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Example 1 with Category

use of in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class XCtx method satcat.

private Category<C, Triple<C, C, List<C>>> satcat() {
    Category<C, Triple<C, C, List<C>>> sch =;
    eqm = new HashMap<>();
    Set<Triple<C, C, List<C>>> new_arrs = new HashSet<>();
    for (C a : schema.allIds()) {
        for (C v : types.keySet()) {
            Pair<C, C> t = type(v);
            C b = t.second;
            if (b.equals("_1")) {
            List<C> l = new LinkedList<>();
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") C ccc = (C) ("!_" + a);
            Triple<C, C, List<C>> arr = new Triple<>(a, b, l);
    Set<Triple<C, C, List<C>>> arrs = new HashSet<>();
    Map<Pair<Triple<C, C, List<C>>, Triple<C, C, List<C>>>, Triple<C, C, List<C>>> comp_cache = new HashMap<>();
    @SuppressWarnings("serial") Category<C, Triple<C, C, List<C>>> ret = new Category<C, Triple<C, C, List<C>>>() {

        public Set<C> objects() {
            return sch.objects();

        public Set<Triple<C, C, List<C>>> arrows() {
            return arrs;

        public C source(Triple<C, C, List<C>> a) {
            return a.first;

        public C target(Triple<C, C, List<C>> a) {
            return a.second;

        public Triple<C, C, List<C>> identity(C o) {
            return sch.identity(o);

        public Triple<C, C, List<C>> compose(Triple<C, C, List<C>> f, Triple<C, C, List<C>> g) {
            Pair<Triple<C, C, List<C>>, Triple<C, C, List<C>>> p = new Pair<>(f, g);
            Triple<C, C, List<C>> ret = comp_cache.get(p);
            if (ret != null) {
                return ret;
            ret = local_compose(f, g);
            comp_cache.put(p, ret);
            return ret;

