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Example 1 with Edge

use of in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class CatOps method visit.

public Functor visit(FQLPPProgram env, FinalConst ic) {
    CatExp e = resolve(env, ic.src);
    if (!(e instanceof Const)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Can only create functors from finitely-presented categories.");
    Const c = (Const) e;
    Category cat = c.accept(env, this);
    Signature<String, String> sig = new Signature<>(c.nodes, c.arrows, c.eqs);
    Category target = ic.C.accept(env, this);
    Map<Node, Functor> nm = new HashMap<>();
    for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
        FunctorExp kkk = ic.nm.get(;
        if (kkk == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Missing node mapping from " + n);
        Functor F = kkk.accept(env, this);
        nm.put(n, F);
    Map<Edge, Transform> em = new HashMap<>();
    for (Edge n : sig.edges) {
        TransExp chc = ic.em.get(;
        if (chc == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Missing edge mapping from " + n);
        em.put(n, chc.accept(env, this));
    FUNCTION fff = p0 -> {
        Path p = (Path) p0;
        Object fn = target.identity(nm.get(p.source));
        for (Object nnn : p.path) {
            Edge n = (Edge) nnn;
            fn = target.compose(fn, em.get(n));
        return fn;
    return new Functor(cat, target, nm::get, fff);
Also used : PeterApply(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.PeterApply) FiniteCategory( Named(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Named) Edge( Snd(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Snd) Comp(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Comp) ToInst(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToInst) Id(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Id) Inr(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Inr) FF(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FF) Migrate(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Migrate) Colim(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Colim) Exp(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Exp) Pushout(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Pushout) FinCat( FunCat( Pair(catdata.Pair) CoMonad( Iso(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Iso) ApplyPath(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ApplyPath) Inj(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Inj) Fn( Bool(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Bool) Case(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Case) ToMap(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToMap) Zero(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Zero) Monad( Plus(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Plus) Category( CatConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.CatConst) Inst( ToSet(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToSet) Groth( Mapping( Serializable( Kleisli(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Kleisli) ApplyTrans(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ApplyTrans) SetSetConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.SetSetConst) Dom(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Dom) Triple(catdata.Triple) Eval(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Eval) Var(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Var) Times(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Times) Const(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Const) java.util(java.util) Prod(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Prod) InstConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.InstConst) Node( Chc(catdata.Chc) TT(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.TT) Functor( Proj(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Proj) Prop(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Prop) CatExpVisitor(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.CatExpVisitor) Signature( TransExpVisitor(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.TransExpVisitor) Union(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Union) ToCat(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToCat) One(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.One) FDM( Ker(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Ker) Fst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Fst) Whisker(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Whisker) Curry(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Curry) Transform( Apply(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Apply) Instance( MapConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.MapConst) Path( Pivot(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Pivot) Chr(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Chr) Cod(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Cod) FinSet( Uncurry(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Uncurry) FunctorExpVisitor(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FunctorExpVisitor) Adj(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.Adj) SetSet(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.SetSet) AndOrNotImplies(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.AndOrNotImplies) FinalConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FinalConst) Inl(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.Inl) CoProd(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.CoProd) ApplyPath(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ApplyPath) Path( FiniteCategory( Category( CatConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.CatConst) SetSetConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.SetSetConst) Const(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Const) InstConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.InstConst) MapConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.MapConst) FinalConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FinalConst) Node( Functor( Signature( Transform( Edge(

Example 2 with Edge

use of in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class FqlppDisplay method makeJoined.

