use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Message in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddSchedulerHandler method getStoredData.
* Get the list of messages stored in the database
* @return List of messages for the data stream stored in the database; null if the scheduler
* dialog type is not recognized
protected List<Message> getStoredData() {
List<Message> messages = null;
// Get the scheduler dialog type
SchedulerType option = getSchedulerOption();
// Check if this is a telemetry scheduler
if (option == SchedulerType.TELEMETRY_SCHEDULER) {
// Get the variable message assignments for the current data stream
messages = schedulerDb.getStoredData(rateHandler.getRateInformationIndexByRateName(rateName));
// Set the link name for the variables in the messages
((CcddTelemetrySchedulerInput) schedulerInput).setLinks(messages, rateName);
} else // Check if this is an application scheduler
if (option == SchedulerType.APPLICATION_SCHEDULER) {
// Get the application time slot assignments
messages = schedulerDb.getStoredData(Integer.valueOf(rateName));
return messages;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Message in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddSchedulerHandler method getMessageWithRoom.
* Find the message option that has the largest message with the least amount of room
* @param rate
* rate of the options
* @param totalSize
* size of the variable(s) in bytes
* @return Message into which the specified bytes can fit; null if no option is chosen
private String getMessageWithRoom(Float rate, int totalSize) {
// Option that is chosen
String selectedOption = null;
// List of all available options
List<String> options = schedulerEditor.getMessageAvailability(rate);
// Check if there is at least one option available
if (!options.isEmpty()) {
// Largest amount of bytes in the list of options
int smallestSize = -100;
// Step though each message object that the variable can fit into
for (int optIndex = 0; optIndex < options.size(); optIndex++) {
// Parse the option string to extract the sub-index (if this is a sub-option) and
// the message indices
Object[] parsedIndices = parseOption(options.get(optIndex));
int parentIndex = (int) parsedIndices[0];
Integer[] indices = (Integer[]) parsedIndices[1];
// Check if the message has a remaining slot available
if (checkSlotAvailability(indices, 1)) {
// Set the size to that of the first message
int size = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Step through each message inside an option
for (int index = 0; index < indices.length; index++) {
// Set message to the desired message
Message message = schedulerEditor.getMessage(indices[index], parentIndex);
// option
if (message.getBytesRemaining() < size) {
// Set the smallest to the message's bytes
size = message.getBytesRemaining();
// Check if smallest size is still the default value
if (smallestSize == -100) {
// Set smallest to the size
smallestSize = size;
// Set option to the current message
selectedOption = options.get(optIndex);
} else // least bytes remaining in each option
if (size > smallestSize) {
// Assign size to the smallest
smallestSize = size;
// Set the option to the message
selectedOption = options.get(optIndex);
// Check if the smallest size causes the message to be negative
if (totalSize > smallestSize) {
// Set to indicate no option exists
selectedOption = null;
return selectedOption;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Message in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddMessageIDHandler method getMessageIDsInUse.