        @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked", "cast", "ConstantConditions" })
        private Triple<C, C, List<C>> local_compose(Triple<C, C, List<C>> f, Triple<C, C, List<C>> g) {
            if (!arrows().contains(f)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(f.toString());
            if (!arrows().contains(g)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(g.toString());
            if (!f.second.equals(g.first)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("cannot compose " + f + " and " + g);
            if (sch.hom(f.first, f.second).contains(f) && sch.hom(g.first, g.second).contains(g)) {
                return sch.compose(f, g);
            if (new_arrs.contains(f) && new_arrs.contains(g)) {
                Pair<C, C> ft = new Pair<>(f.first, f.second);
                Pair<C, C> gt = new Pair<>(g.first, g.second);
                C a = ft.first;
                C b = gt.first;
                // C v = f.third.get(1);
                C v0 = g.third.get(1);
                if (schema.allIds().contains(a) && !b.equals("_1")) {
                    List<C> l = new LinkedList<>();
                    C ccc = (C) ("!_" + a);
                    Triple<C, C, List<C>> ret = new Triple<>(a, type(v0).second, l);
                    if (!ret.first.equals(f.first) || !ret.second.equals(g.second)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException();
                    if (!arrows().contains(ret)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(ret.toString());
                    return ret;
            if (new_arrs.contains(f) && sch.arrows().contains(g)) {
                if (g.third.isEmpty()) {
                    if (!f.first.equals(g.first) || !f.second.equals(g.second)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException();
                    if (!arrows().contains(f)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(f.toString());
                    return f;
                // C b = g.first;
                C b0 = g.second;
                C a = f.first;
                C v = f.third.get(1);
                if (b0.equals("_1") && a.equals("_1")) {
                    Triple ret = new Triple("_1", "_1", new LinkedList());
                    if (!ret.first.equals(f.first) || !ret.second.equals(g.second)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException();
                    if (!arrows().contains(ret)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(ret.toString());
                    return ret;
                if (b0.equals("_1") && !a.equals("_1")) {
                    List l = new LinkedList();
                    l.add("!_" + a);
                    Triple ret = new Triple(a, "_1", l);
                    if (!ret.first.equals(f.first) || !ret.second.equals(g.second)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException();
                    if (!arrows().contains(ret)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(ret.toString());
                    return ret;
                if (g.third.get(0).toString().startsWith("!") && !a.equals("_1")) {
                    List<C> l = new LinkedList();
                    l.add((C) ("!_" + a));
                    l.addAll(g.third.subList(1, g.third.size()));
                    Triple<C, C, List<C>> ret = new Triple<>(a, g.second, l);
                    ret = find_old(getKB(), ret, hom(ret.first, ret.second));
                    if (ret == null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Anomaly: please report");
                    if (!ret.first.equals(f.first) || !ret.second.equals(g.second)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException();
                    if (!arrows().contains(ret)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(ret.toString());
                    return ret;
                if (g.third.get(0).toString().startsWith("!") && a.equals("_1")) {
                    List<C> l = new LinkedList();
                    l.addAll(g.third.subList(1, g.third.size()));
                    Triple<C, C, List<C>> ret = new Triple<>(f.first, g.second, l);
                    if (!ret.first.equals(f.first) || !ret.second.equals(g.second)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException();
                    // must find equivalent - see CTDB example
                    ret = find_old(getKB(), ret, hom(ret.first, ret.second));
                    if (!arrows().contains(ret)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Anomaly: please report: " + ret);
                    return ret;
                List<C> vl = new LinkedList<>();
                Triple<C, C, List<C>> sofar = new Triple<>(type(v).first, type(v).second, vl);
                List gnX = new LinkedList<>(g.third);
                for (C gn : g.third) {
                    sofar = findEq(sofar, gn);
                    if (sch.arrows().contains(sofar)) {
                        List hhh = new LinkedList();
                        hhh.add("!_" + a);
                        Triple<C, C, List<C>> ret0 = new Triple<>(a, g.second, hhh);
                        Triple ret = find_old(schema.getKB(), ret0, sch.hom(ret0.first, ret0.second));
                        if (!arrows().contains(ret)) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("f " + f + " and " + g + "\n\nbad: " + ret + " not found inn\n\n" + Util.sep(arrows(), "\n"));
                        if (!ret.first.equals(f.first) || !ret.second.equals(g.second)) {
                            throw new RuntimeException();
                        return ret;
                List<C> retl = new LinkedList<>();
                retl.add((C) ("!_" + a));
                Triple<C, C, List<C>> ret = new Triple<>(f.first, g.second, retl);
                if (a.equals("_1") && global.allIds().contains(sofar.second) && "_1", sofar.second).contains(sofar)) {
                    if (!arrows().contains(sofar)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(sofar.toString());
                    if (!sofar.first.equals(f.first) || !sofar.second.equals(g.second)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException();
                    return sofar;
                if (!ret.first.equals(f.first) || !ret.second.equals(g.second)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ret + " not " + f + " and " + g);
                // another one where have to use KB
                ret = find_old(getKB(), ret, hom(ret.first, ret.second));
                if (!arrows().contains(ret)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("f " + f + " and " + g + "\n\nbad: " + ret + " not found inn\n\n" + Util.sep(arrows(), "\n"));
                return ret;
            if (sch.arrows().contains(f) && new_arrs.contains(g)) {
                C a0 = f.first;
                // C a = f.second;
                C v = g.third.get(1);
                List<C> l = new LinkedList<>();
                l.add((C) ("!_" + a0));
                Triple<C, C, List<C>> ret = new Triple<>(a0, g.second, l);
                if (!ret.first.equals(f.first) || !ret.second.equals(g.second)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException();
                if (!arrows().contains(ret)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ret.toString());
                return ret;
            throw new RuntimeException("bottomed out: " + f + " and " + g + "\n" + sch.hom(f.first, f.second) + "\n" + sch.hom(g.first, g.second));

