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Example 1 with PathExecutor

use of baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor in project baritone by cabaletta.

the class PathingBehavior method findPathInNewThread.

 * In a new thread, pathfind to target blockpos
 * @param start
 * @param talkAboutIt
private void findPathInNewThread(final BlockPos start, final boolean talkAboutIt, CalculationContext context) {
    // actually, we can check this, muahaha
    if (!Thread.holdsLock(pathCalcLock)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Must be called with synchronization on pathCalcLock");
    // why do it this way? it's already indented so much that putting the whole thing in a synchronized(pathCalcLock) was just too much lol
    if (inProgress != null) {
        // should have been checked by caller
        throw new IllegalStateException("Already doing it");
    if (!context.safeForThreadedUse) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Improper context thread safety level");
    Goal goal = this.goal;
    if (goal == null) {
        // TODO should this be an exception too? definitely should be checked by caller
        logDebug("no goal");
    long primaryTimeout;
    long failureTimeout;
    if (current == null) {
        primaryTimeout = Baritone.settings().primaryTimeoutMS.value;
        failureTimeout = Baritone.settings().failureTimeoutMS.value;
    } else {
        primaryTimeout = Baritone.settings().planAheadPrimaryTimeoutMS.value;
        failureTimeout = Baritone.settings().planAheadFailureTimeoutMS.value;
    AbstractNodeCostSearch pathfinder = createPathfinder(start, goal, current == null ? null : current.getPath(), context);
    if (!Objects.equals(pathfinder.getGoal(), goal)) {
        // will return the exact same object if simplification didn't happen
        logDebug("Simplifying " + goal.getClass() + " to GoalXZ due to distance");
    inProgress = pathfinder;
    Baritone.getExecutor().execute(() -> {
        if (talkAboutIt) {
            logDebug("Starting to search for path from " + start + " to " + goal);
        PathCalculationResult calcResult = pathfinder.calculate(primaryTimeout, failureTimeout);
        synchronized (pathPlanLock) {
            Optional<PathExecutor> executor = calcResult.getPath().map(p -> new PathExecutor(PathingBehavior.this, p));
            if (current == null) {
                if (executor.isPresent()) {
                    if (executor.get().getPath().positions().contains(expectedSegmentStart)) {
                        current = executor.get();
                    } else {
                        logDebug("Warning: discarding orphan path segment with incorrect start");
                } else {
                    if (calcResult.getType() != PathCalculationResult.Type.CANCELLATION && calcResult.getType() != PathCalculationResult.Type.EXCEPTION) {
                        // don't dispatch CALC_FAILED on cancellation
            } else {
                if (next == null) {
                    if (executor.isPresent()) {
                        if (executor.get().getPath().getSrc().equals(current.getPath().getDest())) {
                            next = executor.get();
                        } else {
                            logDebug("Warning: discarding orphan next segment with incorrect start");
                    } else {
                } else {
                    // throw new IllegalStateException("I have no idea what to do with this path");
                    // no point in throwing an exception here, and it gets it stuck with inProgress being not null
                    logDirect("Warning: PathingBehaivor illegal state! Discarding invalid path!");
            if (talkAboutIt && current != null && current.getPath() != null) {
                if (goal.isInGoal(current.getPath().getDest())) {
                    logDebug("Finished finding a path from " + start + " to " + goal + ". " + current.getPath().getNumNodesConsidered() + " nodes considered");
                } else {
                    logDebug("Found path segment from " + start + " towards " + goal + ". " + current.getPath().getNumNodesConsidered() + " nodes considered");
            synchronized (pathCalcLock) {
                inProgress = null;
Also used : Goal(baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal) PathExecutor(baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor) AbstractNodeCostSearch(baritone.pathing.calc.AbstractNodeCostSearch) PathCalculationResult(baritone.api.utils.PathCalculationResult)

Example 2 with PathExecutor

use of baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor in project baritone by cabaletta.

the class BackfillProcess method partOfCurrentMovement.

private boolean partOfCurrentMovement(BlockPos pos) {
    PathExecutor exec = baritone.getPathingBehavior().getCurrent();
    if (exec == null || exec.finished() || exec.failed()) {
        return false;
    Movement movement = (Movement) exec.getPath().movements().get(exec.getPosition());
    return Arrays.asList(movement.toBreakAll()).contains(pos);
Also used : Movement(baritone.pathing.movement.Movement) PathExecutor(baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor)

Example 3 with PathExecutor

use of baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor in project baritone by cabaletta.

the class PathRenderer method render.