* Create the list of message IDs that are reserved or are already in use
* @param includeStructures
* true to include message IDs assigned to tables that represent structures
* @param includeCommands
* true to include message IDs assigned to tables that represent commands
* @param includeOthers
* true to include message IDs assigned to tables that do not represent structures
* or commands
* @param includeGroups
* true to include message IDs assigned to groups
* @param useTlmMsgIDsFromDb
* true to include message IDs assigned to telemetry messages stored in the project
* database; false to use the IDs from the currently open telemetry scheduler
* @param isOverwriteTlmMsgIDs
* true to allow overwriting the telemetry message IDs for the currently selected
* data stream in the open telemetry scheduler; false to not allow overwriting. This
* value is only used if useTlmMsgIDsFromDb is false
* @param tlmSchedulerDlg
* Reference to the currently open telemetry scheduler. This value is only used if
* useTlmMsgIDsFromDb is false, in which case it can be set to null
* @param isGetDuplicates
* true to create a list of duplicate IDs. The flags for including tables and for
* using the telemetry message IDs from the database should be set to true when
* getting the list of duplicates
* @param parent
* GUI component calling this method
protected List<Integer> getMessageIDsInUse(boolean includeStructures, boolean includeCommands, boolean includeOthers, boolean includeGroups, boolean useTlmMsgIDsFromDb, boolean isOverwriteTlmMsgIDs, CcddTelemetrySchedulerDialog tlmSchedulerDlg, boolean isGetDuplicates, Component parent) {
List<String[]> tableIDs = new ArrayList<String[]>();
// Empty the duplicates list in case this isn't the first execution of this method
// Get the list of reserved message ID values
idsInUse = rsvMsgIDHandler.getReservedMsgIDs();
// Step through each table type
for (TypeDefinition typeDefn : tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinitions()) {
// Step through each column that contains message IDs
for (int idColumn : typeDefn.getColumnIndicesByInputType(InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID)) {
// Query the database for those values in the specified message ID column that are
// in use in any table, including any references in the custom values table
tableIDs.addAll(dbTable.queryDatabase("SELECT" + (isGetDuplicates ? " " : " DISTINCT ON (2) ") + "* FROM find_columns_by_name('" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[idColumn] + "', '" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesDatabase()[idColumn] + "', '{" + typeDefn.getName() + "}');", parent));
// Get the list of all message ID data field values
tableIDs.addAll(dbTable.queryDatabase("SELECT" + (isGetDuplicates ? " " : " DISTINCT ON (2) ") + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.ordinal()) + ", " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.FIELD_VALUE.ordinal()) + " FROM " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getTableName() + " WHERE " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.FIELD_TYPE.ordinal()) + " = '" + InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID.getInputName() + "' AND " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.FIELD_VALUE.ordinal()) + " != '';", parent));
// Get the list of tables representing structures
structureTables = Arrays.asList(dbTable.getPrototypeTablesOfType(TYPE_STRUCTURE));
// Get the list of tables representing commands
commandTables = Arrays.asList(dbTable.getPrototypeTablesOfType(TYPE_COMMAND));
// Get the list of tables representing table types other than structures and commands
otherTables = Arrays.asList(dbTable.getPrototypeTablesOfType(TYPE_OTHER));
// Step through each data field message ID
for (String[] tableOwnerAndID : tableIDs) {
// Replace any macro in the message ID with the corresponding text
tableOwnerAndID[1] = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(tableOwnerAndID[1]);
// IDs are to be included
if (tableOwnerAndID[1].endsWith(PROTECTED_MSG_ID_IDENT) || (includeStructures && structureTables.contains(TableInformation.getPrototypeName(tableOwnerAndID[0]))) || (includeCommands && commandTables.contains(tableOwnerAndID[0])) || (includeOthers && otherTables.contains(tableOwnerAndID[0]))) {
// Get the IDs in use in the table cells and data fields, and update the duplicates
// list (if the flag is set)
updateUsageAndDuplicates("Table", tableOwnerAndID, isGetDuplicates);
} else // be included
if (includeGroups && tableOwnerAndID[0].startsWith(GROUP_DATA_FIELD_IDENT)) {
// Get the IDs in use in the group data fields, and update the duplicates list (if
// the flag is set)
updateUsageAndDuplicates("Group", tableOwnerAndID, isGetDuplicates);
// Check if telemetry message IDs should be obtained from the database
if (useTlmMsgIDsFromDb) {
// Get the telemetry message IDs assigned in the telemetry scheduler table
