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Example 1 with Goal

use of baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal in project baritone by cabaletta.

the class OpenSetsTest method testSize.

public void testSize() {
    System.out.println("Testing size " + size);
    // Include LinkedListOpenSet even though it's not performant because I absolutely trust that it behaves properly
    // I'm really testing the heap implementations against it as the ground truth
    IOpenSet[] test = new IOpenSet[] { new BinaryHeapOpenSet(), new LinkedListOpenSet() };
    for (IOpenSet set : test) {
    // generate the pathnodes that we'll be testing the sets on
    PathNode[] toInsert = new PathNode[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        // can't use an existing goal
        // because they use Baritone.settings()
        // and we can't do that because Minecraft itself isn't initted
        PathNode pn = new PathNode(0, 0, 0, new Goal() {

            public boolean isInGoal(int x, int y, int z) {
                return false;

            public double heuristic(int x, int y, int z) {
                return 0;
        pn.combinedCost = Math.random();
        toInsert[i] = pn;
    // create a list of what the first removals should be
    ArrayList<PathNode> copy = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(toInsert));
    copy.sort(Comparator.comparingDouble(pn -> pn.combinedCost));
    Set<PathNode> lowestQuarter = new HashSet<>(copy.subList(0, size / 4));
    // all opensets should be empty; nothing has been inserted yet
    for (IOpenSet set : test) {
    for (IOpenSet set : test) {
        long before = System.nanoTime() / 1000000L;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) set.insert(toInsert[i]);
        System.out.println(set.getClass() + " " + (System.nanoTime() / 1000000L - before));
    // all three take either 0 or 1ms to insert up to 10,000 nodes
    // linkedlist takes 0ms most often (because there's no array resizing or allocation there, just pointer shuffling)
    // all opensets should now be full
    for (IOpenSet set : test) {
    System.out.println("Removal round 1");
    // remove a quarter of the nodes and verify that they are indeed the size/4 lowest ones
    removeAndTest(size / 4, test, lowestQuarter);
    // none of them should be empty (sanity check)
    for (IOpenSet set : test) {
    int cnt = 0;
    for (int i = 0; cnt < size / 2 && i < size; i++) {
        if (lowestQuarter.contains(toInsert[i])) {
            // these were already removed and can't be updated to test
        toInsert[i].combinedCost *= Math.random();
        // multiplying it by a random number between 0 and 1 is guaranteed to decrease it
        for (IOpenSet set : test) {
            // it's difficult to benchmark these individually because if you modify all at once then update then
            // it breaks the internal consistency of the heaps.
            // you have to call update every time you modify a node.
    // still shouldn't be empty
    for (IOpenSet set : test) {
    System.out.println("Removal round 2");
    // remove the remaining 3/4
    removeAndTest(size - size / 4, test, null);
    // every set should now be empty
    for (IOpenSet set : test) {
Also used : PathNode(baritone.pathing.calc.PathNode) java.util(java.util) RunWith(org.junit.runner.RunWith) Test(org.junit.Test) Assert(org.junit.Assert) Goal(baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal) Parameterized(org.junit.runners.Parameterized) PathNode(baritone.pathing.calc.PathNode) Goal(baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with Goal

use of baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal in project baritone by cabaletta.

the class PathingBehavior method findPathInNewThread.