        @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
        private Triple<C, C, List<C>> findEq(Triple<C, C, List<C>> sofar, C gn) {
            if (sofar.third.size() != 1) {
                throw new RuntimeException("sofar third not length 1 is " + sofar);
            C v = sofar.third.get(0);
            List<C> tofind = new LinkedList<>();
            List<C> found = eqm.get(new Pair<>(v, gn));
            // Pair<List<C>, List<C>> xxx = null;
            for (Pair<List<C>, List<C>> eq : eqs) {
                if (found != null) {
                if (eq.first.equals(tofind)) {
                    found = eq.second;
                    // xxx = eq;
                if (eq.second.equals(tofind)) {
                    found = eq.first;
                    // xxx = eq;
            eqm.put(new Pair<>(v, gn), found);
            if (found == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("sofar " + sofar + " gn " + gn + "\n\n" + allEqs());
            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") List l = new LinkedList<>();
            Triple<C, C, List<C>> ret = new Triple<>(type(found).first, type(found).second, l);
            return ret;
    // cache the composition table
    if (DefunctGlobalOptions.debug.fpql.validate_amalgams) {
    return ret;
Also used : Category( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Triple(catdata.Triple) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) List(java.util.List) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 2 with Category

use of in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class CatOps method visit.

public Functor visit(FQLPPProgram env, Iso e) {
    Category l = e.l.accept(env, this);
    Category r = e.r.accept(env, this);
    Optional<Pair<Functor, Functor>> k = FinCat.iso(l, r);
    if (!k.isPresent()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Not isomorphic: " + e.l + " and " + e.r);
    return e.lToR ? k.get().first : k.get().second;
Also used : FiniteCategory( Category( Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 3 with Category

use of in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class CatOps method visit.

public Functor visit(FQLPPProgram env, MapConst ic) {
    Triple<Category, Category, Mapping<String, String, String, String>> xxx = toMapping(env, ic);
    Mapping<String, String, String, String> I = xxx.third;
    FUNCTION f = p0 -> {
        Path p = (Path) p0;
        return I.apply(p);
    Functor et = new Functor(xxx.first, xxx.second, x -> I.nm.get(x), f);
    et.mapping0 = xxx.third;
    return et;
Also used : PeterApply(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.PeterApply) FiniteCategory( Named(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Named) Edge( Snd(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Snd) Comp(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Comp) ToInst(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToInst) Id(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Id) Inr(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Inr) FF(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FF) Migrate(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Migrate) Colim(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Colim) Exp(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Exp) Pushout(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Pushout) FinCat( FunCat( Pair(catdata.Pair) CoMonad( Iso(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Iso) ApplyPath(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ApplyPath) Inj(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Inj) Fn( Bool(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Bool) Case(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Case) ToMap(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToMap) Zero(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Zero) Monad( Plus(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Plus) Category( CatConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.CatConst) Inst( ToSet(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToSet) Groth( Mapping( Serializable( Kleisli(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Kleisli) ApplyTrans(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ApplyTrans) SetSetConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.SetSetConst) Dom(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Dom) Triple(catdata.Triple) Eval(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Eval) Var(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Var) Times(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Times) Const(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Const) java.util(java.util) Prod(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Prod) InstConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.InstConst) Node( Chc(catdata.Chc) TT(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.TT) Functor( Proj(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Proj) Prop(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Prop) CatExpVisitor(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.CatExpVisitor) Signature( TransExpVisitor(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.TransExpVisitor) Union(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Union) ToCat(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToCat) One(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.One) FDM( Ker(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Ker) Fst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Fst) Whisker(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Whisker) Curry(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Curry) Transform( Apply(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Apply) Instance( MapConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.MapConst) Path( Pivot(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Pivot) Chr(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Chr) Cod(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Cod) FinSet( Uncurry(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Uncurry) FunctorExpVisitor(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FunctorExpVisitor) Adj(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Adj) SetSet(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.SetSet) AndOrNotImplies(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.AndOrNotImplies) FinalConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FinalConst) Inl(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Inl) CoProd(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.CoProd) ApplyPath(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ApplyPath) Path( FiniteCategory( Category( Mapping( Functor(

Example 4 with Category

use of in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class CatOps method visit.