public static void render(RenderEvent event, PathingBehavior behavior) {
    float partialTicks = event.getPartialTicks();
    Goal goal = behavior.getGoal();
    if ( instanceof GuiClick) {
    int thisPlayerDimension = behavior.baritone.getPlayerContext().world().provider.getDimensionType().getId();
    int currentRenderViewDimension = BaritoneAPI.getProvider().getPrimaryBaritone().getPlayerContext().world().provider.getDimensionType().getId();
    if (thisPlayerDimension != currentRenderViewDimension) {
        // this is a path for a bot in a different dimension, don't render it
    Entity renderView =;
    if ( != BaritoneAPI.getProvider().getPrimaryBaritone().getPlayerContext().world()) {
        System.out.println("I have no idea what's going on");
        System.out.println("The primary baritone is in a different world than the render view entity");
        System.out.println("Not rendering the path");
    if (goal != null && settings.renderGoal.value) {
        drawDankLitGoalBox(renderView, goal, partialTicks, settings.colorGoalBox.value);
    if (!settings.renderPath.value) {
    // this should prevent most race conditions?
    PathExecutor current = behavior.getCurrent();
    // like, now it's not possible for current!=null to be true, then suddenly false because of another thread
    PathExecutor next = behavior.getNext();
    if (current != null && settings.renderSelectionBoxes.value) {
        drawManySelectionBoxes(renderView, current.toBreak(), settings.colorBlocksToBreak.value);
        drawManySelectionBoxes(renderView, current.toPlace(), settings.colorBlocksToPlace.value);
        drawManySelectionBoxes(renderView, current.toWalkInto(), settings.colorBlocksToWalkInto.value);
    // Render the current path, if there is one
    if (current != null && current.getPath() != null) {
        int renderBegin = Math.max(current.getPosition() - 3, 0);
        drawPath(current.getPath(), renderBegin, settings.colorCurrentPath.value, settings.fadePath.value, 10, 20);
    if (next != null && next.getPath() != null) {
        drawPath(next.getPath(), 0, settings.colorNextPath.value, settings.fadePath.value, 10, 20);
    // If there is a path calculation currently running, render the path calculation process
    behavior.getInProgress().ifPresent(currentlyRunning -> {
        currentlyRunning.bestPathSoFar().ifPresent(p -> {
            drawPath(p, 0, settings.colorBestPathSoFar.value, settings.fadePath.value, 10, 20);
        currentlyRunning.pathToMostRecentNodeConsidered().ifPresent(mr -> {
            drawPath(mr, 0, settings.colorMostRecentConsidered.value, settings.fadePath.value, 10, 20);
            drawManySelectionBoxes(renderView, Collections.singletonList(mr.getDest()), settings.colorMostRecentConsidered.value);
Also used : Entity(net.minecraft.entity.Entity) PathExecutor(baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor)

Example 4 with PathExecutor

use of baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor in project Spark-Client by Spark-Client-Development.

the class BackfillProcess method partOfCurrentMovement.

private boolean partOfCurrentMovement(BlockPos pos) {
    PathExecutor exec = baritone.getPathingBehavior().getCurrent();
    if (exec == null || exec.finished() || exec.failed()) {
        return false;
    Movement movement = (Movement) exec.getPath().movements().get(exec.getPosition());
    return Arrays.asList(movement.toBreakAll()).contains(pos);
Also used : Movement(baritone.pathing.movement.Movement) PathExecutor(baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor)

Example 5 with PathExecutor

use of baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor in project Spark-Client by Spark-Client-Development.

the class PathRenderer method render.

public static void render(RenderEvent event, PathingBehavior behavior) {
    float partialTicks = event.getPartialTicks();
    Goal goal = behavior.getGoal();
    if ( instanceof GuiClick) {
    int thisPlayerDimension = behavior.baritone.getPlayerContext().world().provider.getDimensionType().getId();
    int currentRenderViewDimension = BaritoneAPI.getProvider().getPrimaryBaritone().getPlayerContext().world().provider.getDimensionType().getId();
    if (thisPlayerDimension != currentRenderViewDimension) {
        // this is a path for a bot in a different dimension, don't render it
    Entity renderView =;
    if ( != BaritoneAPI.getProvider().getPrimaryBaritone().getPlayerContext().world()) {
        System.out.println("I have no idea what's going on");
        System.out.println("The primary baritone is in a different world than the render view entity");
        System.out.println("Not rendering the path");
    if (goal != null && settings.renderGoal.getValue()) {
        drawDankLitGoalBox(renderView, goal, partialTicks, settings.colorGoalBox.getValue());
    if (!settings.renderPath.getValue()) {
    // this should prevent most race conditions?
    PathExecutor current = behavior.getCurrent();
    // like, now it's not possible for current!=null to be true, then suddenly false because of another thread
    PathExecutor next = behavior.getNext();
    if (current != null && settings.renderSelectionBoxes.getValue()) {
        drawManySelectionBoxes(renderView, current.toBreak(), settings.colorBlocksToBreak.getValue());
        drawManySelectionBoxes(renderView, current.toPlace(), settings.colorBlocksToPlace.getValue());
        drawManySelectionBoxes(renderView, current.toWalkInto(), settings.colorBlocksToWalkInto.getValue());
    // Render the current path, if there is one
    if (current != null && current.getPath() != null) {
        int renderBegin = Math.max(current.getPosition() - 3, 0);
        drawPath(current.getPath(), renderBegin, settings.colorCurrentPath.getValue(), settings.fadePath.getValue(), 10, 20);
    if (next != null && next.getPath() != null) {
        drawPath(next.getPath(), 0, settings.colorNextPath.getValue(), settings.fadePath.getValue(), 10, 20);
    // If there is a path calculation currently running, render the path calculation process
    behavior.getInProgress().ifPresent(currentlyRunning -> {
        currentlyRunning.bestPathSoFar().ifPresent(p -> {
            drawPath(p, 0, settings.colorBestPathSoFar.getValue(), settings.fadePath.getValue(), 10, 20);
        currentlyRunning.pathToMostRecentNodeConsidered().ifPresent(mr -> {
            drawPath(mr, 0, settings.colorMostRecentConsidered.getValue(), settings.fadePath.getValue(), 10, 20);
            drawManySelectionBoxes(renderView, Collections.singletonList(mr.getDest()), settings.colorMostRecentConsidered.getValue());
Also used : Entity(net.minecraft.entity.Entity) PathExecutor(baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor)


PathExecutor (baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor)8 Goal (baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal)4 PathCalculationResult (baritone.api.utils.PathCalculationResult)2 AbstractNodeCostSearch (baritone.pathing.calc.AbstractNodeCostSearch)2 Movement (baritone.pathing.movement.Movement)2 Entity (net.minecraft.entity.Entity)2 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)2