private static Pair<JPanel, Map<Object, JPanel>> makeJoined(Signature<String, String> sig, Functor<Object, Object, Set, Fn<Object, Object>> F) {
    Map<Node, List<Signature<String, String>.Edge>> map = new HashMap<>();
    Map<Object, JPanel> mapX = new HashMap<>();
    for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
        map.put(n, new LinkedList<>());
    for (Edge t : sig.edges) {
    // int x = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(sig.nodes.size()));
    List<JComponent> ret = new LinkedList<>();
    for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
        List<Signature<String, String>.Edge> cols = map.get(n);
        Object[] colNames = new Object[cols.size() + 1];
        colNames[0] = "ID";
        Set set = F.applyO(n);
        Object[][] rowData = new Object[set.size()][cols.size() + 1];
        int j = 0;
        for (Object o : set) {
            rowData[j][0] = o;
        int i = 1;
        for (Signature<String, String>.Edge t : cols) {
            colNames[i] =;
            Fn<Object, Object> fn = F.applyA(sig.path(t));
            j = 0;
            for (Object o : set) {
                rowData[j][i] = fn.apply(o);
        JPanel p = GuiUtil.makeTable(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), n + " (" + set.size() + " rows)", rowData, colNames);
        mapX.put(n, p);
    for (Signature<String, String>.Edge t : sig.edges) {
        Object[] colNames = new Object[2];
        colNames[0] = t.source;
        colNames[1] =;
        Set set = F.applyO(t.source);
        Object[][] rowData = new Object[set.size()][2];
        Fn<Object, Object> fn = F.applyA(sig.path(t));
        int j = 0;
        for (Object o : set) {
            rowData[j][0] = o;
            rowData[j][1] = fn.apply(o);
        JPanel p = GuiUtil.makeTable(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), + " (" + set.size() + " rows)", rowData, colNames);
        mapX.put(, p);
    return new Pair<>(GuiUtil.makeGrid(ret), mapX);
Also used : JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) Set(java.util.Set) FinSet( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Node( JComponent(javax.swing.JComponent) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Paint(java.awt.Paint) Signature( List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) JList(javax.swing.JList) Edge( Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 3 with Edge

use of in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class FqlppDisplay method build2Elements.

private static Graph build2Elements(Signature<Object, Object> sig, Transform<Object, Object, Set, Fn> trans) {
    Functor<Object, Object, Set, Fn> I = trans.source;
    Functor<Object, Object, Set, Fn> J =;
    Graph<Object, Object> ret = new DirectedSparseMultigraph<>();
    for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
        for (Object o : I.applyO(n)) {
            ret.addVertex(new Triple<>(o,, "src"));
    for (Edge e : sig.edges) {
        for (Object o : I.applyO(e.source)) {
            Object fo = I.applyA(sig.path(e)).apply(o);
            Triple s = new Triple<>(o,, "src");
            Triple t = new Triple<>(fo,, "dst");
            ret.addEdge(new Quad<>(, s, t, "src"), s, t);
    for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
        for (Object o : J.applyO(n)) {
            ret.addVertex(new Triple<>(o,, "dst"));
    for (Edge e : sig.edges) {
        for (Object o : J.applyO(e.source)) {
            Object fo = J.applyA(sig.path(e)).apply(o);
            Triple s = new Triple<>(o,, "dst");
            Triple t = new Triple<>(fo,, "dst");
            ret.addEdge(new Quad<>(, s, t, "dst"), s, t);
    int i = 0;
    for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
        for (Object o : I.applyO(n)) {
            Object fo = trans.apply(n).apply(o);
            Triple s = new Triple<>(o,, "src");
            Triple t = new Triple<>(fo,, "dst");
            ret.addEdge(new Quad<>("", s, t, i++), s, t);
    return ret;
Also used : Triple(catdata.Triple) Set(java.util.Set) FinSet( DirectedSparseMultigraph(edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.DirectedSparseMultigraph) Node( Fn( Edge( Paint(java.awt.Paint)

Example 4 with Edge

use of in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class FqlppDisplay method buildMapping.

