use of alluxio.master.block.meta.MasterWorkerInfo in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class BlockMasterPrivateAccess method isWorkerRegistered.
* Checks whether a worker with the given workerId is registered with the given block master.
* @param master the block master
* @param workerId the workerId
* @return true if the worker has registered, false otherwise
public static boolean isWorkerRegistered(BlockMaster master, long workerId) {
IndexedSet<MasterWorkerInfo> workers = Whitebox.getInternalState(master, "mWorkers");
IndexDefinition<MasterWorkerInfo> idIndex = Whitebox.getInternalState(BlockMaster.class, "ID_INDEX");
synchronized (workers) {
MasterWorkerInfo workerInfo = workers.getFirstByField(idIndex, workerId);
return workerInfo != null && workerInfo.isRegistered();
use of alluxio.master.block.meta.MasterWorkerInfo in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class BlockMaster method getUsedBytesOnTiers.
* @return the used bytes on each storage tier
public Map<String, Long> getUsedBytesOnTiers() {
Map<String, Long> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (MasterWorkerInfo worker : mWorkers) {
synchronized (worker) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : worker.getUsedBytesOnTiers().entrySet()) {
Long used = ret.get(entry.getKey());
ret.put(entry.getKey(), (used == null ? 0L : used) + entry.getValue());
return ret;
use of alluxio.master.block.meta.MasterWorkerInfo in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class BlockMaster method getWorkerId.
* Returns a worker id for the given worker, creating one if the worker is new.
* @param workerNetAddress the worker {@link WorkerNetAddress}
* @return the worker id for this worker
public long getWorkerId(WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress) {
// TODO(gpang): Clone WorkerNetAddress in case thrift re-uses the object. Does thrift re-use it?
MasterWorkerInfo existingWorker = mWorkers.getFirstByField(ADDRESS_INDEX, workerNetAddress);
if (existingWorker != null) {
// This worker address is already mapped to a worker id.
long oldWorkerId = existingWorker.getId();
LOG.warn("The worker {} already exists as id {}.", workerNetAddress, oldWorkerId);
return oldWorkerId;
MasterWorkerInfo lostWorker = mLostWorkers.getFirstByField(ADDRESS_INDEX, workerNetAddress);
if (lostWorker != null) {
// this is one of the lost workers
synchronized (lostWorker) {
final long lostWorkerId = lostWorker.getId();
LOG.warn("A lost worker {} has requested its old id {}.", workerNetAddress, lostWorkerId);
// Update the timestamp of the worker before it is considered an active worker.
return lostWorkerId;
// Generate a new worker id.
long workerId = IdUtils.getRandomNonNegativeLong();
while (!mWorkers.add(new MasterWorkerInfo(workerId, workerNetAddress))) {
workerId = IdUtils.getRandomNonNegativeLong();
}"getWorkerId(): WorkerNetAddress: {} id: {}", workerNetAddress, workerId);
return workerId;
use of alluxio.master.block.meta.MasterWorkerInfo in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class DefaultBlockMaster method workerRegisterStart.
protected void workerRegisterStart(WorkerRegisterContext context, RegisterWorkerPRequest chunk) {
final List<String> storageTiers = chunk.getStorageTiersList();
final Map<String, Long> totalBytesOnTiers = chunk.getTotalBytesOnTiersMap();
final Map<String, Long> usedBytesOnTiers = chunk.getUsedBytesOnTiersMap();
final Map<String, StorageList> lostStorage = chunk.getLostStorageMap();
final Map<alluxio.proto.meta.Block.BlockLocation, List<Long>> currentBlocksOnLocation = BlockMasterWorkerServiceHandler.reconstructBlocksOnLocationMap(chunk.getCurrentBlocksList(), context.getWorkerId());
RegisterWorkerPOptions options = chunk.getOptions();
MasterWorkerInfo worker = context.mWorker;
Preconditions.checkState(worker != null, "No worker metadata found in the WorkerRegisterContext!");
mActiveRegisterContexts.put(worker.getId(), context);
// The worker is locked so we can operate on its blocks without race conditions
// We start with assuming all blocks in (mBlocks + mToRemoveBlocks) do not exist.
// With each batch we receive, we mark them not-to-be-removed.
// Eventually what's left in the mToRemove will be the ones that do not exist anymore.
worker.updateUsage(mGlobalStorageTierAssoc, storageTiers, totalBytesOnTiers, usedBytesOnTiers);
processWorkerAddedBlocks(worker, currentBlocksOnLocation);
// TODO(jiacheng): This block can be moved to a non-locked section
if (options.getConfigsCount() > 0) {
for (BiConsumer<Address, List<ConfigProperty>> function : mWorkerRegisteredListeners) {
WorkerNetAddress workerAddress = worker.getWorkerAddress();
function.accept(new Address(workerAddress.getHost(), workerAddress.getRpcPort()), options.getConfigsList());
use of alluxio.master.block.meta.MasterWorkerInfo in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class DefaultBlockMaster method recordWorkerRegistration.
* Re-register a lost worker or complete registration after getting a worker id.
* This method requires no locking on {@link MasterWorkerInfo} because it is only
* reading final fields.
* @param workerId the worker id to register
private MasterWorkerInfo recordWorkerRegistration(long workerId) {
for (IndexedSet<MasterWorkerInfo> workers : Arrays.asList(mTempWorkers, mLostWorkers)) {
MasterWorkerInfo worker = workers.getFirstByField(ID_INDEX, workerId);
if (worker == null) {
if (workers == mLostWorkers) {
for (Consumer<Address> function : mLostWorkerFoundListeners) {
// The worker address is final, no need for locking here
function.accept(new Address(worker.getWorkerAddress().getHost(), worker.getWorkerAddress().getRpcPort()));
LOG.warn("A lost worker {} has requested its old id {}.", worker.getWorkerAddress(), worker.getId());
return worker;
return null;