use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.GroupInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddGroupManagerDialog method copyGroupInformation.
* Store a copy of the group information
private void copyGroupInformation() {
committedGroupFields = new ArrayList<GroupInformation>();
// Store the group definitions
committedGroups = groupTree.createDefinitionsFromTree();
// Step through each group
for (GroupInformation groupInfo : groupHandler.getGroupInformation()) {
// Create a copy of the group information and store it in the committed group list
GroupInformation newInfo = new GroupInformation(groupInfo.getName(), null, null, null, CcddFieldHandler.getFieldInformationCopy(groupInfo.getFieldInformation()));
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.GroupInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddGroupManagerDialog method copyGroup.
* Copy the selected group
private void copyGroup() {
// Get the selected group(s)
String[] selected = groupTree.getTopLevelSelectedNodeNames();
// Check that a single node is selected in the group tree
if (selected.length == 1) {
// Get the group information for the selected group
GroupInformation groupInfo = groupHandler.getGroupInformationByName(selected[0]);
// Create a panel to contain the dialog components
JPanel dialogPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
// Create the group copying dialog label and field
addGroupNameField("Copy '" + selected[0] + "' to:", selected[0] + "_copy", dialogPnl);
// Create the group copying dialog
CcddDialogHandler groupDlg = new CcddDialogHandler() {
* Verify that the dialog content is valid
* @return true if the input values are valid
protected boolean verifySelection() {
return verifyGroupName(this);
// Display the group copying dialog
if (groupDlg.showOptionsDialog(groupMgr, dialogPnl, "Copy Group", DialogOption.COPY_OPTION, true) == OK_BUTTON) {
// Disable automatically ending the edit sequence. This allows all of the copied
// group's edits to be grouped into a single sequence so that if undone, all of the
// group's edits are restored together
// Copy the group node in the group tree
groupTree.copyNodeTree(groupInfo.getName(), groupNameFld.getText(), groupInfo);
// Copy the target group's data fields to the copy of the group
// Step through each data field in the copied group
for (FieldInformation fieldInfo : groupHandler.getGroupInformationByName(groupNameFld.getText()).getFieldInformation()) {
// Set the data field owner to the copy's group name
// Update the group dialog's change indicator
// Re-enable automatic edit sequence ending, then end the edit sequence to group
// the renamed group's edits
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.GroupInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getGroupFields.
* Get an array containing the data field information for the specified group
* @param groupName
* group name
* @return Array containing the data field information for the specified group; an empty array
* if the group has no data fields, or the group doesn't exist. The array in is the
* format: field name, description, size, input type, required (true or false),
* applicability, value[,...]
public String[][] getGroupFields(String groupName) {
List<String[]> groupFields = new ArrayList<String[]>();
// Get a reference to the group's information
GroupInformation groupInfo = groupHandler.getGroupInformationByName(groupName);
// Check if the group exists
if (groupInfo != null) {
// Step through each data field belonging to the group
for (FieldInformation fieldInfo : groupInfo.getFieldInformation()) {
// Add the data field information to the list
groupFields.add(new String[] { fieldInfo.getFieldName(), fieldInfo.getDescription(), Integer.toString(fieldInfo.getSize()), fieldInfo.getInputType().getInputName(), Boolean.toString(fieldInfo.isRequired()), fieldInfo.getApplicabilityType().getApplicabilityName(), fieldInfo.getValue() });
return groupFields.toArray(new String[0][0]);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.GroupInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddWebDataAccessHandler method getTelemetryInformation.