public Functor visit(FQLPPProgram env, FinalConst ic) {
    CatExp e = resolve(env, ic.src);
    if (!(e instanceof Const)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Can only create functors from finitely-presented categories.");
    Const c = (Const) e;
    Category cat = c.accept(env, this);
    Signature<String, String> sig = new Signature<>(c.nodes, c.arrows, c.eqs);
    Category target = ic.C.accept(env, this);
    Map<Node, Functor> nm = new HashMap<>();
    for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
        FunctorExp kkk = ic.nm.get(;
        if (kkk == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Missing node mapping from " + n);
        Functor F = kkk.accept(env, this);
        nm.put(n, F);
    Map<Edge, Transform> em = new HashMap<>();
    for (Edge n : sig.edges) {
        TransExp chc = ic.em.get(;
        if (chc == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Missing edge mapping from " + n);
        em.put(n, chc.accept(env, this));
    FUNCTION fff = p0 -> {
        Path p = (Path) p0;
        Object fn = target.identity(nm.get(p.source));
        for (Object nnn : p.path) {
            Edge n = (Edge) nnn;
            fn = target.compose(fn, em.get(n));
        return fn;
    return new Functor(cat, target, nm::get, fff);
Also used : PeterApply(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.PeterApply) FiniteCategory( Named(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Named) Edge( Snd(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Snd) Comp(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Comp) ToInst(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToInst) Id(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Id) Inr(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Inr) FF(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FF) Migrate(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Migrate) Colim(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Colim) Exp(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Exp) Pushout(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Pushout) FinCat( FunCat( Pair(catdata.Pair) CoMonad( Iso(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Iso) ApplyPath(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ApplyPath) Inj(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Inj) Fn( Bool(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Bool) Case(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Case) ToMap(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToMap) Zero(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Zero) Monad( Plus(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Plus) Category( CatConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.CatConst) Inst( ToSet(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToSet) Groth( Mapping( Serializable( Kleisli(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Kleisli) ApplyTrans(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ApplyTrans) SetSetConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.SetSetConst) Dom(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Dom) Triple(catdata.Triple) Eval(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Eval) Var(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Var) Times(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Times) Const(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Const) java.util(java.util) Prod(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Prod) InstConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.InstConst) Node( Chc(catdata.Chc) TT(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.TT) Functor( Proj(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Proj) Prop(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Prop) CatExpVisitor(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.CatExpVisitor) Signature( TransExpVisitor(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.TransExpVisitor) Union(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Union) ToCat(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToCat) One(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.One) FDM( Ker(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Ker) Fst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Fst) Whisker(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Whisker) Curry(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Curry) Transform( Apply(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Apply) Instance( MapConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.MapConst) Path( Pivot(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Pivot) Chr(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Chr) Cod(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Cod) FinSet( Uncurry(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Uncurry) FunctorExpVisitor(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FunctorExpVisitor) Adj(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Adj) SetSet(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.SetSet) AndOrNotImplies(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.AndOrNotImplies) FinalConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FinalConst) Inl(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Inl) CoProd(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.CoProd) ApplyPath(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ApplyPath) Path( FiniteCategory( Category( CatConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.CatConst) SetSetConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.SetSetConst) Const(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Const) InstConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.InstConst) MapConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.MapConst) FinalConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FinalConst) Node( Functor( Signature( Transform( Edge(

Example 5 with Category

use of in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class FqlppDisplay method doFNView.