private static Graph buildMapping(Signature<String, String> src, Signature<String, String> dst, Functor F) {
    Graph<Object, Object> ret = new DirectedSparseMultigraph<>();
    for (Node n : src.nodes) {
        ret.addVertex(new Pair<>(, "src"));
    for (Edge e : src.edges) {
        Pair s = new Pair<>(, "src");
        Pair t = new Pair<>(, "src");
        ret.addEdge(new Quad<>(, s, t, "src"), s, t);
    for (Node n : dst.nodes) {
        ret.addVertex(new Pair<>(, "dst"));
    for (Edge e : dst.edges) {
        Pair s = new Pair<>(, "dst");
        Pair t = new Pair<>(, "dst");
        ret.addEdge(new Quad<>(, s, t, "dst"), s, t);
    int i = 0;
    for (Node n : src.nodes) {
        Node fo = (Node) F.applyO(n);
        Pair s = new Pair<>(, "src");
        Pair t = new Pair<>(, "dst");
        ret.addEdge(new Quad<>("", s, t, i++), s, t);
    return ret;
Also used : DirectedSparseMultigraph(edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.DirectedSparseMultigraph) Node( Edge( Paint(java.awt.Paint) Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 5 with Edge

use of in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class CatOps method toInstance.

private Pair<Category, Instance<String, String>> toInstance(FQLPPProgram env, InstConst ic) {
    CatExp e = resolve(env, ic.sig);
    if (!(e instanceof Const)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Can only create instances for finitely-presented categories.");
    Const c = (Const) e;
    Category src = c.accept(env, this);
    Signature<String, String> sig = new Signature<>(c.nodes, c.arrows, c.eqs);
    Map<Node, Set> nm = new HashMap<>();
    for (String n0 : ic.nm.keySet()) {
        Node n = sig.getNode(n0);
        SetExp kkk = ic.nm.get(;
        if (kkk == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Missing node mapping from " + n);
        nm.put(n, kkk.accept(env, new SetOps(ENV)));
    Map<Edge, Map> em = new HashMap<>();
    for (String n0 : ic.em.keySet()) {
        Edge n = sig.getEdge(n0);
        Chc<FnExp, SetExp> chc = ic.em.get(;
        if (chc == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Missing edge mapping from " + n);
        if (chc.left) {
            FnExp kkk = chc.l;
            em.put(n, kkk.accept(env, new SetOps(ENV)).toMap());
        } else {
            SetExp sss = chc.r;
            Set vvv = sss.accept(env, new SetOps(ENV));
            Map<Object, Object> uuu = new HashMap<>();
            for (Object o : vvv) {
                if (!(o instanceof Pair)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Not a pair: " + o);
                Pair oo = (Pair) o;
                if (uuu.containsKey(oo.first)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate domain entry: " + o + " in " + ic);
                uuu.put(oo.first, oo.second);
            FnExp kkk = new FnExp.Const(uuu::get, ic.nm.get(, ic.nm.get(;
            em.put(n, kkk.accept(env, new SetOps(ENV)).toMap());
    return new Pair<>(src, new Instance(nm, em, sig));
Also used : FiniteCategory( Category( ToSet(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToSet) FinSet( SetSet(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.SetSet) Instance( CatConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.CatConst) SetSetConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.SetSetConst) Const(catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Const) InstConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.InstConst) MapConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.MapConst) FinalConst(catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FinalConst) Node( Signature( Edge( ToMap(catdata.fqlpp.TransExp.ToMap) Pair(catdata.Pair)


Edge ( Node ( Pair (catdata.Pair)5 Triple (catdata.Triple)4 Const (catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Const)4 CatConst (catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.CatConst)4 FinalConst (catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.FinalConst)4 InstConst (catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.InstConst)4 MapConst (catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.MapConst)4 SetSetConst (catdata.fqlpp.FunctorExp.SetSetConst)4 FinSet ( Signature ( Category ( FiniteCategory ( Paint (java.awt.Paint)3 Chc (catdata.Chc)2 CatExpVisitor (catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.CatExpVisitor)2 Cod (catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Cod)2 Colim (catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Colim)2 Dom (catdata.fqlpp.CatExp.Dom)2