List<String[]> tlmIDs = dbTable.queryDatabase("SELECT DISTINCT ON (2) " + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getColumnName(TlmSchedulerColumn.RATE_NAME.ordinal()) + " || ', ' || " + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getColumnName(TlmSchedulerColumn.MESSAGE_NAME.ordinal()) + ", " + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getColumnName(TlmSchedulerColumn.MESSAGE_ID.ordinal()) + " FROM " + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getTableName() + " WHERE " + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getColumnName(TlmSchedulerColumn.MESSAGE_ID.ordinal()) + " != '' AND " + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getColumnName(TlmSchedulerColumn.MESSAGE_NAME.ordinal()) + " !~ E'^.+\\\\..*$';", parent);
// Step through each telemetry message ID
for (String[] tlmMsgNameAndID : tlmIDs) {
// Check if the list of duplicate message IDs is to be created
if (isGetDuplicates) {
// Replace the rate name with its corresponding stream name when displaying
// duplicate IDs
String rateName = tlmMsgNameAndID[0].replaceFirst(",.*", "");
String streamName = rateHandler.getRateInformationByRateName(rateName).getStreamName();
tlmMsgNameAndID[0] = tlmMsgNameAndID[0].replaceFirst(rateName, streamName);
// Update the IDs in use in the telemetry messages, and update the duplicates list
// (if the flag is set)
updateUsageAndDuplicates("Message", tlmMsgNameAndID, isGetDuplicates);
} else // telemetry scheduler but not yet stored them to the database
if (tlmSchedulerDlg != null) {
// Step through each data stream
for (CcddSchedulerHandler schHndlr : tlmSchedulerDlg.getSchedulerHandlers()) {
// overwrite check box is not selected
if (!schHndlr.equals(tlmSchedulerDlg.getSchedulerHandler()) || !isOverwriteTlmMsgIDs) {
// Step through each message for this data stream
for (Message message : schHndlr.getSchedulerEditor().getCurrentMessages()) {
// Check if the message has an ID
if (!message.getID().isEmpty()) {
// Add the message ID to the list of existing ID values
// Step through each of the message's sub-messages
for (Message subMessage : message.getSubMessages()) {
// Check if the sub-message has an ID
if (!subMessage.getID().isEmpty()) {
// Add the sub-message ID to the list of existing ID values
return idsInUse;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Message in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddTelemetrySchedulerInput method selectMessageByVariable.
* Select the message(s) in the assignment tree for which the selected variable in the variable
* tree is a member
private void selectMessageByVariable() {
// Check if only a single node is selected in the variable tree
if (variableTree.getSelectionPaths() != null && variableTree.getSelectionPaths().length == 1) {
// Get the selected variable's path
Object[] path = variableTree.getSelectionPath().getPath();
// Set the start of the variable path
int index = 0;
// Check if the variable is linked
if (variableTree.removeExtraText(path[1].toString().trim()).equals(LINKED_VARIABLES_NODE_NAME)) {
// Set the start of the variable path to skip the root, link header, and link name
// nodes
index = 1;
// Get the first selected variable
String variablePath = variableTree.getFullVariablePath(path, index);
// to a message
if (variablePath.contains(DISABLED_TEXT_COLOR)) {
// Remove the HTML flags from the variable path
variablePath = variableTree.removeExtraText(variablePath);
// Clear any selected message(s) in the Scheduler table
// message containing the variable gets the focus
for (int row = schedulerDlg.getSchedulerHandler().getCurrentMessages().size() - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
String option = "";
// Get the message reference
Message message = schedulerDlg.getSchedulerHandler().getCurrentMessages().get(row);
// Check if the variable is a member of the message
if (message.isVariableInMessage(variablePath)) {
// Set the option to the message name
option = message.getName();
// Select the message in the Scheduler table
schedulerDlg.getSchedulerHandler().getSchedulerEditor().getTable().changeSelection(row, SchedulerColumn.NAME.ordinal(), true, false);
} else // Check if the message has any sub-messages
if (message.getNumberOfSubMessages() > 1) {
// Set the column index to the first sub-message ID column
int column = SchedulerColumn.ID.ordinal() + 1;
// Step through each sub-message
for (Message subMsg : message.getSubMessages()) {
// Check if the variable is a member of the sub-message
if (subMsg.isVariableInMessage(variablePath)) {
// Append the sub-message index to the option
option += (column - 2) + ", ";
// Select the sub-message in the Scheduler table
schedulerDlg.getSchedulerHandler().getSchedulerEditor().getTable().changeSelection(row, column, true, false);
// Check if a matching sub-message was found
if (!option.isEmpty()) {
// Remove the trailing comma
option = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(option, ", ");
// Prepend the message name and sub-message(s) text
option = message.getName() + " sub-msg" + (option.contains(",") ? "s" : "") + " " + option;
// Check if a matching option was found
if (!option.isEmpty()) {
// Select the option in the options list