 * In a new thread, pathfind to target blockpos
 * @param start
 * @param talkAboutIt
private void findPathInNewThread(final BlockPos start, final boolean talkAboutIt, CalculationContext context) {
    // actually, we can check this, muahaha
    if (!Thread.holdsLock(pathCalcLock)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Must be called with synchronization on pathCalcLock");
    // why do it this way? it's already indented so much that putting the whole thing in a synchronized(pathCalcLock) was just too much lol
    if (inProgress != null) {
        // should have been checked by caller
        throw new IllegalStateException("Already doing it");
    if (!context.safeForThreadedUse) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Improper context thread safety level");
    Goal goal = this.goal;
    if (goal == null) {
        // TODO should this be an exception too? definitely should be checked by caller
        logDebug("no goal");
    long primaryTimeout;
    long failureTimeout;
    if (current == null) {
        primaryTimeout = Baritone.settings().primaryTimeoutMS.value;
        failureTimeout = Baritone.settings().failureTimeoutMS.value;
    } else {
        primaryTimeout = Baritone.settings().planAheadPrimaryTimeoutMS.value;
        failureTimeout = Baritone.settings().planAheadFailureTimeoutMS.value;
    AbstractNodeCostSearch pathfinder = createPathfinder(start, goal, current == null ? null : current.getPath(), context);
    if (!Objects.equals(pathfinder.getGoal(), goal)) {
        // will return the exact same object if simplification didn't happen
        logDebug("Simplifying " + goal.getClass() + " to GoalXZ due to distance");
    inProgress = pathfinder;
    Baritone.getExecutor().execute(() -> {
        if (talkAboutIt) {
            logDebug("Starting to search for path from " + start + " to " + goal);
        PathCalculationResult calcResult = pathfinder.calculate(primaryTimeout, failureTimeout);
        synchronized (pathPlanLock) {
            Optional<PathExecutor> executor = calcResult.getPath().map(p -> new PathExecutor(PathingBehavior.this, p));
            if (current == null) {
                if (executor.isPresent()) {
                    if (executor.get().getPath().positions().contains(expectedSegmentStart)) {
                        current = executor.get();
                    } else {
                        logDebug("Warning: discarding orphan path segment with incorrect start");
                } else {
                    if (calcResult.getType() != PathCalculationResult.Type.CANCELLATION && calcResult.getType() != PathCalculationResult.Type.EXCEPTION) {
                        // don't dispatch CALC_FAILED on cancellation
            } else {
                if (next == null) {
                    if (executor.isPresent()) {
                        if (executor.get().getPath().getSrc().equals(current.getPath().getDest())) {
                            next = executor.get();
                        } else {
                            logDebug("Warning: discarding orphan next segment with incorrect start");
                    } else {
                } else {
                    // throw new IllegalStateException("I have no idea what to do with this path");
                    // no point in throwing an exception here, and it gets it stuck with inProgress being not null
                    logDirect("Warning: PathingBehaivor illegal state! Discarding invalid path!");
            if (talkAboutIt && current != null && current.getPath() != null) {
                if (goal.isInGoal(current.getPath().getDest())) {
                    logDebug("Finished finding a path from " + start + " to " + goal + ". " + current.getPath().getNumNodesConsidered() + " nodes considered");
                } else {
                    logDebug("Found path segment from " + start + " towards " + goal + ". " + current.getPath().getNumNodesConsidered() + " nodes considered");
            synchronized (pathCalcLock) {
                inProgress = null;
Also used : Goal(baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal) PathExecutor(baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor) AbstractNodeCostSearch(baritone.pathing.calc.AbstractNodeCostSearch) PathCalculationResult(baritone.api.utils.PathCalculationResult)

Example 3 with Goal

use of baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal in project baritone by cabaletta.

the class BuilderProcess method assemble.

private Goal assemble(BuilderCalculationContext bcc, List<IBlockState> approxPlaceable, boolean logMissing) {
    List<BetterBlockPos> placeable = new ArrayList<>();
    List<BetterBlockPos> breakable = new ArrayList<>();
    List<BetterBlockPos> sourceLiquids = new ArrayList<>();
    List<BetterBlockPos> flowingLiquids = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<IBlockState, Integer> missing = new HashMap<>();
    incorrectPositions.forEach(pos -> {
        IBlockState state = bcc.bsi.get0(pos);
        if (state.getBlock() instanceof BlockAir) {
            if (approxPlaceable.contains(bcc.getSchematic(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, state))) {
            } else {
                IBlockState desired = bcc.getSchematic(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, state);
                missing.put(desired, 1 + missing.getOrDefault(desired, 0));
        } else {
            if (state.getBlock() instanceof BlockLiquid) {
                // TODO for 1.13 make sure that this only matches pure water, not waterlogged blocks
                if (!MovementHelper.possiblyFlowing(state)) {
                    // if it's a source block then we want to replace it with a throwaway
                } else {
            } else {
    List<Goal> toBreak = new ArrayList<>();
    breakable.forEach(pos -> toBreak.add(breakGoal(pos, bcc)));
    List<Goal> toPlace = new ArrayList<>();
    placeable.forEach(pos -> {
        if (!placeable.contains(pos.down()) && !placeable.contains(pos.down(2))) {
            toPlace.add(placementGoal(pos, bcc));
    sourceLiquids.forEach(pos -> toPlace.add(new GoalBlock(pos.up())));
    if (!toPlace.isEmpty()) {
        return new JankyGoalComposite(new GoalComposite(toPlace.toArray(new Goal[0])), new GoalComposite(toBreak.toArray(new Goal[0])));
    if (toBreak.isEmpty()) {
        if (logMissing && !missing.isEmpty()) {
            logDirect("Missing materials for at least:");
            logDirect(missing.entrySet().stream().map(e -> String.format("%sx %s", e.getValue(), e.getKey())).collect(Collectors.joining("\n")));
        if (logMissing && !flowingLiquids.isEmpty()) {
            logDirect("Unreplaceable liquids at at least:");
            logDirect( -> String.format("%s %s %s", p.x, p.y, p.z)).collect(Collectors.joining("\n")));
        return null;
    return new GoalComposite(toBreak.toArray(new Goal[0]));
Also used : IBlockState(net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState) GoalBlock(baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock) GoalComposite(baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalComposite) Goal(baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal) BetterBlockPos(baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos)

Example 4 with Goal

use of baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal in project baritone by cabaletta.

the class ExploreProcess method closestUncachedChunks.