* Get the path, data type, bit length, description, units, data stream information, and
* enumeration information for each telemetered variable matching the specified filters
* @param telemetryFilter
* group (or application) name, data stream name, and/or rate value filter(s). A
* table must belong to the specified group in order for its telemetered variables
* to be returned; blank to get all telemetered variables (regardless of group). A
* variable must have a rate assigned for the specified data stream in order to be
* included; blank to include all data streams. A variable's rate must match the
* specified rate in order to be included; blank to include the variable regardless
* of the rate value
* @return JSON encoded string containing the path, data type, bit length, description, units,
* data stream name(s), and enumeration(s) for each telemetered variable matching the
* specified filters; empty array if no variables are telemetered
* @throws CCDDException
* If an invalid group name, data stream name, or rate value format is detected
private String getTelemetryInformation(String telemetryFilter) throws CCDDException {
JSONArray telemetryJA = new JSONArray();
TypeDefinition typeDefn = null;
String groupFilter = "";
String streamFilter = "";
String rateFilter = "";
int variableNameIndex = -1;
int dataTypeIndex = -1;
int bitLengthIndex = -1;
List<Integer> rateIndices = null;
List<Integer> enumerationIndices = null;
int descriptionIndex = -1;
int unitsIndex = -1;
List<String> allTableNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
// Table type name for the previous table type loaded
String lastType = "";
// Get the array of data stream names
String[] dataStreamNames = rateHandler.getDataStreamNames();
// Check if a filter is specified
if (!telemetryFilter.isEmpty()) {
// Separate the filter parameters
String[] filter = getParts(telemetryFilter, ",", 3, true);
// if present, is in the expected format
if ((filter[1].isEmpty() || Arrays.asList(dataStreamNames).contains(filter[1])) && (filter[2].isEmpty() || filter[2].matches("\\d+(?:$|(?:\\.|\\s*/\\s*)\\d+)"))) {
// Store the group name, stream name, and rate filters
groupFilter = filter[0];
streamFilter = filter[1];
rateFilter = filter[2];
// Check if a group name filter is specified
if (!groupFilter.isEmpty()) {
// Create a group handler and extract the table names belonging to the group
CcddGroupHandler groupHandler = new CcddGroupHandler(ccddMain, null, ccddMain.getMainFrame());
GroupInformation groupInfo = groupHandler.getGroupInformationByName(groupFilter);
// Check if the group doesn't exist
if (groupInfo == null) {
throw new CCDDException("unrecognized group name");
// Get the tables associated with the group
allTableNameList = groupInfo.getTablesAndAncestors();
} else // Unrecognized data stream name or invalid rate value format
throw new CCDDException("unrecognized stream name or invalid rate value format");
// Check if no group filter is in effect
if (groupFilter.isEmpty()) {
// Get a list of all root and child tables
tableTreeType = TableTreeType.INSTANCE_TABLES;
allTableNameList = getTableList();
// Step through each structure table
for (String table : allTableNameList) {
// Get the information from the database for the specified table
TableInformation tableInfo = dbTable.loadTableData(table, false, false, false, ccddMain.getMainFrame());
// Check if the table loaded successfully
if (!tableInfo.isErrorFlag()) {
// Get the table's type definition
typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableInfo.getType());
// Check if the table represents a structure
if (typeDefn.isStructure()) {
// every table
if (!tableInfo.getType().equals(lastType)) {
String descColName;
String unitsColName;
descriptionIndex = -1;
unitsIndex = -1;
// Store the table type name
lastType = tableInfo.getType();
// Get the variable name column
variableNameIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.VARIABLE);
// Get the data type column
dataTypeIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.PRIM_AND_STRUCT);
// Get the bit length column
bitLengthIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.BIT_LENGTH);
// Check if a data stream filter is in effect
if (!streamFilter.isEmpty()) {
// Get the index of the rate column corresponding to the data stream
// filter
rateIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Get the index of the rate column with the corresponding data stream
// name
int rateIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByUserName(rateHandler.getRateInformationByStreamName(streamFilter).getRateName());
// Check if the table has the specified rate column
if (rateIndex != -1) {
// Add the rate column index to the list
} else // Include all data streams
// Get the indices for all rate columns
rateIndices = typeDefn.getColumnIndicesByInputType(InputDataType.RATE);
// Get the enumeration column(s)
enumerationIndices = typeDefn.getColumnIndicesByInputType(InputDataType.ENUMERATION);
// Check if a description column exists
if ((descColName = typeDefn.getColumnNameByInputType(InputDataType.DESCRIPTION)) != null) {
// Get the description column
descriptionIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByUserName(descColName);
// Check if a units column exists
if ((unitsColName = typeDefn.getColumnNameByInputType(InputDataType.UNITS)) != null) {
// Get the units column
unitsIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByUserName(unitsColName);
// values
if (isReplaceMacro) {
// Replace all macros in the table
// Step through each variable in the structure table
for (int row = 0; row < tableInfo.getData().length; row++) {
JSONObject structureJO = new JSONObject();
String cellValue;
// on this row is skipped
if (!(cellValue = tableInfo.getData()[row][variableNameIndex]).isEmpty()) {
