use of baritone.api.IBaritone in project baritone by cabaletta.
the class RotationUtils method reachable.
public static Optional<Rotation> reachable(EntityPlayerSP entity, BlockPos pos, double blockReachDistance, boolean wouldSneak) {
IBaritone baritone = BaritoneAPI.getProvider().getBaritoneForPlayer(entity);
if (baritone.getPlayerContext().isLookingAt(pos)) {
* why add 0.0001?
* to indicate that we actually have a desired pitch
* the way we indicate that the pitch can be whatever and we only care about the yaw
* is by setting the desired pitch to the current pitch
* setting the desired pitch to the current pitch + 0.0001 means that we do have a desired pitch, it's
* just what it currently is
* or if you're a normal person literally all this does it ensure that we don't nudge the pitch to a normal level
Rotation hypothetical = new Rotation(entity.rotationYaw, entity.rotationPitch + 0.0001F);
if (wouldSneak) {
// the concern here is: what if we're looking at it now, but as soon as we start sneaking we no longer are
RayTraceResult result = RayTraceUtils.rayTraceTowards(entity, hypothetical, blockReachDistance, true);
if (result != null && result.typeOfHit == RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK && result.getBlockPos().equals(pos)) {
// yes, if we sneaked we would still be looking at the block
return Optional.of(hypothetical);
} else {
return Optional.of(hypothetical);
Optional<Rotation> possibleRotation = reachableCenter(entity, pos, blockReachDistance, wouldSneak);
// System.out.println("center: " + possibleRotation);
if (possibleRotation.isPresent()) {
return possibleRotation;
IBlockState state =;
AxisAlignedBB aabb = state.getBoundingBox(, pos);
for (Vec3d sideOffset : BLOCK_SIDE_MULTIPLIERS) {
double xDiff = aabb.minX * sideOffset.x + aabb.maxX * (1 - sideOffset.x);
double yDiff = aabb.minY * sideOffset.y + aabb.maxY * (1 - sideOffset.y);
double zDiff = aabb.minZ * sideOffset.z + aabb.maxZ * (1 - sideOffset.z);
possibleRotation = reachableOffset(entity, pos, new Vec3d(pos).add(xDiff, yDiff, zDiff), blockReachDistance, wouldSneak);
if (possibleRotation.isPresent()) {
return possibleRotation;
return Optional.empty();
use of baritone.api.IBaritone in project baritone by cabaletta.
the class MixinEntityPlayerSP method isKeyDown.
@Redirect(method = "onLivingUpdate", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "net/minecraft/client/settings/KeyBinding.isKeyDown()Z"))
private boolean isKeyDown(KeyBinding keyBinding) {
IBaritone baritone = BaritoneAPI.getProvider().getBaritoneForPlayer((EntityPlayerSP) (Object) this);
if (baritone == null) {
return keyBinding.isKeyDown();
SprintStateEvent event = new SprintStateEvent();
if (event.getState() != null) {
return event.getState();
if (baritone != BaritoneAPI.getProvider().getPrimaryBaritone()) {
// hitting control shouldn't make all bots sprint
return false;
return keyBinding.isKeyDown();
use of baritone.api.IBaritone in project baritone by cabaletta.
the class MixinEntityPlayerSP method sendChatMessage.
@Inject(method = "sendChatMessage", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void sendChatMessage(String msg, CallbackInfo ci) {
ChatEvent event = new ChatEvent(msg);
IBaritone baritone = BaritoneAPI.getProvider().getBaritoneForPlayer((EntityPlayerSP) (Object) this);
if (baritone == null) {
if (event.isCancelled()) {
use of baritone.api.IBaritone in project Spark-Client by Spark-Client-Development.
the class MovementHelper method attemptToPlaceABlock.
static PlaceResult attemptToPlaceABlock(MovementState state, IBaritone baritone, BlockPos placeAt, boolean preferDown, boolean wouldSneak) {
IPlayerContext ctx = baritone.getPlayerContext();
// we assume that if there is a block there, it must be replacable
Optional<Rotation> direct = RotationUtils.reachable(ctx, placeAt, wouldSneak);
boolean found = false;
if (direct.isPresent()) {
state.setTarget(new MovementState.MovementTarget(direct.get(), true));
found = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
BlockPos against1 = placeAt.offset(HORIZONTALS_BUT_ALSO_DOWN_____SO_EVERY_DIRECTION_EXCEPT_UP[i]);
if (MovementHelper.canPlaceAgainst(ctx, against1)) {
if (!((Baritone) baritone).getInventoryBehavior().selectThrowawayForLocation(false, placeAt.getX(), placeAt.getY(), placeAt.getZ())) {
// get ready to place a throwaway block
Helper.HELPER.logDebug("bb pls get me some blocks. dirt, netherrack, cobble");
return PlaceResult.NO_OPTION;
double faceX = (placeAt.getX() + against1.getX() + 1.0D) * 0.5D;
double faceY = (placeAt.getY() + against1.getY() + 0.5D) * 0.5D;
double faceZ = (placeAt.getZ() + against1.getZ() + 1.0D) * 0.5D;
Rotation place = RotationUtils.calcRotationFromVec3d(wouldSneak ? RayTraceUtils.inferSneakingEyePosition(ctx.player()) : ctx.playerHead(), new Vec3d(faceX, faceY, faceZ), ctx.playerRotations());
RayTraceResult res = RayTraceUtils.rayTraceTowards(ctx.player(), place, ctx.playerController().getBlockReachDistance(), wouldSneak);
if (res != null && res.typeOfHit == RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK && res.getBlockPos().equals(against1) && res.getBlockPos().offset(res.sideHit).equals(placeAt)) {
state.setTarget(new MovementState.MovementTarget(place, true));
found = true;
if (!preferDown) {
// if preferDown is false, we want the first
if (ctx.getSelectedBlock().isPresent()) {
BlockPos selectedBlock = ctx.getSelectedBlock().get();
EnumFacing side = ctx.objectMouseOver().sideHit;
// only way for selectedBlock.equals(placeAt) to be true is if it's replacable
if (selectedBlock.equals(placeAt) || (MovementHelper.canPlaceAgainst(ctx, selectedBlock) && selectedBlock.offset(side).equals(placeAt))) {
if (wouldSneak) {
state.setInput(Input.SNEAK, true);
((Baritone) baritone).getInventoryBehavior().selectThrowawayForLocation(true, placeAt.getX(), placeAt.getY(), placeAt.getZ());
return PlaceResult.READY_TO_PLACE;
if (found) {
if (wouldSneak) {
state.setInput(Input.SNEAK, true);
((Baritone) baritone).getInventoryBehavior().selectThrowawayForLocation(true, placeAt.getX(), placeAt.getY(), placeAt.getZ());
return PlaceResult.ATTEMPTING;
return PlaceResult.NO_OPTION;
use of baritone.api.IBaritone in project Spark-Client by Spark-Client-Development.
the class MixinEntityPlayerSP method sendChatMessage.
@Inject(method = "sendChatMessage", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void sendChatMessage(String msg, CallbackInfo ci) {
ChatEvent event = new ChatEvent(msg);
IBaritone baritone = BaritoneAPI.getProvider().getBaritoneForPlayer((EntityPlayerSP) (Object) this);
if (baritone == null) {
if (event.isCancelled()) {