)).createQuery();
// execute the query"query Solr endpoint {} for atom {} and atom list 3 (without NoHintForSelf that are only WhatsAround atoms)", config.getSolrEndpointUri(usedForTesting), atomEvent.getUri());
SolrDocumentList docs = queryExecutor.executeAtomQuery(queryString, config.getMaxHintsForCounterparts(), null, filterQueries.toArray(new String[filterQueries.size()]));
if (docs != null) {
// generate hints for matched atoms (suppress hints for current atom, only
// generate hints for matched atoms, do not perform knee detection)
BulkHintEvent events = hintBuilder.generateHintsFromSearchResult(docs, atomEvent, atomModelWrapper, true, false, false);"Create {} hints for atom {} and atom list 3 (without NoHintForSelf that are only WhatsAround atoms)", events.getHintEvents().size(), atomEvent);
// publish hints to current atom
if (events.getHintEvents().size() != 0) {
getSender().tell(events, getSelf());
} else {
log.warning("No results found for atom list 3 (without NoHintForSelf that are only WhatsAround atoms) query of atom ", atomEvent);
// index atom"Add atom event content {} to solr index", atomEvent);