boolean hasRate = false;
// Step through the relevant rate columns
for (Integer rateIndex : rateIndices) {
// rate filter value (or no filter is in effect)
if (!tableInfo.getData()[row][rateIndex].isEmpty() && (rateFilter.isEmpty() || tableInfo.getData()[row][rateIndex].equals(rateFilter))) {
hasRate = true;
// Store the rate in the JSON output
structureJO.put(typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[rateIndex], tableInfo.getData()[row][rateIndex]);
// Check if a variable matching the rate filters exists
if (hasRate) {
// Store the name of the structure table from which this variable
// is taken
structureJO.put("Structure Table Name", table);
// Store the variable name in the JSON output
structureJO.put(typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[variableNameIndex], cellValue);
// Check if the data type is present
if (!(cellValue = tableInfo.getData()[row][dataTypeIndex]).isEmpty()) {
// Store the data type in the JSON output
structureJO.put(typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[dataTypeIndex], cellValue);
// Check if the bit length is present
if (!(cellValue = tableInfo.getData()[row][bitLengthIndex]).isEmpty()) {
// Store the bit length in the JSON output
structureJO.put(typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[bitLengthIndex], cellValue);
// Step through each enumeration column
for (Integer enumerationIndex : enumerationIndices) {
// Check if the enumeration is present
if (!(cellValue = tableInfo.getData()[row][enumerationIndex]).isEmpty()) {
// Store the enumeration in the JSON output
structureJO.put(typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[enumerationIndex], cellValue);
// Check if the description is present
if (descriptionIndex != -1 && !(cellValue = tableInfo.getData()[row][descriptionIndex]).isEmpty()) {
// Store the description in the JSON output
structureJO.put(typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[descriptionIndex], cellValue);
// Check if the units is present
if (unitsIndex != -1 && !(cellValue = tableInfo.getData()[row][unitsIndex]).isEmpty()) {
// Store the units in the JSON output
structureJO.put(typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[descriptionIndex], cellValue);
// Add the variable to the JSON array
return telemetryJA.toString();
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.GroupInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddWebDataAccessHandler method getGroupTables.
* Get the tables associated with the specified group or application, or for all
* groups/applications if no group name is provided
* @param groupName
* group name. If blank then every group's (application's) descriptions are returned
* @param applicationOnly
* true if only groups that represent applications should be processed
* @param includeNameTag
* true to include the group name item
* @param groupHandler
* group handler
* @return JSON encoded string containing the specified group's (application's) table members;
* null if the specified group/application doesn't exist or the project has no
* groups/applications, or blank if the specified group/application has no table member
* or if all groups/applications are requested but none have a table member
* @throws CCDDException
* If an error occurs while parsing the group tables
private String getGroupTables(String groupName, boolean applicationOnly, boolean includeNameTag, CcddGroupHandler groupHandler) throws CCDDException {
String response = null;
// Check if no group name is provided (i.e., get the fields for all groups/applications)
if (groupName.isEmpty()) {
JSONArray responseJA = new JSONArray();
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
// Get an array containing all group/application names
String[] groupNames = groupHandler.getGroupNames(applicationOnly);
// Check if any groups/applications exist
if (groupNames.length != 0) {
// Step through each group/application name
for (String name : groupNames) {
try {
// Get the data for this group as a JSON string, then format it as a JSON
// object so that is can be added to the response array. This is needed to
// get the brackets and commas in the JSON formatted string correct
responseJA.add(parser.parse(getGroupTables(name, applicationOnly, true, groupHandler)));
} catch (ParseException pe) {
throw new CCDDException("error parsing " + (applicationOnly ? "application" : "group") + " tables");
// Convert the response array to a JSON string
response = responseJA.toString();
} else // A group name is provided
// Get the group information for the specified group
GroupInformation groupInfo = groupHandler.getGroupInformationByName(groupName);
// application is requested and this group represents an application
if (groupInfo != null && (!applicationOnly || groupInfo.isApplication())) {
JSONArray dataJA = new JSONArray();
// Get the list of the group's tables
List<String> tables = groupInfo.getTablesAndAncestors();
// Step through each table
for (String table : tables) {
// Add the table to the array
// Add the group name and description to the list. An array is used to preserve the
// order of the items
JSONObject groupNameAndTable;
// Add the group tables. If the group has no tables then the table data is blank
groupNameAndTable = new JSONObject();
// Check if the group name is to be included
if (includeNameTag) {
// Add the group name and tables to the output
groupNameAndTable.put((applicationOnly ? JSONTags.APPLICATION_NAME.getTag() : JSONTags.GROUP_NAME.getTag()), groupName);
groupNameAndTable.put((applicationOnly ? JSONTags.APPLICATION_TABLE.getTag() : JSONTags.GROUP_TABLE.getTag()), dataJA);
response = groupNameAndTable.toString();
} else // Don't include the name and table tags
// Add the tables to the output
response = dataJA.toString();
return response;