private Goal[] closestUncachedChunks(BlockPos center, IChunkFilter filter) {
    int chunkX = center.getX() >> 4;
    int chunkZ = center.getZ() >> 4;
    int count = Math.min(filter.countRemain(), Baritone.settings().exploreChunkSetMinimumSize.value);
    List<BlockPos> centers = new ArrayList<>();
    int renderDistance = Baritone.settings().worldExploringChunkOffset.value;
    for (int dist = distanceCompleted; ; dist++) {
        for (int dx = -dist; dx <= dist; dx++) {
            int zval = dist - Math.abs(dx);
            for (int mult = 0; mult < 2; mult++) {
                // dz can be either -zval or zval
                int dz = (mult * 2 - 1) * zval;
                int trueDist = Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dz);
                if (trueDist != dist) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException();
                switch(filter.isAlreadyExplored(chunkX + dx, chunkZ + dz)) {
                    case UNKNOWN:
                        // awaiting load
                        return null;
                    case NOT_EXPLORED:
                        // note: this breaks the switch not the for
                    case EXPLORED:
                        // note: this continues the for
                int centerX = ((chunkX + dx) << 4) + 8;
                int centerZ = ((chunkZ + dz) << 4) + 8;
                int offset = renderDistance << 4;
                if (dx < 0) {
                    centerX -= offset;
                } else {
                    centerX += offset;
                if (dz < 0) {
                    centerZ -= offset;
                } else {
                    centerZ += offset;
                centers.add(new BlockPos(centerX, 0, centerZ));
        if (dist % 10 == 0) {
            count = Math.min(filter.countRemain(), Baritone.settings().exploreChunkSetMinimumSize.value);
        if (centers.size() >= count) {
            return -> createGoal(pos.getX(), pos.getZ())).toArray(Goal[]::new);
        if (centers.isEmpty()) {
            // we have explored everything from 0 to dist inclusive
            // next time we should start our check at dist+1
            distanceCompleted = dist + 1;
Also used : ICachedWorld(baritone.api.cache.ICachedWorld) GoalYLevel(baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalYLevel) Files(java.nio.file.Files) GoalComposite(baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalComposite) ChunkPos(net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos) PathingCommandType(baritone.api.process.PathingCommandType) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) InputStreamReader( Goal(baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal) MyChunkPos(baritone.api.utils.MyChunkPos) BaritoneProcessHelper(baritone.utils.BaritoneProcessHelper) GsonBuilder( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PathingCommand(baritone.api.process.PathingCommand) IExploreProcess(baritone.api.process.IExploreProcess) List(java.util.List) LongOpenHashSet(it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongOpenHashSet) GoalXZ(baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalXZ) CachedWorld(baritone.cache.CachedWorld) Gson( Baritone(baritone.Baritone) Path(java.nio.file.Path) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)

Example 5 with Goal

use of baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal in project baritone by cabaletta.

the class SurfaceCommand method execute.

public void execute(String label, IArgConsumer args) throws CommandException {
    final BetterBlockPos playerPos = baritone.getPlayerContext().playerFeet();
    final int surfaceLevel = baritone.getPlayerContext().world().getSeaLevel();
    final int worldHeight = baritone.getPlayerContext().world().getActualHeight();
    // As this would imply that your are already on the open surface
    if (playerPos.getY() > surfaceLevel && instanceof BlockAir) {
        logDirect("Already at surface");
    final int startingYPos = Math.max(playerPos.getY(), surfaceLevel);
    for (int currentIteratedY = startingYPos; currentIteratedY < worldHeight; currentIteratedY++) {
        final BetterBlockPos newPos = new BetterBlockPos(playerPos.getX(), currentIteratedY, playerPos.getZ());
        if (!( instanceof BlockAir) && newPos.getY() > playerPos.getY()) {
            Goal goal = new GoalBlock(newPos.up());
            logDirect(String.format("Going to: %s", goal.toString()));
    logDirect("No higher location found");
Also used : BlockAir(net.minecraft.block.BlockAir) Goal(baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal) GoalBlock(baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock) BetterBlockPos(baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos)


Goal (baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal)33 BetterBlockPos (baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos)14 GoalComposite (baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalComposite)10 PathingCommand (baritone.api.process.PathingCommand)10 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)10 GoalBlock (baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock)8 IBlockState (net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState)6 CommandInvalidStateException (baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidStateException)4 GoalXZ (baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalXZ)4 ICustomGoalProcess (baritone.api.process.ICustomGoalProcess)4 Rotation (baritone.api.utils.Rotation)4 PathExecutor (baritone.pathing.path.PathExecutor)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Baritone (baritone.Baritone)3 RelativeGoal (baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoal)3 java.util (java.util)3 IBaritone (baritone.api.IBaritone)2 IWaypoint (baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint)2 Waypoint (baritone.api.cache.Waypoint)2 Command (baritone.api.command.Command)2