private <X, Y> JComponent doFNView(Functor fn, JPanel p, Color clr, Graph<X, Y> sgv) {
    Layout<X, Y> layout = new FRLayout<>(sgv);
    layout.setSize(new Dimension(600, 400));
    VisualizationViewer<X, Y> vv = new VisualizationViewer<>(layout);
    Function<X, Paint> vertexPaint = z -> clr;
    DefaultModalGraphMouse<String, String> gm = new DefaultModalGraphMouse<>();
    Function fff = arg0 -> Util.nice(arg0.toString());
    vv.getPickedVertexState().addItemListener((ItemEvent e) -> {
        if (e.getStateChange() != ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
        X str = ((X) e.getItem());
        Object y = fn.applyO(str);
        if (y instanceof Category) {
            Category ttt = (Category) y;
            JPanel sss = showCat(ttt, getColor(ttt));
        } else if (y instanceof Set) {
            Set ttt = (Set) y;
            JPanel sss = showSet(ttt, getColor(ttt));
        } else if (y instanceof Functor) {
            Functor ttt = (Functor) y;
            JPanel sss = showFtr(ttt, getColor(ttt), null);
        } else {
            String sss = Util.nice(y.toString());
            p.add(new CodeTextPanel(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), null, sss));
    vv.getPickedEdgeState().addItemListener((ItemEvent e) -> {
        if (e.getStateChange() != ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
        X str = ((X) e.getItem());
        Object y = fn.applyA(str);
        if (y instanceof Functor) {
            Functor ttt = (Functor) y;
            JPanel sss = showFtr(ttt, getColor(ttt.source), null);
        } else if (y instanceof Fn) {
            Fn ttt = (Fn) y;
            JPanel sss = showFn(ttt, getColor(ttt.source), getColor(;
        } else if (y instanceof Transform) {
            Transform ttt = (Transform) y;
            JPanel sss = showTrans(ttt, getColor(ttt.source));
        } else {
            String sss = Util.nice(y.toString());
            p.add(new CodeTextPanel(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), null, sss));
    GraphZoomScrollPane zzz = new GraphZoomScrollPane(vv);
    JPanel ret = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1));
    return ret;
Also used : Color(java.awt.Color) Edge( Vector(java.util.Vector) Map(java.util.Map) FinCat( DirectedSparseMultigraph(edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.DirectedSparseMultigraph) FunCat( JFrame(javax.swing.JFrame) ListSelectionEvent(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent) Pair(catdata.Pair) KeyStroke(javax.swing.KeyStroke) ItemEvent(java.awt.event.ItemEvent) Fn( Quad(catdata.Quad) Function( Disp(catdata.ide.Disp) Category( Set(java.util.Set) Inst( BorderFactory(javax.swing.BorderFactory) KeyEvent(java.awt.event.KeyEvent) Component(java.awt.Component) GraphZoomScrollPane(edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.GraphZoomScrollPane) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) List(java.util.List) Paint(java.awt.Paint) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Triple(catdata.Triple) BasicStroke(java.awt.BasicStroke) GuiUtil(catdata.ide.GuiUtil) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) DefunctGlobalOptions(catdata.ide.DefunctGlobalOptions) InputEvent(java.awt.event.InputEvent) ListSelectionModel(javax.swing.ListSelectionModel) Const(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Const) CardLayout(java.awt.CardLayout) ActionListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener) JSplitPane(javax.swing.JSplitPane) Node( VisualizationViewer(edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationViewer) Functor( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) GridLayout(java.awt.GridLayout) Signature( JTabbedPane(javax.swing.JTabbedPane) Graph(edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph) GUI(catdata.ide.GUI) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Stroke(java.awt.Stroke) JComponent(javax.swing.JComponent) Transform( Layout(edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.Layout) CodeTextPanel(catdata.ide.CodeTextPanel) JList(javax.swing.JList) Util(catdata.Util) ActionEvent(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) FinSet( JScrollPane(javax.swing.JScrollPane) DefaultModalGraphMouse(edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control.DefaultModalGraphMouse) FRLayout(edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.FRLayout) Mode(edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control.ModalGraphMouse.Mode) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) ItemEvent(java.awt.event.ItemEvent) Category( Set(java.util.Set) FinSet( FRLayout(edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.FRLayout) Function( GridLayout(java.awt.GridLayout) CodeTextPanel(catdata.ide.CodeTextPanel) VisualizationViewer(edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationViewer) DefaultModalGraphMouse(edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control.DefaultModalGraphMouse) Fn( GraphZoomScrollPane(edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.GraphZoomScrollPane) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) Paint(java.awt.Paint) Functor( Transform(


Category ( Pair (catdata.Pair)11 Triple (catdata.Triple)10 FiniteCategory ( Const (catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Const)8 CatConst (catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.CatConst)7 FinalConst (catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FinalConst)7 InstConst (catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.InstConst)7 MapConst (catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.MapConst)7 SetSetConst (catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.SetSetConst)7 Functor ( Signature ( Edge ( Node ( Chc (catdata.Chc)5 CatExpVisitor (catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.CatExpVisitor)5 Cod (catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Cod)5 Colim (catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Colim)5 Dom (catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Dom)5 Exp (catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Exp)5